I Was Filtering Beeswax Like A FOOL!

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in this video i'm going to show you how to take wax cappings old brood frames anything that contains beeswax in it and show you a really simple method to filter that beeswax to get it into a nice clean state ready for use for exchanging it for foundation or if you're going to put it through further filtering processes so in this bucket here you can see this is pretty typical of what we get this is a mixture here of wax cappings some old bits of darker frames as well we tend to do this in a couple of grades but this here is pretty much indicative of the general mix that we get we do take off all of the nice kathleen's wax and we do that in a separate batch just to keep the good stuff all to one side this is the end result and as you can see it is perfectly clean beautifully clear it comes out really really nice and this method is super super simple this is near cosmetic grade look at the shine on that all you need to do this is a method of heating up the wax a bucket and a pillowcase so you know this this is no-nonsense beekeeping you don't need any expensive piece of machinery to do this you could do it in a ban marie you can do it in a pan if your husband or wife will let you get away with it we do it in the meloflow if it's clean wax or if it's just wax cappings so we took all of our manky wax cappings we put it into the meloflow we heated it up to the correct temperature for bees who actually want to aim for around 65 to 70 degrees you don't want to overheat that wax but you want to make sure that everything's completely liquid and here it is old duvet covers this one here's got a bit of a linen print on it it doesn't matter even if it's got some print on it the colors don't tend to leak at around 70 degrees preferably though you want it completely white they're the best and preferably you want it a hundred percent cotton once you've identified which pillow case you're going to use take a standard 30 pound bucket and line the bucket with that pillowcase then once you've made sure that all of that beeswax mixture is completely melted you pour it through the pillowcase into the bucket take it outside lift out the pillowcase and leave it to drain through takes a little while to drain through but if you've got it up to the correct temperature you'll get pretty much all of it through and then all you need to do is you just need to leave the buckets to completely cool down but that is it look at the size of that block absolutely beautiful i've got about seven of these doing my big batch you can see at the bottom there you just get this kind of residue this is where i've cleaned it all off i'll show you a picture here because i had some really overcooked honey that i put through that cleaned it off but anyone who knows beeswax you will see if you're getting that nice sheen on the top there that's going to show you that it's very very pure and the color of it as well just look at the color shows that you've not overheated it it's a good quality beeswax i'm estimating that probably five or six kilos maybe something like that a nice big heavy block of beeswax so i hope you enjoyed that video definitely give that method a try and why not check out our most popular video on youtube with over 65 000 views
Channel: Black Mountain Honey
Views: 32,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to render beeswax, bees wax, filtering beeswax, how to clean beeswax, beeswax rendering, melting bees wax, rendering beeswax, how to, rendering bees wax, cleaning beeswax, what to do with beeswax, render beeswax, render beeswax from honeycomb, how to clean beeswax cappings, how to clean and render beeswax, beeswax uses, beeswax candles, bees wax removal, how to filter beeswax, filter beeswax, melting and filtering beeswax, melting beeswax, processing beeswax
Id: -1pc8lMrsYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 58sec (178 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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