Bees Killing Queen Then Feeding Same Queen

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hey everybody this is David a barnyard bees I want to show you something here see if you can figure it out really quick oh the Queen was on this frame here I left my phone up in the house so I had to go get it to film okay there's a queen right there on the front of this box was a bunch of bees and it was clustered around this feeder and and they'll see if anyone could tell me or not whether there was a queen in it and if there's a queen in it where is she in this bunch of bees right here you see on the side of the box because she'd be possibly be in this little golf ball-sized ball right here it's it's a dead giveaway any time you see this you can about it rest assure that there's a queen in there now whether they're killing the queen or protecting the queen there's a different story but we're about to find out I can see her right there she is at this point I'm just trying to determine whether they're trying to kill her or trying to protect her sometimes it's hard to tell because the ball can be protecting the bay or can be killing the bay there are a little bit to a great aggressive acting to be protecting the Queen see this be right here I've seen this video I've talked about this in the previous videos if you see that be right there worth with her adamant turned downward and they're they're moving quite aggressively they're definitely trying to kill this plane okay so let me put her in a cage and I'll be right back okay I put her in the cage because they was definitely trying to kill her so I'm really not sure what happened it may have been a pocket swarm she might have possibly been a returning Queen I made the Queen returning to the wrong hive and they could have been balling her because she was on the outside the hive she had just returned this morning because I just had to walk by here and I didn't see it earlier within the last half hour but but then I noticed it so it's possible she could be a returning mated Queen going into the wrong box that happens and because sometimes they get confused of which box they need when you have this many boxes and you have a queenless colony and she comes back sometimes they go into the wrong box so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put a cork on each end I'm gonna put some of some of these foragers that was trying to kill her in the cage with her and I want to show you how they act okay I'm back the reason I'm doing this I just want to demonstrate how bees how their attitude can change really quick now these are the same bees that was trying to kill her or not two minutes ago but putting them in a cage with in with that Queen they have completely changed their attitude and there are no longer trying to kill that Queen they're confused the bees are confused when you put Queens in a cage it changes their attitude completely and they will no longer try to kill this Queen if you just watch them they're a couple of minutes and there's one actually trying to feed her through her mouth to hers you won't you will no longer see I'm trying to ball that Queen their mouth to mouth right now and that worker is feeding that Queen I hope you can see this on the video the same bees that was trying to kill her or now nurturing her and taking up for her it's amazing how you can change the bees attitude by changing their environment look at that she is feeding that Queen no aggression I hope this shows up I can see it looking over the phone I can see it but I don't know if that the if the cameras picking it up or not I hope it is this queen will do fine with it I put six foragers in here I'll caught him from that same mess of bees right there that was trying to kill her that had her in a ball so I will take that Queen and introduce her into another colony and I would almost guarantee that she flew back and went into the wrong house and it happens when you've got this many boxes it can happen very easily but I just wanted to share that off up that was very interesting for people that that is trying to study Queens and understand Queens anytime I see something interesting like that that I've not got to share with people I take advantage and share so people can see it that's about it don't forget to click on the little bell like and subscribe thanks for watching barnyard bees
Views: 462,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bees killing queen then feeding same queen, Bees killing queen, Bees balling queen, Mated queen, Mated Italian queens, Queens, queen, Queen bee, How the bees act when killing queen, Bee hive, Raising Honeybees, Beekeeping, Beekeeping videos, Beekeeping YouTube channel, barnyard bees, Barnyardbees,, Saving queen, Accepting queen, Friendly Honeybees, Gentle bees, Swarm, Swarm of bees, Mating swarm, Returning queen, Virgin queen, Bee man, Bee whisperer
Id: l8KFti7k1sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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