Swedish Meatballs Recipe -- Beef & Pork Meatballs with Creamy Brown Gravy

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[Music] hello this is Chef John from foodwishes.com with Swedish meatballs that's right everything I learned about Swedish qu Cuisine I learned on The Muppets and while I really enjoyed the chef on there you have to admit the recipe instructions were not that clear so I kind of had to figure this recipe out for myself of course I also did like 15 20 minutes of extensive research online and this is what I came up with so check it out we're going to start with a large Skillet on medium heat with a little bit of butter in there I'm going to add a half of a finely chopped onion with a little pinch of salt and we're going to sweat that for about 6 7 minutes just until they turn translucent you know the drill and by the way do not wash this Pan Once the onions are done we're going to make the sauce in this pan and eventually finish the meatballs right in the same Skillet okay so after about 6 minutes my onions look like that I dumped them into a metal bowl and that's where we're going to make our Swedish meatball mixture so we're going to pour in some milk two large eggs and some plain breadcrumbs I'm going to give that a mix by the way the culinary term for that is slurry I'm not sure what that is in Swedish but I'm assuming it has way more consonants and once that's mixed we're going to start adding our spices and Seasonings so I'm going to go with some freshly ground nutmeg some all spice please do not substitute partial spice some freshly ground black pepper and of course Salt and then we're going to give that a mix and I'm feeling like I forgot something oh yeah that's right little bit of cayenne and at that point we are ready for the meat traditionally this is done with half beef and half pork pork unfortunately I decided to use a lean beef and an even leaner ground pork that was 95% lean pork which doesn't make the tenderest meatballs I mean the reason you're adding the pork is for that extra fat that extra richness that extra juiciness so if you use pork that's actually leaner than the beef it doesn't make much sense I'm actually still a little upset about it but anyway we're going to mix that up I'm going to use the old holy wooden spatula and whenever I use this I get so many emails and comments what's up with the Holy spatula it really is a great question and a fascinating story all right so mix that well and then we're going to cover that with plastic and refrigerate that for at least an hour before we start forming our meatballs we want to make sure those breadcrumbs are fully hydrated and all those flavors meld together so throw that in the fridge and in the meantime we can make our sauce so we're going to go back to that same pan we did the onions in we're going to melt some more butter and we're going to toss in some white all-purpose flour cuz we're making a rue that's right they have Rus in Sweeten so over medium heat stir that flour into that butter and we're going to cook that for about four or five minutes until it looks something like that kind of a golden light brown Rue you don't have to go too long but you do want to take the raw edge off that flour and at that point we're going to whisk in our beef stock or beef broth and we like to go a little bit slow at the beginning so splash some in whisk it in Splash a little more in whisk it in and when about half of it's in and it looks like that you can just dump it all now at this point I want you to turn the heat up to medium high we're going to add a splash of cream o cool shape it looks like that thing in that movie so we're going to whisk in the cream and over medium high heat we're going to bring this up to a simmer now while that's happening I'm going to season it up with a little bit of black pepper a little bit of salt and sugar that's right little touch of sugar and a few drops of with your sauce and all we're going to do when that comes up to a simmer is watch it stir it once in a while and we're just going to simmer that for maybe 6 7 minutes until it thickens slightly and we are going to simmer the meatballs in that sauce to finish so it will thicken up a little bit at that point so you do not need to reduce this way down at this point that's fine just like that we're going to turn that off and it's on to the meatball formation so pull your meatball mixture out of the fridge I'm going to portion these up in 1 oz balls you know I like to use my sore Bas scoop for this so they all come out the same size but you do that any way you want you are of course the boss of well you know now once those are scooped you're also going to want to roll these dip your hands in some cold water and roll those nice and smooth you know we've done no roll meatball recipes before but here with the Swedish meatball they generally are formed into nice smooth balls so that's what we're going to do and I'm using a foil Lin sheep pan with a little bit of oil on it and once all your meatballs are scooped and rolled they're ready for the oven now traditionally these are fried in a pan on the stove and then you make the sauce in that pan that makes a huge mess so I do it in the oven so we're going to throw that in a preheated 425 Dee oven for about 20 minutes until they're browned at that point we're going to spatulate those into the pan turn the heat back on to medium low and simply simmer those Swedish meatballs in that amazing beefy creamy sauce until it's the perfect consistency all right not too thick not too thin you know how I like it perfect so just simmer that on medium low until it looks like that of course as they say in Sweden please taste and adjust for seasoning and that's it Swedish meatballs so throw those on a warm plate spoon over that amazing sauce so beautiful I served mine with some buttered boiled potatoes and Dill and of course the required and absolutely necessary lingan Berry sauce you can find that in the Swedish aisle of your local grocery store if you can't find that any kind of berry fruit Jam should work but that little bit of sweet garnish is just really key for this recipe in my opinion and that's coming from someone that's made this you know like once all right and here as I cut into this you can see it doesn't look or seem that tender but that's again because I use 95% lean meat which is dumb so if you do this recipe and you use regular ground beef and regular ground pork that has like 25% fat content these are going to be so much better than mine and these were good don't get me wrong but they could have been better with a little more fat and are they going to be as good as the ones at that large Swedish put it together yourself Furniture Store I don't know about that but they will be easier to put together than that bookcase why do I have Parts left over but anyway they really really were delicious so I hope you give them a try head over to foodwishes.com for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always [Music] enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 3,240,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meatballs, Swedish, Brown, Cooking (science), Kitchen, Gravy (Dish), Recipe, Food, chef john, foodwishes, superbowl, football, snacks, game, meat, beef, pork, dinner, appetizer, entree, party, Restaurant
Id: 55MIeoPaBC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2012
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