Beginners Guide To Amazing Breakfast Sausage

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all right we've all been there it's Saturday morning you want to have a special breakfast you want to make a special breakfast for your kids but again you're tired of the same old thing eggs bacon what if we had a nice fresh breakfast sausage that we made from scratch so on this channel we cut meat we cook meat we eat meat and today is no different today we're gonna make breakfast sausage it is a great entry level sausage you don't have to mess with casings and sausage stuffers and all this other stuff this is a bulk sausage it means there's no casings we're gonna make breakfast sausage patties today you will be the hit of Saturday morning with your kids if you have a nice fresh breakfast sausage ready to go for them when they get up come with me I'm going to show you how easy it is to do it let's go all right here we go here is our boneless pork butt now it is not a pork butt it is a pork shoulder it comes from the shoulder of the pig so it has the perfect amount of fat content we're looking for a 70 30 percent lean to Fat ratio and a pork butt actually has that already we don't have to add any other additional pork fat to it so we're going to get a nice juicy breakfast sausage but we don't have to add a whole bunch of other things to it so you're simply going to get your pork butt then you're gonna cut it into in one inch cubes that'll fit in your grinder and that's it so this is semi-frozen I put in the freezer a little bit so it's going to be a little bit firm that's perfect just gonna take it we're going to cut it into one inch cubes this whole pork butt is again it's boneless so the Bone's been taken out this thing is at least five to seven pounds the recipe I'm gonna give you for the spices is going to be on a two pound mix so again you're just gonna have to adjust accordingly again there's not really any way to do it you're just gonna cut it up into pieces this is a good cut for this because you don't have to there's no trim we want all that fat in there [Music] foreign [Music] of uh pork butt chopped up again it was partially frozen already so if yours is all the way thawed out go ahead and stick these cubes in the freezer for 20 or 30 minutes It'll really help keep everything really cold and also get a better grind that way the secret to grinding is everything needs to be as cold as possible so partially frozen is actually good I wanted to talk to you about the sponsor for this video surf shark VPN so what is a VPN VPN is a virtual private Network when you're on the internet a lot of people want your data they want to know where what you're doing and how you're doing it and we don't want to assure that data what a VPN does is it hides your data from people who want to find it on the internet I am not a tech guy by any stretchy imagination and surf shark makes this process super easy and with a few clicks you're on your way to Internet Security another cool thing that I really like they have a special search engine that is not safe of your data you can use it on all your devices and they have a 30-day money-back guarantee surfsharkvpn is offering a discount to my viewers they're going to give you 83 percent off plus three months for free to use Serve start VPN now I don't let you [Music] go check them out the links in the description and keep safe out there everybody let's talk about seasonings okay so this is my little this is my seasoning mixture I have in here I have salt black pepper Sage always needs sage and breakfast sausage red pepper flakes brown sugar and a little bit of thyme all the recipes and links for the equip all the equipment that I use is in the description so check those out all right so here we go there's my spice mix all together and what I'm going to do is I'm going to mix this up and then I'm going to let it sit in the refrigerator for I would say about an hour okay um I want to let those flavors kind of start to work their way into the meat and again if it starts to thaw out a little bit on you go ahead and put it back in the freezer so it's nice and cold so we can start our grind while waiting for the pork to marinate we're going to go ahead and I'm gonna talk about Grinders most Grinders have the same mechanisms okay so I'm going to just quickly break this one apart and show you about it so that's the hopper you put you know coming right off foreign you unhook this and then we got in here it's just simply comes off like this and then you have a die now when you get a grinder it's going to come with hopefully it's going to come with several of these different thicknesses or different diameters for these holes and that's going to determine how chunky the grind is each one has a little bit different you know application this is the blade right here so again it just spins around on this auger bit here's the auger so basically what happens is this spins pushes the meat through the blade and then through the dive and then that's how it run away so a couple things in your grinder No Matter What grinder you have no matter what brand you have how to put in the blade is probably the most important part most people will mess this up if anything messes up on your grinder it's more than likely this so you want to put this blade in so that the flat side goes against this flat side of the die okay do not do not do not do it the other way in which this part goes against the die you will get a big mess if you do that it does not cut it right it just squishes everything into the holes and you end up with like a really it'll it can damage your grinder and it also you know just comes out this pasty mess so you want to make sure that this flat side for the blade meets the flat side of the die goes back on there tighten the whole thing down goes back now to put it back on there's like a there's a nut right here and you gotta kind of spin it around until it catches [Music] there you go and a few like food safety things with Grinders we're gonna put this whole mechanism right here in the freezer also to make sure it's nice and cold the problem you get into with grinding Foods is the bacteria can grow because you're taking the bacteria on the outside you're grinding it and mixing it into the interior of the meat you get a better product and it's going to be safer if you can get make everything super cold so we're going to put this in the freezer as well all right we got our icy cold grinder attachment here see this thing's set up let's get let's get to grind let's get to grinding I like to put the seasonings on before I grind it because it's going to further incorporate into the grind as we go um into the sausage into the meat as we go I'm just I think this is a better the best way to do it it gives time for the flavors develop but it also as it goes through the grinder mixes everything up so what's wrong it's gonna be a little gonna be a little loud but we're gonna pass everything through the grinder and then I'm gonna show you what happens next all right now that's plugged in let's try this one more time [Music] foreign [Music] so here's our grind our first pass we're going to pass this through two times check out my previous video where I used the grinder to make ground beef I could take that through three times because it's gonna be a little bit smoother this one I want still will have that little chunky bite to it that is a trademark of a good sausage so we're going to run this through two times [Music] thank you [Music] all right here's our final grind what happened over here you guys didn't tell me this is like getting all this over here oh I'm making a mess that's how we do it though we make a mess around here we'll clean it up but we make a mess all right let's get up put my gloves on so we can do um you can do our taster oh oh no um someone needs to go to Amazon I guess huh I like black gloves all right so I'm gonna go with Sans gloves but I'll wash my hands many times I promise so it's real important once you have all of your uh everything is ground up ready to go go ahead now and do a taster like do a small piece of sausage that way you can adjust the seasonings okay so make sure they're exactly the way that you want them [Music] all right let's get our taster out of there you're looking texture this seasoning is right on if you taste it and you're like hey I think it needs more red pepper flakes I think it needs more of this more that this is your chance to change it change what you like this is a great basic breakfast sausage recipe let's Patty them up all right I'm going to show you a couple different ways to Patty these up and we're going to cook a few but I also want to store a few so when it puts a few in the freezer the problem is if you just store them in the freezer all stuck together then when you go to unthaw them they're going to be a complete mess if you want to freeze the individual raw pads I'm going to show you what to do so we're going to take this paper this this is a butcher paper you can use parchment paper use wax paper all these things so we're going to make little squares out of them okay so we're going to go like this this is as close as you're gonna get to craft time on this channel but very quickly we're going to make little sheets like this so and then what we're going to do is Patty these up small Patty here put another sheet on top small Patty another she on top and then we can wrap the whole thing in Saran Wrap and then it'll be um able to be put in the freezer and we thaw them out you can just peel them off and they come and they're not all stuck together oh foreign [Music] three ounces or so roll it in a ball in our hands okay and then you're just going to take it and make it a thin Patty now everything is going to squish back up when it Cooks so you want to make it thinner than you think you need to [Music] foreign [Music] sausage paper sausage and so on and so forth like I said it doesn't have to be pretty just has to be done we will take our Saran Wrap our plastic clean wrap whatever you want to call it to be gentle with the plastic so we're going to do two sheets make a nice Big Sur make a nice big surface we're gonna put the packages of sausage down and again tightly wrapped so we're going to take it over the top just push it down tightly wrap corners Corners corners okay I'll go another do that one more time do a double wrap just make sure we don't have any freezer issues now in the freezer this should last you know at least three months but Granny if you're not eating enough if you're not eating that much sausage in three months then maybe this is I need to like check your breakfast game but so there we go we'll put a label on that and put that right in the freezer and there we go there's your sausage ready to go for Saturday morning all right so we're going to take our sausage patties and put them down in a dry cast iron skillet meat over medium high heat [Music] thank you [Music] all right so here's our completed sausage now this breakfast sausage is great it's very versatile you can add any seasonings you want or any you can adjust the seasonings as you see fit we've gone over all of the procedure and how does how to make it how to freeze it how to cook it so I'm really excited for you to try it I want to know if you tried it hit me back in the comments let's talk of a conversation how to go what did it taste like you like it spicy you like it not spicy I'm excited to see what you're gonna do making these recipes your own if you like this recipe click the next one and keep watching keep coming back I got lots of more lots of content coming out hit the Subscribe button you know how to do it see on the next one
Channel: Butcher Wizard
Views: 108,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breakfast Sausage Recipe, How to make breakfast sausage, How to use a meat grinder, Meat Your Maker, Saturday Morning Recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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