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[Applause] this is day jobs where we trained for the job compete for the job but only one of us gets the job welcome to day jobs your fire no for those of you that don't know we're actually have a little bit of history but this is Matt Rob's wife yeah no no Matt Rob is her husband oh there we go Ashley was also my swim instructor per day two years ago and I have not drowned ever since I'll be doing today so today we're gonna be able to learn the skills necessary to be a lifeguard so we're all gonna have to kiss each other again yeah I don't think so because I see some like dudes like back here but the hole in them oh yeah perfect good lifeguarding that was weird Shane's not here today right everybody's gonna be late we don't know because he decided to take care of his dental hygiene like a weirdo like the first step is in CPR I think it's gonna be I do you think the our key we're going to emulate it on these dummies right so the first step is actually going to be surveying the scene so I'm looking around this looks safe so that means it's clear for me to approach right so I'm gonna approach and now what he could be sleeping or she so you're gonna tap it and you want to do an aggressive tap and then you're going to announce yourself hello hello are you okay just like that now all of you are standing here this thing is not okay so I'm gonna designate jobs I'm going to say you call nine-one-one now you've got a job to do you go get the AED all right for Billy yeah so that's that's gonna help shock the heart if we need it to so I like doing something that I call ABC I always be know I'm just going to look and see if they're breathing so I can come down close like this and I'm gonna turn my head so that I can feel if their breath is on my face and I'm gonna look to see if I can see their chest rise and fall if it's not rising and falling not breathing great go this way right don't we're gonna start with our chest compressions you do chest compressions first what we're gonna do is 30 compressions so how quickly do you do it I count I say and in between so it's like one and two and three and four and five and six then you're going to do your rescue breath so you put your hand on the forehead tilt the chin up and there's no breath breath you're looking to see did it go in legs do well I have two dummies here right so we'll each take one and we'll go through doing some chest compressions so let's hammer and play it we're just hanging out he's dead it's cool we all hated him anyways some professional life-saving here we're gonna do a couple of different types of life-saving the first one we're going to be doing is an active drowner ready when you live them because I mean like you don't have a little selection well again as a lifeguard your gardening yeah what we're gonna do is try to approach them and I'm gonna go under her armpits all right how do we feel about active drowning give me the active ground I like playing a victim so can I save him okay yeah how about we see them as a passive browner you can do a kind of like a dead man's float through all right you're gonna do put your arm hot head under his armpits high man pull him up it what you want to do is make sure his head is not where your head is yes I hear you are you taking them today somebody go into the shallow end and they hit their head just right or do you're gonna do the same thing that you just did I'm gonna lift his arm up like this and then not to provide the brace for his neck and then I'm gonna flip him over but with his arm still up so that his neck isn't moving all right take his arms up towards his head and then I'm gonna slowly put let me do it move like this ready so I've got his arms like this now we're ready to get him on the okay Courtney how about you same shape yep and then I'll come in with the backboard and we'll show what to do these frog legs I'm gonna slide this underneath so don't push it down right and then it's gonna be buoyant so it's going to come up so I'm gonna put and there like this that one goes I know it's like that now you can put the arm down this heart yep the members I know under the arms right okay and so then you can sum over here okay now he buckled we're doing is nuts Courtney over there and I need that other orange one and then you're see there's that strap right there all right so now I can let go and we can bring him over to the side go like this I know one of you would be out there and we've lift him up you're gonna bring it over the corner event and then slide do not drop drop all right how do we feel about getting somebody on the backboard I think we can do it I think you've learned the basics and so the real test now is gonna be to do a little relay race so we're gonna have you jump in you're gonna swim across the pool you'll do some CPR over there and then you'll come over here find a passive drown and resin neck injury strap them in and drag them out and we'll see who can get it done the fastest all right okay I will beat all of you let's do it [Applause] [Music] go I've ever seen him do that she can do it [Applause] so good bad [Music] oh my god oh my god ed which arms down now well you got to move another all right no you hear these don't listen to God [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] two minutes 34 seconds the real winner here is Keith I wanted you to leave me out there bro we're all winners were all heroes except for Olivia she got okay Olivia is the real winner because she did swim she swam for like a total of like ten seconds Ricky we're just crazy that's the miracle of today we learned something didn't we Keith yeah let's start somewhere chest compression and learning how to be professional lifeguards would you hire anyone here with a little bit more training and practice perhaps we might like the most okay well shame clearly one in terms of the fastest time but there were a couple things I saw that he did that wouldn't be kosher on me right in terms of the backward placement I saw Noah you had that underwater and Olivia you got over your fear you got your eyes in the water you were able to be a victim once yeah I would say if I had to hire somebody though it no it would be Courtney she was the only person when we went over to do CPR that not only surveyed the scene but also told people to call 9-1-1 who asked for the AED I gotta go he did she didn't do the appropriate number of compressions ha ha singing beaten but any number of compressions gets the heart going in the blood flow yeah so I would say she would be the one I would hire Congrats you can finally quit Smosh thank you so much Ashley for teaching is in the description below you guys we're gonna have more of these days on bears coming out so make sure you subscribe it's a notification mask they don't mess up is moisturizer [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 4,289,615
Rating: 4.9340429 out of 5
Keywords: becoming, switching jobs, becoming for a day, a day, for a day, lifeguard, lifeguards, day job, day jobs, 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, day challenge, challenge, life guard, lifeguard challenge, i spent 24 hours, 24 hours challenge, smosh day jobs, smosh pit, smosh, smosh games, smosh 2nd
Id: e6Xb7SwE2gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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