The Land Called Tomorrow | Hello Tomorrow | Dr. Cindy Trimm

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welcome to the exclusive hello tomorrow teaching series with dr. Cindy trim I [Applause] hope by now if you're watching this video you've already ordered your book hello tomorrow which is the sequel the long awaited sequel to commanding your morning are you excited about it in the room well over the next several sessions dr. trim is gonna be breaking down this message line upon line and she's gonna be giving you principal some of which I'm sure didn't even make it into the book and they're gonna be extras and freebies but God is gonna radically transform the way that you do life because he's gonna empower you to write a vision how many of you have ever written a vision for your life you know Helen Keller said what a travesty what a shame to have sight but no vision there's power when you can see yourself being being greater than you are right now or living beyond the limits of the borders of the confines of your community your your upbringing I'm telling you God has greater for you and and I don't I don't want to waste any more time I want to bring right to the platform dr. Cindy trim how many are you excited tonight I am overjoyed to see each one of you and those of you that are tuning in you were tuning into my Atlanta life group and book club and we are all charged up because I am introducing for the first time hello tomorrow the long-awaited series or the long-awaited sequel to commanding your morning and I'm so excited about what we're going to share so if you can get in a comfortable place and take your seed and get you a cup of coffee or at least you should have prepared your cup of coffee and those of you that need to run to the kitchen to get you something cool to drink I want you to be able to get your notepad iPads get your legal pads whatever you're using to take copious notes because we are going to be talking to you for this series on hello tomorrow the transformation of power of vision and let's just start out with a prayer our Father a God we pray that you would think through my mind speak through my lips let there be none of me all of you as we are shearing we are sharing in this book club and it is also a time of great teaching we pray that you would use this book to transform not only lives but those that whose lives are being transformed it will be used to transform industries and communities and families they would be used to transform corporate companies used to transform governments we thank you now father because in each generation you arrive you will cause to arise individuals that have a vision that puts pushes humanity forward that pushes family forward and I decree that that those that read this book will be able to put it in the hands of their friends and family and and together we will be raised up as visionary leaders who will not only prophesy the future but we will provoke it molded and shape it and we thank you right now for every visionary that is tuning in and for every life group that is taking on the challenge of starting their own book club and for every book club that is going on around the world the four corners of the earth we pray that you would visit us with such a revelation that every year we will have a vision for the next year in the next year that we were dare to write visions that spanned beyond our lifetime Father let there be visions and open our eyes that we would see the wondrous things that you have prepared for those of us that love you in Jesus name Amen I have my copy of hello tomorrow and I'm praying that all of you will have secured your copy you have you a copy if you don't have your copy you can go online to Cindy trim dot-com and secure your copy and there's information that should be sliding across the stream screen right now to tell you how you can secure your copy of hello tomorrow and so in the books the contents I love how the Lord gave me to write this particular book because it gives you just four steps for living the life of your dreams just four simple step the first step is build a bridge to your future and the second step is put yourself where you see yourself the third step is to write your own history and the fourth step is to dare to do something great and then in the back starting from page 183 we have a whole bunch of declarations that you can make over your life and daily affirmations that you can make over your life which are all scriptural based and you can decree this you know I like to do the 30 day challenge where you begin to decrease something for 30 straight days and challenge God but the pressure on God you will see some amazing things occur into your life and then each one of these steps are broken down into smaller steps and this makes this this book just a really great book you can put it in your um your purse and you can carry it in your knapsack or briefcase and you can definitely use this for years to come commanding a morning was a book that I wrote several years ago and my niece was promoted as a result of it and I tell you what she would do when she's an accountant so when they would have meetings in her firm she would sit down and then she told me the thing that she would do is to memorize some of the quotes that are commending your morning and she would sit down she'll memorize the quote and just randomly spit all spit out these quotes and she said they were so impressed with her and she didn't have the heart to tell anyone that she was sounding so intelligent because she was directly quoting out of the book that her auntie had written so what she would do she would hide it in her case and hide it in her knapsack until when she was dating a specific guy she would come up with all these intelligent things and then finally God she pulled out the book and said you know listen ty this is where I was getting all of that wisdom from and he was so mad he said you mean all this time you had a book written by on Cindy and you would held that from me I'm never gonna forgive you so commanding your morning revolutionized my niece's life so many people around the world and this book is going to have the same effect hello tomorrow your tomorrow does not have to look like your yesterday and one of the things I've discovered that all of our human progress everything that we've ever accomplished as human beings came about as a result of someone seeing the possibilities of living our lives better and then they develop the blueprint and they got to putting the energy and their resources and honing their skills and gifts to make whatever they envision come to pass and today you were sitting on someone's vision you were wearing someone's vision you are dressed in someone's vision you live in someone's vision you drive someone's vision before there were cars there was only a vision before there was a house there was only a vision before there was a chair it was only a vision before there was a noun there was only a vision before there was Jaguar there was only a vision before there was McDonald's there was only a vision before there was Colonel Sounders there was someone with a vision and then there was someone who had the courage to think outside of the box someone then had the courage to move from just saying this is what I want to do this is what I want to accomplish and they put the energies in and they put their resources in and many of these were laughingstock at one point where people thought oh why would you want to do something like that and talking about modern day vision visionaries and even some of the visionaries from the past let's look at Noah Noah was given a vision by God of building a boat to survive a tsunami when there was never even such a thing as rain so before one drop of rain fell upon the earth before there was such a profession call a ship builder before anyone could have ever thought about building great cruise liners here is this man defying the odds and saying I'm gonna build an ark well firstly what in heaven's name is an ark and then secondly nobody in our community knows what you're talking about your granddaddy wasn't a ship builder your father wasn't a ship builder your uncle wasn't a ship builder your neighbor wasn't a ship builder in fact there was no one in the world who has ever heard of such a thing and can you imagine what he had to fight through in order to bring his mission to pass but a vision belongs to the person that takes an image serious enough that they're willing to be ridiculed to make it happen and a lot of times when you have a vision for your life you're gonna get pressed back push back you're going to be cheered at laughed at how are you going to do it how you gonna drive it how you gonna build it how you gonna make it how are you gonna sustain it how you gonna wear it how are you whoa oh you know who's gonna support you and by the time this world gets through with you by the time your friends get through with you by the time your family gets through with you you have given up on a god-given vision but this is my this is my encouragement to you to read this and to take this seriously and then allow God to give you a vision for your life and then allow him to give you the courage to bring that vision to pass this world is here because of visionary and I could think of the greatest visionary and that is God himself and he had a vision that one day he would he would restore humanity back to his original play to its original purpose and he was so keen on it so convinced he can do it that he sent his son as a representative him and his son was so convinced that he was prepared to give his life for it a vision that is god-given is something that you are prepared to give your life for it so here's the new book I'm excited about it the person on the front looks pretty good and I'm buying it just because I know the lady on the front so let's get started in our on our teaching those of you that are viewing I want you to get five people and start your book club and go through this get five of them and give them the book as a gift if you have to but to pull your life group or your book club together and let's get started let's look at the book of Genesis 15 one two six as we begin to introduce you to our new series the power of vision and this is a part of our book club and you were joining my book club and prayerfully you've got your group of five or six or ten or fifteen or twenty and I do realize that there are many many churches now that are taking up this book to help their congregations so joining us today are people from around the world including large churches we're taking entire congregations through hello tomorrow the transformational power of vision Genesis chapter 15 verses 1 to 6 Genesis 15 one students 1 to 6 we want you to take copious notes take copious notes write and we want you to learn the art of writing not just typing but something happens when you use your hand to write Genesis 15 1 2 6 the Bible said after these things the word of the Lord came unto Abraham in a vision so we know that visions come from God and they are given to individuals that capture it now when God speaks to you in a vision it doesn't mean that you have to see it live in technicolor with sound effect sometimes they come as prompting sometimes they come as a spark of inspiration that God wants you to be able to follow up on to sit down to take the discipline to begin to pray and ask him can you give me further details on this a spark of inspiration many of the things that I'm involved in today many of the initiatives came when I was driving I had this spark of inspiration where I saw something and sometimes it's very challenging and difficult for you to articulate what you see especially when the vision comes as a spark of information inspiration I was traveling and I had been praying for about 10 years asking on God what is the title for the sequel of commending your mourning and so everyone was making suggestions they had suggested commanding your day commanding your life commanding your week you know they came up commanding your month and it that that was something that didn't stick to me but I was with a friend we were having a conversation and bam God gave me just this spark of inspiration that came from out of the book of second Kings where Elijah began to prophesied to a nation and he said tomorrow about this time and the Holy Spirit dropped just by way of inspiration the title for your next book is hello tomorrow and I looked at how one man with a vision that was so diametrically different from the government of that particular nation so different from the experts the the Bible talked about the Minister of Finance and he would be well trained in stats and finances and economics he knew economic trends he knew how to prognosticate whether it was gonna be bull or whether it was gonna be bear he knew all of the fluctuations of the market and when he heard tomorrow about this time when he heard the prophetic word he laughed he said look I'm an expert it is impossible for that to happen when God gives you a vision he takes you in a land call possibility and you begin to operate in the land call tomorrow and someone once said that tomorrow is a land where 99% of all human activities happen and manifest and so when we look at your life we usually don't sit long enough for God to give us an indication and a vision of his plans that he has for us and tomorrow a week from now two weeks from now five years from now 30 years from now what I am doing today is as a result of a vision that I wrote two years ago and you might say well why two years ago it is because 22 years ago I wrote my first vision for my first 20 year vision and everything that I wrote in my first 20 year vision came to pass with the exception of one thing so what I did I took that thing I carried it over and two years ago I wrote my second vision and because I understand divine timetables I understand the prophetic word I understand certain laws that I'm going to begin to speak to you about like the law of execution you cannot have a vision that comes to pass if you don't understand the laws that govern the manifestation of a vision and we're gonna show you how God plainly spoke to Habakkuk and showed him the twenty laws for bringing your vision to pass and so in and and one of the laws is a law of execution and because I understand these spiritual laws I was able to quantum leap many things that had written down as a result of a goal of a strategy I was able to quantum leap those things so this is my second twenty here I'm two years in and I've already quantum leaped many of my goals by two to five years this is the law of execution so the first 20 years with trial and error now I think I'm somewhat of an expert on how to bring visions to pass and I'm so happy that I have an opportunity to share it with you now I gave you enough time to find Genesis chapter 15 1 to 6 and if you were still looking it simply means that you really don't know anything about the Bible but I'm cool with that because Genesis is the first book of the Bible in fact you don't need a GPS to figure out where Genesis is that's the first street amen Genesis 15 1 to 6 if you were there shout amen the Bible said after these things the word of the Lord came unto Abraham in a vision saying fear not Abraham a lot of people live in fear because they cannot see how their life is going to change tomorrow they cannot see how things are gonna be different and they're anxious they're anxious financially they're anxious about their finances people are anxious about their health they're anxious about their children and they worry how are things gonna unfold not knowing that they could be participatory in how the future unfolds there was this one philosophy that says I have an interest in the future because I plan to spend the rest of my life there you have to have an interest in your future because that's where you're going to spend the rest of your life do you not realize today was the yesterday you thought about as tomorrow and it's interesting today is excuse me today is the tomorrow that you thought about yesterday and today is gonna be the yesterday that you would think about tomorrow and so if the future is a place where you spend the rest of your life you might as well get involved with provoking in God said to Abram fear not I am your shield I'm your exceeding great reward and I love that because there is a reward that is given to everyone that harnesses the power of their imagination and God said it's not just gonna be a reward is gonna be a great reward verse number two and Abraham said Lord what will thou give me seeing I go childless in other words what he began to do is to present to the Lord the realities of his today now we talk about praying and we've written a whole series of prayer books we've written prayer books to talk to you about how to use the power of the spoken word in commending your morning we talked to you about the art of prayer and spiritual warfare we talked to you about a several prayer of books you know and I'm so excited about hello tomorrow I can't even think about the books that I wrote but we talked to you and we gave you a library of prayer books the art of war we gave you the prayer book the rules of engagement we gave you a little small prayer book the atomic power prayer so so we've shown you different ways to pray and different aspects of prayer but now we are going to talk about how do you craft your prayers and your declarations until your future looks exactly like God had originally planned and purpose for how do you do that you don't do it by rehearsing over and over in your prayers what is going on today how you do it is you allow God to use your imagination so that he can at articulate for you would he planned in your life in in the future so that you can begin to construct your prayers accordingly a lot of people are praying a Miss because they keep praying about what they don't want and what the devil is doing rather than what they want and what God wants for them and being able to capture God's plan for your life as a vision will give you the ability to structure your prayers in such a way that your future will have to conform hello tomorrow your future is calling you you might as well answer hello hey men God said to Abraham what and Abraham said Lord what will you give me seeing I go childless so that's where he was and the steward of my house is this ever Eliezer of Damascus not as if God don't know who Eliezer is not as if God doesn't know the details of his life but verse number three and Abraham said Behold to me thou has given me no seed so again he's telling God what he doesn't have he's telling God who's in his life and these are the things that God already knows verse number three behold to me thou has not given no seed and lo one born in my house is my in is mine ear and behold the word of the Lord came unto him saying this shall not be thine ear in other words this is not your destiny and where you are now where you are with your struggles where you are with your problems where you are with your lack it is not God's best for your life and you've got to believe me when I tell you this you can have better the moment you think better the moment you see your life unfolding different is the moment it will begin to unfold differently and then the conversation keeps going on as the Lord speaks to him he said but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine ear and he bought forth abroad and said look now towards the heaven and tell and tell the Stars if thou be able to number them and he said unto them so shall thy seed be and he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness so what God did was change his perspective to be able to change his perspective and then he gave him a vision and he said I want you to see stars as human beings so he giving him metaphors for his life so that he can write it down that my future is going to be filled with people coming out of my loins that outnumber the stars in the sky and so God changed his destiny by changing his vision how he saw himself in the future now if God gives you a vision vision being able to get a vision is a discipline it is just like you praying is a discipline giving is a discipline worship is a gist discipline praise is a discipline serving is a discipline Bible study is a discipline so gaining a vision for your life is a discipline as well let's look at Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 to 3 Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 to 3 and 4 the Brits have a chapter 2 2 to 3 and for the Americans head back chapter 2 verses 2 to 3 amen the Bible says and the Lord answered me and said write the vision so it's one thing to have it but as yet another thing for you to discipline yourself and to begin to write your vision he said I want you to write the vision I want you to make it plain no I want specificities in your vision and write it upon tablets or tables that he may one that readeth it for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie though it Terry wait for it because it shall it will surely come and it will not tarry now this is an instruction that God gave to head back cocked and we're going to revisit this scripture again we're gonna revisit and we're gonna ask convey this until you walk away with the principles necessary for your life to be totally different do you ever look at your life and wonder where you could have been now if you had only made different choices do you think about what you could have had what you could have acquired where you could have travel what you could have written what you could have painted what you could have accomplished have you ever sat down and said to yourself I could have been much further than I am today well if you look back you could look back and you can see one thing that was missing it was not your intelligence it was not opportunities it was not the anointing it was not the gifts it was not resources we are resource rich real recognition poor it wasn't resources the only thing that was missing was vision because a vision will dictate to your activities so a lot of people live with so many regrets regretting I could have done this I had enough time to go back to school I had enough time to do this and that and the other and so people live their life of regret the only thing worse than living with regret is to die with regret regretting the things that you could have done the places you could have went and regretting the fact that you were afraid you were afraid of people misunderstanding you were afraid of losing friends you were afraid of things not working that's too much regret and I decree your season of regret is over and from today on what you are going to be looking at your future and you're going to shout out hello tomorrow I'm waiting for you I wrote this book hello tomorrow to show you how you can start right now to live the life of your dreams and to live a life free of regrets throughout scriptures I've observed that God gives us divine insight into how our future unfolds and he gives it to you by way of vision a vision acts as a catalyst that activates us into destiny by helping us to make the right destiny decision it points us to the fields the industries and the professions which God has chosen for us to lead in to dominate to prosper and to succeed in therefore visions are destiny adjusters make that a notation when God gives you a vision he gives it to you as a destiny adjuster let's look at Genesis chapter 46 verse 2 to 6 Genesis 46 to 2 6 they are destiny adjusters and God spoke unto Israel in the visions of the night and said Jacob Jacob and he said Here I am and he said I am God the God of thy father's fear not to go down into Egypt for I will be there to make thee a great nation I will go down with the into Egypt I will also surely bring the upper game and Joseph shall put his hands upon thy eyes and Jacob rose up from Bathsheba and the sons of Israel carried Jacob their father and their little ones and the wives and the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him now by the time we get to Genesis 26 Jacob had been through so much and so many people had disappointed him he had been labeled and been stigmatized he had been used yet miss misuse and he was shell-shocked so by the time he gets word that his son was alive and they were invited him now to live and to prosper in in Egypt he was afraid and he didn't want to go down to Egypt just in case something bad happened to him and so he was stopped in fear in a cycle of fear because the only new betrayal he only knew rejection and he was just full of fear but God gave him a vision that caused him to be unstopped they gave him the courage to move from where he was and connected the dots between point a and point B and brought him into a prophetic process God has plans for your life and you cannot be afraid to move on from where you are because if where you are is not working for you this year I can promise you if you stay there it is not going to work for you next year I am decreed that God will arrest your imagination until he's able to download a vision for your life that you capture it and if that vision takes you to another city to another country to another business to another profession to another relationship to another area you will not be afraid to cut ties with your past to be able to say goodbye yesterday and hello to tomorrow and God did it through a vision a vision is a destiny adjuster something will be adjusted in your behavior something will be adjusted in your decision and like like I always say we are always only one decision away from living the life of our dreams but your decision should be attached to a goal your goal should be attached to a strategy and your strategy has to be attached to a vision if you don't have a vision you are not gonna have the right life strategies if you don't have the right strategies you will not have the right goals if you don't have the right goals you will have not have the right objectives if you don't have the right objectives you will not have the right activities and if you don't have the right activities your tomorrow is gonna look exactly like your yesterday but I decree and declare that your tomorrow is going to look nothing like your yesterday it's gonna be better it's gonna be brighter you're gonna be happier you're gonna be smarter you're going to dominate you're going to lead you're going to create wealth you're gonna leave it for another generation you're gonna write your book you're gonna start your ministry you're gonna start your business you're gonna start your television show you are going to create breakthroughs in your industry I decree and declare that you are gonna wake up every day and you are not just going to think about what you are going through today your focus is no longer going to be on the things that bring you distraction and bring you a harm and bring your sadness you are going to look to tomorrow and you are gonna run your race because God is going to give you the strategy to connect where you are and build a bridge to your Marah to your tomorrow you may know what your a is but many people don't know what their B is and your vision is your B and God is gonna give you a strategy to get from point A to point B I decree tomorrow about this time you will no longer be talking about your point in you will no longer regret your point a you will no longer be living in your point a I decree through vision God is helping you to bril the bridge to your tomorrow to get to point B all the point B people holla back at me God had provided a bridge to get him from where he wants to get him to Egypt God gave him a vision but he also gave him a provision and a lot of times we look at the limitations of our bank account to determine what we do tomorrow and how we plan to tomorrow but how many of you know that there's gonna be a great wealth transfer and the scripture said the scripture said because as destiny was in Egypt and because his family's destiny was in Egypt Pharaoh sent a wagon to carry him there God is going to send you a truckload of resources we don't have wagons but we do have trucks and get ready for a truckload of resources that God is going to give you to take you from your point A to point B clap your hands and sing I believe it visions are given to us so that we are able to make the best life choices let's look at job 33:14 218 they're given to us so that we can make the best life choices jobs 33 14 to 18 the scripture says for God's speak at the ones yayyyy twice yet man perceives it not in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falleth upon men in slumbering x' upon the bed then it opens up the ears of man and Selah their instruction that he may withdraw man from his purpose and high pride from man he keepeth back his soul from the pit and its life from perishing by the sword what does this mean it means that when God gives you a vision you're able to make the best life choices so that your life doesn't become a disaster he wants to help you to hold you back from making the wrong choices this is what it means he withdraws a man from his purpose when God withdraws you from your purpose the scripture says there's a way that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof is destruction so let's talk about it how many of you ever in your young age wanted to date someone and then wanted to get married in your young age let's let all the women raise their hand and you saw what you thought was this cute boy and you just wanted this boy you wanted to date him you wanted to date him and that was your vision that debt that he was gonna be your boo and then you were gonna get married you were gonna have children and so finally when you got this boy after a couple of months he was a jerk a pure jerk but you stayed with him because everybody else had a boyfriend you didn't have a boyfriend but you knew he was a jerk you knew this is what it wasn't your destiny but you felt like well this is as good as it gets so you stuck with him and then one day he broke up with you and it broke your heart and you wonder how you were gonna live the rest - your life without bozo and you cried and broke your heart and ten years later 15 years later 20 years later guess who shows up Boza and bozo said you look good and in the back of your mind you said I wish I could say the same because this cute boy now has a snaggletooth he has grapes growing on his head he doesn't have a job and you say to yourself what was I I must have been out of my that was your plans but it wasn't God's plan that was your best but it wasn't God's best and God said I'm gonna give you a vision an understanding of what my best looks like so that you don't compromise in life so that you don't accept inferior when I have superior for you you don't accept the world's worse when I have the best in other words when he withdraws man from his purpose and he hides brand pride from man in other words some trust in chariots others and horses but you are going to rely on God you're gonna ask God what do I do next how do i tackle this who is should be in my life who should might be my husband who should be my friend and when you do that God will open your eyes and give you the ability to make the best decision based on the choices that are made available to you immediately and if those choices and not his choices he will give you the patience to wait on him until your Boaz shows up now some of you might have made mistakes but you know God can transform your husband into a David and that's what happened to Emma Gail and we go said you know it operates by the law of unintended consequence write this down you made a decision your heart was right you were motivated by the right thing but you made the wrong decision and so the outcome the consequences of the decisions that you made really cost you it cost you in time it costs you in reputation you might have lost face you might have lost favor with people but you do what you're not to doing do you know what how to do better you don't sit there regretting anything you just shift your strategy and God will do it by giving you a vision because vision is going to dictate to your strategy your life strategy how you make decisions so a vision will keep you from making the wrong decisions in life is gonna prevent you from making the wrong decision because if you know that where you end up tomorrow is the sum total of the activities of today of today the decisions that you make the activities that you were engaged in the things that you ate how you slept who you talk to will you end up tomorrow is the sum totals of the decisions that you make today so you cannot go backwards to start all over again to have a new beginning but you can start now to have a new ending and this is what having a vision for your life is all about vision helps you to focus on the possibilities that await you in your future let's go to Genesis 13 14 to 17 a vision helps you to focus on the possibilities that await you in your future Genesis 13 14 to 17 the Bible said in the Lord said unto Abram after that lot was separated from him lift up now the eyes look from the place where thou art northward southward eastward and westward if you if you see a lot of people only look at where they are but you've got to look beyond the wheel you are look away from where you are because where you are is only as permanent as your thoughts about it so that means if you change your mind the reality of time will change the reality in time will change if you change your mind your a letís in time will change and so if you like the ability to change your mind about where you are you could change your mind any time it's the story of the prodigal son he made a series of decisions that took him into the Pigpen the law of unintended consequences he never intended to live in a peak pain but his decisions made you know caused his future to be molded based on those decision when he got into his Pigpen he thought about a future in his father's house he said I don't see myself living the rest of my life in a pig pen this is how I see myself I see myself living in my father's house growing up managing a portion of my father's monopoly my father's business this is how I see myself and the next morning he got up and he went to which father says why because the vision dictates to your activity every activity if you if you look at a person's life it is not always the devil it is not always society is not always the economy it is how they see their life unfolding and how you see your life unfolding is exactly how it unfolds God said look from where you are North with Southwood eastward for all the land that they'll see if anything that you constantly hold in your mind eventually unfolds in your life the word cieth is present active continuum in other words if it's not in your mind today it will not manifest in your life tomorrow so whatever you look at constantly if you look at what you don't have would you lack who did this who didn't do that whatever you look for you find whatever you want to see see whatever holds your future is what you see in your future whatever holds your pokus excuse me is what you see in your future whatever holds your Kube whatever holds your focus is what you see in your future I'm gonna say it again whatever holds your focus is what you see in your future whatever holds your focus is what you see in your future whatever holds your focus is what you see in your future God said to Habakkuk as long as you keep looking at what's wrong in your community your community is going to be filled with things that are wrong but I want to give you something that will change your activities that would change your destiny and I want to give you a vision whatever holds your focus controls your future so if you don't plan to see you tomorrow stop thinking about it today whether it's people whether it's things whether it's your past whether it's something whatever people said you've got to control your thoughts and the way that you control your thoughts is through an image and a vision is an image of coming attractions I go to the movies and I love going to the movies and I love going to the movies for the feature of course but also like the coming attractions I get more excited I think with the coming attractions than I do the feature film in some instances but I get excited because I'm able to sit down and say well that is coming in September to September the 3rd so September the 3rd I know where I'm gonna be this is coming in December I'm gonna see that this is coming out in November I'm gonna see that this is coming out in April I'm gonna see that so even if it's six months and I'm waiting for six months guess what happens in April guess where I go to the movie why because I had a vision of common attraction your vision is as powerful as the coming attractions in a movie theater you plan your life around it you plan to show up when that vision comes to pass you want to be there because this is a vision that God has for your life God said for all the land that you see it if you continue to hold it in your mind see if it's present active continuum you see it today you see it tomorrow you see it the next day this is why God said to have a or have a or have a whatever you call him this is why God said write the vision so that he that readeth it may run with it running is different from walking is different from strolling in other words it's going to come to you faster than if you don't write it a lot of us are slowing down our future success because we do not have the discipline to write down the vision so today I release upon you an anointing of discipline that you're going to be discipline going out of this year going out of this month to begin to sit down and write your vision as God has given it to you now the Bible said works in number 16 and I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth so that if you can number the dust of the earth then shall thy seed also be numbered so what is God doing giving him a vision of what his future looks like the first one he said see the Stars his faces now he's saying see the sand as phases so he's giving him imagery so a vision operates through imagery how many of you have gone on temporary vacations without leaving your bedroom or without leaving your living room will you sit down your mind goes so deep that people call you you don't even hear them I decree in the clear that your life is going to unfold according to your vision that when your pass calls you you wouldn't even hear it your pass had nothing new to say to you so stopped listening to you right now all you're going to do is to say what hello God said to Abraham look northward southward eastward westward and every thing that you see today I were given in other words what is not clear to you will not be there for you when you get to your future what you cannot see coming never comes what you believe will come comes what is beyond your ability to see is beyond your ability to have what you see determines what you sees what you picture determines what you capture what crosses your mind determines what comes into your life your feet will never take you will your mind has never been where your mind goes your energy flows where your energy flows your life goals what is beyond your view is beyond your grasp what is beyond your ability to see is beyond your ability to have the quality of your thoughts determine the quality of your life your outlook determines your outcome your mindset determines your lifestyle what is beyond your capacity to grasp is beyond your capacity to grab God said for all the land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever here's my question how far can you see because how far you see determines how far you go in life some people cannot see further than today they cannot see further than their bills they cannot see their life different they don't even see how God is going to make a way for them they just believe that their life is always going to be the same some people can see how they're going to get enough money to send their children to college some people can see how they will survive if they leave an abusive relationship some people can see how they're gonna break addictive cycles some people can see how their their broken relationship is gonna be healed and so what happens year after year season after season their life is not different year after year the season after season they are still renting rather than owning year after year season after season they never get enough money to send their children to college year after year season after season they are still in an abusive relationship year after year season after season they are still in addictive cycles year up the year season after season they are still in broken relationship how far you can see determines how far you go in life many people are or many believers are like Habakkuk in Habakkuk chapter one they only see what's wrong but what but what but can see how things could ever change or whatever change so things never change this is because we have not learned the spiritual discipline of allowing the Holy Spirit to refocus our spiritual lenses let's look at first Corinthians 2:9 2:12 first Corinthians 2:9 2:12 first Corinthians 2:9 2:12 and we're going to end our Bible study as we introduce you to hallow tomorrow with this particular scripture 1st Corinthians 2:9 to 12 God said to Abraham look beyond where you are look at the possibilities look north south east and west look at all the possibilities and as far as you can see it I'll give it can you see what your life is gonna look like five years from now what does your life look like at the end of the month what does your life look like at the end of the year what does your life look like in ten years I I see in 20 years increment I know where my life is gonna be twenty years from now should the Lord delay is coming should the creek don't rise and the fat lady don't sing all things being equal why because I've written a vision for my life the Bible said in first Corinthians tune nine to twelve but as it is written I have not seen nor ear heard neither has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him how many of you love him God has prepared something great for you in your future the Bible says but God has revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searches all things yea the deep things of God for what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of Man which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God now we have not received now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us that we may know you don't have to guess at your future you can know what your future looks like when you allow God to refocus the lands of your spirit from the natural to the supernatural by giving you a vision amen our Father a God we thank you that we are visionaries and how we see our lives unfolding its unfolds and Holy Spirit we are giving you permission to reveal those things that God has prepared for us before the foundation of the world so that we can adjust our activities according to that vision so that we can garner new strategies that we can establish new goals so indeed all things will pass away and all things become new now unto him who is able to do the exceeding abundantly above all we can ask good thing it's according to the power that works in us so that we are able to say hello tomorrow yes hello tomorrow somebody say hello tomorrow well you just completed session 1 of this exclusive teaching from best-selling author dr. Cindy trim and right now if you were in a study group now is a great time to start a conversation what what do you see for your life over the next five years over the next 20 years what are some challenges that you may need some support from those around you to help you overcome well we're here for you too we're praying for you if you if you want to connect them to what we're doing with Cindy trim ministries visit Cindy trim ministries org also dr. trim has the corporate entity where we're empowering personal from a personal perspective and a professional perspective you can visit trim we will see you at the next session for hello tomorrow god bless
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 85,712
Rating: 4.8538013 out of 5
Keywords: hello tomorrow, cindy trimm, commanding your morning
Id: 4B6u8Qh_nXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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