Bees perform a miracle to save their Queen.

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you cannot there we go we got her let's put that in okay i've got her in my let's go marker i've got her in my hand let's mark her while i got her hell we got a dot on her back i'm holding her really softly i know [Music] look at all that beautiful honey right there there she is well i'm not really excited too but we need to mess with the aggressive hive again and we've got to check on the queen couple things we want to talk about from the last video one everybody thought it was pretty funny how long you let me get stung before you i didn't know what to do [Music] did we get a smoker yeah we didn't how do i stop bees from swinging you a little unexpected for sure and i don't really care or blame you so it was a good video it was pretty funny uh so today how we're gonna not get stung i changed out the hat on this the other hat i just wasn't crazy about it was the the flat hat this one's more the round holds off your face to make sure i close up all the gaps a little better than last time that didn't work great we got in there we found the queen it took us a couple times i've only seen her once since then so let's hope everything goes right and we find the queen we did take your advice and we smashed the queen cells so we didn't have any other queens competing for that hive so what we're going to do today we're going to find our queen and put her in our little queen cage here and then we're going to put a little dot on sometimes if you order bees you get them already pre-marked with a dot on them doing this doesn't hurt them it's not toxic to them it's just a way to identify them a little more easily when they're in a big bunch and then this way we can make sure that this is the queen on future checks and it hasn't been another queen that's taken over the hive and we're back to an aggressive hive again and so we introduced a calmer breed of bee it's been a little over a month since we last did this she would probably have some of her babies have started to be born and so it may start to help but it's probably still a little early to tell if it's a less aggressive high these colors for queens are actually based on the year so we'll do blue and then white for next year yellow for the year after that then red and then green and so you can tell by the year they were from because they won't live to the next cycle of those colors so becky what do you think do you think the bees are still going to be aggressive today or or do you think they're gonna be a little nicer i am hoping for nicer bees today no stings all right we've got 15 frames along the top last time we found her right at about frame six or seven kind of right in the middle so we'll see where she's at today [Music] can you see this little guy right here the pollen oh yeah he's got his little pollen pants so he they bring the pollen in they have it on the back on their back legs and they walk it around finding a place to put the pollen all right we're three frames in so far no queen yet and nobody running around much we've got our second box last time we moved frames over from there to here to try to eliminate where the queen might be by sound so what i'm looking for with the queen is one a bigger abdomen it's going to be yellowish orange on the back so no black stripes gonna be moving much more quickly than the other bees it likes the darkness so typically it's gonna move towards the bottom away from me when i turn this around it brings light to this so it likely is gonna go to the other side so that's where i gotta make sure i don't miss it moving back and forth and then he's usually going to have some attendance some other bees that are taking care of it cleaning her off there she is there she is she's going in underneath there she is she's coming right up the side here she's right behind this okay there she is you tell everybody knows the food is out of the box yeah they've gotten more aggressive you can feel them swarming around me oh here she is right here [Music] can't grab her she keeps going back in the cracks so everything safely there we go we got her [Music] gotta get her in this clip so i've got my queen cage here this is a way we can see the queen and hold her in here she can't get through because of her size of her body she can't get through the little spaces there but then the other bees can get in and out to her so they don't panic but then we can get her and hold her and bring her back here to marker you think it's right now i don't feel an attack from them i can hear them flying around because we've got the queen you can see them more aggressive here they're going pretty crazy at the door right now going in but they're not they're not attacking me at this point which is really good to see oh she can get through can't you really i must have had it man there was enough space at the end she was able to squeeze through that in okay i've got her in my let's go marker i've got her in my hand let's mark her while i got her held i mean she's small enough for too small of a queen so blue dot indicates that she's from this year yeah i need to make sure it's just a tiny little dot so i don't want to squeeze it at all i just want to get a little dot right on her back okay we got a dot on her back i'm holding her really softly [Music] oh no i was not squeezing why don't you get out hang on let's see if she's got any life in here still see a leg moving let me see if [Music] did not squeeze her very hard and i don't see anything with the other lady the other one was able to squeeze eggs out and it still [Music] survived let's see if there's any chance of movement left okay so we've got the dot on her and somewhere in this process of holding her she stopped moving i don't feel like we squeezed her too hard we had her in the queen cage and then she snuck out and then i held her over to here put the dot on her and then right now she's not moving much i see slight amount of movement here and there i'm hoping she can come out of this i don't know if it's something where they get stressed and can kind of have a heart attack or if i really just squeezed a little too hard let me try to [Music] trying to see if there's any chance she's got any life back in her this bee's checking her out and picking up her legs and investigating [Music] she's moving her [Music] she is moving is she just barely see your legs yeah i see that she may come out of it oh my gosh look she's moving she's on her side she's just twitching a little bit look at her moving she'll make it we thought she was dead and then this bee keeps coming by and checking on her and now she's starting to pick up movement again so we had almost given up hope on this queen and i think she's gonna start to have movement here again we're just waiting to see if she can actually get up and walk around again we'll move her back in with the hive what's it been now about five or ten minutes she's moving around but still hasn't moved from that spot [Music] oh man i don't think they're gonna pick her up on her back and carry her back [Music] can you just pick up the stick and go or no yeah i could she's moving around a lot more right oh yeah she's walking now oh man crazy [Music] there she goes we've got her in here she's moving around oh man we thought she was dead that's incredible okay we'll get her back in the hive here she's still on top of me waiting for her to go under her frame here here she goes under her frame there she goes [Music] she's down and walking around oh my gosh thank goodness what is it with us and beast we have some weird we have some weird luck all right well that was extremely scary you can see how fragile these bees are i felt like we were taking every bit of caution with the queen and yet she still almost died thankfully she seemed to come out of it and moved back into the hive thank goodness so we didn't have to buy another queen or you know mess up with a what we had created here with a calmer hive so now we're going to come back and check on her just to make sure that she's alive [Music] what did we learned yesterday this hive is far less aggressive than it was just a month ago with the previous queen that's a great sign would we do this again what do you think becky would you do it again what uh marking the queen or marking the queen to identify her um no i think that we would have done it differently what would you do we should have marked her the first time we put her in there yes we could have done it right when we got her but she was in the queen cage this one so i never actually saw her or got a hold of her after she was in her queen case but it was important that we marked her one way or another because we could track the difference in the hive in case another queen took over now one day later is she still alive here she is yes obviously so easy to find with that dot so we need a name for our blue queen that's calm what do you think becky what's guy i like that blue sky this is our blue sky hive and yes she survived how awesome is that
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 2,901,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, bees, queen bee, marking a queen bee, queen bee revived
Id: Z8X6r6f_Bcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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