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thank you [Applause] thank you so much good to be here and i always like to look the crowd over when i get up pretty good looking bunch tonight a few exceptions here and there but you always have to be careful not to stop your eyes when you say that part a few exceptions here and a few exceptions here and there and uh just getting really to know jojo and autumn i really think they're just the best really i've been excited about uh being here with them since we scheduled this been i don't know six eight months but i've been really looking forward to this a lot of energy in the room a lot of anointing in the room who knows what the lord might do this weekend we just take all the limitations off pull out all the stops get our faith fully engaged he's doing marvelous things right now i was um i'm so in agreement with what ken was saying earlier about the prodigals we're going to see i think churches double just from prodigals coming back to the lord [Applause] we're gonna have to be real careful how we deal with them because you know some of us want them to pay for their sin and earn their way back but the lord's just going to open his arms and say welcome home full rights and privileges of a son or a daughter and we're going to need the laborers there are some of these prodigals that have been well taught well trained they know the word they have strong gifts the lord's going to start using them pretty quickly it's one thing to give authority it's another thing to release anointing in ministry you know you baby christian you shouldn't be walking in a lot of leadership authority but you can minister you can be born again one minute cast out a demon the next or heal the sick so it's going to be interesting to see what the lord does with that but i promise you uh they are coming in there is a an in gathering of prodigals about to take place i think it'll be shocking to the church when it begins to happen and we're in a new era i used to say we're i've said several times over the years we're in a new season but this season is so different so broad so big as far as what god is going to do i've started calling it a new era just to to bring to our thinking just how significant the shift is that we've moved into and you know the lord's he's already in he's already operating in the new era as the from that perspective he's trying to get the church to catch up and say hey we're not there we're here don't expect me to do it this way i'm doing this way i'm doing it this way now i'm going to do this and so i've been asking the lord what that looks like what is this new era all about what does it look like and one of the words the lord's been bringing to me over and over is the word fullness and i've done this message a few times not many times but probably four or five times over the last six months and uh it always changes a little bit each time i do it but i'm gonna talk about the fullness of time tonight and what this new era looks like sometimes i've learned you get a step out of the details out of the trees so you can see the whole forest you have to step back and take a look at the big picture what god is doing sometimes you get bogged down in the in the battle the details you can't see the force for the trees but i do i've learned over the 40 years or so that i've been doing this slow down once in a while back up take a little time and just get the big picture not what is he saying to me specifically in the moment but what is he doing in the earth in the nation right now because what he wants for each of us individually will fit into that somewhere what he wants for every congregation should fit into that somewhere what he's doing with the whole so fullness of time i'm going to go pretty quickly tonight i think you might take notes but probably better off just to not get too bogged down in note taking sometimes when somebody's when a speaker is moving quickly i just write down what god's speaking to me so i won't forget it then i'll go back and get the cd or the dvd later and get the what they were saying but god will talk to you when you're listening to a message and give you a nuance for you to think about or apply to your life so you know at times i'll probably move pretty quickly so you might not you might not want to try to write everything down because you'll miss something i say because you're trying to remember what i just said so you can write it down fullness of time for i'm going to give you several of these fullness expressions we've come to a fullness of time so i'm going to have to move really quickly on this one but if you study time and seasons in the new testament you'll find four words associated with time greek words chronos kairos horios and and plara oh fullness so a chronos is a season it could be a month it could be a year could be 40 years a chronos is a general season of time and i call these in the kingdom you know this isn't those words are not necessarily religious words they're just greek words in general that are applied in scripture but a chronos season i've started calling these redemptive cycles because god in your life he'll walk you through a season and at the end of that season he is a he's a pretty specific usually a very specific outcome or fruit or result that he wants to bring you to which i'll get to in a minute but he calls that a fullness of time so he's walking you through a season and i call him redemptive cycles because god is always restoring and reforming things that's what these cycles are all about acts chapter 3 says we are going through and have been going through seasons chronos of restoration since the fall since everything got out of whack all the earth has been going through general seasons where he's been restoring things and that word restore is very significant and very important it's oppo catastasis which means to reconstitute something to the way it's supposed to be to restore or recon the constitution of something is the way it's made the way it's supposed to operate if you have an organization that has constitution bylaws those aren't suggestions legally that's how you have to operate america is supposed to operate according to our constitution don't always do it but that's the way it's supposed to work your body has a constitution it's made a certain way it's supposed to function a certain way things got a whack god works a process of reconstituting things the way they're supposed to be when he saved you he started a process to get you from here as a baby christian knowing nothing all the way to here to the destiny that he had decided for you and wrote about for you before you were ever born so he's restoring things to the way he determined they're supposed to be redemptive cycles he's always restoring a place a person a season a nation changing it back to the way that it's supposed to be but in every season of restoration that's the phrase in acts 3 and every season of restoration you always come to something called a kairos i'm probably in this group i think probably every one of you've heard the word kairos kairos can be an appointed time but it's not appointed in a sense that is guaranteed it is actually a better translation is an opportune time every good greek lexicon will define a kairos or define the word kairos with the word opportunity or opportune so when you come through a season you'll come to a window of opportunity where you can break through cross over move into the fullness of something it's not guaranteed but it is an opportunity jesus wept over jerusalem he said you missed the kairos of your visitation this is why some of us in the prayer movement push so hard at certain times in america when we see potential breakthrough or turn whether it's the courts or whatever get people praying pray pray pray pray pray not trying to talk god into it but he uses our prayers and we know this is not a guaranteed time this is an opportune time and jesus jesus spoke of those who could discern the times kairos and chronology seasons you have to know where you are and so i'm getting bogged down on this because i don't want to do that but sometimes that teaching thing kicks in i take a little too long on a point but if you don't if you don't think this way and most of the church doesn't by the way you just kind of go through life and just put it in neutral and you just kind of plot along not realizing that there are seasons and opportunities that god is walking you through and if you don't know that so you don't become consciously aware wait a minute he's trying to do this in my life right now he's trying to do this in our congregation or he's trying to do this in our nation right now you can just miss it not because necessarily you're bad jesus left over jerusalem says you didn't recognize it you couldn't see it you have to know what time it is you have to know what season you're in and in that season you have to know if you're a farmer you have to know when it's time to plow when it's time to reap you have to know when it's time to weed spray for the weeds or the bugs you have to know when to get the combine out and start reaping and if you do the wrong thing at the wrong you can do the right thing at the wrong time and not get the results you want so the church sometimes just puts things in overdrive we get in a rut or a routine just do the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and wonder why we don't get any results sometimes it's time we re weep sometimes it's time to laugh sometimes it's time to fast sometimes it's time to party so you go through these cycles and in the mundane routine doing the basics believing standing chronos then you come to a season of kairos now you can break through now you can reap and every chronos in the kingdom will bring you to a kairos and if you if you walk through that season appropriately properly biblically listening hearing obeying every kairos will lead you to a fullness of time fullness is when you hear the fruit in the barn it's when it's when you can go gather it in it may not be finished but at the fullness of time jesus came at the right time at the at the completion of one of these cycles so in this new era we've come through this this general season we're in this kairos opportunity now we're about to experience fullness because that's the that's the part of the season we're in now where we can get some fruit in the barn some of you may not even agree with this but that's okay there are sometimes seasons wherein as a church where just about all you can do is get them saved one or two at a time and even though we want to see revival and the multitudes and the masses coming in it's just not going to happen because god is doing some things in a general sense to soften hearts to prepare the atmosphere to work repentance not just individually but corporally and then there's when he gets things right in the spiritual realm and the atmosphere can be impregnated with holy spirit's power and an anointing in a region or a nation or a city then there can be this outpouring of holy spirit and he can gather in a big harvest so we're about to come into big harvest but you have to underst you have to understand that you have to understand what time it is and where you are in these cycles and i'll just say this before i move on to the next point historically this is not necessarily something you have to know but it's good to know it these seasons these chronoy seasons and then the kairos opportunity and then the fullness they build on each other so what god did in the last season we're supposed to take and apply it to this season and what came in the fullness and in the opportune time of of the last season god adds to it and ephesians chapter one talks about the fullness of times not the fullness of time you're in but plural the fullness of cairo kairos is plural and he says that's all gonna that's all gonna one day add up to the complete expression of jesus so every time we walk through a kairos time where we hit that fullness and he does something else he adds that to our repertoire and then he comes to the next one next to the next one to where we are going from glory to glory strength to strength revelation to revelation we're supposed to be getting stronger and stronger and the path of the righteous supposed to be getting brighter and brighter and we're adding two and then we're adding two and all these kairos's are adding up to something and what's that something going to be jesus represented or revealed in the earth fully [Applause] the fullness of the times kairosus everything he said will be summed up in christ ephesians chapter one the next phrase i'm gonna have to speed this up or we're gonna be here late and i'm too old to do that we have come to a very unique place in the kingdom very significant very important place where we are now we have received we can move in the fullness of what i call the christ anointings ephesians 4 apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher there's not a lot of across the board understanding of those yet but it's coming those are not positions those are not titles that gets people all weirded out those are functions gifts and anointings if you read the passage it makes it clear that jesus broke himself down into five what pieces and i just call them five anointings five expressions of who he is what does the word christ mean anointed anointed one that's what the word means and the anointed one who has the fullness of anointing broke his anointing down into five pieces apostle he is the apostle the prophet evangelist pastor teacher and he broke himself down into these five expressions so that when the body and that's what the context of ephesians 4 that's how he describes when the body is moving in the way it's supposed to move and all these expressions are contributing what they're supposed to contribute then we can move and operate in the fullness of christ his apostleship his prophetic nature ability his evangelistic his heart for the center to redeem to multiply his loving nurturing shepherd heart and his teaching anointing gifts functions abilities now what we've done the church and i really don't want to get bogged down here because i could really get bulk down here i'm trying to do the big picture night and night not the trees but the forest but what we've done and we all we we have a tendency to do this in the body of christ is we take a gift or an anointing and we make it a position for example this is easy to see we took the anointing of pastor forget gift forget or forget position for a minute forget the guy that leads the congregation or the gal and think function the nurturer shepherd healer pastor gift but we took that gift and we made it a position now in our culture in america and since just like this in most parts of the world if you lead a congregation you're a pastor well i led a congregation for 20 years and they called me pastor but i was never a pastor god helped those people i was never a pastor finally you know when i got honest with them they got honest with me we don't they still call me pastor but we don't even want you counseling us pastor dutch we know what you're going to say suck it up buttercup read your bible pray get over it because i think more like a general an apostle a prophetic apostle and a teaching apostle but i'm not pastoral but they called me that and i tried to be that for years because we took a gift and an anointing we made it a title and a position and then there came the subconscious pressure well if you're pastor you better pastor i don't get too bogged down on that but just to say that's really hurt us big time what i finally what the lord showed me was you don't have to be a pastor gift to lead a congregation in fact you shouldn't not only get too bogged down here but you really shouldn't be a congregation shouldn't be led by the pastor gift that's like the army who's got generals and and intelligence and drill sergeants and medics and cooks that's like making the medic the general well everybody's going to feel good but you ain't going to win any war [Applause] and it's all going to be sheep centered it's going to be all about the needs of the people not the mission of the king and the vision of the king so generals are going to think big picture i mean uh apostles apostles govern manage steward coordinate prophets see and discern evangelists multiply when the lost pastors nurture and heal and teachers disciple and train you have to have all these things working together but really any group of believers should be led by an apostolic anointing with t with pastor gifts a part of that so the lord showed me you got to have healthy people here but you're probably not that person that's going to help make them healthy you need to have some you need to find some people here that i have anointed as pastor gifts that just love to help heal people nurture people love on people shepherd people and let them do it they'll do it better than you so i started telling the people i'm not your pastor you can call me pastor you can look at me as a pastor you can tell your neighbor who your pastor is but i'm not your pastor i am based on our cultural language but i am not based on the gifting does that make sense but since these are gifts and anointings and functions not positions and titles all of us can move in these anointings not just leaders so you may not be an apostle but you should be apostolic you should be one who releases the government of god the the you should be thinking big picture not just your own little assignment because the whole body of christ actually should be apostolic just like we should all be prophetic you may not be a prophet but you can prophesy you don't have to be an evangelist to lead somebody to jesus you don't have to be a pastor in that sense of leadership position you don't have to be a pastor to help nurture someone you don't you don't have to be a teacher in that role to come alongside somebody and open your bible and say let me just show you this you can help you can teach without being a teacher so what god is about to do is he brings us into the fullness of these christ anointings he's about to re release and it's already happening with a remnant he's about to release a five-fold church not just five-fold leaders but a five-fold church [Applause] and we're gonna get to the point and probably some of you are already we're not just we're not just expecting brother chuck pierce or whoever you know that's a prophet to prophesy we're expecting the five-year-old to prophesy we're expecting the children to have dreams and visions and tell us what god is saying and lead their little five-year-old friends to jesus because we're all going to be releasing christ's anointing but the amazing thing to me is that you know for centuries we only had a portion of him and even up until about 20 30 years ago for the most part we only had the ability to represent maybe sixty percent of jesus evangelist pastor teacher we had three fifths of a pie now that god has restored the prophetic anointing to us it's not like so much that he finally gave us back that anointing it's that we came into revelation again understanding that it exists and it's for us and we're supposed to walk in it so then it's restored apocalypse things the way they're supposed to be so it's restored understanding of the prophet and that was in the 80s 90s and 90s and 2000s apostolic anointing restored now we have a remnant of the body of christ that has the ability and the potential to fully reveal jesus in the earth which brings me to and let me let me let me hold off let me say one more thing about this before i move on as this begins to multiply there's a lot of people right now that are they're they're they're not understanding but they're beginning to understand that all of these anointings are for the church today but as this increases then there's coming a synergy of these giftings and anointings working together that we've never seen in other words the evangelist because of synergy because he's walking with an apostle now and a prophet and he's not just evangelizing from here he's evangelizing with a prophetic anointing when he's talking to that person all these giftings and anointings of jesus start synergizing innocent you know what synergy means it's multiplication not addition so these giftings and these anointings that we operate and are going to go to a completely new level as we as they begin to marry and merge one with another so the teachers are going to teach better when i came into my prophetic anointing in the 80s my teaching anointing went to the another level and my and as i and as i fully start to fully operate in the prophetic anointing not i don't i don't really think of myself as a prophet as much as an apostle i run with a prophet a lot named chuck pierce and he's what i would call apostolic he's an apostolic prophet i think of myself more as a prophetic apostle because we're supposed to be moving in all of these things but there are usually there's usually one or two that the lord really brings to preeminence but when i started when i came into the full understanding and operating as prophetically my teaching anointing went to another level because not only was i able to break down the word and the greek and teach the way i like to teach but a prophetic thing came to my teaching pastors are going to pasture talk about the gift not a position those who nurture and heal they're going to do it better because when they're ministering to that person there that needs healing the prophetic thing is going to kick in and they're going to say oh i see what you need all these gifts and anointings are going to take us to a new level and since their anointings wait until entire congregations start manifesting his apostolic prophetic evangelistic pastoral teaching anointing the earth has not seen anything like the remnant company that's about to be fully anointed with the christ anointings and i'll say this too before i move on there's going to be a generation now that that they're just kids and teenagers they're going to grow up in the fullness of these anointings and they're going to move in ways and anointings and in faith and in abilities that most of us didn't even know existed some of us until we were 30 40 50 years old and they're gonna they're gonna just flat out shake the world [Music] [Applause] and let's say one more thing before i move to point number three this understanding is going to redefine a lot of people there are a lot of ministry leaders that god is about to what's the best word i can find redefine because they're trapped in a in a system that has told them you have to do this see they tell me this is what i did for 15 years i would go out on thursday friday saturday and be an apostle to the nation and then i'd fly home on saturday night and on sunday morning try to be a pastor bless your hearts i love you so much jesus just loves you so much what can i do for you today and i hated it and as he finally taught me these things and then began to show me who i really am i cannot even begin to tell you how liberating it was because i didn't have to try to be something i wasn't anymore there are thousands of pastors in america right now and probably around the world there are thousands of pastors who are not really pastor gifts but they're called pastors so they feel the pressure to be a shepherd and take care of sheep and god's about to awaken in them and show them why and this was me why i had more passion for my region than i did my congregation i had much more passion for my city and to reach the city and to see the region and eventually the nation and then i'd feel guilty because i cared more about that than i did in my own family but i really didn't care more it was just there was an anointing that was more expansive in me that create caused me to think a different way so it's god against you know they're they're just a lot of yeah i don't know how far to take this one i i say it's not that i hesitate to say it i'm just thinking time here but just just the the if you get if you got a guy who should be the center on the football team and he's determined just to believe he's a quarterback you ain't going to have a very good football team but if you can get people in their appropriate proper role and understand who they really are and how they fit into the team everything just goes to a new level and i meet leaders all the time when i teach on the five-hole and i teach on the big picture of ecclesia and how the church should be led and function operate i have leaders come up to me sometimes almost on tears saying this is this is who i this is what i've been looking for i've been trying to be this and i'm this and i've been so frustrated well that's going to redefine people and everything's going to come into order and balance it's going to be exciting to see how it works it's going to maximize our gifts and make the body stronger but you know since here's here's number three first the fullness of time then now we've come to this fullness of the christ anointings functioning in the church which which brings me number three the fullness of christ himself ephesians 4 after he gives us these anointings in ephesians 4. he moves on to two verses later and he says this is going to bring us to the fullness of christ in other words the church has not had the ability up until just recently to actually reveal the fullness of christ in the earth we've just been able to reveal 30 20 40 60 80 now we can reveal 100 of who he really is talk about a game changer what is the fullness of christ teaching anointing what does that look like i know i know entire family said for days including the kids listening to him teach i wouldn't even go get food they just sat there for hour after hour after hour after hour and finally had to say disciples you better feed these poor people because their attitude was to see if he keeps talking i'm not leaving because there's something so powerful about his words and his teaching i don't think any one individual is ever going to match that but as a corporate whole we're going to come into such a revelatory discipling teaching anointing in the church that what used to take two or three years is going to take two or three months to get that revelation into people to hear it for ourselves and teach it signs wonders the prophetic apostolic evangelistic anointing gonna go to the fullness gonna go to a level that represents the fullness reveals the fullness of christ yes believers are going to interrupt funerals [Music] and you need to be walking in a level maturity where you don't you don't bring a reproach on the kingdom and mess up people by doing trying to do that presumptuously but i'm going to tell you right now there will be people raised from the dead they've been dead two three four days because we're going to move into the fullness of the anointing of the miracle worker we're not just going to say someone's here with cancer we're going to say hey third row fourth seed over you because the fullness of the prophetic anointing is going to start being raised the fullness of the evangelistic anointing the fullness of the delivering anointing demons are going to scream when they get in our presence people going to step in your house they're going to get healed they're going to pull in your driveway they're going to start weeping because they feel something a fullness of the christ anointing they're going to feel his love his pastoral anointing when they walk by you in the supermarket somebody's going to brush up against you in the supermarket and fall down and get up healed you're going to meet somebody and you shake their hand you just at work you're going to touch them you're going to shake their hand the anointing of god's going to come over them they say what is this because that's what happened with jesus you know when they just touched the bottom of his garment we're coming to a fullness of christ that we've never been never been able to move in it's going to be exciting to see one of my spiritual sons damon thompson talk about the fullness of the evangelist and prophetic anointing damon had been arrested captured by a verse in the passion translation many of you anybody in here heard of or have the passion translations it's only in the new testament psalms and proverbs now but it's i love it it's just an incredible translation of scripture but in john 15 he talks about the vine and the branches and it starts out with saying if a branch doesn't bear fruit he cuts it off but the passion translator translates it differently and he he gives a footnote explaining why both with the language and the culture of being a vineyard of in your vine dresser you wouldn't just cut it off so by the by the the the nature of of the vineyard the vineyard owners and the language itself he says it shouldn't be translated that way it should be translated if a branch is not bearing fruit he gathers it to himself and holds it and heals it so that it can bear fruit again so he's preaching on that verse in one of the weekend revivals they have in south carolina and this young girl there no one knows but the people who brought her she'd been rescued from an addiction addicted lifestyle meth and and she was a prostitute and they were they somehow rescued her from that on the way to the meeting and we're going to take her to a rehab center after the week after the revival but no one knew who she was she was my daughters were in the server said she was skin and bone just emaciated just you could tell she was just an addict she she was really devastated sad and devastating to see but damon not knowing any of this at one point in his message showing this on the father who takes the branch that's broken or wounded or can't bear fruit and holds it and heals it at one point he just looked at this girl and he said i see a for sale sign around your neck but god the father says you're not for sale and then he went on with his message that's the prophetic anointing at the end when people are being prayed for minister to the front is just filled with people and they're laying everywhere and god's just you know on these services of renewing and hungry people crying out to god somehow that faith the faith from that verse rose up in him and then evangelism and pastoral and prophetic all kicked in led by holy ghost he walked over this girl and he swept her off of her feet and he held her in his arms for about 40 minutes weeping over her my daughters were there they said you know dad it's um it seems i know it seems strange but they said we could smell the demons leaving her only because the father through another person is holding this lost sheep that's wounded and hurting but they said it smelled like just sulfur hideous this fallowed or filled the room and then after a few minutes that left and we could smell the holy spirit begin to fill her i said smell like the whole room filled with flowers and then they said the most incredible maybe but maybe part of this whole thing was we watched i mean everybody's just doing their thing and on the floor but but they were watching some were watching this because it went on for 40 minutes so we watched her physical appearance and body change before our eyes she gained weight she filled out she was no longer skinny and emaciated a creative miracle came to her he healed her set her free she didn't have to go to rehab and her entire body was transformed before their eyes that's the fullness of the christ doing six i think testimonies like that are going to be common common i don't know they're going to pick them up and hold them that's just the prof that's the way god wanted to do it maybe he's just going to say and you just speak to him and say you're free i don't know how he he he may do it a thousand different ways but there's coming a fullness of who christ is and we're going to begin to reveal fully who he really is the fullness of christ is going to be seen in the earth we're going to go into nations and what you should take 30 40 50 years is going to take one two three four entire nations are going to be transformed because the fullness of the christ anointing is now being released in that nation this is the season where nations are going to be born again in a day they're going to be transformed in a day i'm telling you they're going to be born again in a day and as it were become a christian nation and governments are going to say come in and help us transform this nation teach us how how to change our government change our education how do we be healed from the famine and the hunger and the in the devastation and get rid of the demons that we've been worshiping and we're going to see nations transformed in just overnight really because the fullness of who he is is going to start manifesting through the church miracles are gonna are going to be they're gonna we're not we should never treat a miracle as something frivolous just to get attention and you know hype it up but i'm going to say to you they're going to be common because the miracle working power of god is going to marry the evangelistic anointing not just in india not just in africa not just with the reinhart monkeys but with the toms and the suzies and the and the cairns and the in the build in your backyard in your office people are going to start getting saved at school on the football field they're going to be delivered and healed and creative miracles are going to take place and the entire schools are going to get saved [Music] people are going to be prayed for at work and entire corporations are going to turn because the owner is going to say this business is now going to start honoring god we're going to have devotions and we're going to start honoring jesus but you can talk to him all you want but when he's when his child or his wife or him or he personally is dying with cancer and and there's no other explanation other than jesus healed my wife jesus healed my child and and they're going to come to him through this and entire cultures and in business they're going to change and schools teachers administrators we're coming to i know you get ready for the showdown because the showdown's coming because they're going to start saying we don't care what that law says we're going to honor god in this classroom school superintendents principals are going to do it there's coming a showdown because they're going to say we're tired of our kids shooting each other and jesus is the answer and we're going to bring jesus to these students and if you don't like it fire me and somebody else will take my place and they'll preach jesus and not only that but the kids are going to do it it's one thing you can fire the administrator but you can't fire the student [Applause] i mean all you i just what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to get you to put jesus in in a situation what would he do and what could he do because that's what's about to happen because through his body the fullness of who he is is about to be be revealed in the earth now see this is a game changer because at this point in time you just almost still have to you know reason and talk and you know just convince you know sometimes it takes two or three years to lead somebody to jesus but when the spirit of revelation comes the veil is lifted and one day they don't see who he is and they can't understand it or believe it but the next day they can because the veil is gone [Applause] an apostolic leadership see uh god's about to awaken apostles to an authority that that will allow them to do more than help other pastors or leaders but truly represent the authority of christ in his fullness in the earth going to be able to stand before kings i'd say you're waiting the balances i found and found wanting or you've got three days to rip 30 days to repent whatever it is and i'm god's going to destroy your country we will see ninevehs in this era through the apostolic and prophetic anointing that's released you'll see entire nations repent and redemption will take the place of displaced judgment because it's never god's will to judge he takes no pleasure in the judgment of the wicked he was going to judge an innova because he had to but when they repented he said hallelujah i can send revival instead of judgment because the fullness of who jesus is is about to be released through the church not just through brother wonderful through the body three five-fold body of christ the world will no longer laugh at him and us when this happens because the fear of the lord will come because he'll back up our words with power and even those that rejected who he was in the ear in the days of the early church fear came to them he said i don't want it but bear to leave him alone because they knew there was power there i will never get point four finished so i'm not gonna start it i'll do it in the morning because the fourth fullness is that when in this fullness of time that he's brought us to and now restore having restored the fullness of his anointings now we can reveal the fullness of who he is means that we can now fully accomplish our assignment on this planet the church has not even had the ability without these we have not had the ability to fully accomplish what he has assigned us to do on planet earth we do have that now so we'll talk about i don't know what time it is nine o'clock almost we'll talk about what this that is it's a twofold assignment we'll talk about what it is what it looks like so that we can move into this new era with understanding and not just stumble into the will of god stumble into works we can on purpose we can cooperate with god on purpose there is a healing anointing and i'm not talking about physical miracle now because the great pastor jesus not only heals the one heals regents and nations families there is such a strong anointing of jesus coming to the church that you're going to see nations healed of their diseases their poverty their hunger you're gonna see righteousness spring up in parts of the earth and human trafficking will end human trafficking human trafficking could be could be eliminated in a year if the right people decided this has to end it's evil and corruption at high levels that allows some of these things to go on the church is going to move into such a strong anointing in authority and it's going to infect leaders of nations you're going to see nations healed internally spiritually from these things and transformed you're going to see a deliverance come to nations if we try to if we try to transform haiti without what i'm talking to you about tonight it would take 20 30 years to eradicate voodoo spirits and get all the all of the junk cleaned up out of the ground and out of the soil and out of people's thinking because that's the national religion voodoo and up until recently the only way we would we would know to do it would be to repent for 10 years travel to every place where something's ever happened and pour oil and wine and do i'm not against that kind of stuff but you know plot just just just walk it out for years and years and years till we finally get it cleaned up but when you start moving in the christ anointing the fullness of who he is if jesus if jesus showed up in the flesh in haiti right now it wouldn't take him 30 years to clean it up [Applause] and the church is going to start moving in that level of anointing and deliverance is going to hit nations mass deliverance is going to come the atmosphere is going to be delivered demons hovering in the atmosphere are going to be gone demons in the soil through shedding innocent blood and idolatry and human sacrifice is all going to be cleaned up and transformation is going to come very very quickly because the blood of jesus now leaders are going to get ready for this and by the way most are not ready we think we're ready but we're not ready because when that man that gate beautiful jumps up and the whole nation knows who he is and he's been lame and twisted his limbs from birth 40 some years now and he sits at that gate in a predominant place and everybody in the nation because they walk by that place when they come to jerusalem for the feast and give him a coin or two and everybody knows who joe is i don't know if that was his name but everybody knows who he is and suddenly he's running and leaping and praising god in the temple and they realize that this is not just a healing bones had to straighten and ligaments had to form the body had to go through a transformation and the brain had to learn what you normally takes a year or two learn how to walk something had to click in there after muscles formed in half a second and limbs straightened in half a second this had to kick in in half a second to understand balance and how to and so all of this happened in a fraction of a second and the whole city was ablaze and thousands of people gathered in minutes to the temple because the word spread joe you know joe had gave you yeah that joe what about him he's running and leaping in the temple and praising god because in the name of jesus he was just healed no way i've seen him yes way it's joe i saw him now well that happens in your high school and when that happens in your city to someone or or in a nation and your church goes from 120 to 3 120. that's what happened at pentecost and then it went to 8120 when this guy took off running leaders better be ready to steward something that's much bigger than them and it's not going to fit in our religious box and your 10-year plan is going to be over [Laughter] and you're not going to be scrambling for souls you're going to be scrambling how do we nurture how do we nurture how do we disciple how do we steward this explosive multiplication that's taking place i mean finney walks through the the factory and people look him in the eye and begin to weep and there's revival in the factory and all the workers in the factory are getting saved what are you going to do when 500 factory workers show up in your house on a sunday morning i just got born again because this is the kind of thing i'm expecting to see what are you going to do when that kid with his bones sticking out of his leg on the football field and some believer leans over and lapras and man the whole stadium sees it sees it go back in place and heal before his eyes and 2000 kids show up in the churches that sunday morning or in the prayer meeting they say tell me about this jesus you better get ready for this leaders [Applause] because this is the level of harvest that's coming because when the fullness of who he is begins to manifest our littles our little systems and methods and procedures and religious services that's just over i mean the reason peter was outside ministering and they're trying to get close enough to his shadow his overshadowing would heal them it wasn't because they just thought every summer we'll do an outdoor meeting it's because the crowds swelled so large immediately that they didn't have buildings to do it and they had to just move it outside we're going to have to get out of every religious box we've ever been in to steward what he's about to do [Applause] how many kids especially when they come to jesus they don't want religion they like it raw they want to release their passion they want real they don't want it formula they don't want tradition they want something real raw passionate and what does that look like i said god send revival send revivals in revive please send revival send revival send revival come on lord you can do this i know you can trying to pep him up you know give him pep talk and he said okay what if i come in writing on a donkey and i knew immediately what he meant what if this doesn't look like you think it's supposed to look like what if i come in ways you weren't expecting me to come what if it gets ugly and messy what if people are interrupting your sermon screaming as demons leave them i'm just saying what if the if the town prostitute shows up and starts washing your feet in front of everybody you're gonna say get this unclean woman out of here you're gonna be embarrassed and say i don't know her i don't know her i don't know her are you going to reach down put your hand on her head and wipe her tears say we love you sweetie you're welcome right here [Applause] because the fullness of jesus is coming and he loves those people every one of them he died for every one of them and we're going to have to get used to the idea that they're not all going to look the way we look and think the way we think and it's going to be really fun and challenging to steward what he's about to do because we've been for the most part we've been running on 50-60 percent almost playing church even in our charismatic churches we talk about you know that we i wish to make jokes about the churches that had their programs and everything happens at a certain time and you know the holy spirit's not welcome you know the difference between most of those churches in the average charismatic church we just don't have the program we just don't print it but i can go and most everyone might tell you what's going to happen here and i can tell you what's going to happen here and i can tell you i can tell you when they're about to wind this up now they're going to move into this now they're going to move into this we're just more spiritual so we don't put it on paper but most church services in america holy spirit's not really in charge he just there we just want him there to bless us and not take charge but what we're moving into he's going to take over to those who will allow him he's going to take over some of our services will be four and five hours all day all night maybe the harvest will be so big we'll have to do what the church in south america had to do a few years ago they'd have services every night seven days a week and they still didn't have couldn't get all the people in so they had to give tickets coupons you're only allowed to come once a week because people were double dipping and they didn't have room for everybody that was coming to meet the lord there's so many people getting saved they have room i said you were here two nights ago i know you were so they had to go to a voucher system you didn't have to pay to get in but you had to have a voucher to get in be a great problem wouldn't it well people will come they will pay that price and that level of multiplication will come to see jesus but not to see ken or dutch or jojo that or hear my wonderful gift they're not going to do that but when the real full complete jesus starts to be manifested in our gatherings in our lives everything's going to change everything's going to change the kids loved him the sinners loved him the hypocrites didn't like him the religious folk didn't like him the demons didn't like him but all those hungry people loved to be in his presence
Channel: Prophecy News
Views: 180
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: oasis church, dutch sheets, dutch sheets 2021, dutch sheets prophecy, dutch sheets ministries, special message, urgent prophecy, dutch sheets live, PICTURE OF NEW ERA
Id: q5EiSnI0LYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 38sec (4058 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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