How To Use A Baofeng UV-5R As A Police, Fire, Emergency Scanner - NO SOFTWARE - Keypad Programming

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the name is calypso banana puffy sleeves nice to meet you and welcome to episode six of why the uv5r is the best ham radio ever conceived by mankind and why ham radio operators around the world love it the invention of the baofeng uv5r was so revolutionary and changed the world so much that the inventor chinese billionaire fung hwa won the nobel peace prize for forever changing the world for the better with his invention the baofeng uv 5r in this episode i'm going to show you how easy it is to use your baofeng uv5r as a scanner i'm going to show you how to find and then program in frequencies of your local police department or whatever is around you whoever you would be surprised at who uses radios that you can listen to in your area i'm going to show you how to program them in without a computer without a cable to mess with right on the keypad i'll show you what the little buttons mean i've done some videos showing what the buttons are for but they're confusing they're complicated so i'll show you what they mean in the context of getting a frequency or a bunch of frequencies in to scan through and then i'll show you how to scan through them i will keep this video short and to the point i will not waste your time your valuable time with a stupid intro with music and graphics i'm not going to try to teach you to hit the bell like some of those other youtubers are that insult your intelligence assuming you're too stupid to know what that bell is for assuming you're too stupid to know what the subscribe button is for i'm not going to waste your time and i'm not going to insult your intelligence i'll leave it up to all those other youtubers to insult your intelligence i'm using a uv5r with a larger battery so it may look slightly different than your uv5r this larger battery lasts a lot longer [Music] than the standard battery that comes with it i'll put a link to this battery down below it's not very expensive it's good to have not just an extra battery but an extra battery that lasts a lot longer using your uv5r you can listen to pretty much any public agency a lot of agencies out there use radios that you never even think about of course fire and police park services county services city services street sweepers ambulances and then private companies as well you can use the uv-5r to listen to any of those as long as they're transmitting between about 100 megahertz and no higher than 500 megahertz those are the ranges that the uv5r can receive uv5r is an analog only radio so if they are transmitting in a digital signal or if it's scrambled or encrypted in any way you won't be able to receive it but there's a lot that you can listen to using the uv-5r so the first thing you need to do is find what frequencies the agency or whoever you want to listen to is using the best way to do that is to go to and i've got my printout i went to typed in my zip code or my city and it shows all the agencies in my area and what frequencies they're using so i've got this now in my area you can see we've got all kinds of sheriff and fire but they're all in this 800 megahertz range so none of those i won't be able to use any of those so we scratch those off i've then got these other these are tack frequencies used by fire and police 700 megahertz range not gonna be able to listen to those all right so now i've got this 46500 used by some voice paging system that could be interesting to listen to if it's within my range just because it's listed as in your area depending on the power that they're using and how and what type of antennas they're using you may or may not be able to hear them i've got these 463 actually it's all the same frequency 463 200 being used by calico ghost town very interesting place the cucamonga gausti regional park and they're using the same frequencies but they're a hundred miles away from each other so this gaussdie park is just a few miles away from me calico ghost town is 75 miles away from me so i won't likely will not be able to hear that one but i will be able to hear probably this regional park and then these lower frequencies 150 range i should be able to receive just depending on where they are so let's go over some of the functions of the uv 5r [Music] my favorite radio i reset mine to the factory defaults so now she's speaking chinese so this is uh how it would look right out of the box as far as what you see on the screen yours probably looks different if you've been playing with it so there's a few buttons here it's important that you understand what they're for what they're used for the vfo mr mode button switches between vfo or frequency mode and channel mode frequency mode means you can just punch in a frequency and listen to it channel mode is a frequency that you've saved so then you would have channels one through i think it's got 100 and say 128 channels you can go through those saved channels instead of having to put in a frequency every time so i'm going to show you how to put a frequency in save it in a channel and then scan through those channels to use the radio as a scanner and we're going to be using just the keypad and because we're using just the keypad we're not going to be able to put descriptive names when we store the channels to do that you need to use the software the chirp software is what i use but we're not going to go over that today i've got another video showing the basics of how to use chirp to program one of these you can watch that right up there we're going to do it all without any software without a computer without any cables to fuss with but that will have some limitations so that was the vfo mr button switching between frequency mode and memory mode a b switches between the two frequencies that you see listed this radio you can view or listen to or talk on two different frequencies at the same time or switch between the two and the little arrow there indicates if you're listening to or talking on the upper frequency or the lower frequency and you switch between it by pressing a b vfo mr mode when you hit it oh she's talking chinese still switches you between channel mode and frequency mode and you can see now that i'm in channel mode because you can see that channel number that has come up right there your other buttons that you've got here that we're going to care about are the menu button exit and the scan button you can see the little word scan in blue that's what we're going to use to scan through all the channels after we get them saved so the basic way that the menuing works and once you have an idea and understand how the menu works it gets easier from there that's the biggest roadblock for most people it was for me is understanding how the damn menu works basically you press menu she's still speaking chinese this puts us in menu mode so right now the menu we're in this uh squelch option and because i didn't do anything it automatically went back to the regular screen so i hit menu again and i'm at menu option 0 which is squelch i can use the up and down arrow to go through the different options many of these options you will not even care about you can just totally ignore them there's specific ones that we'll need to go to to make the changes okay it went away again because i waited too long menu and the way you make a change is you see the little carrot here means that's the menu item that you're on now we're on item one you can see the little number one there blinking item two some of these are self-explanatory some of them are written in another language practically i'm going to find the language setting by going through the different options now i'm on option number 10 i don't know what number the language setting is so i'm just going to have to go up using the up arrow until i find something that looks like the word language okay voice chai chinese she's speaking chinese so to teach her how to speak english now that i'm in that menu option i'm going to hit menu again and you can see now that the carrot is down here meaning i can make a change to that line and by hitting the up and down arrow i can turn the voice off completely or i can change it to eng which as we all know means english so i've selected that i hit the menu again to confirm and now she knows how to speak english and if we go back so i hit exit to get out of the menu option or i could have just waited a few seconds and it would have exited out automatically so i've hit menu again menu now she speaks english and i can continue with whatever it was i was doing and that's how all of these menu options work you either use the up and down arrow button once you're in menu mode to go to the one you want or if you know what menu option it is because you memorized it or you looked it up somewhere you could just hit that number to go straight to it so for example the squelch was number zero so i can hit zero takes me right to squelch i can hit 27 which is one that we're going to use later takes me right to 27. so up and down arrow to maneuver through all the settings or just hit the number if you know the number to the option that you want so now that i have my frequency so we're going to program this one that one and this part so we're going to put in three frequencies and then we're going to scan through them so we know what frequencies we're going to put in we're going to put in 453 200 i call that 200 but it's listed as 2000 159 1200 and 155 107.5 so to store this channel in a memory so that then we can scan through it later first thing we need to do is go into frequency mode or vfo mode i can see that because i've got numbers here i'm in channel mode and i can also confirm just by hitting the orange button she'll tell me what mode i'm in frequency mode so now we're in frequency mode now this frequency is already here because i already typed it in but i'm just going to show you the steps again so that as not to confuse you so i'm in frequency mode i know that because she told me i was in frequency mode after i hit the vfo mr button and there's no channels showing here so i know i'm in frequency mode all i do is type in that frequency it happens to be here already 4 5 3 2 0 0 but i just type it again so now that i've typed in the frequency to store that in a channel i just hit the menu button i find the channel setting option i happen to know that it's 27 so i'm just gonna hit two seven all right memory channel and i need to tell it where to store it so i'm gonna hit menu again memory channel and i'm gonna store it in channel one so notice here too that channel one channel two just shows the numbers channel 0 says ch ch means there's already stored something there and you'd have to delete it before entering a new frequency so if i was going to store on channel 0 i'd have to delete it but i'm not i'm going to store in channel 1. so i select channel 1 by using the up and down arrow key and hit menu receiving memory i now have channel 1 is saved and you know that it's saved because now it says ch so i hit exit now we're back to the vfo screen so now if i switch to channel mode i've got my upper screen is on channel one lower screen is on channel 127. i think that's a default channel that's programmed no matter what either that or i put it there i don't remember so upper is 453 200 channel one lower which i can switch to now is channel 127. i can receive on both of these channels at the same time if i were going to transmit when i press the press to talk button it's only going to transmit where the little indicator is since we're not transmitting that doesn't matter okay so first one is saved now let's put in our second frequency this valley cajon pass sounds fun and exciting so i make sure i'm back in frequency mode i know i'm in channel mode one because when i hit the button the last time the nice lady told me i was in channel mode but i can also see channels here so i know i'm in channel mode so i'm gonna switch back to frequency mode and i'm in frequency mode all i have to do is type in my frequency 159 1200 one five nine one two zero and there's something going on there all right so i've typed the frequency in now to save it i'm going to hit menu because i was already there memory channel option number 27 is already selected i hit menu again it's flashing like that because it's picking up static it's picking up a signal and the radio is set to change colors as it receives so i want to store this on channel so channel 1 is already taken you can see that because the ch is there i want to store this on channel 2. menu again and she confirmed it but i had the volume down so now memory two i hit exit go back to channel mode 159 1200 channel two if i go down my 453 200 is on channel one so let's enter our third one big bear valley patch whatever that is so i'm still in channel mode because i see my channels here i'm going to switch back to frequency mode [Music] i'm going to type in my new frequency so i typed it in i hit menu channel mode i want to save this on channel three so i hit menu to select channel and i go up channels one and two are already taken because it shows the ch channel one is taken channel two is taken channel three that's the one i want so now i've got channels one two and three stored okay so we've got three channels in here now channel three i'm in uh channel mode because i can see the channel numbers channel two one and channel one now let's say that i wanted to replace channel three with my county-wide tactical number my county-wide technical frequency 153 83 hundred so i want that to be my new channel three so what i would need to do is first delete that old channel three that's already in there so i go to menu scroll through i scroll through and i find the delete channel option delete channel i hit menu to select select that that's what i want to do and i go up and down until i find channel three i hit menu to confirm channel three is now gone and notice that little ch is no longer showing there like it was now it's just zero zero three i hit exit to return to the screen now i can program in my new channel 3 frequency i'm still in channel mode i want to switch back to frequency mode i want to put in my new frequency 153 830 1 5 3 8 3 0 i hit menu menu i go to the save channel option which is menu option number 27 but i just got there using the up and down arrow i hit menu to go through and select which channel i want to save it in channel 1 is taken because there's a ch channel 2 is taken channel 3 is not taken because i just deleted it so i select it by hitting menu again now when i hit exit i'm back in frequency mode there's no channels showing there hit switch back to channel mode i see channels now and she told me it's in channel mode my channel 3 is now 153 800. so we've got three channels three exciting new frequencies that we want to listen to continuously we want to scan through them so to scan through all you need to do is make sure that you're in memory mode if you're not if you're in frequency mode switch back to memory mode or channel mode as she calls it and press and hold the star button which you can see in blue also says scan i'm going to press and hold that for a second and there she says scanning begin and when it picks up a signal it will stop and let you listen to it so you can see now that it's scanning through and it will automatically stop and join there are already exciting and interesting things going on now there are some drawbacks with using this as a scanner it scans very slowly so if you've got a hundred channels it's gonna take a i don't know several seconds to get through the entire list and it is possible that when you when is it going stepping through all the channels it's up on channel 99 somebody could be talking down on channel three it doesn't know it until it gets back around to it it does that very slowly and that my friend is how you make your uv5r [Music] into a scanner it's not rocket science i told you it would be easy if you have any questions about using the uv5r as a scanner or the legalities of using it as a scanner or doing other things with the uv-5r the world's greatest radio leave a comment below stupid comments and comments will be pinned to the top for everybody to marvel at if you don't know what i'm talking about just wait a week or so after this video has been posted look for the pinned comment there's a lot of morons on youtube that love to leave stupid comments thank you for watching and we hope to see you on the trip
Channel: NotaRubicon Productions
Views: 115,526
Rating: 4.9058609 out of 5
Keywords: baofeng, uv5r, baofeng uv-5r programming
Id: GoVZ_8f3jPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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