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hello there my name is Richard McMahon from the job interview training website and in this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to answer behavioral interview questions now behavioral interview questions come up during all job interviews and you need to answer these questions in a specific way to pass so if you have an interview coming up soon for any role or company make sure you stay tuned because I promise to help you pass your interview at the very first attempt and to achieve that goal this is what I will teach you in this training tutorial number one so I will explain what behavioral interview questions are and why they are used during job interviews number two I will then teach you the best method to use for answering difficult behavioral interview questions number three I am then going to give you lots of example behavioral interview questions and top scoring answers to make sure you pass your interview at the very first attempt and then finally number four I will tell you where you can instantly download these slides plus my 27 brilliant answers to behavioral interview questions in a PDF guide and please make sure you hit that subscribe button I am here to help you pass every job interview you ever attend negotiate a salary and progress throughout your career I can only do that if you are subscribed please give the video a like please hit that like button because that tells me you find these training videos useful and it also motivates me to create more content for you thank you very much indeed okay to start with what are behavioral interview questions well behavioral interview questions assess how you have dealt with previous workplace situations now behavioral interview questions start off by any of the following three ways the interviewer will say to you either tell me about a time when you or describe a situation or give an example of when you so when you hear them start an interview question in any of those three methods you know you are being asked a behavioral interview question so they might say tell me about a time when you delivered excellent customer service or they might say describe a situation when you were responsible for numerous tasks and you can see these questions appear to be very difficult to answer so how do you answer behavioral interview questions to get the highest scores achievable well I strongly recommend you use what is called the star technique s-t-a-r let me teach you the star technique and I will then give you those questions and answers so the star technique is recognized by all employers and hiring managers as the number one correct way to answer behavioral interview questions so let's assume you are sat down in the interview chair the hiring manager says to you tell me about a time when you worked in a team you should immediately think okay this is a behavioral interview question I need to use the star technique so star stands for it's very easy to remember situation task action and result and I recommend you write that down take a note of the star technique because you are going to learn it and use it when answering the behavioral interview questions so what does it mean what does the star technique mean well you begin your answer to the behavioral interview question and you outline the situation you were faced with you then give brief details about the task that needed doing what did you need to do do during that situation you then give in-depth details about the action you took to achieve the task and then you finish off and talk about the results of your actions now the result should always be positive and that's something else to write down make sure that the result following your actions is positive you need to make it positive to pass your job interview okay let me now give you those top scoring behavioral interview questions and answers that use the star technique and I will also tell you at some stage where you can download my full set of 27 behavioral interview questions and top scoring responses so the questions I am about to give you are the ones that come up the most during job interviews and in no particular order here is the first one tell me about a time when you delivered excellent customer service here's my top scoring example response that uses the star technique here we go I was speaking to a customer on the telephone they wanted to buy a product but unfortunately it was out of stock they thanked me for my time and said they would look elsewhere now it was my task to keep the customer on the call and find a workaround that resulted in them getting the product they needed I asked them several questions about their needs and soon realized we had an alternative product that was more suited to their needs and considerably cheaper after explaining the benefits of our alternative products they agreed to purchase it now to thank them for being open to my alternative product suggestion I gave them free shipping they thanked me for my excellent customer service and left a five-star review online that's a really good answer you have delivered excellent customer service you haven't given up on the customer and allowed them to leave the call you have found a workaround so it works for the customer and it also works for the company too here is my next behavioral interview question to help you pass your interview describe a situation when you were responsible for numerous tasks this is a difficult one but this answer is perfect it's a brilliant example and the majority of us have been in this type of situation before here we go my supervisor asked for a volunteer to cover the work of a co-worker who was off sick I agreed to volunteer because I saw it as an opportunity to diversify my skills and assist the company my task was to take responsibility for their work in addition to my own and complete everything on time and to the expected standard I created a list of my and my co-workers tasks placed them in order of priority based on the company's goals and then set to work I blocked out my diary limited distractions and when I was unsure of a particular task I researched it I completed all tasks successfully by prioritizing and organizing my work effectively remaining calm and demonstrating efficient time management capabilities that's another really good answer it's a concise response and you can see how by using that star technique situation task action result it enables you to give perfect top scoring answers and this is another tip for you to take down don't remember your answers word for word remember the scenario just remember the story based on the interview question and then remember the star technique and that will prompt you of what you need to talk about in your answer here is the next question oh by the way before we move on to the next question if at any time during this tutorial you want to download these slides and my full set of 27 brilliant answers to difficult behavioral interview questions you can click that link in the top right hand corner of the video here's the next question tell me about a time when you had to work with someone you didn't get on with well this is a really difficult one here's my top scoring response that uses the powerful star technique of situation task action and result here we go I was tasked a way of working in a different team from my usual one now despite my best efforts a long-serving team member in that department was unhelpful and dismissive of my ideas during team meetings now although I felt uncomfortable I was determined to build a good relationship with her I found out that we both supported the same sports team and during a work break I started talking to her about our common interest she spoke freely and I could tell she was pleased we had a shared love of the team the next time I put forward ideas during meetings or asked her for assistance on tasks she was really helpful and we built a strong working relationship from that point forward that is a clever smart answer to that difficult interview question because you are trying to find a common interest outside of work which means then she is more amenable to helping you moving forward so you build a relationship based on your common interest outside of work that's a very smart answer and you can see how all of these responses are going to help you be the top candidate at your next interview here's the next question this is another really difficult behavioral interview question describe a time when you had a disagreement with your boss or manager now most people respond by saying I've never had a disagreement with them they are always right and I would do what they say that's not the way to answer this question it's not a trick question they are asking you this behavioral interview question to assess your confidence and how you deal with your disagreement you need to be calm and professional he's the perfect answer describe a time when you had a disagreement with your boss my manager set aside a large budget to Market a new product we would soon launch now one hundred percent of the budget had been allocated to offline marketing campaigns such as magazines trade shows and radio commercials I felt this wasn't an effective use of the budget my task was to convince my manager that the budget could be better utilized with a focus on online advertising I researched to establish the best online platforms where we could easily reach our target audience and presented my idea to my manager now after answering her questions and providing facts and evidence of how we could test the results of our Marketing Online she agreed to switch 50 of the budget over to my recommendations now four weeks after the product launch we had evidence to prove my online marketing suggestions gave a more significant return and then and the entire budget was switched over so that's a really good response and it shows that you put the interests of the company first you are not afraid to disagree with your manager and you do it by presenting them with facts and evidence it's a really strong answer here's an ex-behavioral interview question Tell me about a time when you encountered an unexpected problem this is another really difficult question to answer here's my top scoring response to help you my work colleague and I were hard at work preparing customer orders following the Weekend sales now unexpectedly one of our key suppliers went out of business and could no longer Supply one of our popular products and to make matters more difficult our manager was on annual leave for the week our task was to create a solution to this problem to maintain operational efficiency and customer satisfaction I suggested my colleague should Source an alternative product supplier while I contacted all customers to pre-warn them of the slight delay in product dispatch now after an hour my colleague sourced an alternative supplier at the same cost as the previous one and who could deliver the products to us the following morning I convinced all customers to wait an additional 24 hours for delivery and to thank them for their patience we gave them a 10 discount voucher of any future orders now when our manager returned to to work the following week we briefed her on our actions and she praised us for dealing efficiently with the unexpected problem that's a cracking answer because it shows that you can deal with a situation while your manager is a way it's unexpected and you come up with the perfect solution it shows that you are professional you can think on your feet and create the right solution for the company it shows that you are self-sufficient basically which is what this question is assessing here is the next behavioral interview question we need to tackle describe a time when you made a mistake again don't say I never make mistakes at work I'm a perfectionist don't say that here's how to respond to it describe a time when you made a mistake when I started work in my previous job my manager asked me to give a presentation to my team my task was to deliver a presentation on my background work experience and what I could bring to the team now unfortunately I misheard his instructions and instead of giving a five minute presentation I prepared one 15 minutes long after the presentation my manager pointed out my mistake I apologized for my error and assured him I would write down concise notes and adhere to all instructions moving forward following that initial mistake I never made one again and my manager often praised me for my strong work ethic ability to accept feedback and my desire to continually improve it's another really good answer these are powerful responses you can't find these answers anywhere else here is the next question tell me about your proudest professional accomplishment this question is assessing whether or not you are a high achiever here's my example answer tell me about your proudest professional accomplishment in my previous job I worked on a team responsible for redesigning and upgrading the company's website our task was to work with graphic designers and web developers to create a dynamic user-friendly mobile compatible and sales driven website we established our brief set tasks based on our strengths and set to work now my job was to create search engine friendly blog content for all the pages so they ranked well on Google my work would help save the company money on Advertising costs now once the website launched it was a huge success and sales conversions increased by 27 on the previous website design it was my proudest professional achievement because it was a combined team effort and we surpassed our managers expectations it's a really good answer because you are saying it's your proudest accomplishment because you are doing something positive for the company and that's a really clever answer and you are saying it was my proudest achievement because it was a combined team effort it shows you are a team player and you surpassed your managers expectations and that's why it's your proudest accomplishment that's a smart answer now this is a difficult question that is starting to come up more often during job interviews the behavioral interview question is about change in your ability to adapt to change the question is describe a time when your team or company was going through change how did the change impact you and what what did you do to adapt here we go my previous company had new owners and they wanted to change working practices hours and systems the majority of people in the company opposed the new changes but I saw this as an opportunity to try something new it was my responsibility to embrace the change because change ensures a business is competitive and it helps maintain its position as a market leader I listened to the new company owners proposals asked questions to determine the reasons for the changes and determined what we could do as a team to support them I encouraged my work colleagues to try the changes to as they may found them positive now three months after the changes were implemented working processes improved and output in the office increased significantly that shows that you are supportive of change you understand why it is so important to a company and you are prepared to embrace it and encourage your work colleagues to do the same here here is the next question tell me about a time you set yourself a goal to achieve what did you do to ensure you would meet your objective this is another difficult but common behavioral interview question here's my example response that uses that star technique tell me about a time you set yourself a goal to achieve what did you do to ensure you would meet your objective here we go after reflecting on my performance in my previous job I wanted to improve my sales skills although competent in my work I wanted to improve in a skill that would help the company thrive I set myself the goal of studying and completing an online sales techniques course within four weeks after finding a suitable course on the website I dedicated one hour each evening to learning and studying after one month I successfully completed the end of course examination and passed that's another great answer that shows you reflect on your performance you set yourself a goal and you work hard to achieve it and then at the end you can say my sales skills improved significantly as a result of the course which helped me increase sales for my employer so that's clever at the end because you are giving reasons why your goal had a positive impact on the organization nobody's telling you to set that goal at the beginning if you remember we said after reflecting on my performance in my previous job I wanted to improve my sales skills that's the powerful part of that answer it's a really good response and it shows you are a forward-thinking employee now the next thing to do make sure you click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video head straight through to my website and you can immediately download these slides plus my full set of unique top scoring answers to behavioral interview questions you will get 27. brilliant answers to Common behavioral interview questions at the very least go through to that page and have a look at all the questions on there those are the ones that come up the majority of time during job interviews check them out because I want you to be fully prepared for your job interview also I said at the start of this training video make sure you subscribe to the channel as you can see I am committed to creating brilliant content for you free content that helps you not only pass every job interview but also negotiate a salary and progress throughout your career I can only help you if you are subscribed it's really important lots of you are literally earning more money you are getting promoted and as I said progressing throughout your careers I can only help you if you are subscribed also don't forget to give the video a like I did ask that at the start if you haven't liked it please hit the like button I do appreciate that support seriously a lot of work goes into this and if I see you liking the videos it encourages me to create more for you and also don't forget get to connect with me on the website LinkedIn so I have a LinkedIn profile I like to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself check the description below the video and you'll see my LinkedIn link go across that website connect with me on LinkedIn say hi um it's always good to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself thank you for watching I hope you found those answers to difficult behavioral interview questions useful have a wonderful day and I wish you all the best for passing your job interview thank you for watching
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 115,042
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Id: K4mDzReyT6g
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Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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