Nancy Coen The Power of Trust (Plus FREE training link in the Description)

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[Music] recept upon precept here a little there a little anytime that anybody comes to me and says could you explain a little bit about your process one word comes to my mind instantly and it was the word that that he spoke yesterday that he would like to for you to enter into a divine understanding of how to put your whole trust in God where you trust in nothing else so today I'm just going to share a couple stories about how the Lord uses your level of trust and your level of passion in him to thrust you into realms that are above and beyond maybe where you've been walking for this time when we get back from lunch I'm gonna throw up some powerpoints but for right now I just like you to take down a few verses that deal with the purpose behind trusting in God the word says in Psalms 37 3 trust in the Lord and do good you shall dwell in the land and verily you shall be fed one of the things that the Lord really taught me early on how to trust him in was my husband and I through no fault of our own during the 1980s went completely bankrupt because all of the savings and loans in our in our state shut down and even though he had a lot of liquidity he couldn't get any money and as a result we went like totally under during that time one of my favorite favorite times of my whole life was when we came to the point where we could not even feed our children we actually didn't even have enough money to buy a loaf of bread so one night I came home and I found my daughter Robyn my youngest daughter sitting on the front steps it was close to Christmas time it was cool it really really cold and she's sitting out on the front doorstep and she's crying and the house is totally dark at that time I had three big businesses I had a very thriving real estate brokerage company and international import and export company and a commercial contract cleaning service so even though my husband's business went totally down I still had a bit of income unfortunately all of that had to be applied to business loans to keep all of his all of his bankers from shutting us down and all of the material men from filing liens against his project so I came home we have literally no food in the house at all and I thought to myself Lord you know here we are we have no food my husband had gone to the East Coast he was there on a job interview and I walked in and we we don't have any jelly no honey no butter no nothing to eat you know and I and our utilities have been turned off so I go and I open up the freezer and the only thing in the freezer was a bunch of bread crusts that I stored up in there to go feed the ducks and the squirrels in our backyard and some of those bread crusts were six months old but that was all we had in the entire house so I opened up the fridge and I looked and I said Lord what to do and he said he gave me very very specific instructions the more intimate you become with him the more he instructs and leads and guides your thoughts and your steps and everything about your life so I called all the girls into the kitchen and I said okay here's what we're going to do we have we have no utilities no heat no lights no nothing so you run back and you gather up your bedspreads and come and spread them over the dining table tonight we're going to have a picnic under the dining table I'm gonna in a tent and they go cool man so anyway while they're doing all of that I'm thinking what to do with only bread crusts because we don't even have anything to put on the bread crust and I sent the girls I said go and find out all the candles in the whole house and come and set them up all around our little tent over the over the dining table we're gonna eat by candlelight tonight and they're going cool this is just so much fun and I thought this is really awesome Lord but what are we gonna eat so so he said well take those bread crusts and at that time I was a Girl Scout leader all of the girls were in my Girl Scout troop and we had a big camp box out in the in our unit was had inside of it a number of what we call buddy burners and Buddy burners are like little pieces of cardboard with paraffin melted over the top and holes poked in the top and they're just old big tin cans is what they are and we had these little fold-over things that we used to make a jelly sandwiches with when we were camping so I said go out and get those we're gonna have a barbecue out on the back patio tonight and and they said really and ice they were just so excited they didn't even realize we didn't that this wasn't a great adventure okay so they go out and they get the they get the bread crust and I fold the little bread crust over the things and they stick them out over the little buddy burners and that night when we brought those bread crusts in and we crawled under our little tent and we're sitting under the dining room table and the Lord says now do you trust me and I said yes Lord I trust you no he said do you really really trust me yes Lord I really really trust you he said the third time do you really trust me yes Lord I trust you so I looked down at this bread we're saying our grace over the bread and in that particular year most of you are too young to remember this but there was a horrible horrible famine going on in Biafra and literally tens of thousands of people were dying from starvation and I looked down at that piece of bread and the thought came to me I wonder how many people in the world tonight would kill for that piece of bread and when I put that in my mouth it was like ambrosia from in a heavenly realm after I got done again the Lord said three times do you trust me yes Lord I trust you now I'm getting agitated because he's pushing my buttons do you really really trust me yes Lord I really really trust you do you trust me I said yes Lord well he goes get up and take your children to the Bryan City Cemetery and I said Lord I don't even know anybody in the Bryan City Cemetery why are we gonna go to the Bryan City Cemetery he said just trust me now being a realtor I was a little bit cocky about knowing my way around town so I took a shortcut and I took a shortcut to the back side of the cemetery not realizing that the whole cemetery was completely fenced off and behind the cemetery were the slums of bryan-college station I drove up and down and up and down and up and down those streets and all I could see great big old fat momma's sitting there their babies running around bare naked in the falling sleet and hail and junkyard dogs all over the place and I'm going up and down the streets up and down the streets trying to get to the Bryan City Cemetery but I got lost and I couldn't find my way out of the projects so the Lord said do you trust me yes Lord I said I trust you I really trust you so we're driving up and down the streets and I cannot get out of the Bryan City Cemetery background where all of the where all of a tenement houses were that were federally funded finally we stopped at one little house and it was not even even a house I didn't know probably there's only three or four people in here who remember this but back in the 40s they used to have these little humpbacked trailers that were like 20 feet long and they called them travel trailers but they were kind of bowed over like that and they looked like a little tiny bubble going down the street and I pulled up to one of these and I said we're gonna have to find our way out of the tenement cos I can't find my way out and when we went up to that door and I knocked on the door a man came to the front door and inside of that little bubble that we're living three Hispanic families with 12 children three of whom or four of whom I think were under two years old and they had lived there six months with no water no food no utilities and no diapers when that door opened up it was like ah it just hit me in the face and all of a sudden I realized that the Lord had opened up a ministry to the poverty-stricken in our city I went home that night and my daughters and I gathered up toys and clothes and warm stuff and we went back and we began to pass all of that stuff out amongst the poverty-stricken that were in that area the very next day I I come home from work again now all of our bread crusts are gone all our utilities are off I don't have 25 cents to buy anything for my family to eat so I get home and my daughter says mom what are we gonna do what are we gonna eat tonight and I said honey I don't know but God knows so let's just worship the Lord and he'll provide because he is our provider so we begin to worship the Lord about a half hour later my daughter says again mom I'm hungry what are we gonna eat no I don't know but God knows so let's just worship the Lord so we begin to praise and worship the Lord all of a sudden my telephone rings and it's the local grocery store and they're calling me to say we're calling to tell you you've just won a two hundred dollar gift certificate come to the grocery store and pick out everything that you want to eat so I get the kids dressed up we go to the grocery store we get ham and chicken and bacon and potatoes and bread back them two hundred dollars was a lot more than it is today so I came out of there with a whole grocery basket full of stuff we went home and I fixed a really great dinner for my girls and I went to tuck him into bed and I came out to put the stuff away and the Lord said no tomorrow you take every bit of that out to the projects and give it all away and I said to myself or I said to him Lord could we just keep a loaf of bread we just keep a few potatoes he says no go and give it all away so as soon as the kids got off the next day we I picked him up and we went out to the projects and we gave away everything so much so I get in the car and I'm headed on my way back home and the old devil he jumps on my shoulder you stupid woman you just gave away all that good food now your children don't even have anything to eat for dinner and by that time I had learned enough about the attacks of the enemy so I said no just go away and leave me alone we get home when we're sitting down at the table my youngest daughter Robin starts crying mom we don't have any food what are we gonna eat and I said I don't know but God knows let's just praise and worship the Lord so we begin to praise and worship the Lord about 15 minutes later she says mom I'm really hungry are we gonna have anything to eat tonight I don't know but God knows and he provides for all of our needs according to his great riches and glory through Christ Jesus so we brought just worshiping the Lord all of a sudden my doorbell rings I go to the front door and there is one of our neighbors who had no idea what we were going through the Lord told me during that difficult time don't ever tell anybody what your circumstance is because when the provision comes I want you to know it came from me okay so none of my friends none of my work cold laborers at work ever knew that we were in the middle of this dire financial situation I go to the front door and here's my neighbor from next door and she's got all these great big huge bags of food and she's crying and she said Nancy I don't know what to do our freezer went on the blink today and we've got 500 pounds of food and it's all gonna go rotten do you think that you could take some of this food off of my hands and I said let me pray about that [Laughter] so I fixed a big dinner for my family with a head wet and took them all to bed later on I came out to put all this food away and the Lord said take it all tomorrow and give it away to the poor and I'm thinking God could we just keep a can of SpaghettiOs that would be good enough no no take it all give it all away so the next day we took it and we gave it all away for the next six months the Lord provided for us in ways that were totally miraculous and the truth of the matter is in fact I tell people about materializing and do materializing stuff when I'm talking about entering into the mystical realm one night I was a campus minister at Texas A&M and half of the Texas A&M football team or disciples of mine and they would come to my house and one night I finally had a realtor come slap five dollars down on my desk and he said you probably don't remember this but five years ago you bought my lunch for the Realtors luncheon and I never paid you back so here's five dollars and I'm thinking oh good we're gonna get to go buy five dollars worth of stuff so I take the five dollars I'm headed to the way to the grocery store and I bought a hat like three little bananas a little tiny jar of peanut butter a loaf of bread and a half a gallon of milk for five dollars can you believe that that's how long ago that was so so I'm on my way home to feed my children thinking tonight we're gonna have peanut butter and banana sandwiches this is going to be so cool I'm on my way home and the Lord says there's somebody living in a Quonset hut downtown and it's a woman who's alone with five children and two of her babies are about to die and I want you to take that and find the Quonset hut and give it to her so I Drive all up and down the streets trying to find where the lady was and sure enough I found her she was in a smoke-filled Quonset hut which is an old military hut that this kind of circular semicircular shaped when she opened the door the smoke came out and she was holding this baby in her arms its head bent completely back it's eyes non-responsive to light and the baby had had no food or no water for four and a half days so I took the little bottle that she gave me and I ran next door to the to the gas station and I rinsed all the slime out of it because it was full of slime and I heated up some milk and I stuck it under the hot water I came back and I actually sliced the the the bananas with my finger because I didn't even have a knife and I spread the bread with peanut butter with my finger because there was no knife available there and it was such joy in my heart to see that these children were were cared for and when I left I know that I know that I know had I not obeyed God that baby would have been dead the next morning the issue is will you trust God I jump in my car and I'm headed home now the devil says you stupid woman you just gave away your whole children's dinner and this went on and on and on and during the next six months every provision was made I tell the story about the Texas A&M football team coming one night I had five dollars to spend at the grocery store so I went and I bought a half a pound of hamburger a little half of a head of lettuce one half rotten tomato and I came home and I sliced it all up and put it in a in a in a bowl we were gonna have taco salad I was just getting ready to serve taco salad to my husband who can eat a stacking mountain of taco salad that was in a bowl about ten times that size and the front doorbell rings and I go to the front door and half the Texas A&M football team is standing at the front door and they come in and they walk into the kitchen they go at these guys who are like 6/8 and 280 pounds and I'm looking at this little teeny tiny bowl of taco salad sitting on the table and they said can we come in and have some and I went well I guess so so there were like 12 or 13 of these great big huge guys they came in and they heaped up their plates until their plates were like overflowing like this and I kept going and looking in that little tiny bowl thinking what the heck the food never went down it just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger some of these guys had three or four helpings heaped up like this and by the time that they left I finally got around to feeding my husband and I dumped the taco salad oh here's a great big epin bowl like that to give to my husband the issue is when the Lord says he's going to provide for all of our needs according to his great riches in glory through Christ Jesus he means it when we when when you hear the word of the Lord do you trust me do you trust me do you trust me what he's trying to do is establish something in the depths of your character that will actually produce and catapult you into the next level of your spiritual growth with him many times when you're in a place where you have lack or where you have difficult times or finances any of you who've been in my conferences before when I talked about Kingdom business and I talked about being catapulted into the heavens to see the things that are yet ahead for the next two and a half years the Lord did one miracle after another miracle and we never ever filed bankruptcy every single need was met and I could go on for hours and hours and hours about that time but then I won't get to share with you a couple more stories so let's go to the next this is called trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct you Pass this is Ruth to 12 the Lord will repay you for all of your work and a full reward will be given to you of the Lord God of Israel under whose wings you come to trust therefore provision is really based on the level that you develop your trust in the Lord to meet all of your needs second Samuel 2023 the god of my rock in him will I trust he is my shield and the Horn of my salvation he is my high tower and my refuge my Savior and you will save me from all violence you know when you trust in the Lord you can reap great benefits one of which is he will save you from all violence not too long ago I was called by the president of a nation to go into a tribal village and most of you know I love ministering to native indigenous people and he called me to go there because there had been 6,000 men just beheaded and the entire village of of men were whacked and not only that they severed them split them down the middle and their guts in their blood we're laying all over the earth and he sent me out there to minister to the wives and the children of those particular men now whenever you get a call from the Lord to go to the cannibals or the headhunters you have to understand that he's the one who saves you from all violence the issue that so the issue is I agree and I go into this village and in this village they had mountains of heads and actually my daughter Robin who was working with me in the ministry at the time saw a picture of two of the tribes men holding two decapitated heads in their hand and it was in the newspaper and she freaked out because she knew that I was in that village okay so I called her and I said don't worry God's in it everything will be all right I got to the village and I went out into the forest and I gathered all the widows and all of the orphans and I brought them to the center of the village and gathered them together and a thing called the community building which is where they have all their tribal meetings and these people their husbands were killed because they were the only Christian villagers in that entire geographical territory you know most people don't know today that there have been more martyrs in the last seven years than there have been in the last 2,000 and because I go to many places where there's a hideous amount of bloodletting and violence I have the opportunity to see that I was one in one village where they actually killed 16,000 people in one day by burning them all to death so I'm in the middle of this village and I I gather all of the widows and all of the orphans together in the church and I said okay father what can I say to these people that the children were so traumatized they couldn't even talk and you would try to ask him their name and they were like stunned their eyes just looked totally because they had actually witnessed the beheading and the bodily mutilation of their own fathers so I brought them all together and I said Lord what what can I tell them that will be of consolation to them and he said teach them about the power of forgiveness said forgiveness are you kidding me the bodies of their husbands their heads and their bodies are still reeking in the ground out there and you want me to teach them about forgiveness and he said yes so I just trusted the Lord I begin to teach them about the power of forgiveness you know one of the things in the body of Christ and it's true and I see it all the day all the time we dealt with that a little bit in communion today people are so much caught up into their own lives that once they get offended and they get beaten or betrayed or abandoned by someone they spend the rest of their life in anger over that so I taught the people I says the word says that you have to love your enemies the word says if you harbor unforgiveness in your heart against any man not you can me or you might be you will be turned over to torment the second thing that the word says about unforgiveness if you fail to forgive every man from your heart I cannot even forgive you so the word of the Lord says if you come to my altar and you bring your sacrifice and you have something against your brother leave your sacrifice at the altar go deal with the thing with your brother because then I can really hear your prayers the issue is most people don't understand that that unforgiveness is the one thing that will cause them to spend the rest of their life in destructive torment so the issue is I'm teaching this to all of the wives and the children all of a sudden way back in the back corner and there was as I laugh when I say it was a window because they don't have windows they just have big holes in the hoenn eye and there was the head of a man that poked his head through that that window and I said sir you you come down here he goes no no like this and he was violet violet Elisha no no no and I said the god of the universe who created all things he wants to speak to you today person-to-person come down and finally he just kind of snuck in with his head all bent over and very very it was obvious that he was very very humbled and he came up to the front and it turned out he was the chieftain of the tribe who killed all of those men i earned to the the widows and the orphans and I said today God has given us an opportunity to practice his love I want you all to come forward and we're gonna wash this man's feet and forgive him for the brutality against your fathers and husbands all the widows and all the orphans they came up they washed the man's feet he's weeping and sobbing and crying and of course he gave his life to Jesus on the spot I told him after the whole thing was over now you go back out in the jungle you bring your entire tribe in here because tomorrow night we're gonna forgive your entire tribe for the murder in the brutality that you did the next day he brought the whole try and the entire tribe to the last man gave their lives to the Lord Jesus now I want to tell you the result of that was today those men who chopped the heads off of every men in that tribe have become the chief and only financial and spiritual supporter for all of the wives and all of the orphans whose fathers and husbands they killed the issue is do you trust in the Lord when the Lord said he's going to trust you and he's going to protect you against all violence do you really really believe it you know when the Lord comes and I'm gonna tell two more stories can I tell - I got 15 20 20 more minutes so I'll just tell you two more stories about how the Lord will test you in the arena of your trust he doesn't just come and say do you trust me do you trust me he presents the circumstances whereby you can really trust him so as soon as you say yes Lord I trust you just guess what you're gonna be tested on that and the reason the reason for that and I can tell you is let's go to the next Scripture okay everybody okay all right as for God Shannon could you get me some water honey as for God his way is perfect the word of the Lord is tried he is the buckler to all of them and that trust in him this is Psalms 5:11 thank you let all boughs that put their trust in you Oh God rejoice everybody say rejoice let all those who put their trust in you rejoice rejoice rejoice if you want to be filled with the love and the joy of the Lord Jesus you put your trust in him and he will cause you to rejoice let them never shout for joy because you have defended them let them also that love your name be joyful in you and why because when you trust him your heart is filled to overflowing with joy speakable and full of glory the joy of the Lord is your strength and the basis for that joy is trust in me I love that Wow Psalms 25 - oh my god I trust in thee let me not be ashamed let not my enemies triumph over me Wow I can't even tell you how many times he's intervened on my behalf I'm standing here today because I trusted in him actually when the Lord said I want you to go to the cannibals and I want you to go to the headhunters I said Lord you know they still kill people and they still eat flesh and drink blood hmm he said yes I know but inside of every nation every kindred every truck every tribe every tongue of people there is indelibly etched in their inner man a priceless ingredient without which the body of Christ will not be made whole and I said okay Lord so what is the priceless ingredient that is etched in the hearts of the cannibals and you see you can only get this when you put your trust in him when you trust him above and beyond he said inside of the cannibals there is a twisted counterfeit of a righteous real he said inside of them is a deep deep level of understanding that the church thinks they have that they do not yet know and he said that that is the power that resonates in the words eat my flesh and drink my blood now it's been twisted and it's been used for wickedness because the term wicked doesn't even mean diabolical evil it means the truth slightly twisted so I said okay Lord I'll go he says well I said what kind of message can I give them this is what he said spread out your arms and say eat my flesh and drink my blood I said thank you very much uh-uh kid you not I looked up and I said are you kidding me for those of you that have been with me before and you've seen the transformation that occurred amongst those people it is mind-blowing one moment they look vile evil wickedness in the next minute full of joy and full of peace and full of love they don't even look like the same human beings he says then I want you to go to the headhunters and I'm thinking you know father they they still cut people's heads off yes he said but inside of them there is an indelibly etched principle upon which the whole body of Christ will depend it's been twisted and it's been used for evil and vile wickedness but you have the power listen you have the power to untwist the thing that is in them that causes violence so I go into the headhunters and we literally like have to swim through the heads they have hundreds and hundreds of heads hanging from all of the branches some of those heads are a couple hundred years old and they're like totally rotten because they do all this kind of stuff to them so you have to spread the heads apart to even get into their camp he said inside of them there is a deep level of understanding the church thinks they understand this but they really don't and that is the power that is resonating in the words the power is in the head he said why do you think they spend their life seeking the head seeking the head seeking the head seeking the head and how many people do you know sitting on a church pew spend their life seeking the head seeking the head seeking the head wah the issue is when you find yourself in those circumstances it takes a very deep deep working of the Lord to bring you into complete absolute total trust when you trust on him number one your joy will be filled number two you will be free from violence that comes against you do you know how many those cannibals tried to kill me I mean I've had people actually come into my meetings in Jihad of Nations that come in to chop my head off and they end up leaving my being my best friend and the reason for that one guy okay I'm gonna tell two stories I'll finish that and then we'll finish for lunch maybe maybe you're not gonna get lunch today I don't know I had one guy who was a wild wild jihadi and he was known in this particular geographical territory for doing all kinds of violence in fact I ministered in a church where this guy actually blew the legs off of the pastor's wife in a car bomb he actually beheaded the pastor's son chopped his head off for no reason other than he was a Christian so I'm doing this little meeting and this guy comes in with all of his men and they're like wild men and their hairs out to here and then he comes swak in he's got a big old machete and he's like racing down the aisle to come chop my head off and I looked at the guy and I said sir I am so thankful you're here today and he stopped like dead in his tracks and I said you think you came here to do damage to all of these people and to bring bloodshed in the middle of the meeting but I want to tell you you're here by divine appointment you're here by invitation of God Almighty who created all the stars and hung all the planets in their universe because he wants to speak to you dead today personally and the guy turns around to his men and he goes wait wait and the Lord just had me to prophesy over him and I said the Spirit of the Lord said you're a very very spiritual man you've been looking for God all of your life you simply haven't found him yet but I see that when you were about eight years old you actually pursued the idea that Jesus Christ might be the Son of God but you rejected him as being the Son of God because if you accept Jesus as being the son you must also likewise accept the father and in your vocabulary the word father is a dirty word because your father and your uncle sexually abused you the whole time you were growing up and when you ran away from home to get away from their violence your father took all of your legal inheritance as being the firstborn divided it up amongst your seven brothers and left you without a cent and the Lord is showing me today there is an open gaping bloody wound in your heart because of the word father and with that he fell down on the ground and started sobbing and crying he gets up in emotions all of his men to come down to the front and they all said because they thought I was going to have altar ministry so they have this big pathway right here they all came and they sat down and the Lord said now for the next the next period of time I want you to teach them about the restoration of the Islamic people and I stood there and actually one of the pastors videoed the face of this man who had killed so many people in fact when he entered the room that day the breath was sucked right out of the room and the reason for it being sucked out of the room was many people in that room had actually lost family members to the violence of that one man at the end of four and a half hours of teaching about the restoration of Islam on this guy he comes down to me with tears in his eyes and he says lady you probably don't know who I am and I wanted to say I better I know more than you think no and he says but I am the director of all of the pissant rooms in this nation and in the pissant rim they actually trained kindergarten children how to strap bombs on themselves and go in and blow up people in restaurants the second graders can take apart and put together m16 blindfolded these they trained these kids really really well so he says do you think it would even be possible that maybe tomorrow you could come to the pesantren and teach what you just taught here now I want you to know that is totally impossible I am like five things he hates number one I'm American number two I'm Caucasian number three I'm a Christian number four I'm a woman that's the biggest thing number five but so he comes and he says can you come and teach at the pesantren tomorrow and I said I don't even have to pray about that I'll be there that very day that guy gave his life to Jesus Christ and I want to tell you that in three-and-a-half years he won more than he won more than a million and a half jihadis to the Lord the issue the issue is when when the Word of God says the thing that you fear will come upon you the truth of the matter is is he's running down that aisle swagging that old machete like he's coming to cut my head off if I were not grounded and rooted in the trust of the Lord today I would be dead and the reason for that is when you trust in him he is the one who rescues you from all violence there are so many so many many testimonies in my life I'm gonna share this one and then we'll leave to go to lunch I one of the questions on our thing hi there yeah I'm a prophet there you go and of course they don't believe it they you know it's amazing if you ever want to win an Islamic person to the Lord the best way is through prophecy you can quote scripture to them day and night know you're going to get as a concrete wall but if you can take their hand and tell them about the conversation they had in their bed when they were 8 years old with their mother and then go forward and tell them about the fight they had with their wife before they left for work today and then go forward and tell them their purpose and destiny and God their hearts just melt because you see every man every man I've been to over 110 nations and I can tell you men everywhere are the same and that is they have the need to be loved the need to give love and the need to know that they have a purpose here greater than going to work and earning a paycheck and working to pay for all of their bills so when you release their purpose in their destiny it's like they instantly melt okay because they recognize there is a reason for them to be here the last story I want to share and many of you have heard a couple of these stories before actually when we get into teaching on the mystical some of them are going to may come up again but the the the other one was came off of the questionnaire this morning when we were doing our date thing and I thought it was so cool it was one dream that you had that was really really fulfilled I loved to tell this dream because it also came about at the time when we had no money at all of any kind because we were having to pay fifteen to twenty thousand dollars every month on interim interest on my husband's real estate loans so the issue is I didn't have any money and in the middle of all of that time I had a dream and the Lord showed up in the dream and he said I want you to go to China and I said China Lord I don't have any money to go to China he goes do you trust me yes Lord I trust you do you trust me yes Lord I trust you do you trust me yes Lord I promise I really really trust you so my husband he wakes up in the morning I said honey guess what I'm gonna go to China and he goes really now he's an administrator okay so his first question is where are you gonna get the money to go to China well I don't know but God knows who do you know there nobody do you speak the language no where are you gonna stay I don't know who are you gonna be with I haven't a slightest clue I just know that I'm going to China and he just sat back and smiled and he says well as soon as you get the money for a ticket to China we'll see about that so that morning I went into my real estate office and I pulled out my in basket and in my in basket there was an anonymous cashier's check for exactly to the penny the amount of a ticket to China so I go home to this day I don't know how that got there okay an angel dropped it in my basket so I go home and I'm waving it I said you said you said as soon as I got the money that I could go so immediately I buy a ticket for China I have no money no money for a hotel no money for food I don't know a single person in all of China I don't have any idea where I'm gonna stay or what I'm gonna do but I had the money so I said okay I'm gonna buy the ticket and I get the ticket for China now this has been a few years back at that particular time nobody in China spoke English okay and not only that but it wasn't the nation that it is today today they have this massive wonderful communication system but back then that was not a non-existent so I get off at the airport in China which was a frightful place for me because I had never been before in a country where there was so much persecution of Christians and multitudes and multitudes that Christians were being killed at that time in China for the sake of the gospel so I get off and the people are so tight it's like you're standing shoulder to shoulder in front to back and you can't even move and I get off in the airport and it's like the room is so full all the homeless will come and stack all of their maps up five on top of one another and the whole wall around the outside of the airport is covered with people stacked on top of one another homeless people then they would fight over me because I had a bag and I was obviously American and they figured they'd get a tip so they're like punching one another trying to grab my bag and take off with my bag and I'm sitting there thinking this is my first time in a persecuted nation and I'm looking around and I'm thinking oh I am such a stupid woman why didn't I listen to my husband I should have figured out where I don't even know how to hail rickshaw okay I don't have any idea how to get even from the airport to the hotel or what hotel I'm gonna stay out cuz I have no money so I'm sitting there i back myself into a corner and I just slink down in a corner and I'm rocking back and forth just praying very silently in tongues thinking oh my god I'm here and I don't know where I'm going and I don't know what I'm doing and I should have planned this so much better all of a sudden a man comes out of the crowd and he leans over and he whispers in my ear in English oh I was so excited because nobody spoke English okay he says excuse me are you from the United States and I said yes sir and he said you wouldn't be a missionary would you and I looked at him and I said yes sir I actually am and he goes your name wouldn't be Nancy Koehn would it and I looked at him and I said how did you know he goes oh praise God we've been waiting to hear from you for three days what took you so long to get here and he picks me up and he floods me right into the underground home cell system of China every need was met every financial need every mental emotional physical spiritual financial need was met because I dared to put my trust in the Lord the issue yeah let's give the Lord a big clap when you are being catapulted into a whole new level of trusting in the Lord you're about ready to step in some of your most vibrant experiences you'll ever have my husband came to me one time we've been married married going on 50 years already and he came to me one time and he said what would you say was the most prosperous time of your entire Christian life and I didn't even have to stop and think I said when we were in a position where we couldn't even buy food for our children and he looked at me and he said what that was the worst time of our whole life and I said no it wasn't because it was the time that the Lord taught me to trust in him everything that has happened in my ministry has sprung out of that period of time where everything was cratering around me the issue the issue is when it's not what comes out of you when everything is going well that determines the measure of your relationship it's what comes out of you when everything is falling apart what is your response and the question of the Lord is will you trust me will you trust me will you trust me father I just thank you and I praise you for this this measure of 45 minutes worth of speaking that you gave me this morning I thank you O Lord that the seed of this word has fallen exactly where you designed it to fall and I decree and declare it will produce fruit and not only fruit but fruit that'll last for all eternity for it has fallen on good ground I thank you for each and every person that's here that as we release everybody to go and have lunch that they themselves will fellowship and develop relationships deep-seated relationships with you many of which will last for their whole lifetime I thank you as they put their level of trust in you that you're going to expand their capacity to operate in the invisible realm and do great and mighty exploits for you for they're all called to be co-workers co-creators together with you for the establishment of your kingdom and your righteousness in Christ Jesus Lord we thank you and we praise you for this brief time of being together and we just give you all the praise for it I just want to thank you Lord in his glory yes so I know that there are those of you in here that needed to hear that message today cuz Benji's always right on target so when he says I want to talk about trust I said somebody needs this message today so you guys go forth with joy being led forth with peace oh oh yeah that's a good one oh the cotton ball oh my gosh okay we're talking about let's let let me just pull up a couple more things here these are write these down because they're very important oh yeah I forgot the drug cartel that's a good one no why the Lord redeems the soul of his servants this is Psalms 34 22 and none of them that trust in him shall be made desolate you know that's a that's oh my I could give hours of testimony on that one this is Psalms 56 for in God I will praise His Word and in God I have put my trust I will not fear what flesh can do to me the deeper the level of your trust goes the more you can trust him that he's not going to allow damage to come to you Psalms 56 11 and God if I put my trust I will not be afraid of what man can do to me whatever time I'm afraid I will trust in him okay he just he just gave me permission so you guys can forget about lunch just saying one of the one of the ways that the Lord makes divine provision is it's called materializing or multiplying food so I told the story about the multiplication of the food with the football guys one that I didn't tell you was at that time I was a realtor I actually had three big businesses and one of them was real estate now back in my day in real estate you didn't have the internet that means you get people you have to take them to every single house that they want to look at so they can get out and look so I was accustomed to driving 250 miles every single day for six months during that time I drove 250 miles a day every day and I never put an ounce of gas in my car actually I would pick up people to go out in the country and they want to go look at country property and they look over and they'd see my gas totally on empty and they would say maybe we should go get some gas don't worry God's gonna take care of it so for six months I drove my car without putting an ounce of gas in it on the night that my husband finally got his first viable paycheck I was teaching in a women's a globe conference and we as was my custom at that time I'm prophesying over everybody till 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning I think it was about two o'clock in the morning when we finished up our meeting that night I started up my car I drove out into the middle of the highway and my car went flat dead now and the interesting thing was the Lord didn't leave me desolate he caused three big angels to come and push my car uphill through two different subdivisions and push it straight to a dead stop in front of the only gas pump still open in the city and when it stopped in front of there I thought Lord when you go to leave it's desolate you really really mean it so the issue is when we come to put our trust in him those kinds of things are going to begin to happen to y'all he actually can provide for you abundantly above all that you can know or understand or comprehend what was the other one oh the drug cartel one okay I was down in Mexico one time and I was ministering in a church and that particular city was being taken over governmentally by a drug cartel which was one of the number one drug cartels in the entire in the entire nation of Mexico and in fact at one time they came in and plowed down every city leader with machine guns in while I was doing a meeting there but in the middle of in the middle of all of that one of the major drug cartel he was like the head of the whole cartel in northern Mexico he can showed up in a barbecue and we were having it under the ground barbecue so we had pigs and cows all roasting underground and it was big big turnout that people came just to receive a prophetic word during the middle of that he showed up this drug cartel dealer who had had killed multitudes of people and he brought with him his niece and his niece was a high level functioning satanic priestess and she had actually carved all over her body hexes and she had fu Jesus written on the bottom of her foot a with tape and she was very very dark this girl and so as the Lord would have it in Mexico the men sit in one room and the women sit in the other room because everything's very segregated in that way and so I'm just sitting there visiting with this girl who's a priestess with a involves seven days of me hearing audible voices so I'm telling you in this testimony I said yeah I'm the first day I heard this voice that popped up right here saying behold I stand at the door and knock if you'll enter in if you if you open the door I'll come in and sup with you and immediately this other voice pops up on this side of me saying you know God is only a figment of man's imagination to give him a thing that excuse for things he can't explain and then this voice would pop up here and say but I love much I sent my son so that we could be one and immediately would pop up and say you know Jesus is dead and he's in the grave and he's not ever coming back again and I'm telling my story and all of a sudden this girl straight up in her chair and I'm thinking Lord why are you having me give this testimony I haven't shared this testimony in years but the issue was she heard voices so when I began to talk to her about hearing voices she became very very interested in the testimony when I got done she burst into weeping and said you know I hear voices too and I said but your voices are saying different things right she said yes so to make a long story short I led her to the Lord prayed for her to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit I prophesied her future destiny over her meanwhile the drug kardi a cartel dealer is sitting in the other room and all the men are chatting and I can see him looking to see what's going on in the other room because his niece is screaming as she's going through deliverance so she starts out with this really really dark dark appearance and by the time she got done she was just as radiant as any of those cannibals and headhunters in the movies that I show about transformation her she just became light and so oh she was just hugging me and loving me and like oh thank you thank you so much I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders the drug cartel dealer he's sitting in the other room watching this whole thing and he asked the guy that was sitting beside him because what's happening and what's going on in there anyway and Jerry says why don't you go ask that lady okay so he says okay I just will because Mexican men are very macho macho macho and they do not under any they don't show weakness for anything especially a cartel dealer who's killed a lot of people okay so he comes in and he goes could you tell me what just happened with her and I smiled and I said well she just got saved healed delivered full of the Holy Ghost full of fire of God and she's isn't she radiant and he looks at her and he said yes he says what did what were you telling her and I said well I was just telling her God's plan for her life and he said how do you know God's plan and I said well he can tell you your plan too would you like to know what God's plan is for your life and he looks at me and goes I'm not becoming a Christian I'm not going to church and I'm not carrying one of those obnoxious big Bibles that's what the guy said so I said well fine up to you you can choose to accept or not accept but the Lord has a plan for your life and it's a really good one if you'll just let me tell you and he looks at me and he kind of backs away and he sits down in the chair and he goes well I guess it'll be okay now you remember when Jesus was ministering to the woman at the well all he said to her was I tell you the truth you've had five husbands and the one you're living with right now is not even your husband and she immediately jumped up and went into town and told the whole city come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did well no he told her one thing okay so I walk over to this guy and I put my hand on his shoulder and I get caught up into the heavens and I said four words in a whisper where is your father and the guy goes well he just burst out in tears sobbing and crying and care all I said four words where is your father the very next day he joined a church he's built 10 orphanages he's carrying a great big huge Bible well the night that he got saved he went to his house and he burned up a million and a half dollars of drugs in his his garbage burner in the backyard as a result of that the cartel was not very happy so they put out a contract on him and on me okay so we're standing out in his yard and this guy comes up and he's got a sawed-off shotgun he sticks it right in my head and he says I'm here to blow your head off I'm gonna kill you and I just left and I said you can't kill me I'm already dead and the guy looks at me and says what do you mean you're already dead I led him to Jesus in the two of them today are out preaching the gospel all over the world because because the thing that you fear will come upon you so when you trust in the Lord with all of your heart you have nothing to fear I've been to many many places where there's a lot of anguish a lot of pestilence a lot of famine a lot of bloodshed but always always when people come to me and they say aren't you afraid to go to the cannibals and headhunters and I said no because whether I live or whether I die really does not matter what really matters is did I fulfill the purpose for which I sent and did I really trust you Trust is such a big thing and when we really trust the Lord no doubt no unbelief no fear not fear of failure fear of betrayal you're a bit of a fear of betrayal any kind of fear of vulnerability all of that leaves because in him there is no fear the more you trust in him the more you will arise and shine and be all that God called you to be so father we thank you and we just ask you to really speak to us and through us and by us and between us and round about us as we take this time now to enjoy one another's company at lunch so come back after lunch and we'll share some more you have something you want to say [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Embassy
Views: 54,679
Rating: 4.8708453 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 18sec (3558 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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