Top 5 Beekeeping Tips For a Soon to Bee New Beekeeper!!!!

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hey guys kaley here and welcome back to the honeystard it's that time again for me to get into some of our colonies and do a quick inspection so come on join me [Music] so i often get asked about the top five things that i would give advice on for a brand new beekeeper and over the years of keeping bees i definitely have come up with a list of things that i the list of things that i would probably suggest maybe looking into prior to becoming a beekeeper but if i can narrow it down into five i would start by really thinking about the hive style that you want to use whether it is a traditional hive which is what i'm working with right now or a horizontal hive or a juare hive there are so many different hive styles and one might fit you better we have stuck with the traditional langstroth hives because that's what we started with and financially it's expensive so for us to completely switch all of our colonies right now would not necessarily be the smartest decision we've just learned to work with the langstroth hives it's easy for us to get the equipment will i try a horizontal hive absolutely will i try a flow hive probably will i try a warehouse yeah at some point i will but the biggest thing is just know that there are so many hive styles and you're not making a wrong decision with whatever style you want to go with for us it mainly turned into how easy it was for us to get equipment and universal now you will see that i have some colonies that are eight frame and i have some colonies that are ten frame i'm still kind of in between on which ones i like better [Music] fine little girl [Music] so pretty much i have a feeling that all of these are going to be empty now oh just kidding they're starting to fill them up a lot of nectar already look at that that little girl got nectar on her wing and the other ones are helping clean her [Music] up this is a good sign they are busy busy busy we just added this one on not long ago and they're doing a pretty good job about drawing it out already [Music] same thing all nectar oh nectar you can see they're getting these stores this is what they're gonna be using for winter [Music] my second advice is to let your land speak to you it's almost like a garden think about when you're planning your garden and you are looking at your property and you want to figure out where you are going to put your garden well think about that as your bees think about your bee yard you know there are a lot of people who have their bees in full shade we keep our a theory in full sun and and just to take into consideration there is a discussion about hive beetles that could come and infest your hives hive beetles actually survive better in shady areas versus full sunny areas so definitely take that into consideration when you guys are planning your apiary so my second advice is to truly study your land figure out where you want to place your bees the directions that our hives are facing are towards the sunrise your bees will actually wake up and go start foraging sooner if your bees are facing the direction of the sun you also want to think about your pests you want to think about your fencing you want to think about electric because there are predators that you're going to combat if you create a space for your bees that you want to be in you're going to spend more time up here we have an awesome viewer named jt he is a 15 year old young man that is aspiring to become a beekeeper he personally asked me about my placement and setup of my colonies i definitely know that that is a top question when you guys are placing your colonies to truly consider i'll also add to consider what you're putting your hives on there are a lot of people who put them on cinder blocks and that is not a problem for us we want something a little bit more stable and i like the ability that i have to be able to ratchet strap my hives down to their stand so i'm pretty confident that all of this is now just new comb they're already filling it with nectar what i'm looking for today is i'm actually looking for egg i didn't see any up here let's go down and see what's a little bit lower [Music] so [Music] not too bad for the second frame that is all brewed on the inside you can see it's kind of circular and then if you look that's honeycomb so it's typical brewed pollen and honey is pretty good in that order now i saw a girl that had some propolis on her legs and thought it was really cool i can't seem to find her [Music] so i am extremely confident that this is queen right now i will add sometimes when you see that that shotgunny looking pattern don't always think oh my gosh it's wrong just know that it's the different phases of the brood from egg to larva i wish i could show you it's a little dark but down here in this corner i see brand new egg and then there's some older larva definitely looks good looking good girl if i can find the queen i'll show you i'm honestly not too worried about finding her though because i see brand new freshly laid eggs and that is what matters for the third piece of advice that i have is to make sure to invest in a suit that you're comfortable wearing now you guys know i wear this tan suit pretty much often and the reason why is because it's fully vented beekeeping can be really hot and really sweaty so for me having a vented suit is probably my third piece of advice you're not going to want to inspect your hives if you're just completely overheated now there are people who don't wear suits and that's cool there are people who don't wear gloves and that's cool too there are people who do and that is cool too you are going to be the beekeeper that you want to be and you're going to do what you want to do because it's yours you can do what you want to do you're not doing anything wrong you can wear what you want you cannot wear what you want for me i like a good vented suit and it keeps me cool when i'm inspecting my colonies [Music] [Music] check out that brew pattern not bad at all [Music] there's a little queen cup nothing's in it it's a little queen cup it's at the bottom nothing is in it but very easily split this colony and another really awesome frame of brood [Music] the fourth piece of advice that i could recommend is to contact your local extensions office these girls so the fourth piece of advice that i would say is to contact your local extensions office whoa that's all brood holy brood pattern look at that brood pattern so the fourth piece of advice that i would say is to contact your local extensions office and see what type of clubs are out there you know it's always good to know a beekeeper in your area it's always good to know a few beekeepers in your area the reason why is because you can run ideas bounce ideas off of them if they're more experienced or if you're brand new it is good to see whatever what everyone else is doing and when they're doing in that area so that you kind of have an idea on what to do and when to do it plus it gives you a friend it gives you somebody that you can talk to and like i said make a few of them it's always good to talk to other people in your area look can you see right there and right there we have two new baby bees getting ready to emerge [Music] so for number five i would i would say to learn how to read your hives learn how and this kind of goes hand in hand learn when to inspect your colonies and how to read your hives all of a sudden i noticed the girls started getting a little flustered my smoker was kind of out i should have probably lit it again but you know what i was happy with everything that i saw in that colony we had brood we had pollen we had nectar we had brand new baby bees we had brand new baby eggs i saw some drones i did not see the queen but that's okay i don't always need to see the queen to know that that colony is gonna do just fine but all of a sudden the girls started getting a little frustrated with me and so i looked up and i realized [Music] we're getting ready to get hit with a thunderstorm you can learn a lot about your bees from watching them at some point you're going to put your book down and you're going to actually pick up your hive tool and start inspecting that is the best way to learn take pictures document figure out if you don't know what your bees are doing right away take a picture of it and then when you have time to sit down and research research read about it learn this is just a very short general list of things that i would recommend and each season that you go through as a beekeeper you're going to continue to learn you're going to continue to grow just as your bees do make sure to like this video and subscribe to my channel we do a little bit of everything here at the honey's dead but the one thing that we do best is we show love and joy and encouragement to others thank you guys for watching and as always don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and learn something old [Music] you
Channel: The Honeystead
Views: 63,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, honey bee, bees, beekeeping, top 5, things to consider, beehive, inspecting a bee hive, keeping bees, beekeeping advice, beehive design, warre hive, langstroth hive, horizontal hive
Id: uRAUs8Y964M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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