Behind the Read: Too Many Reminders of Him | Long Island Medium

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in this next catch-up you'll see me surprise a mother and son with a reading the looks on their faces when they opened the door was worth the trip alone my name is Ben Linda Khan my name is Angela and we are the first on the road read for Teresa my crew and I like to refer to it as knocking shocks I mean listen I think I have some nerve just walking up to someone in store oh my god but to literally just walk up to someone's door and be like knock knock spirits calling crazy Teresa Angie where's Angie remember hearing but the knock on the door I go up I just peeked through and I saw that blond hair and I thought there's only one person that has that hair it's Teresa oh my gosh so exciting so exciting are you Angie I love you tree so you have no idea now you think about you look more there she is that's not to take in and cameras around how are you nice to meet you so he's hot I mean I was really excited but not as much as my mom I kinda had the Thar to chill a little bit because she was yelling look imagine so my god you had you could pump I'm gonna have to hear the whole reading how your hair skovox go fix your hair and we run upstairs and we were like two little kids jumping up and down like oh my gosh oh my god Teresa I'm putting on my clothes I thought was a dream it she was here but it was real you want to do this a lot how I did it all right it's bittersweet she's there because of something bad that has happened at the same time she's bringing to the table something that can bring us peace where's well there's a young male that's present young for me is anyone that left the physical world before we feel that time yeah and this is your husband yes okay the triathlon where Steve passed was his second triathlon he took it very seriously trained all year long for it I got the call from his older brother so there had been an accident when you know we arrived it was the hospital we've realized how serious it was he definitely drowned they just don't know how or why I don't know if he got kicked if he had a panic attack if he blacked out we don't know but he definitely definitely drowned he just died no explanation no real answers crazy jave like a folder with his picture on it yeah so it's your dad's way of saying that number one he says that's my favorite picture I could not believe it and I did not have it out in the open it was in a cubby hole and he says and he knows that you can t it even way like a name tag and it says my name is can I show you something that was our favorite picture of him and it was actually his favorite picture of him what is that look he's pointing to him pointing to my name tag it was at my high school reunion this is crazy and that is what Ben had on his folder that he took to school stop that's freaky it like was on the front cover just when I looked at it maybe happy motivated me to keep going was he a builder what if he has it cuz he goes I built this home he says you built this home together and it's hard for you to stay here without him one of the things that was really hard for me was selling the home it was just about I couldn't be in that space anymore it was too many reminders of him I feel that the burden is too much for you to bear that's exactly it worse than everything everything that I would do wonder how stable think about this I wonder if he's okay with this I wonder if I'm doing the right thing and I thought I'm walking away from this home is he gonna think you know we've worked so hard for that he actually like stood in between the two of you and he put his arms around the both of you and said with selling of the home you have to do that for that brief moment I felt like I was able to talk to him and find out everything's okay you know you're doing okay you're making good decisions her husband was just there saying that if you decide I will support that decision to hear that he that Steve is in agreeance with a move and any other decision that I've made gave confirmation that he's happy at first I didn't want to move but it turned out that I'm Way happier here there's a lot of there's woods I like to go in there's more hills to sled on there's more kids to play sports with so just know that your dad is very proud of you you know some people might be judgmental of that I'm allowing Ben to be part of our breeding but it brought him peace it brought me peace I think I can take it I don't really see wash bed it was beautiful to be able to you know deliver those messages from his dad is really made me feel really good inside it helped me that I could keep going that you know my dad's watching over me that's all I want is for him to be happy that's my whole life you
Channel: TLC
Views: 593,754
Rating: 4.9306536 out of 5
Keywords: reality tv series, long island medium, theresa caputo, surprise reading, dead father, tlc, discovery channel, talking to ghosts, spirits, ghosts, talking to dead, departed, deceased, touching stories, long island medium full episode, long island medium tv show
Id: ngicahfBhSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Mon May 26 2014
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