Becoming the Voice | Power of Words | Justin Paul Abraham

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hello poets of immortality what a great title my name is justin paul abraham and i'm from company burning hearts in the uk which is a creative company a creative community we release podcasts books music we host gatherings and events and our motto is that we're creating a better world so we are futurists and we are also an ascension community which means we go up in the spirit we enjoy engage in the cloud of god's presence the angels the cloud of witnesses and learning to govern from heaven function from heaven speak from heaven and then flow in the earth with union so we're very much a community that has a heart for union our message is simple christ in you the hope of glory that we're in him he's in us and from that we get limitless life limitless creativity and all things are possible [Music] we're going to jump into a topic today that's quite unusual in fact i don't think i've ever preached on this in 15 years of ministry um in fact this message was quite challenging for me to write because it really touched me so i'm speaking to you but i'm also speaking to me because i want to talk about becoming the voice becoming the voice of yahweh or cooperating with that voice and becoming a voice it touches me so deeply because that's what i've always desired deep within me is somehow to collaborate with yahweh in a way that fulfills me and brings joy and ecstasy knowing that the words penetrate and that the sound penetrates and the music penetrates through the layers to touch the heart and awaken people's authentic nature and design that they're made in the image of god we are adam which means alif's damn alice damn means god's blood we are god's blood we are alif damn and our message in our mandate is to preach that all are included and all are loved in christ and that his arms are open we can enter into union but i want the words that come out to make a difference to have an effect so that's what i want to talk to you about today becoming the voice so i wanted to share a poem with you at the start because you are a group of poets and imagineers and dreamers and oracles come to the edge he said i love this imagine you and god and you're on the vast edge of the unknown come to the edge you said we can't we're afraid they responded come to the edge he said we can't we will fall they responded come to the edge he said and so they came and he pushed them and they flew i love that he pushed them and they flew so we are a company people that can fly and sometimes god gives us a push a big push because he believes in us more than we believe in ourselves even ephesians says that that the eyes of our hearts will be opened that we might know the hope to which he has called us so if you're a poet of immortality is because he's already dreamed it and he's already seen it for you and becoming that is just accepting what he believes about you and then learning the dance and the participation with it but sometimes we need a push and i'm hoping he pushes you over in this time that during this year that you're pushed out into new places and you do things you haven't done before so we are a company of burning hearts that's the name of our ministry but you are too god gave me that word he said there would be a group of people on the earth whose testimony would be that the fire never dies there's a fire inside of me and a fire inside of you that that's beyond comprehension i know it's not come from here because this has been tested my life's been tested by opposition criticism my own human thinking and limitations but over and over again this fire this fire has compelled me and left me no choice it's the fire of the dance it's the fire of yard hey vape the trinity and an explosion of union with my heart and the energy and life come from them they are the company burning hearts and we are the company of burning hearts so our testimony will be this fire never dies so we are lovers and amateurs the amazing thing is the word amateur means lover the original latin word hamato means lover or for the love so we are not professionals nor am i trying to be a professional we are the amateurs we are the lovers and yes we want to grow in skill and competence but we always want to have a beginner's mind because it's a beginner's mind the meek that will inherit the earth when we think that we know little we qualify to know much so we are becoming the voice and that's what i'm speaking about today we are becoming the voice so we are people of another world cs lewis was in his books the chronicles of narnias he said there's a door children could go through and he drew a generation in and there have been many other writers and oracles like him who are voices voices in their generation that drew us into a bigger wider world falling through the rabbit hole alice finds herself in a bigger world going through the door of narnia they find themselves in a bigger world so we are people that invite others into a bigger world into a bigger creation and a bigger vision of god so i have a dream i have a dream to see a different world i'm a happy eschatologist i'm a happy end time theologian i don't see darkness i see light i see light shining brightly and coming through the frequency of a new generation of voices so from a young age and i'm just getting personal here i wanted to understand that i wanted to understand how what is it that becomes the voice and the lord showed me in a trance he took me and i was praying and suddenly i went in the spirit and i went into a bible passage now this is the first time i've ever gone back in my heart and seen something that happened in the bible and the scene he took me back to was in john 7. it's where jesus is preaching and he's going for it and the crowds are wondering who is he how does he do this what does he do and then the sanhedrin was so angry they sent soldiers to arrest jesus now i i could hear the thoughts of these soldiers and i could see them and they were thinking this this is going to be a great day we get to arrest jesus our family is going to love it we're going to be famous we're going to get this crazy guy and this is the big break i've wanted in my career so i'm with these group of soldiers and the crowds there jesus is in the middle of the crowd and as we walk closer i suddenly heard his voice i couldn't quite hear what he was saying but the sound of his voice captivated me and i just froze with these other guys and the more i listened the more entranced and caught away i was by the sound of his voice and then the crowds had gone and jesus has moved on and we came around and these guys said to each other wow wow let's go back to the sanhedrin they're going to want to know what we just shared because this was unbelievable so i'm going to read what happens the chief priest of the pharisees sent temple guards to arrest him this is what jesus did on the last day of the greatest day of the festival jesus stood and said in a loud voice let anyone who was thirsty come to me and drink whoever believes in me as the scriptures has said rivers of living water will flow from within them it says the crowd saw it and they were amazed and in my encounter these gods these temple gods they were entranced by this they were amazed by this they went back to the temple thinking they're going to love this so this is what the scripture said finally the temple guards went back to the chief priests and the pharisees who asked them why didn't you bring him in this is their response is so cool no one ever spoke the way this man does the guards replied and they were angry and they said you mean he has deceived you also so that day didn't go as planned for those temple guards but i felt it i felt the voice i felt the entrancement and god is looking for a company of people who carry the voice that carry the power of the voice the frequency of that voice the sound of that voice even before i could make out words i knew the sound was different i knew that it was beyond so poets of immortality you are those who are called to have the words of life the words of life and that's what i've wanted i started off in the prophetic ministry i wanted the words of life i i i wanted to learn to sit in those words become those words and carry the frequency of those words and i've had some times where it's come i've had times where i've actually gone to a shop or a store or a garage and the presence of god's come on my voice one time i was going to hire a car and i was engaged in the name of god i was in the living letters and i was thinking about yard hey varvey and then it was my turn in the lineup to talk to the woman i started to speak to her and i could feel the frequency and i didn't want to really talk because i was enjoying yahweh but when she heard me speak she said who are you and then she said this very interesting thing she said no what are you searching for an answer she answered herself she said i know who you are you're a life coach and i laughed and i said yes i'm a life coach because we are the poets of immortality and wherever we go life will flow and there have been number of moments like that during my life where i've gone into a hotel i remember one time i went into a hotel lobby and as i walked up to the receptionist and spoke to her the presence of the lord hit her and she burst into tears and i said it's the lord and she had to go back into the office because she was weeping profusely as the presence of god touched her and i've had moments like that i remember i was in france in the living room and suddenly the way i talked changed and everybody stopped and stared at me and i i and i was like a living word and i talked to them and my friend stephen who was with me said that was totally different my wife seen it when it comes on me when it flows through me um i know when it's there and sometimes when i'm preaching at a conference i can feel it's there and people will come up to me and say i could have listened to you for five hours or that was the best teaching or preaching i've ever heard but it wasn't the best it was just the frequency the frequency of union and we are a people that must learn to grow in this because you are born from there you are born from that realm you are one spirit with him and you've been called not just to be your voice but a voice of many waters a voice that thunders a voice that whispers but a voice that has a frequency and a chemistry an alchemy a transformational technology to change creation transmute creation with a vocabulary this beyond description that you flow from that world you function from that world and with a word the lord healed them and i've seen that i've seen the power of words to heal i remember one time seeing four deaf people healed because i just wanted them to hear and i was in africa and i spoke out i said i just want you to hear and when i spoke that this young boy screamed and went i can hear and it was just crazy ran off trying to find his parents but it came from this this energy this divine this glorious this beyond human wow thank you father so this is my story that i've been one who's progressed deeper into union and i'm still learning i'm a beginner i'm a beginner at becoming the voice but i've tasted some of it i started teaching in a small small group a spirit school in south wales and there was hardly anyone in the room but i'd had these encounters with yahweh with enoch with the saints and out of that that hunger for another world i put on the spirit school with my wife who supported me all the way and there'd be a handful of people in the lord said i want you to do a podcast i said lord who would listen to that he said doesn't matter i want you to do it and then i said lord but i've hardly got any teachings you said i'll tell you with the secret of being a creative being release and you will increase give and it will be given to you if you hoard you diminish if you release you increase and i'll give you more and if they can do what you can do you will grow into more so let them have it let them have what you've got so i began to release these podcasts and but there was a frequency on my voice i knew it i knew it was different my friends knew it my wife knew it something had happened in me through these encounters and then i'd find i got a notice from the podcast channel saying your bandwidth has been exceeded and i had to increase the bandwidth and then a couple of months later or weeks later it happened again and again and somehow the sound and what i was teaching went all over the world and now ten years on we've had four and a half million downloads it's kind of difficult to think about like four and a half million downloads i don't know how many people that was because there's multiple downloads per person but all of those people listening to the frequency of the voice and i'm just me i'm just me but i'm me and him i'm a kindness new creation um i'm not outgoing i'm not an extrovert but i want to change the world and love compels me and i love the frequency of his voice there's nothing like it when you feel the energy coming off you the glory coming off you and you speak a line and it goes wrong and it it touches them with living truth so we are those who want to grow in becoming the voice and every journey is by a little step it says in colossians 2 6 in the same way you receive jesus our lord and messiah by faith continue your journey of faith progressing further into your union with him so our journey isn't a destination in the earth it's not a destination in heaven it's a destination of union or a journey of union going further and further and further into oneness because oneness will shape the future union will create the future so i learned in that time to rest in god it was scary i'd sometimes speak at big conferences or in front of prophets or sometimes important people or sometimes just small groups to be honest they all scared me everything did but i learned to rest in him and i let the secret i'd say lord i rest in you that you might rest in me i'm in you you're in me i'm with you you're with it with me we are one and i'd engage wisdom and understand and say will you arc over me and will you sit on me lord holy spirit wisdom and revelation arc over me and flow out of me the eloquence the eloquence sacred words sacred secrets crafted crafted and created in the bliss and ecstasy of our love to transform people to bring life and joy and hope and over the years i i've touched it but i want to grow in it not from frustration but from calling i feel this is the call that's on us and you too and it might look totally different for you but it will be the dance it'll be the song it'll be the sound and it will be the symphony that is beyond human comprehension the oneness of yahweh in you and you in him can create worlds so i found out like everything else in ministry it came from oneness from being in the name when you pray in the name to everything in the name the being in the name was sitting in him it's not using jesus name at the end of a sentence as being in him you don't even have to speak jesus but you will speak jesus from being in the name and the frequency of yeshua hamashiach pours out of you and it comes out of you and it moves through you oh it's so beautiful and this is the condition of the poets of immortality that we come from what julian of norwich called warning warning she made up a word for it because there wasn't a word for it but two becoming one warning we come from joining communion being entangled absorbed we know this 2 corinthians 5 17 if anyone is in union if anyone is in union with christ there is a new creation there you have it is the key and the secret of all that we've done and all we'll continue to do and the secret for you to becoming the voice is it comes from union it starts with union it flows from union jesus himself said apart from me you could do nothing in other words do it all with me because i love you and together we are beautiful you are my body you're the body of jesus you're the face that radiates his face you're the voice that radiates his voice and there's nothing more fulfilling than this i've seen the power of god break out on crowds i've seen words freeze people i've seen words make people cry make people laugh i've seen words cast out demons and i've seen healings come on people's bodies because the power of this word that we have the oracles the poetry the symphony the song and sound of life so we speak mingled from within the trinity listen to this version verse in colossians 3 4 the exact life in christ is now being repeated in us the exact life we are being co-revealed i love that word co-revealed in the same bliss we are joined in oneness with him just as his life reveals you your life reveals him we are being co-revealed he loves your face he loves your sound he loves the way you look the way you speak and he will speak uniquely through you for we are wonderfully and fearfully made everyone is different there are no clones in the kingdom you are handcrafted poetry birthed from the heart of the trinity i began to learn to function in this voice and sometimes it's been strong on me and i've had to learn to partner with it because sometimes i forget to be it and i get too casual and i get too laid back and i have to learn to cultivate it and step into it enjoy not striving it's not about morality is about being authentic it's about being who i really am that we've been born from zion and that we have something that all creations groaning for all creations longing to be freed from death and decay and chaos and for life to swallow up death and we are the oracles of life and we're gonna see this guys we're gonna see the power of words increasing increase the lord said to jeremiah this watch now watch now i put and this is a word for you watch now i'm putting my words of fire in your mouth and the people are a pile of kindling ready to go up in flames i love that that he puts his words in your mouth to start revolutionary fires awakenings quakenings shifts cultural reformations movements stories that he puts in you a fire that and the people are rekindling and i love it when you look at martin luther and he said i had a dream and the frequency of his voice was captivating and he brought a cultural revolution through love without violence just look at this and feel this this nation will rise up live out the true meaning of its creed we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created i have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood i have a dream that one day that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character i have a dream today so powerful so so powerful if ever we need another generation like that is right now is the new oracles the new poets who create a different song not one of violence and discord and and and chaos but life joy peace family synergy union glory and hope hope that does not disappoint so when you look at your life you'll begin to see that god set you up for different things you'll see it in when you're younger his hand was on you or the way you thought or dreamed or think was differently for me a catalyst for me wanting to become the voice was rachel's grandfather eric davis i was in his house and he was mentoring me and he gave me an old book and it was called the journal of george whitefield i'd never read it or heard of him i never heard of revival i began to devour this book and with wonder i read about a man whose words would captivate crowds who who would come into or detention who would be completely silent as if you could hear a pin drop because of the oracles of his words and he spoke to millions of people some people think he spoke to 10 million people during his lifetime george whitefield said this the frenzied mobs were spellbound even in london he remarked i never observed so profound asylums i read this book and it did something in me he would go from small houses and journey but it was always the same the sound of another world that no one could contain and these words brought raptures delight and hope and change and i wanted to carry that same rhythm that same heartbeat that same flow and this book marked me in fact it messed me up and maybe for you you've had moments like that you've read a poet seen some artwork is god calling you it's the consciousness of christ breaking through saying you are made for more come with me recognize who's at the door he's opening up new worlds and new possibilities always on the edge there is a bigger space for us to occupy and george whitfield was like that for me he opened up something in me and then i found there were others like him i read the journal of charles finney and charles finney was a guy who had such power on his words he said this this power is a great marvel i have many times seen people unable to endure the word the most simple and ordinary statement would cut men off their seats like a sword it would make them lose their bodily strength and render them almost helpless like dead men several times it has been true in my experience that i could not raise my voice or say anything in prayer or exhortation except in the mildest manner without wholly overcoming those who are presence he said this he saw times with a room where numbers of people in the community will be clothed with this power where the atmosphere of the whole place seems to be charged with the life of god i love that even sharing this is moving me when i prepared this message for you guys i really felt the lord wanted me to speak on this but i felt quite vulnerable in it because it awakened hunger in me again and i'm one who stays in rest i'm one who stays in joy but i heard the call i hear the call there is more there is more for you and there is more for me and feeling the cloud of witnesses charles finney george whitefield martin luther and all these oracles through the ages jean goyon people like joan of arc who was a young woman had visions and encounters and went to the king said she could help him come back on the throne and she did she succeeded and even in her short life she changed the nation because of the power of faith and what she believed in the words that she spoke these things have moved me and shaped me and they call us they call you they call me the poets of immortality to go further and dream bigger and think higher because there is something in us that is beyond human that we have a dream that is so powerful we have a dream a dream jeremiah said this his word was in my heart like a burning fire up in my bones i was weary of holding it back and could not that there would be a company like you and me who's got fire and a message a message that cannot be contained and we're weary of holding it back and it has to come out through art poetry motion action song deeds that there's a compulsion an addiction an obsession that we've got to let it out this is the heart of the poets of immortality we have a heavenly dignity a value beyond words which we want to communicate to everyone for they're all included and all loved so the trinity is always speaking they are always dancing like jesus said my father is always working and i'm working with him that we are being co-revealed colossians 3 4 we are being co-revealed in the same bliss we are joined in oneness with them we are a unique blending we're all different but we're flowing from the same source listen to this verse from paul galatians 2 20 the anointed one lives his life through me through me so we're channels of the anointed one we live in union as one my new life is empowered by the faith of the son of god who loves me so much that he gave himself for me dispensing his life into mine i love that galatians 2 20 dispensing his life into mine so all we have to do is open up that flow we commit to union we meditate we come into rest we rest in him and then we open up to this flow this synergy this revealing that is just pure ecstasy it's what we were made for is what we were designed for it's the most wonderful wonderful life we can imagine so i'm still a baby at this i'm not coming to you as an expert i'm coming to you as one who is on the journey and has seen something and wants to lean into something and grow in something becoming the voice becoming the voice enoch showed me in the heavens that we are coming into a time where we will be called oaks of righteousness a planting of the lord for the display of his splendor we will rebuild the ruined cities the places that are long devastated be called repair of the breach and heal the generations we will heal genetics the desolation of generations the immortality and life are going to swallow up the earth and these will be the greatest times the world has ever seen i want to finish with this quote from patricia king she says this some of what the lord is about to do will shock and all many people however in spite of those who resist the revolution there will be those who embrace it people like you jumping on board and following jesus into new and uncharted territory some things that god will manifest in these coming days have never been done before things that will stretch our imagination and challenge our intellect i want to encourage you god's dreaming much much bigger and we've got to let that dream swallow us it's the hope of his calling his inheritance in the saints his incomparably great power for us who believe and we're gonna see what that means we're gonna see once again that he saves the best till last so thank you thank you for listening i want to encourage you to rise up into it i'm going to end with a poem because you're poets it's by david adam the former vicar of lindisfarne i love his books on the celtic saints listen to this you have called me by name in the night across the years you have called my name in the laughter and the tears the words are never quite the same seeking out dulled ears wanting me to rise and wake to cast away any doubts and fears your love is there for me to take more than this i should know when the day is turned to night you are there wherever i go my love calling me to light calling me at every breath calling me to rise from death thanks for listening have a great time on the poets of immortality and i'll catch you again
Channel: Justin Paul Abraham
Views: 10,748
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: Charles Finney, Daniel Rowlands, Oracles, Revival, George Whitfield, Opera Winfrey, Soul Sessions, richard rohr, bill johnson, bethel church, hillsongs music, justin paul abraham, company of burning hearts, Martin Luther king, joe rogan, mystical christianity, supernatural, prophet, prophetic movement, cindy jacobs, elijah list, chuck pierce, Joel Osteen
Id: mX_nGm3Hwbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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