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hey you guys this is josh and carol with homesteading family and welcome to this week's episode of the pantry chat food for thought this week we're gonna be talking about starting out on a new piece of property right that's right so you have got your property you're getting ready to move in and what are the things you need to do to get going [Music] all right so you've got your new homestead your new place in the country you've done all your research you bought that you know hopefully great piece of property and now you're getting ready to move in and you've probably got a whole lot of things you're excited about and interested to do and just ready to go on a new journey yeah so you're gonna put orchards in and get a milk cow get the garden in get some cows out on pastures bees you're gonna do all that next month right right you do it all at once please don't do that but sorry today we will be talking about what we should be doing right when you get onto pieces right we're going to give you some steps to help you make sure that you're going to be successful as you get landed in the country and you start to take off on this journey right but hey before we get into that we would like to do a little chit chat we call it and catch up with what's going on with carolyn and i yeah and so carolyn what is up with you what's happening right now well we really are still right in the heart of home of harvesting season and preserving season which gets kind of crazy in the kitchen sometimes yeah you know the kitchen floor is just always muddy this time of year because we're we're bringing produce in and we're canning it or we're fermenting it we're putting up in all these different ways so it's really a fun time of year but it's a very busy and tiring time of year too so right now my big things that i'm bringing in this week are cucumbers and green beans still i think that's what i said last week too but that's still what's happening well that's on the preserving side of things i mean there's a lot of other stuff coming in that we're eating right yeah absolutely we have a lot of fresh eating potatoes onions carrots yeah those carrots are so beautiful we did a great job on the carrots but um but on the preserving side we're doing a lot of the green beans and the cucumbers and you know i think i might have talked about this in one of the last episodes but i'm on a mission this year to trial all sorts of different methods of pickling to really find a canned pickle not a fermented pickle but a canned pickle that will stay really really crispy on the shelf hopefully for 12 months now that's a trick because you know pickles kind of start getting soft as they sit longer and longer so i'm i'm trying all different methods and um one of the methods i'm trying is something called low temperature pasteurization it's an approved canning method but instead of bringing that canning that water bath canner all the way up to a rolling boil like you do with every other canning you hold it at 180 degrees fahrenheit for 30 minutes that's hard to do you have to make sure it stays between 180 and 185 for 30 minutes so one of the tricks that i learned about was using an electric water bath canner i have never used one of those i've never had one for all the candidates so i'm kind of excited because i have one coming right now they're a little hard to find at the moment everything's out of stock you know but i did find one and it's on its way and i'm gonna be making good use out of that all right yeah so hopefully it gets here and it doesn't do what our milk refrigerator has done that we ordered three months ago are you guys experiencing this and it's just the way things are right now and it's a it's a good reminder to really you got to think way out ahead right now because it's going to stay this way for a while and it is just hard to get things we've been waiting for a particular type of fridge that we ordered just for our milk no freezer attached upright and normally get that in a few weeks and it's been i think we're going on four months yeah it's been a long time right yeah so i hope that gets here because i'm excited about it i'm excited about the crunchy pickles in winter yeah very cool oh good good what have you been up to wow well you know mostly the addition we've got that addition going and we've got a friend here from out of state and his son helping out and all the kids are out there the all the girls were out screwing down the plywood for their bedroom yeah yesterday and and they're having a good time but you know we're getting late in the season and we've got to get this thing framed up and at least dried in which means a house wrap on it and a roof on it before we start to get into rainy cold weather yeah and we got a bit of work to do so that's really kind of dominating keeping an eye on the garden and yeah and everything else is just kind of in flow you're handling all the inflow out of the garden and so yeah that's the main thing it's piling up logs for firewood which we've got to get to splitting soon right exactly well and that's such a great skill the building is such an amazing skill for everybody to know on the homestead because you find that you're often building things well and the kids it really invests them in what we're doing you know and a big part of the addition is the bedrooms because we've got a large family and we've got a large house but the kids bedrooms were really small for how many kids are there and so while we're doing a few other things along with that it's their bedrooms that really got this whole thing going yeah and so for them to participate in that is just really exciting for them and to be dreaming about their space and what they're going to do and just but part of the whole environment of the way we're living for them to do that besides building skills just really helps them buy in and feel excited and feel like they're contributing right and they all seem to really love it yeah yeah they love getting their hands into whatever we're doing try to include them in everything that we can good yeah all right well okay moving along let's get to our one question of the day this one looks like it's for you today okay and uh this is from tracy brewing hope i said that right tracy from an apartment to 40 acres okay and her question says is my grannies made butter from clabbered milk is that a fermented butter oh yes that would be a fermented butter or a cultured butter it would just be a natural ferment technically because your clabbered milk is where you're using the wild bacteria to culture your milk and then pulling that cream off means you have a cultured cream which means that you end up with a cultured butter and a little bit of culturing um in that cream really makes your butter one last a lot longer because it's that fermented product so it has natural protection against going bad but then two it also helps it turn to butter much more quickly and a lot of times it helps you get a better percentage of butter from your cream so it's a really good thing to do um we just did a butter making video not too long ago so you can check that out on youtube and find some different ways to make butter and definitely culturing them is one of them very cool great question tracy and um all right well let's dive in so you've bought this new place and you're excited to get going on your homesteading or country adventure whatever your plans are and you're you're getting ready to move in or you're moving in and there are really some steps that you want to take in in an order of things to help you be successful minimize failures and expense and um so diving right in the first one which is going to be kind of like no duh but moving in just getting moved in and here's what a lot of people do right and what we've done you move in you start unpacking but you're you're not just moving into the house you're going to go buy the milk cow you're going to go start turning up the ground for a garden all at one time well i think sorry go ahead this is so important of a step because so many of us when we move out to the country we're moving out because we're like wow we need to get somewhere maybe a little more stable we want to be growing some food we're feeling that urgency that culture's getting a little messy there's a lot of strong motivation there really is and so you know your goal is to be growing food so you want to get there and start growing food right away or start doing what you're planning on doing right away and that is just a recipe for dessert right so we really want to encourage you to put on the breaks right here and focus on just getting moved in and a quick antidote a story that we went through moving into when we first moved on to 40 acres absolutely not this property but i am not a patient person let me just say it has taken me a lot of years to start to develop some amount of patients and so when we moved up to idaho for the first time finally moving to the homestead with the water and the land that we were looking for i don't think we were here two weeks and i just insisted on getting that milk cow i don't even think it was two weeks i think it was a few days honestly we were not i don't even know if we had our furniture packed because unpacked because there was a delay in getting the moving truck here and we had a milk cow out in the field which did not have a stanchion it didn't have anything it was not at all set up for it and that ended up causing a lot of stress in the world well and you know it's tough because your researcher we're moving in we know we want a dairy cow so you're looking to see what's out there and there's a great cow out there for a great cause yeah and that's hard to refuse but yeah we were we hadn't dealt with fences yet we hadn't yeah we didn't have anything no i don't even think we had a good hay supplier for when we ran out of no we didn't we hadn't learned our area yet we did have a bunch of grass and we had a tree to tie or two and we milked under the tree it wasn't our first dairy cow thankfully so really don't do that if it's your first dairy cow but at least we knew how to hand milk already right and the cow was she was pretty good yeah but that's not always the case and so that's just piling too much on and so to get to get back to the core of it get moved in get unpacked and get settled into your home and start to find your rhythm of just how you're living in the house and observe the property and dream for a few minutes but get settled in and i think you had a few thoughts about inside the house things you want to take care of as you're moving in besides absolutely basic unpacking planning how you're going to use your space is uh very essential we're going to be talking about a lot of planning in this particular episode but um planning out how you're going to use your space is going to save you a lot of time and frustration and energy in the long run and so you need to think ahead as you're starting to unpack getting your spaces kind of settled you know what am i going to be doing in the kitchen and set up your kitchen stations but one that i think is really really important and people overlook really easily is food storage areas if you're moving out onto a piece of property because your goal is to grow food you're going to be preserving food most likely or bulk buying and storing food you need to think through where you can store your food and you know kind of make that one of the priority spaces to get figured out well and it is because down below here we're going to talk about getting stocked up a little bit yeah you know even though you're planning to grow a lot of your own food you want to get some reserves up first right and so we'll get to that in a second so but that all ties right into right having a place to do that right a system maybe some of your move-in budget needs to be for shelving or something like that to make sure that you've got your food storage space is ready to actually receive food that and that's a good thought from the moves we've made that i think a lot of people don't realize is you need to have an expense in there for your moving costs for exactly that we've looked at over multitude of times there's gonna be shelving especially when you're moving toward a country life and a homesteading life and the different aspects of a mud room places to put boots and clothes hang things food storage a lot of stuff like that so you're gonna be spending some money trying to customize mary's to make them work right for this lifestyle yeah we always have found ourselves doing that it'll it'll save you a lot of headaches so get moved in and enjoy just walking around the property and making plans doing some of the things we're about to talk about but focus on getting in getting settled getting a routine before you start reaching out doing all these other projects that you're excited about let me just give a really practical like from the woman's side angle here get your decorations up right now like pick out your curtains hang your curtains get the plates and pictures on the wall because once you get into gardening and animals and all of that you might not have the time to do those sorts of things so this is a moment to really settle in and get your spaces all designed decorated and dealt with yeah you're going to be much more comfortable and you're going to go through a lot of things and so having your home is that place to just you know stop and be happy with it and the things you enjoy around you when you're dealing with whatever struggles or failures or busyness or whatever it is yeah that's really important yeah i think the next one as we start to move on here is really important tune you can do this one right away in fact well you should be doing this one before you even move in hopefully right and this is meeting your neighbors and hopefully in the process of buying the property you've you've gone and met a few of your neighbors that border your property or that you might share a road with but if you haven't done that yet go do that right away yeah your neighbors in a country setting are so incredibly crucial to your success and your ability to handle things if you're out in the country you're probably a ways away from resources right you're going to be further out of town yeah you might not have the grocery store right there real quick you might not have uh you know ambulance real close i know for us it's quite a ways away or police response or all these different things and that's where country neighbors become your lifeline for living out the country and yeah you really need to know them you may not become best friends with all of them but there's a community there that's different even though we're spread out further there's a different community sense than there is in say the suburbs or in the city and so you really want to be checking with people you're sharing fence lines with them maybe maintaining roads with them and of course you know you're going to want fellowship and you're going to need to help each other out in a bind and maybe you guys are going to find things that you're going to love working together on but really take the time right now to get your neighbors and show yourself friendly a lot of times in the country when new people are moving in and the people that already live there don't really know who that is they're wondering who is this person is this person going to be somebody that i can rely on that i can be a friend with are they going to be somebody that's going to be a pain and that's going to be a burden and cause problems and and they're wondering when they're seeing new comings and goings so get to know people and and build that community around you right away and don't wait for them to show up to introduce themselves of like in the old movies you know that somebody come up hopefully somebody brings you a plate of cookies or something that would be great take them a plate of cookies or a freshly made pie um to give them some reassurance that you're going to be good neighbors and you're the country sort of person yeah that you want to fit in yeah and you and you want to get along and and just be a contributor yes yeah to the neighborhood even if it's spread out yeah okay so here's another important one yeah and this is this is one that i think especially if you've lived in the city and again you're used to having resources really close to you and you've just moved out into the country um this one might take a little bit of getting used to because there are things that happen out in the country that delay your access to getting things whether that's a power outage that happens if you have long stretches of power lines and trees around them they fall and you go without power snow and ice doesn't get cleared right away yeah maybe you know you just can't run down the road and grab that ingredient that you wanted for that special meal so to counter out that you need to make sure your access is taken care of that you understand your access issues when you move into the country a lot of times you're on country roads well you're going to be on country roads some of them may be long gravel roads that are county maintained a lot of times you're going to be on private dirt road or gravel road that is community maintained and there's different issues that you can be dealing with from you know seasonal flooding to snow and ice to trees falling in the road and wind storms or because of snow and so you need to understand your access you need to jump into the flow with your neighbors who's responsible for what how can you help and what are the issues so you're prepared for them ahead of time how long does it take where we live we're a little further out we do live on a county road and generally they plow it but it can take up to 24 hours or longer if the snow is really really heavy you need to build a plan for that are you going to need to be able to plow it because you've got particular reasons why you have to be able to get out you need chains there's a whole lot of things to think about in that access before you run into those problems and of course again maintaining it with neighbors and your neighbors are going to be your best resource for that right and and a great just topic of conversation as you're getting to know them absolutely good good cool okay so we're moving through them and next we call this take care of your preps yeah right this is just we've talked about this in a lot of different formats but you want to get your your preps in right away and you know we oftentimes josh and i differentiate between being a prepper and being a homesteader where you know sometimes people come at a prepping mindset with i'm just going to get everything it's going to be stashed in my basement and it's going to be there when there's a problem right homesteaders are often out actually participating in the skills and living that way day to day but there is a place where as a homesteader you need to be prepared and have your preps right you need to be ready for what's going to come your way so it's a really important uh part of living the lifestyle is being prepared for those power outages or for the lack of access to places on just unforeseen circumstances and first is water that's just a basic prepping that you understand your water system and that you have backup water however that is whether it's storage containers whether it's a cistern we've got an in-ground cistern that the spring feeds into that can gravity feed the house so we're always going to have low flow water you you know it depends on your property but make sure you have a plan and you know um what you're going to do if the power goes out and you don't have a well yeah you know your well's not working for a while or or whatever it might be have your water right and you have to go ahead okay yeah well that leads right into power making sure that you've got electrical backup you're further away from things and really everybody should have this everywhere but you need a backup generator of some sort and you need to have backup batteries for you know your flashlights all the different things and we're not just really not here to go through all the details but be thinking about your power systems and that you have backups in place because when things fail they fail at the worst time they usually do and so you really want these systems set up before you're diving into other projects and dealing with animal issues or garden issues or whatever it is you want to get this stuff done absolutely ahead of time right along with that is your food making sure that you have food backups in place we really recommend just buying the food that you are going to use anyways in bulk and just living off of your bulk food storage in a rotation system so things aren't getting old so i don't particularly mean just buying a whole bunch of freeze-dried food i mean buying in bulk what you're going to use anyways getting it stored on those shelving systems that you got right when you moved in right right and one that you've been really good at good at to add to that is some convenience foods however those are i mean you know most of us out here wanting to grow healthy organic high quality food and that's great we're working towards that but there are times when we need convenience foods to get through a jam or an injury a medical emergency an anna whatever it is and so include in that those emergency convenience foods it's easy to get a meal together for you know several days if you need to yeah absolutely for an emergency state but also even just for those busy days right um i have a joke with some other good homestead friends of mine about how you know here we just spent a whole day canning all of this great food and now we really wish we could get delivery pizza you know it's kind of a joke like we've been doing all this great food now we want this junk somebody just to hand it to us you need to have your own version of delivery pizza whatever that is and i love the canned foods like home canned convenience foods are such a great way to go you can make up a big batch of them and just have them sitting in your jars on your shelf and they're just heat and eat and that's closer you're going to get that a lot faster than delivery pizza if you live out in the country absolutely probably you can't get it anyways have it on your shelf absolutely and then your medical backup medical supplies basic emergency medical supplies obviously you're going to be a little further out and so hopefully you've got some knowledge and you've got some supplies to just help you deal with issues because there's going to be injuries there's going to be things that are going to happen i want to add one more to this and that is fuel when you live in the country and you live out of ways you really need to develop a habit of not running your vehicles to empty before you fill up because honestly even just for a medical emergency if you have to drive from your house to an emergency room and a lot of times if you live out in the middle of nowhere your best bet is not to wait for the ambulance it's to start driving and they will tell you that in country hospitals get in the car and start driving um you don't want to have to stop and fill up on gas on the way in an emergency right yep find out you got an eighth of a tank or something so make sure you're always keeping you know at least a quarter of a tank usually the best half or more the best option is to fill up when you get to half right and with that all your fuel cans for your other vehicles for your generators your power backup you want to try to keep things topped off all the time so that's a great great suggestion yeah and again we're not talking about end of the world scenario prepping here we're talking about basic living out in the country you need to just live prepared in a basic way so that you're ready for the things that country living throws at you right your resources are farther away they're just not right there close and so these these are a lot of things you can take and are part of really the moving in process and getting settled in really before you even start to think about property property and that's what we're going to start to step into here now but you really want to get these things down you're going to be a lot more settled a lot more comfortable and you're going to be ready to start reaching out doing larger projects doing new things and you've you've got a good backup you've got a good base to work from because like i tell the boys especially out there with chores it never goes wrong at a good time never all right absolutely so now we've moved in we get to go get the milk cow right oh yeah okay all righty so in an ideal world and if you guys have followed us for a while you know that we study permaculture and it's it's a system of design and planning and maintaining property in an ideal world you want to spend a lot of time observing your land and thinking about how you're going to do things and planning so really in ideals that's a year but that's not reality right right um so we've got to blend that because we've got to get in we're going to do things we're working with existing infrastructure but i really want to encourage you to be observing the whole time you're moving in while you're walking around in your daydream and you're thinking about where things are going to go be observing observing weather patterns and what's growing what's not the land the soil how the sun moves just how your property works and take time to observe even as you start to take action and plan always be observing and then as you're taking exa taking action observe the effects of that and what you need to adjust and so that's really important to have that mindset right from the get-go not to just get in there and do and and buy the milk cow or buy the chickens and just throw it up right here because it looks like a good place you need to start working on a whole plan well and i think that's so important because you may have viewed your property before you bought it and you may be already living in it for a little bit of time but you're probably you know that that window of time is narrow that that can all happen in so you may not know that you've got a low spot right over there that's going to get really muddy and turn into a seasonal pond part of the year right and then you go put your chicken coop right there you've got problems right off right and so you want to spend as much time as you can watching your property see what happens in different areas and be aware while that's happening you really do and it seems easy to just go look and lay things out but as a guy that's built homes all my life been on land worked on large areas of land and planning and then studied permaculture even coming onto this property here my mind's turning and with you know in a month of buying our property i feel like i've got things figured out right in my head in where everything would work but we're two years in and i'm still going okay i didn't know that all right i got to adjust there and you're always learning so it's an ongoing process and the more of that you more you can be aware of that and the more of a plan you have but yet knowing you're going to adjust over time the more successful you're going to be the less money you're going to waste the less time you're going to waste and less troubles you're going to have okay so and one more on that we didn't cover studying permaculture is a great resource and just a great method to help you do all this planning and organizing of how you're going to operate on the property right so a major part of this learning about permaculture as it applies to a property design is zoning and i think this is really really important it's kind of what we talked about back in the moving in area that you can move into your house in a way that makes you always having to scramble and do more work right or you can move in and set up your areas in a way that makes your everyday movement much more efficient so you can get a lot more done at the same time your property is the exact same and permaculture really addresses this from a design perspective of making sure that you have the things that you access multiple times a day really close around your house that would be considered zone one right your high intensity use areas yeah yeah that's where you're coming and going that's why you want your kitchen garden your veg your herb garden right outside your door if you can some of your vegetable garden some of your veggies that you're going to get to every day like your salad veggies things like that those things that you're going to access daily maybe multiple times a day needs to be right near you and then you go out to zone two which is a little bit further away and those are uh will you access or right still wants daily access it can be right on the edge and it may be more than once but it's once to daily you know access and so your barn might be right there you might not want it that close in zone one but it's right on the edge a lot of your orchards are zone one or i'm sorry zone two maybe going into zone three excuse me and um so that we don't go all the way through it there's about five zones and this is just really something to study and be aware of and all you're trying to do is create efficiencies right right of movement economy of movement so that where you spend the most time it's closer to you where you spend the least time or or very little time at all like say your woods or areas maybe that you're going to leave wild those are generally going to be the furthest out not always and that's a whole design discussion there's a lot to talk about but but take some time to get familiar with that type of planning and it's really really going to help you out it is going to save you a lot of time a lot of energy in the long run if you can take some time on that so that just goes back to that take your time and plan out your property don't just jump in and start doing and i think it's really valuable to plan out the like ideal long-term property right oh absolutely yeah be flexible a property plan is kind of like a budget you've got your ideal you're gonna set your goals and then as you move through it you're gonna you're gonna observe and then you're gonna flex and adjust but you want that plan to work from and i wish just from being somebody that's consulted and worked with new homes that people had a whole property plan from the get-go even if it has to change over time it saves you a lot of headache later absolutely and um let me just say that if you're working on this with a spouse or other family members sitting down and working this out on paper before you're actually going is going to save you a lot of headache maybe a lot of argument maybe a lot of frustration in the long term we don't ever argue just so you know not at all no but that way you're all on the same page and so you kind of have your moment to work out those frustrations or those difference of opinions before you're actually in the process doing something um and the other person has a different opinion so it's a great way to just create other efficiencies as well right absolutely okay okay so getting into a little bit of the fun part right what everybody's ready to dive into right away gardens and animals two of the core elements of a homestead as we move outside of the house yeah and so let's talk gardens a little bit same thing you want to plan don't just go throw it down you want to come up with a plan and think about what you're growing and why and where it's going to go and how you're what you're going to do with it when you harvest it and we've got plenty other videos on those topics but absolutely start with a plan start with a plan yeah i was going to add to that think about pests and problems that you're going to have protecting your garden because in a lot of places you just throw it out on the lawn or the you know the front yard and then the deer will come and completely eat it if you don't have it protected so just think through it all the way and the other one is soil almost anywhere that you're going to be going your soil is going to be degraded and so you need to have a plan to improve that soil and you know if you're on low budget it can be as simple as just realizing you're going to bring in the best quality compost you can and organic material and hopefully some mulching material you can check out some videos that i do on on no-tilling which is just the way i would really encourage you to go if you want to dive a little deeper do some tests it's always a good idea to do some tests some basic ph tests and understanding organic material if you want to go further you can get into mineralization you know do what you can to create a plan but really understand your soil and plan to be improving it it takes three to four years to get a garden really humming to really get the soil built up and the soil biology working to where it's highly productive so just knowing that helps and have a plan to to work on that yeah absolutely and um last but certainly not least animals and we can't cover every single animal but there's some general things again to be thinking about depending on what kind of animals is it is that you're going to be working on right and i'm again number one guilty probably here of like finding that great deal on that animal that i really wanted anyways you know and talking me into going and getting it when i'm going but but the fence oh we'll take care of the fence later let's just see okay sweetie i just want you to have what you want don't do that it causes a lot of headaches right make sure you think through what you're going to do and again the number one step for any of these projects is plan planned take some time know what you need know the requirements of the animal that you're thinking about bringing into the property know their housing needs and get those things in place right so a few of those i was going to go through housing how are you going to house the animal and that all determine is determined on the animal in your environment and how you know what's their yard their pen their pasture and the fencing that goes with that gates make sure that stuff is all in order obviously water make sure you have a plan for water if you're going to go through winter how are you going to get them water in the winter yeah be thinking about those things and planting it out and then feed what feed do they need how are you going to store it if you're in a winter environment and really even if you're not it's always best to bulk by even with animal feed and not be running back and forth every week that is a stressor um so have a plan to store all of that and get it to the animals hopefully that's close sometimes that doesn't always work so you need to have a plan there and then lastly sorry what i'm sorry okay sorry i thought you picked that up yeah well and you know why because this is one that even we don't think about a lot your vet yes get to know a vet when you move into an area just find out where they're at you have their number written down you're going to have animals you're going to have issues you're going to need a vet at some point and if you have local either neighbors or friends who have animals or even if you're buying an animal locally ask them what vet they use and if they have liked them get get opinions it's easy to totally overlook that and then you've got a problem you know at nine o'clock on friday night and you don't have a vet's number you don't know who to call you can't get a hold of your neighbors and you're scrambling you've got an issue you want that number on the wall you know the guy or gal to call and and get there and help you out and let me guarantee your animal problems just like your child health problems will come someplace just past 5 or 6 p.m on friday evenings yeah absolutely when the water line is broke right yeah and you don't have anything in the fridge for dinner right be prepared and you'll save yourself a lot of headache and a lot of time in the long run and you'll be able to enjoy the projects that you do take on a lot more and get a lot more production out of them return on your investment of energy time and money and it'll be a lot better experience if you take a little bit of time and do some planning to begin with absolutely so enjoy the journey thanks for hanging with us here and we look forward to seeing you soon [Music] goodbye
Channel: Homesteading Family
Views: 75,189
Rating: 4.9308853 out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, Self-Sufficiency, Sustainable, Living, Permaculture, Homesteading Family, homesteading for beginners, homesteading channels, homesteading lifestyle, how to homestead, buying land, how to start a homestead, how to start homesteading, backyard homestead, how to buy land and build a house, start homesteading, self sufficient living, modern homesteading, homestead land, self-reliant living, buy land, buying land for homesteading, how to homestead for beginners
Id: sZ5wJc7v7Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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