Beef Goulash - Hungarian Beef Goulash Recipe - Paprika Beef Stew

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[Music] hello this is chef john from with beef goulash that's right i'm using an old wolfgang puck recipe of this amazing beef stew and while he's not hungarian he is austrian and since i've never been to that part of europe i'm gonna assume they're pretty much the same thing okay and while i really don't know if that's true what i do know is if there was a beef stew hall of fame this would have an entire wing dedicated to it it's that amazing so here's how you do it first up we're gonna cut up some beef chuck do not buy stew meat all right cut it yourself get the cheapest hunk of beef chuck you can find and just cut it up in like fork sized pieces and you see all that connective tissue that's why this is so delicious it's also why it takes a couple hours to simmer but totally worth it and of course the other reason you want to cut your own is because when you buy pre-cut from the market those are the pieces they literally can't sell any other way and you're paying extra for the privilege so just cut your own it's really easy once you've cut it up we're going to go ahead and season that with some salt and black pepper i'm gonna spread that out and do it right on the board give that a toss and then once that's seasoned we're gonna sear that and brown that for a few minutes on each side in a very hot skillet with a little bit of vegetable oil on high heat i'm gonna do half at a time i don't want to crowd it i want a nice brown on there all right as they brown i'm just going to toss them right into my stew pot okay i'm going to add in the second batch and once all your beef chunks are browned we're going to go ahead and saute our onions and we're going to use the exact same pan why waste all that deliciousness all right so put that back on medium heat add in your onions that i very roughly chop nice big pieces all right this is a rustic stew and rustic if you check the chef to english dictionary means do not spend a lot of time on the precision cuts just whack that thing up add to the pan with a little drizzle of olive oil big pinch of salt and we're going to cook that for five or six minutes i don't need to cook it all the way through this is going to simmer for a couple hours but i do want to get the edges nice and golden brown that's gonna add some beautiful sweetness and color to the stew so i'm gonna transfer our onions into the stew pot and once again do not do not wash that pan because we're gonna toast the spices in there so just set the pan aside while you prep your spices and one of the signature spices in goulash is caraway and there they are little caraway seeds i'm gonna throw a couple teaspoons in a mortar and pestle and crush it up you could use a spice grinder but it was just a little bit so that's an easy way to do it i'm gonna dump my ground caraway seeds into our dry but still dirty pan along with some paprika hopefully it's hungarian but if you have to use spanish paprika no problemo i'm also going to toss in some black pepper some dry marjoram some dry thyme and some cayenne i'm going to put the heat on medium and i'm going to toast those spices in the dry pan for about three or four minutes but don't necessarily go by time you want to keep stirring moving it around the pan until you can just sort of barely smell that caraway seed toasting we certainly don't want to burn these spices but we do want to wake them up with that heat it really does make a difference so after three or four minutes of toasting i decided mine were perfect i'm gonna deglaze with a cup of chicken broth that's gonna stop the cooking process and of course release all that amazing goodness from the bottom of the pan from the meat and the onions and of course these last ingredients we're gonna dump that into the stew pots all right along with some tomato paste some very finely crushed garlic and one bay leaf that for some reason i dipped into the tomato paste first sometimes i do things for no reason a little bit of salt and then we're going to add the rest of our chicken broth a little bit of sugar like a teaspoon just to balance the acidity from the tomato paste and this next ingredient which is a little bit of balsamic vinegar all right we're gonna give that a stir i'm not sure why i'm using the freakishly small wooden spoon if that thing snapped i would have to quit youtube alright so i should be using a bigger spoon but that's okay sometimes you got to live dangerously and then stop me if you've heard this before put the heat on high bring it up to a simmer and then back the heat down to low maybe just over low to maintain a steady simmer you don't want a rolling boil but you do want it simmering pretty good and then we're going to simmer this for about an hour and a half all right i don't cover mine i like to watch it and smell it if it looks like the liquid level's getting a little low i'll add a splash of stock or water no problem there and after about an hour and a half it's going to look something similar to this i hope all right and then we're going to evaluate we're going to take a fork we're going to test the doneness of the meat all right i want the fork to go in the meat fairly easily yet i don't want the meat totally falling apart so let me check this and that was almost there i figured i needed about 10-15 more minutes of cooking which was perfect because i did want to reduce the liquid a little more so i cranked the heat up to medium i cooked that for another 10 or 15 minutes which left me with this one of the most gorgeous beef stews you will ever see look at that color and by the way promise me you're gonna taste this for salt and pepper all right and i apologize for the steam let me try another angle and yes that's even worse but you get the idea the meat's tender the sauce is thickened and once we're happy with that we can serve it up on whatever i like buttered noodles some people do rice potatoes this is good on pretty much anything and of course you gotta clean up your drips which is what i did there i'm gonna finish with a spoon of sour cream and because i had it and i used the dried version in the stew i'm gonna top with some fresh marjoram and that is done beef goulash and by the way i'm sure we have lots of confused americans right now who thought goulash was a hamburger and elbow macaroni casserole that's not what this is this is the real deal or at least my version of the real deal old world comfort food at its finest that soft succulent sticky beef that rich aromatic paprika based sauce like i said at the beginning one of the world's great great beef stews so i really hope you give that a try head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 2,763,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beef, Goulash, Hungarian, Recipe, stew, Paprika, meat, dinner, winter, spicy, chef, john, foodwishes, entree, Food, Cooking, Cooking (science), Kitchen, Restaurant, Recipes, Tutorial, Cuisine
Id: nJzDfRIb9T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2013
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