Extracting HONEY from AFRICANIZED BEES - Treatment Free Beekeeping

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all right the objective now is to get out of here [Music] hello again everybody welcome back to my channel um today's video is going to be a little bit of a different one i'm going to be first of all showing you how i go about checking frames to see if i have honey that's ready to be extracted so that'll be the first part of the videos i'm going to be getting in these big hives behind me kind of just checking to see how many frames are basically capped honey and ready to be extracted in addition to that i'm also going to sit down and kind of have a discussion about africanized bees and treatment-free beekeeping so if that's something that interests you or if you have any interest in me personally and what i do and why i do it stick around watch this video it's good info so today we're just checking for capped honey we're not checking for a queen or i'm checking for brew not worried about any of that right now we're just counting how many frames do i have that are ready to be extracted so go ahead and pop your pop your inner cover that kind of upset the bees a little bit see their butts are kind of in the air a little on edge oh yeah look here they come [Music] as soon as i see what's causing the issues watch i'm gonna run my hand over it it's always a good indicator to see how defensive they are as you can tell yep here they come so this is when you take your bee smoke oh yeah they're coming good now this is when you take your bee smoke you smoke the ever living heck out of them oh yeah they're uh they are coming after me you can always smoke yourself don't breathe it in as much you know as little as you can but in order to get this box off it's going to be very stuck and then i'm going to show you what i do with it once i do take it off take the inner cover that was on here i'll take this inner cover and i'll set it on the ground and then what you're going to do is you're going to pop off this box you're going to take that box and set it on that inner cover it's going to be a not pretty situation this is a pretty mean hive i've also come to the conclusion that hives when they are this size they know that they're a giant organism they know how powerful they are whether they're africanized or not they're very defensive when they're of this size they know that they are more powerful than me but they are not more powerful than a well-lit smoker so the hive this old is going to be very glued together you're going to have to kind of figure out how to get your inner cover or sorry your hive tool in between the boxes here um so what you do is you you give it a get a bit of a prying method and that'll prob that'll pop the propolis free all right so now that i've broken it free you're gonna tilt the box and completely separate it all right so we have we've set the box down on top of the inner cover so it's not just sitting on the dirty ground and bring a bunch of dirt back into the hive let's take a look here oh yeah we got a lot of capped honey in here so with honey the wax wants to soak up smells so you don't want to smoke your honey too much it literally will start tasting like smoke and you don't want that um so be really careful but when you've got mean b's you got to do what you got to do all right so you're going to want to figure out what frame that you need to take out first you want to take out the easiest one possible i'm going to try to take out this end frame okay so i like using these j hook hive tools you can get the hook in and underneath the frame and then this little edge is going to sit on the edge of the box or on the edge of the next frame over and then as you pry up it comes out and it uses the little edge to support itself now you hold it there you move to the other side uh you get a lot of bees coming out looking like they're gonna kill you yeah these bees are mean now might i add i split these bees years ago off of an africanized hive this was a 100 full-blown violent as possible africanized hive and i split them off had some virgin queens those queens went and mated with the nearby drones so they're slightly slightly africanized they're all slightly africanized these ones just even more so like i saw their mother hive and they were bad news all right so i don't know how easy it is to tell there's only a tiny bit of capped honey and then the rest of this is just uncapped nectar so i'm going to set this frame off to the side so the back side is not fully capped the front side does seem to be so this right here is what i'm looking for i'm looking for nice solid capped frames of honey uh these bees are really pissed off oh yeah we are good this is 100 capped honey on both sides so this is ready to be harvested another fully capped frame oh boy these bees are hot all right another 100 capped frame these guys are looking good um it appears there's another one next to that and it probably continues on i don't really need to keep going i see that there's honey in here ready to be pulled there is no reason to continue pissing them off i'm not actually pulling it today either so you do want to go ahead and just get out of here as soon as possible ow they're getting me through my gloves um and we're gone get out of here let's go i don't like that man those bees produce good honey but they are africanized and i just took some stuns some songs i just took some stings i still i'm taking some stings i can feel it man all right look at all the stingers yeah no thanks i'm still uh trying to get away and the bees are still following me oh my god you want to smoke these stingers try to get that pheromone off you [Music] [Music] all right so here goes with the africanized bees this is going to be a fun one this is gonna suck it's gonna absolutely suck i'm honestly gonna move really quick i'm gonna try to get in and get out uncapped connector this side's not capped this side is so i'm gonna leave this one they're not doing too bad honestly all right there we go fully capped fully capped shake the bees pull the cap both sides um pull the caps fully capped just got stung on my ankle they light me up wow all right my ankles are getting lit up i gotta stop for a second great [Music] this all right we're not fully capped so i'm gonna leave these oh oh all right i got a little more work to do i kind of need to get that other box on here but they're lighting me up i've taken a lot of stings to my ankles it's not feeling good i want to get out of here [Music] let's get out of here that's not fun don't suck down your smoke hey that's not fun either all right i'm nowhere near far enough away right now i've got my jeep right here so you load your honey into your your b truck oh my god they're seeing me really bad [Music] we're still not far enough away find my keys [Music] my jeep's full of bees i'm gonna get the hell out of here i'm gonna drive honestly like i'm gonna drive across our neighborhood i need to get away from yeah because this sucks all right it is now the following day after having gotten into those mean bees and i will now be extracting that honey i have a small extractor it's only a three frame extractor i'll show you how to uncap the frames and also go ahead and put it in the extractor and get it into jars so what we have here is a three frame extractor from mann lake it's just a real simple one that i got when i started out and i don't really need much more probably for a little while maybe one day i'll get a bigger extractor here i have a man like basically just like a five gallon bucket that has some micron filters on top and so pretty much the honey will sit on this and just drip through no major filtration it's just going to separate the wax and from here you'll basically be able to take this bucket set it up on a table of some sort and then you'll open up that honey gate to fill up your jars but first we need to uncap these frames of honey i have two different types of uncappers the roller i don't really like as much doesn't really seem to do the job this thing does you just drag this across the wax and it usually just gets rid of all of the cappings so i'm going to use this uncapping tool and basically drag this along these wax cappings to expose the honey so we can go ahead and extract it oh man it works so much better to go sideways all right so you put your honey in your extractor you've got it uncapped and go ahead and close this and begin your extraction all right so you've finished spinning your honey and it's now piling up against the bottom of the extractor here so you'll go ahead and you'll open your honey gate and then your filters are going to filter out your wax chunks and all the good stuff is going to end up in your bucket okay so just to show you what it looks like if you were to use one of these rollers as an uncapper um it basically just pokes a ton of holes so you kind of just go back and forth on it a bit and you're pretty much just trying to puncture every little cell and then the extractor is going to fling all that wax off and that should leave you with an open honeycomb cell allowing you to be able to extract all the honey out but we'll see so you just got to be not afraid to push on it it's probably going to mess up the wax pretty good there we go all right let's try it out [Music] there we go so as you can see my honey from canyon lake is very very dark all right so here's what we've got we've got a bunch of honey with uh the wax particles that have come out of the extractor um this is from mann lake this is a 400 micron filter and then i also have a 600 micron filter these are kind of stacked together and you put them on top of this five gallon bucket that also has the honey gate now when you look underneath i gotta be careful here so i don't spill anything it's basically just raining filtered honey but it's not really filtered it's just straight it's strained i shouldn't say filtered it's it's raining strained honey in there and that's going to be your final product from here you can go ahead and put it in your jars okay last step here basically go ahead and scrape out all the remaining honey and try to get it close to the honey gate so we can get the rest of it out of here and then once we got everything that we can get we're just gonna let the bees clean up the rest of this and then clean it up with a garden hose all right well this is what happens when you show back up to your house and you didn't even literally have enough time to get the extractor out get your honey out i've got 17 bee hives on this piece of property and it did not take long so this is what happens when you show up to the house go inside to eat real quick and come back out and apparently they already beat you to it and are cleaning up this honey um there's really not much i can do at this point other than just let them do their thing ow you little dude all right so it is now the following morning and the bees are still absolutely just going crazy on these nukes that had the empty frames in them uh unfortunately this was not a good idea i mean i didn't do this on purpose but like me leaving these nukes with these empty frames of honey in the back of the truck caused a serious robbing problem and robbing causes dead bees um it's not ideal look there's even yellow jackets that are trying to enjoy the honey oh those are bad those are bad little suckers um but yeah this is really unfortunate so lesson learned you know learn from your mistakes that's about all you can do um unfortunately this caused a robbing situation which does mean a lot of dead bees but really not much i could do at this point all right so i've pulled everything out of the truck that had uh you know honey on it now the bees are going crazy for the little remainders of the wax that's in the truck bed made an absolute mess now i got to power wash the truck out and then i brought all the other stuff over here but check this out so this is what you want to do whenever you're done with your your extractor at least if you want to put your extractor outside let the bees clean it up so they're down in there cleaning it for me and it really does make it a lot easier on uh having to actually clean this stuff yourself i mean this thing was honey colored when i sat it out here this morning and they're just getting every bit of it and then let's lift it up and see what happens here yeah they're all just cleaning everything out little wax fragments that they've broken off a fox right there fox i really hope you don't get stung my dude all right and then you've got the nucleus boxes here where i put my empty frames and uh they're just wrecking this stuff so um really nothing you can do you just let them clean it all up i think i'm gonna actually go ahead and separate these two filters there's these two filters that are stacked on each other that are for uh a bucket seems like there's some honey like in between here that i'm gonna let them get i'm gonna set my phone down for a second okay so i separated these two filters these are the bucket filters that you use to separate the sediment stuff from the honey like the wax and whatnot so now they can clean up what they weren't able to get to before which is right there look they're already already going to it saying oh yeah that's the good stuff right there all right and then i got this one go ahead and just kind of try to set this somehow actually i'm just going to set it right here and that will be gone very shortly all right so it's about 5 30 on the same day that basically you know all these bees were flying around cleaning up this stuff here they pretty much cleaned it up at this point it's just everybody kind of fighting for what's left and uh there's really not much left just honestly a bunch of wax a bunch of weird other creatures that are trying to enjoy this honey um so tomorrow i'm gonna come out here i'm gonna spray everything down with the hose and get this all cleaned back up for the next year and as far as these frames now these are gonna end up going right back into the hives that they came from i did just want to clarify something real quick earlier in the video i mentioned that you want to leave your honey extractor out to allow it to get cleaned up by the bees but i also mentioned robbing and how robbing is bad because you end up with a lot of dead bees so to clarify i do intentionally mean to leave the extractor out after a honey extraction that is good for the bees to just clean up and get rid of it it makes it a lot easier for you as a beekeeper now what i did not intentionally mean to do was leave the nucleus boxes with the frames of empty honey in the back of the truck i should have basically gotten those frames out quicker and put them right back into the hives they came from so that is what i wanted to clarify robbing situations are not good if you can help it so ideally the worst that you need to deal with would be just your honey extractor i shouldn't have had to deal with all the excess nonsense of this i should have just put these right back into the box that they came from quicker all right everyone well there you have it that concludes this video of uh showing you how to extract honey from africanized bees i did want to mention that i didn't get a clip of me putting the dark honey into a jar and i wanted to show you the difference the dark honey is from my bees here on my property the lighter honey is from some bees that were not from this property and they were from about 25 miles away that's not very far for the honey to be this different but as you can tell it is quite different and i want to show you something else as well the bubble gosh i don't even know if you're gonna be able to see the bubble can't even see the bubble alright let's go into some light i'll show you the speed of the bubble that's how you pull honey from feral texas treatment-free bees [Music] i hope that's not a yellow jacket oh my god oh god landing in the ear is not fun that was horrible if you've stuck around this long i really appreciate you for watching that's how i pull honey from africanized feral treatment-free texas bees if you want to hear more about treatment-free beekeeping and what i do and why it's successful for me stick around my next video will be all about that i'm going to have a sit-down discussion talking about feral bees and treatment-free beekeeping and what i do kind of how i got started and all that good stuff thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Brown’s Bee Farm
Views: 36,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beekeeping, honeybees, africanized bees, beek, texas beekeeping, treatment free, treatment-free beekeepeing
Id: 0kE7-U_pcuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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