Beginner Levels - Lesson 6: My Family

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hello how are you today today I'm going to tell you about my family now this is my family tree my family tree this is my mother father this is me Molly sister brother brother and on this side grandmother and grandfather okay grandmother grandfather mother father Molly sister brother brother now also we have husband daughter and son okay so husband wife husband wife daughter son now who else do we have in this family we have child 1 child 1 child 2 children so I have 2 children my daughter is one child my son is one child my daughter and son are two children now my grandmother my mother me my daughter my children our grand daughter and my son is grand son okay one two three four levels now we can also say that we have my sister my sister is aunt aunt and uncle uncle okay aunt uncle uncle now going this way daughter is the nice nice the girl the son is nephew nephew alright it's very complicated but we've got it okay now my brother has two children so my brother has a daughter and a son my daughter my sons our cousin okay so cousin cousin so grandmother grandfather let's do this mother father husband wife husband and wife daughter son 1 child 2 children granddaughter grandson now we have the aunt of the daughter and son aunt uncle uncle nephew niece and cousins all right this is my family tree now let's listen to and say these words grandmother grandfather mother father sister brother daughter son granddaughter grandson child children aunt uncle nephew niece and cousin okay those are the words for a family alright now we're going to review this this that that these and those this that these and those now I'm going to show you more pictures this is my mother that is my brother these are my sisters and those are my brothers now here's a question who is yes who is this this is my mother who is this this is my mother okay now who is this this is my mother who is that that is my brother who are they these are my sisters who are they those are my brothers now let's remember the possessive pronouns again possessive pronouns my name my name your name your name his name her name it's name our name your name and their name my name your name his name her name its name our name your name and their name okay now I'm going to give you some information about my family this is my mother her name is Joyce this is my father his name is Alan this is my sister her name is Peggy this is my brother his name is Andy this is my brother his name is Ian now let me ask some questions Molly who is this that is your mother and what is her name her name is Joyce it's a bell who is this that is your brother and what is his name hmm his name is in yes that's right and Lisa who is this that is your sister and what is her name her name is Peggy now ask me about my family Lisa how old is your mother she's 66 years old it's a bill how old is your sister she's 50 years old only how old are your brothers they're 44 and 45 years old now look and listen look and listen who is this this is my sister who is that that is my father who are they these are my sisters who are they those are my brothers read and repeat [Music] now I want to introduce you to more of my family this is my grandmother this is my grandfather this is my aunt this is my uncle this is my husband this is my daughter this is my son these are their cousins and these are my niece and nephew now ask me some questions about my family Ali how old is your daughter she's 25 years old he said Belle how old is your son he's 23 years old Lisa how old are they cousins they are 8 10 12 23 and 25 years old Ali how old is your grandmother she's 96 years old Missa Belle how old is your grandfather he's 100 years old oh wow Lisa how old is their aunt she's 80 years old where is she from she's from Canada only how old is your uncle he's 85 years old where is he from he's from France it's a bell where are your daughter and son from they're from the US very good thank you very much family singular I'm Laurel okay now we're going to talk about singular and plural nouns singular is one one plural is two plus all right now in English usually we add F to make plural but some words are special now look mother mother mother's father father's father's sister sisters brother brother's daughter doctor doctor's son sons aunt aunts and uncle uncles now we have mother mother's father father's sister sisters brother brother's daughter doctor's son sons aunt aunt's uncle uncles now some are special so we have child child children child children okay now let's practice here's the question how many mm-hmm do you have how many do you have alright have okay how many Booton do you have I have now for example how many brothers do you have how many brothers do you have I have two brothers I have two brothers how many brothers do you have I have two brothers they're my brothers another question how many mothers do you have how many mothers do you have I have one mother how many mothers do you have I have one mother okay now let's practice Olli how many brothers do you have I have two brothers are they Turkish yes they are do they speak Turkish yes they do do they speak English no they don't all he asked is the Bell it's a man how many sisters do you have I have two sisters today speak French yes they do do they speak English yes they do you said though ask Lisa Lisa how many cousins do you have I have 10 cousins well where are they from five cousins are from Germany five cousins are from the US do they speak English yes they do Lisa asked me how many children do you have I have two children are they Canadian no they aren't they're American good I speak English yes they do all right very good now look and listen look and listen how many brothers do you have I have three brothers how many uncles do you have I have five uncles how many cousins do you have I have thirteen cousins read and repeat [Music] let's talk about some more vocabulary for family members now here we go married married okay I'll show you these in a minute single and gauge divorced and widowed now look single single single engaged engaged now married so single engaged my time and married married divorced widowed okay now again married married single single engaged engaged divorced divorced and widowed widowed okay married single engaged divorced and widowed okay now when we use these in sentences we use them with B for example I am divorced I am divorced question are you divorced I am divorced are you divorced so let's practice students and assistants let me ask you some questions Lisa are you single yes I am are you engaged no I'm not Isabelle are you married no I'm not I'm single Olli are you divorced no I'm not married I'm single okay now you asked me about my family Ali is your daughter married no she isn't hmm ah Ali she lives in the US okay okay Lisa is your brother married yes he is how many children does he have he has two children Isabel how old is your son he's 23 years old is he single yes he is good very good now look and listen look and listen my mother is married my sister is divorced my brother is engaged my daughter is single my grandmother is widowed [Music] now let's practice a little bit all right I want you to tell me about your family Isabel okay my mother is 45 years old she is nice my father is 47 years old he is funny my sisters are 15 and 17 years old they're tall and beautiful okay thank you Lisa okay my mother is 48 years old my father is 49 years old they are serious and nice my sisters are 16 and 18 years old they are pretty my brother is 23 years old he is tall and good-looking all right thank you very much Alli my mother is 40 years old she's beautiful my father is 45 years old he's handsome my brothers are 8 and 13 years old they are young my sister is 18 years old she's beautiful but shy all right you have very nice family thank you punctuation now I want to talk about punctuation punctuation these are the little marks that we use in writing these are the names in English this is the period this is what we say in the US and Canada in the UK it's called the full stop but it's this okay period or full stop it's used after a sentence or after a short word such as mister or the u.s. now next is question mark question mark of course the question mark is used after questions okay next cama cama this is used in many places but especially lists for example 1 2 3 ok next is the - we saw the - it's used inside a word for example 21 ok inside a word to join two words and then finally we have an apostrophe this also is used inside words for example we saw do not don't ok now again this is the period or full stop question mark comma - and apostrophe all right now here are some sentences I'm going to show you some sentences with no punctuation and we're going to change them here we go ok now we're going to practice punctuation first I will write sentences no punctuation one this is sentence this is our sentence - we don't speak Chinese [Music] we don't speak Chinese do you like pizza do you like pizza she is 43 years old she is 43 oops 43 years old and my brothers are five eight and ten years old my brothers are five eight and ten years old now we're going to have the assistants put in the punctuation so Lisa do number one this is a sentence period period yes good okay only number two we don't an apostrophe speak Chinese please mm-hmm good all right three Isabelle do you like pizza question mark mm-hmm good okay Lisa she is 40 - three years old period yes good and last one Isabelle my brothers are five comma eight and ten years old period okay all right there should also be a comma here okay all right good job all of you family now we're going to use but to join sentences we saw but before so let's see it again before we saw a but joining two adjectives and it means different now I will show you how to use it with sentences but show difference look I have two sisters but I have no brothers I have two sisters but I have no brothers but okay another example she has three children but she has no grandchildren oops okay she has three children but she has no grandchildren okay now let's practice now I want you to tell me two different things about your family so it's a bell okay I had two aunts but I have no cousins good know Lisa I have two grandfathers but I have one grandmother is one grandfather widowed yes he is okay now only I have three cousins but I am no nephew good now can you make other sentences with bud Ali I'm single but my father is married ha ha very funny my mother is married but I am single okay that seems to be our theme Isabel my grandmother is married but my grandfather is they don't very good now let's practice a little bit more let's review Ollie where are you from I am from Turkey how many brothers do you have I have two brothers how old are they they are eight and thirteen years old okay are they handsome yes now ask Lee for some questions Lee's up how is it going great aunt you just fine how many sisters do you have I have two sisters very different they're from Germany how old are they they are 16 and 18 are they pretty yes they are hmm okay Lisa ask Isabel okay it's about where are you from I am from France how many uncle's do you have I have three uncles how many cousins do you have I have 10 cousins Wow where are they from they're from France do they speak French yes they do very good now listen and write listen I'm right number one M o t-h-e are number 2 f o and number 3 u n CL e number 4 d a u GH t e r number 5 w i f e okay now listen and check your work number 1 m o th e r number 2s o n number 3 u n CL e number 4 d a u GH t e r number 5 w i f e now listen and write these words number 1 father number 2 married number 3 single number 4 ant number five cousin now check your work number one father number two married number three single number four aunt number five cousin now again listen and write these sentences number one how old are you number two I'm 23 years old three these are my brothers for my brother is 44 five my children are from the US now check your work number one how old are you number two I'm 23 years old number three these are my brothers number four my brother is 44 number five my children are from the US alright now here is a short story read it and answer the questions read and answer John is from Canada his mother is from the US and his father is from Canada his mother is 40 years old his father is 45 years old John has one brother and three sisters John is 22 years old his brother is 20 years old his sisters are 16 12 and 10 years old now listen to the questions and write your answers number one how old is John number two where is he from number three where is his mother from number four how old is his father number five how old is his brother now check your work number one how old is John he is 22 years old number two where is he from he is from Canada number three where is his mother from she is from the US number four how old is his father he is 45 and number five how old is his brother he is 20 very good we'll see you next time practicing English [Music] hey Angie hi please take a seat hi mrs. Crist acos hi Angie how are you today I'm fine and you I'm fine too what are you working on I'm putting some old photos into a new photo album would you like to see some old photos of our family I love looking at pictures especially from other families I want to learn more about Greece and the people there this could be really fun Angie I hope my mother doesn't show you any baby pictures of me she loves to show them to everyone Alexi that's because you have such cute baby pictures I'm not sure this is a good idea Oh Alexi we have a few minutes and this could be really fun well just tell me when you're ready to go who are the people in this picture this is a photo taken over 50 years ago the man on my right is my father and the woman on my left is my mother and that's me when I was a baby your beautiful baby in this picture mrs. christow coos Thank You Angie now who are these people this photo is a few years later I'm not a baby anymore there are two babies I have a sister Elena she's two years younger than I am and this is your go Alexie's uncle oh this is the name of the Lucky's brother isn't it yes Lexie's brother year-ago is named after his uncle I see my mother has a sister her name is Angela that is who I'm named this picture is even older than the one before this is a picture of my father when he was a boy and his mother this picture is over a hundred years old Wow so that is a picture of your grandmother and grandfather and Alexie's great-grandparents yes it is a very old picture what about this photograph it's in color is it newer yes it is this photo is a photo of my friends in high school this is Irina she still lives and Athens and this was my boyfriend Niko's who is this this is a picture of my father and my sister on her wedding day she is 21 years old her dress is very beautiful yes these are my cousins and they are twins the one on the right is Carlos and the one on the left is Paulo who's this this is one of my teachers from primary school mr. sakis I think he's dead now who are they this is from my trip to Argentina these are the famous Gauchos or Cowboys they take care of the cattle and ride across the huge ranches do you remember their names yes of course this is Carlos Rivera hmm and this is Francisco Rodriguez you have a very good memory mrs. Christakis here are the picture of some people in front of a house is this your family yes it's our summer house does the house of a name yes it's called little pink house it's a very nice house mrs. Crist ACOs do you go there every summer yes when summer arrives we all go to the little pink house Alexi loves it there it's on an island Wow I would love to see it Angie you're very welcome anytime why don't you come with us this summer mm-hmm yes it would be great if you come with us you will love it Alexi actually why don't you take all of your friends to this summer house for a weekend or so [Music] you
Channel: English For You
Views: 1,234,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ECPE, free english, Education (Word), ingilizce cd, دروس, تعليم, learn english free, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, easy english, learning english, iTEP, English, TOEIC, PTE, Key English, education, اللغة, الانكليزية, ingilizce, ingilizce öğren, full english, apprendre, learn english, my family, you, IELTS, TOEFL, beginner, kolay ingilizce, learn english easy, ingilizce ogren, for, english for you 80 cd, English for you, english lesson, elementary, intermediate, free english learn
Id: rX8V9_P84Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2014
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