Beeswax and Honey Harvest - Using a Wax Spinner!

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[Music] all right welcome back to honey extraction part 2 20 19 as I explained in my last video this is my my rudimentary honey uncapping tank and what it is is uh I got a couple bins here this bin has a hole in the bottom with a queen excluder inside the bottom i untappd my frames on this spike right here the cappings fall into this tank the honey drips out the bottom and then I can pour this through a strainer and strain the cappings that do fall through I can strain them out and then I have my honey and I'm left with all these cappings I've just been sort of letting them drip by gravity and it actually probably about a quart of honey came out of this this bucket which is pretty cool because I've done nothing for the last like month and a half it's just been sitting in here dripping out so I've never had this many cappings before last year I extracted like 17 frames of honey total and I got about a pound of beeswax in the end after I was done but this year I mean this is probably 20 pounds right here of these wax and I have six more supers to extract tonight so I'm gonna have a significant amount of wax here and there's a lot of honey in this wax that has not dripped out yet so I was visiting maxint my favorite extractor company about a month and a half ago and Jake the head dude over at maxint said that he would like to offer me a little something to try out on video for you guys so he sent me a little toy boom check that out this is the maxint 1200 - 20 junior spinner look at that so this is a wax capping spinner and the lid off and show you what's inside it's a it's a giant tub it spins kind of like an extractor except in here we have a perforated basket with blades these four blades on the inside and the idea is you throw your wax capitals in there and you spin them kind of like a washing machine on a spin cycle and it spins the cappings are caught in the perforated basket and then the honey drips out like an extractor down here from that and the other cool thing about this is you can actually just uncap straight into the tank you put your frame here and you just untap right into it and then the captains fall down and those blades kind of distribute the cappings inside the tank and this is what it looks like when it's on really quiet it's kind of a gentle spin but the idea is that it just spins and you put him in here for several hours and they will just dry out all right so I'm going to give this thing a try today I'm going to extract the remaining six supers that I have and then I'm going to show you how I render my wax and get my wax nice and clean I still have never done anything with my beeswax I'm just collecting it I've been collecting it for four years but I'm gonna show you what I do with my wax and hopefully this will help that process first framelits let's see how this thing works you know what I actually forgot something probably pretty important actually Jake's suggesting one other thing I forgot about hold on Jake gave me this it's like a window screen material that goes inside the tub so the idea is that this will stop the small pieces of wax from shooting through the perforated tub in here yeah we're already getting little wax bits behind the tub here so let's put this thing in there [Music] alright back in business so this is the result of all the frames that I just cut off and dropped in here so it's pretty dry it's not totally dry so I'm gonna leave all this in here and I'm gonna put in all of the cappings from the first round [Music] quit dry [Music] all right that's all the captains from 2019 right there alright I'll let that drip all night [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right good morning it is the next day and this thing has been spinning for solid ten hours it's just been on all night long and all morning we have probably almost three gallons of honey that came out of the cappings from last night so that's a lot of honey to come out of these things so yeah these are I mean it's a little sticky but it's dry very very dry I'm super impressed it may it's a real basic machine but it does its job very very well so three gallons of honey that we got out of here came out of the six supers that I extracted last night so we got the honey from the extractor but then we got three gallons of honey out of the cappings which we wouldn't have gotten without this I mean we could have gotten it over time if we just let these hang and drip from a bag but this was done in you know less than 12 hours we get three three more gallons of honey out of it so if you're a backyard beekeeper and you only have you know four or five hives or ten hives you're not going to need a tool like this because this thing costs twice as much as the extractor does but if you have more hives than I do if you've got twenty five fifty hives you know you're tired of dealing with wax cappings this is going to take a while to make back with the honey that you extract out of the cappings but as far as time and effort goes this thing is great it's it's a huge time saver it's a huge effort saver it's a lot less mess than uncapping into the bucket or into bags and squeezing honey out it's an expensive tool but it works great and as far as the build quality goes I mean I was impressed with the 3100 P because I had never had an extractor before I gotta say I mean this thing is solid this is a a real solid machine and it works great but the motor on this thing is enormous the build of this it's like short and stout the legs are much heavier duty it just feels more commercial I mean this thing it's just it doesn't move when it's spinning it's beautiful so build quality is a plus I think I'm going to be using this in the future so thank you max it for sending this over this is a solid solid product all right so here we have about this Plus this is about five gallons of honey this one here plus what's dripping out of the drippings plus I got some in here I got to put in there still we're probably around twelve gallons of honey for these six supers these six supers didn't have a ton of honey on them they weren't all like exploding on the sides they were some of them were pretty thin but they were all capped so this round here came off late August no early September I took all this these these frames off so this is sort of the end of the summer honey this there was no fall flow so none of this is really dark it's all pretty light so this honey plus what I harvested this summer which is around 270 pounds you know puts us well over 400 pounds of honey for the year which is insane to me because I I always say this it's not about the honey and it's not about the honey because I I never expected to have this much honey ever but what I'm gonna do is figure out a way to make this available to you guys because you're the people they care about this channel and you're the people that watch and support me watching my videos so I want to figure out a way to get this into your hands or at least make it available to you so stay tuned I don't know how I'm gonna do it yet there'll be some kind of online ordering I'm gonna be shipping out a lot of bottles honey I don't know again how that's gonna happen but I'm working on it so stay tuned for that so I'm going to end this video here with the honey and then the next video I'm gonna get into what I'm gonna do with all my wax because I also have more wax than I've ever had before and I'm gonna show you my system for rendering down my wax really easy and clean and simple and that's gonna be on the next video and I don't even know what I'm going to do with my wax because I've never had this much wax before but here we are so thanks so much for watching stay tuned the next video is coming up and then we'll talk about how you guys can get some of this honey so see you later [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Vino Farm
Views: 60,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beeswax, honey, harvesting, bees wax, extracting honey, maxant spinner, wax spinner, beesway processing, maxant extractor, maxant industries, maxant junior spinner, honey comb, rendering wax, extracting honey from a beehive, extracting honeycomb, extracting honey satisfying, maxant wax spinner, beeswax processing, maxant 3100p honey extractor, beeswax processing machine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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