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Channel: tlc uk
Views: 1,053,294
Rating: 4.9192677 out of 5
Keywords: tlc uk, tlc, reality tv, long island meduim, Theresa Caputo, Larry Caputo, Victoria Caputo, Larry Caputo Jr., spirits, new york, teresa's husband, fight, arguments, surprise, reading, stepping forward, clairvoyant, pyschic, energy, death, dead, crossed over, connected, spirit world, in spirit, souls, alive, physical world, believe, peace, christmas, christmas eve, merry christmas, christmas spirit, food bank, volunteer, mediums, mother, mom, shocking, wow, upset, crying, the holidays, happy holidays
Id: zpBk6Usa8tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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