Beginner's Guide to Metal Detecting
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: thatoneguy
Views: 172,138
Rating: 4.7570233 out of 5
Keywords: Garrett, ACE 250, Metal Detector (Hobby), Metal detecting, pinpointer, How to, Beginner, Tips, Tutorial, Help, adventure, fun, gold, silver, ring, coin, quarter, dime, Tricks, help, Need, Learn, how to use a metal detector, how to use a metal detector on the beach, how to metal detect for beginners, how to metal detect, metal, metal detecting finds, how to metal detecting, Cómo detectar metales, detector de metales, deteccion metalica, कैसे धातु का पता लगाने के लिए, كيفية المعادن كشف, كاشف المعادن
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 05 2014
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