Homemade Sour Cream! How to Make Creme Fraiche

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hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with homemade creme fraiche that's right we're making our own cultured cream when we did the butter making video a lot of people chimed in with comments and email saying hey you should try that with creme fraiche it makes even a better butter so i don't know if i'm going to turn this into butter but I do love fresh sour cream which is basically what creme fraiche is and here is how you make it so we're going to start with a sterilized jar that means it was cleaned thoroughly and then dipped in boiling water for a few minutes I'm going to pour in heavy whipping cream to our cream we're going to add three tablespoons of cultured buttermilk it has to be real buttermilk with a live culture in it for this to work now by the way many of these creme fraiche recipes call for heating the cream first to sort of give it a head start because the warmer this mixture is the faster that culture grows kind of wanted to experiment with just using the cream as is so if you're wondering why I didn't heat it we're going to try it without and you know what I think it's going to work now I'm going to cover this I want something that's going to keep any dirt dust out of it but I also want it to breathe so I'm using a coffee filter with a rubber band attached to the top and that's going to do nicely we're going to leave that out in a warm spot alright 70 70 degrees is supposed to be perfect all those numbers are on the internet and I'll have in the blog post but basically the warmer it is the faster this reaction I'm sure there's a point where it becomes too warm I cut mine in my oven sort of near the oven light because my kitchen is freezing all the time I live in San Francisco it's always chilly and here we go 24 hours later I had some beautiful looking cultured cream all right see how that thickened up so cool now what we're going to do alright I'm going to clean off the top where I made a big mess I'm going to put the lid on and we're going to put that in the refrigerator for 24 hours it's going to continue to thicken it's going to get a little Tangier and hopefully one day from now we're going to have creme fraiche so this is me a day later talking do i sound older I feel a little older like a day all right so the creme fraiche was in the fridge for 24 hours I stuck the spoon in and I was so so happy because what came out of that jar was the most incredibly beautiful thick creamy amazing creme fraiche think awesome sour cream times infinity all right look at that that is just such a beautiful thing and the taste it's almost insulting to say it tastes like sour cream it has such a deep flavor yes it's tangy but it's not like that OneNote flavor you get with sour cream there's a little bit of a nuttiness to it also not only does it taste and feel better than supermarket sour cream you can cook with this light cream it'll boil it'll simmer and it won't separate curdle and break like sour cream well in fact you're gonna see this used in a beef stroganoff video it's gonna blow your mind anyway I really really hope you give this a try this is one of those projects that should be on all foodie bucket lists because until I get a reliable source that says there's you know creme fraiche in heaven I don't wanna take any chances so go to the site all the ingredients are there with specific amounts as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 2,001,599
Rating: 4.9550562 out of 5
Keywords: Creme, Fraiche, Homemade, Sour, Cream, dairy, cheese, chef, john, foodwishes, cooking, food, Allrecipes, recipe, recipes, Homemade Sour Cream, Homemade Creme Fraiche, how to, how to cook, how to make, make, cook, learn, sour cream, creme fraiche, topping, condiment, easy, simple, delicious
Id: Z-635txQuig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2011
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