Beer Can Chicken On A Traeger - Ace Hardware

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hello everyone and welcome it's chef Jason Moore surace Harbor Grill expert and welcome to today's edition of Ace this recipe we're hanging out here at beautiful Colorado and I'm here at my home base ace ace hardware Highlands Ranch hanging out today and getting ready to cook for today's a truly epic recipe that we're doing it and you can tell by the smoke behind me we're talking all things trader today and we're doing a little Beer Can Chicken and the cool thing about this recipe they literally the coolest part about this recipe is the chicken thrown right here why do I say that's so cool why do I think it's great well I'll tell you what let's say you're not into beer right maybe you don't like beer and that's okay you can put any kind of liquid into this thrown really making it coca-cola chicken root beer chicken a ginger ale chicken you could put a court bouillon in here you could put chicken broth in here the beauty of this throne is now I don't have any of the can any of the line or any of that ink I just get pure natural flavor going in to my wonderful wonderful chicken and we're using a local chicken today Redbird Farms chicken in Colorado and we're gonna do a little bit of my Odell 90 shilling which is a great beer as well too so hey if you're looking for today's recipe head down below the video click on the name and you'll see that little section expand there should be a link down there Allison's got a link set up for you so you can click print and follow along on this recipe and then while you're scrolling around down below and your in the comment section give a shout out to your local ace tell us what is your home base ace the place you shop at for all your barbecue supplies and beyond and then while you're down there in the comments section let us know what can we do to be more helpful what can we provide you with cooking tips advice what would you like to see us make for recipes because at the end of the day these recipes are all about you and making you a legend in the backyard cooking circuits so I would say we are smoking and set and ready to go and it's uh it's time to get rockin and rollin so thanks for joining us for this edition of Ace this recipe all right we normally do this cool thing called a food fly over but I thought today we just do a little food walk-through and talk a little bit about the ingredients we're using so we're gonna use a little shilling and really like I said before pick the beer that suits your knee and I like a nice amber beard to get some flavor into that chicken again we're gonna use the Trager chicken throat the really cool thing about this process right when you start to cook this beer-can chicken you have that chicken sitting on here what we're doing is cooking it from the outside we're getting some wood-fired flavor in there a beautiful smoke nice color on the skin but we're also adding a lot of moisture from the inside so we're getting a little bit of steam that comes up through that chicken so keep in mind whatever liquid you put in here is gonna add some flavor into that bird so I try to stay away from dark beers or bitter beers I like a little bit sweeter beer that really adds a good well-rounded flavor to it and again makes a wonderful chicken like I said we're just picking an all natural nice young roaster clean label we don't want a chicken that has any sodium or in solutions or injections we're just going with a good clean solid chicken we're gonna mix it up today we're into a little Tiki Tiki rub so we're gonna do a little island style Beer Can Chicken right this is gonna give it a nice sweet and heat kind of finish to it and the great thing is we're gonna go ahead and season the outside and the inside of the cavity as well we'll drizzle a little bit of oil on the outside get that all rubbed on there and season the outside a little bit inside the cavity as well making for a really fantastically flavorful dish then we're gonna finish it with a little bit of fire honey just to add a little bit of heat to the finish give you a little bit of sweet as well but that is it that is a super simple and super easy recipe we're literally talking a rub a beer a chicken throwing and a chicken onto the trailer so we're gonna show you how to get the Traeger started up next we're talking all things reserve pellets and then it's time to come back and get this guy prepped and get it in the smoker we are talking today's recipe literally from prep the stomach in about 80 to 90 minutes that is super cool and if you want to do a little collaboration session this is something you could do early in the morning get the probe loaded get it all set your wife your husband your partner anybody could add it to the Traeger later and that way when you get home dinner is ready and waiting for you at the table when the time is right so let's get rollin we wanted to get a really good well-rounded flavor so we're going with our ace exclusive reserve blend palette set what I love about this blend of oak cherry and apple like I said totally fantastic and well-rounded flavor for us these pallets perform solidly so we're gonna go ahead and turn the Traeger onto 350 and we're gonna let this preheat with the lid closed and get all set ready for our Beer Can Chicken the prep for this recipe is really easy as well first thing we did is we took the chicken out of the package we're gonna trim just a tiny bit right here make sure we have a little bit of the fat we're next going to tuck the wings back and we will tuck the wings back we are cooking with a three and a half pound chicken and I know the recipe says two and a half we weren't able to find any small ones so we went with a little bit bigger today and I'll put on towel down here make sure I get that to drain out now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna trust these legs up so I have a little bit of butchers twine and the cool thing about butchers twine yes we sell it in the housewares department at Ace Hardware which is absolutely fantastic so we're gonna go ahead and wrap this guy around here a little bit and we will tie it around the other side here as well get that all tied up and now that and get that nodded and we're set and we'll trim this extra string off butchers twine off just so it's not hanging out now this guy's all set ready to go we're gonna take the beer we're gonna fill this about 3/4 of the way which is gonna bring it right to the bottom of the flute so as the bottom kind of flutes and comes up we're gonna pour it right to the bottom of there okay next what we're gonna do is get this guy off set to the side here just gonna grab a little bit of oil right I'm gonna rub that oil on the outside of the skin on both sides there okay we get that all set all we're doing with the oil really is just trying to find a way to help that rub kind of stick to the chicken right so we'll switch our gloves here next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take a little bit of that tiki-tiki and we're gonna get into that cavity right and if you don't open that up a little bit and we'll sprinkle a little bit in there what I like to do is kind of roll that around so I know it sticks now back side we're gonna get a little bit on the back side alright give it a nice little pat to make it stick and again I think one of the things you know about our videos and recipes is season as light or as heavy as you want take into account some of the seasonings probably gonna drip off or wash off just a little bit while that chicken fat does its thing so I'm gonna go just a tiny bit heavier on there right all right now that is all seasoned and ready to go we're gonna let it sit for just a couple minutes so that that rub really has a chance to adhere and do what we need it to do correct then let's get that thrown back here and now what I'm gonna do is get this all set and ready to go so we let it sit we have that Rob stuck to it beautifully what we're gonna do now is get that thrown onto the chicken or the chicken onto the throne just like that and that's what we're looking for to see that nice fit it sits on there perfectly then what I'll do is take a little bit of that rub that's left over here on the board and we'll get some of that up top so that is it how is that for fast and easy prep right totally perfect next up I'm gonna show you how to load this we'll get this loaded on the trigger and we'll show you where to put the probe that's right we're gonna use the I grill to today I like the I grill too because I can track it on my phone so I don't have to go out and continually open the trigger so we'll see over at the grill very very carefully we carry this guy from our prep table over to the Traeger now we have the Trager preheat the 350 degrees if you want to add some smoke to this ahead of time what I would do my suggestion would be start off at 180 degrees and maybe smoke this for 30 to 45 minutes just get in parts of smoke flavor then leaving it close turn it up to 350 and start the roasting process okay what I'm gonna do now is I have my grill probe already set I'm gonna go into the thickest part of the breast of the chicken and that's where I'm gonna make sure I start tracking the doneness okay so we get that loaded in there and now we'll go ahead and shut the lid we are at 350 degrees we are at 92 degrees and let's take a quick look here and just kind of see where we're at we're already starting to get a really nice sear on that chicken which is what we're looking for now keep in mind we're just gonna show you this real quick all of that moisture is coming up out of the chicken throat and when you saw that you can throw it had some holes on the top too what's cool about that is that steam will escape out the side of the hole and also up the chicken throat so we'll shut this really quick but we aren't doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing here on the trigger getting a nice little bit of drip out of there we're gonna shut it and now we're gonna cook it until we hit 160 degrees then we'll go ahead and pull it and we'll let it rest to 165 we just hit that 160 degree mark and I'm gonna go ahead and pull it out 116 degrees because I want this to actually carry over and finish to that hundred and sixty-five mark I feel like if I bring it to 165 degrees and pull it it's gonna carry over into that 170 273 degree range so I'm really looking for it to finish right at that 165 so literally like I said from prep to stomach right from the start of this recipe to actually the done and ready to eat we took 80 minutes ah that is pretty awesome we let that rub sit on there for just a little bit we used our Tiki Tiki rub we use a reserved Glen pellets on the trigger got just an absolutely fantastic amount of smoke and an amount of flavor on there and now this is our done product we pulled it at 160 degrees we let it carry over this guy carried over to a hundred and sixty-seven degrees which fantastic and perfect now the cool thing is I can do whatever I want with this I can cut it I can shred it I can do whatever I am a strong believer that I love to cook once eat twice so I may actually do two björk and chickens and I have one for dinner tonight and then I have one that I can pull and shred for a little bit of leftovers like tomorrow you can have some street tacos or you can use it in a sandwich just always find ways to kind of be efficient when I cook to really give me that opportunity like I said to cook once eat twice so where can you find this recipe head down to that recipe name down below click on that that will expand that whole section Alison has a link down there for you to grab this recipe so you can click it print it and follow along as well like I said while you're down there hey spread the word tell all your friends that we've got this cool thing coming at you every Thursday called Ace this recipe head down there click on the notification subscribe to this YouTube channel spread the word scream it from the rooftops let everybody know and then in the comment section hey tell us what we can do to help you become the legend in your neighborhood when it comes to all things barbecuing and grilling so obvious you have Jason Morris your Ace Hardware grill expert thank you so much for hanging out and cooking with us today on this edition of Ace this recipe we will see you next week for another cool recipe live from our local Ace Hardware
Channel: Ace Hardware
Views: 46,642
Rating: 4.762557 out of 5
Keywords: Ace, Ace Hardware, Chef Jason, Ace this recipe, traeger beer can chicken, Beer can chicken traeger recipe, Beer can chicken traeger temp, Beer can chicken traeger smoker, Beer can chicken traeger grill, beer can chicken traeger, Traeger Beer Can Chicken Recipe, how to make beer can chicken, How to smoke a chicken on a traeger, How to smoke a chicken on a pellet grill, Traeger whole chicken grilled, Traeger whole chicken recipe, Traeger beer can chicken recipe, Beer can chicken
Id: -prYu2hTP9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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