Beginner's Guide to Metal Detecting

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hi my name is Bob and it looks like you've decided you wanted to learn how to meddle the text so I'm going to give you some of the wisdom that I've learned over the last six months or so I just started in February 2014 and I did a lot of research and found what basically everybody referred as the best starter metal detector was the the Garrett ace 250 so I'm going to show you the things that I've used and so far I've gotten about $50 in clad which would be quarters dimes nickels and pennies from from 1965 and later on I found a couple of wheat panties no silver coins yet which would be quarters and dimes that were 1964 and earlier and found a couple rings have found a sterling silver ring in a lake using my Garrett ace 250 because the coil is waterproof and I found a ring just yesterday and I found a necklace that had a sterling silver cross on it so I'm going to show you some of the tools that I use to metal detect and then maybe I'll show you a couple finds oh so I use gloves you can see I've gotten those kind of nasty that's so if I run into something rusty I don't want it to to prick me just in case you don't know what's under the ground typically I stay away from iron so I don't have that happen very often but sometimes stuff you're looking for it's hitting with iron and and you never know if you hit an iron nail a rusty nail you don't want that in your skin so these gloves then I got a pair of headphones I like to find the ones that are DJ headphones because they tend to be a better quality so I got those so when I'm going to the beach or going to park nobody else has to hear my ding ding ding ding dings and I get fewer spectators coming over asking what I'm doing when I have them on when I have them off and everybody can hear the ding ding ding dings then then I get a lot more people asking questions the next thing I've got is my my little trusty trail here now this one happens to tell me how deep the target is or how deep the I'm on burying how do you play em in the hole they each one of these marks is an edge this is a gardening trowel it's got a serrated edge on one side a sharp edge on the other side and a nice little cutter will cut into the grass so they always teach you to to cut plug so you want to cut in a circular motion and you want to I always go diagonally into it so it acts like a top I pull it out and it makes it really easy to put it back and make it look like nobody was there in the first place the next thing I have is this is somebody that lives close to me while this is a pin pointer it's a twenty thirty dollar pin pointer from Harbor Freight this electrical tape here is just to keep the 9-volt battery inside the pin pointer but what this does is it allows me whenever I'm whenever I've dug up a prospective target is I can put this into the soft dirt and find the item faster this has made my recovery time as far as digging holes finding the item and plugging it up much faster probably two three times faster because of this without it you can you can go without it you just have to take your dirt and put it right over the top of the the coil there and when you hear the coil going ding ding ding ding ding it makes whatever you're holding is in there now for those that are married you see a little wedding ring there I have to make sure I don't use my left hand I've used my right hand when I'm looking for stuff now last last thing I use the Garrett ace 250 here ace 250 and I've gotten to the point where I stopped looking at everything and I've narrowed my search down to specific things we'll turn that on that's my setting when I'm on land I have the sensitivity low they suggest you have the sensitivity up to that high - from - missing from the top and that can get your stuff is fairly deep but I like to go around there i discriminate up to a dime a quarter and in the silver and when I got my my sterling silver ring they rang up as a fifty Center and when I got my sterling silver cross it also rang up as a fifty Center so the sterling silver for me is right about there the fifty cent piece quarters ring up as quarters pretty much every time dimes what I'll get here is I'll get Penny's there 1981-1982 and older I think it's because they have more copper in the penny and but they'll show up as dimes and then I get rid of the penny which would be here yeah basically here you'll get the the modern Pennings the what people call stinkin Lincoln's then here this is where you get the gold my ring will run up between here this pull tab and the thought so I go to the beach I go ahead and go to all jewelry mode until I find a gold ring to determine what I should set my custom wrist sets out that's what I'm going to keep doing and that's what I suggest you do now I'm going to show you a couple finds show you what what I do I dig a hole cover it and show you what I what I find okay so this is how I look when I'm ready to go the headphones the sound from the case 250 little too loud in my ears so we're around my chin and I can fill it ding and I can I can still hear it as loud always turn down the sound I like to wear cargo pants or something similar so I can have a pocket clip too good stuff in ipok to put the bad stuff in you never want to just leave your trash behind one if you're going to go back to the park you don't want to find the trash a second time and two you want to clean up the place where you're where you're you're detecting so people have a good good feel about metal detecting and lastly you want all your good stuff bacchus when you take it out at night you got all your good stuff in one hand all right so want to cover your ground I like to go in the shade of the trees because I'm about as wide as they come all right there's a we get into ring-a-ding-a-ding right here I'm here I take a look at the foot it's ringing up fast top-2 screen right there how to focus see it's going between there it is says two inches between a dime and a quarter all right so let's go ahead keep filming we're going to come down here alright so this is the point where I pull out my pin pointer turn it on and hear it buzzing way to calibrate it is to get it to go right to the point where it's buzzing and then have it stop and that should help me find this thing says about two inches so typically I have something at two inches I don't dig up here it is right there look at something up see it's not even dime or quarter it's a it's a toy car so sometimes you don't find what you think you're going to find sometimes you find crazy cool stuff like this for my son and so he'll he'll play with that and I'll be all kinds of fun for him so in the shade that's where people like to sit and play and leave their stuff behind and put their bags down while their husbands or boyfriends or or friends go play soccer or football or whatever and they'll leave the kids will leave toys and they'll leave their coins for me alright so another tip is I like to go to parks I like to it because I don't have the beach close to me it's about two two and half hours away so what I like to do is go to the parks but I like to go to the old ones because I want to find old coins right I want to find a silver dimes and silver quarters and that we're getting a ding right here but I can tell you yeah keep filming down there we're gonna we're gonna find that says it's coming up as a dimer reporter says about 2 to 4 inches deep you know that was the hardest thing to is when I started detecting was trying to remember to look at the thing to see how deep it was so I know how people did my plug that was I was really tough to remember so that's one thing to get used to when you first start anyway I thought about new parks versus old parks the old parks you got a lot of people that might also be detectors in your area that are probably also checking those little parts because they also want those silver four coins but I didn't realize until yesterday when I went to a new park is it a lot of people don't go there and so all the stuff that the people lose is going to be right on top right on top of the soil so it's easy to find and to not a lot of people go there so it's more stuff to find you go up always check your plug first because you might just find it in there let's see that's a buzzin right around in here let's try that again you don't want to destroy the grasp at the same time going to find a quarter can you see that well or do you need to focus as a 1974 there you go so I found a quarter live that's cool now the other thing too is you're still filming okay good the other thing too is when you dig out a plug you don't want to just assume there's only one point in there hey we actually might have a second one in here my very first hole ever which I'll probably post it on YouTube too was the thing like 17 cents was awesome that's because you always detect back over the hole I'm going to put that to the side there here we got down in here there's something metal in there it might be iron but she's got a little red in the dirt is what makes me think that it's iron down there let's put that quarter in my pocket my keeper pocket here we go dink see if it's still down there oh there it is his folks got a nail it all rushing now see exactly like what I saw going about keeping those gloves on so you don't poke yourself and get your rest on yourself so that one goes in the opposite pocket that goes in my nasty stuff pocket trash pocket here we go baby shouldn't wear white pants alright typically when I'm doing I'm checking it apart I will go along the pathway because if somebody pull something out there [ __ ] it drops I want to be able to pick it up it'll roll off to the side see you there this is about two inches three to four inches for a quarter so let's figure it out now my detectors already about an inch or two off the ground go ahead and bring it closer find out what's down there so same thing with the pinpointer there so now it's calibrated you see my detector is up here grounds down here and says two to four inches so that's [ __ ] probably right on top well keeps buzzing right there she blows what we got for this one 1979 so not silver let's do a quarter okay 1979 so it's that's not a quarter hot Dougie I didn't have to dig for that one that's what makes it faster now I can tell you from my experience I average now after almost hundred hours of detecting I Everidge probably about a dollar two dollar twenty five an hour by doing this detecting so you're not going to make a huge living by finding coins not until you find gold rings and silver rings that you can sell and actually make a little bit more money would you be able to even think about doing this a full time but that's I think that's crazy talk this is just something I do for fun something I'm trying to save up money to go scuba diving because the next thing is to get an underwater detector so I can go in and find the gold jewels inside the gold gold rings and stuff inside the ocean not too far and once I go underground or underwater I think you'll be able to find more stuff here's my fine for the day I stopped after about say about an hour of detecting so I wasn't a lot that I did just wanted to get you guys a video and get my kids out to play in the park so here's a was a dollar 35 and a big copper copper line of showed up as a quarter but it is just a big thick copper gauge wire so anyway that's what you can find that's about it like I said about an hour's worth of work and that's pretty good for metal detecting by
Channel: thatoneguy
Views: 172,138
Rating: 4.7570233 out of 5
Keywords: Garrett, ACE 250, Metal Detector (Hobby), Metal detecting, pinpointer, How to, Beginner, Tips, Tutorial, Help, adventure, fun, gold, silver, ring, coin, quarter, dime, Tricks, help, Need, Learn, how to use a metal detector, how to use a metal detector on the beach, how to metal detect for beginners, how to metal detect, metal, metal detecting finds, how to metal detecting, Cómo detectar metales, detector de metales, deteccion metalica, कैसे धातु का पता लगाने के लिए, كيفية المعادن كشف, كاشف المعادن
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 05 2014
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