Becoming a Vessel of Honor Pt 5 - Joe Sweet

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we're continuing a teaching series I call it becoming a vessel of Honor when God created all of us he put inside of us is from God a desire to be significant God put that in us nobody wants to be a nothing we want our lives to count don't we where did that come from that came from God because he wants our lives to count so he put that in us but people try to fulfill it in many wrong ways there's one right way is to find your your life in Christ and so we're talking about becoming a vessel of Honor for our life to count in God's eyes in God's kingdom in eternity then we must become a vessel that's clean and the Bible calls that a vessel of Honor when we become a vessel of Honor God's Spirit fills us anoints us empowers us enables us and uses us to do things that are an agreement with God's will and his eternal purposes that makes our life significant God before he made each one of us gave each one of us gifts callings talents and abilities everyone no one is insignificant in God's eyes nobody is unimportant your part is important very important we're a body it takes all of us together everybody doing our part to make something awesome manifest and that is the life the love and the power of Christ all of us together amen we each have a part and the way it works is we each become vessels of honor and second Timothy chapter 2 tells us how let's read it again Paul says in a great house and that's what the house of God is the body of Christ is a great house he said there are not only best of gold and silver but also of wooden clay some are vessels for honor summer for dishonor in our own houses I've said this numerous times the last several weeks in our own natural homes we have fine china we have a silver picture those are vessels of Honor and we may have somewhere in the house of garbage can it's a vessel it has a use but it's a vessel of dishonor right so what kind of a vessel do we want to be God wants us to be vessels of Honor he said here's what a vessel of Honor is verse 21 second Timothy chapter 2 therefore if anyone that means it's open to anybody cleanses himself from the ladder from the ladders dishonor he will be or she will be a vessel of Honor what does a vessel of Honor look like sanctified that means separate from sin and separate from what's unclean and given over to God a vessel of Honor is someone this clean and saying Here I am God for your use useful for the master prepared for every good work what is it that makes you and me prepared for the works that God wants us to do is having a clean heart clean lips clean hands sanctified when we give ourself over we yield to the process of sanctification now that's a process as it happens we get more and more filled with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is what makes us a vessel of Honor because when he fills us his peace his love the fruit of the Spirit starts manifesting his anointing his power the gifts that is what causes us to be a vessel of Honor now we can have talents God will give us talents and he can intend when he gives us those talents he intends those towels to be used for his service but until we're sanctified those talents aren't useful to God they're polluted talents and abilities are given as gifts from God being being gifted doesn't make us useful to God being clean makes us useful to God because when we're clean the Holy Spirit flows you agree with that now that's what all of us are made for they're made for as the Holy Spirit starts filling us his fruit comes in our life we get more peace more joy more anointing now if we're not walking in that we need to make whatever priority changes we need to make until we are that's why we're on this earth we're not here to do anything else except know Jesus learn how to abide in him and manifest him see what about my job our jobs our careers those are stuff we do while we're getting to know Jesus and walk with Him we raised kids and we do our stuff those are things we do while we are primarily getting to know the Lord abide in him and manifest him that's our mission doing my career raising kids that's very very important for my ministry my ministry to you it's very important I've been given an assignment but that's not my main thing my main thing is for me to get to know the Lord and walk with Him and learn to abide in him because my ministry comes out of that same with you your ministry comes out of your walk with God it comes out of his presence in your life and it's oh so again we need to understand the qualifying thing that determines if we're a vessel that God can anoint and use is cleanness are we clean in our heart the Bible says in Proverbs 11:22 or 2211 it says he that loves a pure heart and his Grace on his lips the King will be his friend now Grace on her lips follows having a pure heart a pure heart is our thoughts our motives and the imaginations of our heart we have to understand that God sees and knows everything we think God sees it all he knows it he knows the imaginations of our heart he knows what we think and he knows the motives better than we know now remember I think I shared it last week or two Neville Johnson had an experience where he was taken up into heaven so this beautiful garden the Lord was with him in a garden the Lord told Neville he said if I can walk in the garden of your heart you can come up here and walk in this garden did I share that before yeah so the garden of our heart is the fruit of the Holy Spirit so if we're to be sanctified it begins in our heart our motives our thoughts our imaginations to be clean before God now when our thoughts and motives are pure then our lips become pure and then our hands become pure so we looked at 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 of 14 and uh Paul talked about the process of sanctification so what really what we want what we really want is we want God's sanctifying grace to work in us cleanse me Lord how many want that the more that happens I mean that's a greatest blessing God could give any one of us is to cleanse my motives cleanse my imagination my thought my heart make it pure so we're going to talk about what does that look like and how do we get that you're gonna get a key today second Thessalonians 2 verse 13 and 14 we're bound to give thanks to God always for you brethren beloved by the Lord you are beloved by the Lord because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through here it is sanctification by the spirit and belief in the truth so when we believe the truth Jesus said in John 17 verse 17 he said father sanctify them by the truth Your Word is truth so this Bible is the truth I had a conversation with someone recently and they said one thing and I said no that's really not what happened I said this is what happened and then they said to me well that's your truth I said there's not your truth in my truth there's only one truth one of us has to be wrong and I'm not it doesn't matter who was right or wrong this whole thing your truth your truth is a bunch of nonsense is from the devil there's only one truth if you and I don't agree one of us is wrong they're not your truth and my truth there's the truth this is the truth and this is what sanctifies okay and so he said God sanctifies us in a process the Holy Spirit is the one who sanctifies us but he does it by us believing and acting on the truth when we believe it and I'm gonna add it doesn't say in this verse but I'll show in other verses act on the truth God sanctifies us okay and he said he he chose you for salvation through sanctification by the spirit belief in the truth to which he called you by our gospel for the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ the glory the manifest radiant love peace joy shining presence of God increases incrementally in our life to the degree that purification happens in our heart you understand that God chose us for glory he's going to raise up an endtime people that walk in purity of heart their lips will be free of guile their lips will have no slander gossip backbiting their lips will only speak what's graceful and edifying the truth in love and because the heart will be pure the lips will be without harm the hands will be clean God's gonna raise up a people that are transformed by the grace of God and they'll carry the light in the glory of God the Bible says when groped when will that happen when gross darkness covers the earth I say 60 verse 1 and 2 arise shine for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you for darkness will cover the earth yes growth darkness but the glory shall be seen a visible glory and that glory is the love and the purity of the Holy Spirit of Christ filling a person that's what we're made for amen and then we looked at X so so entering into that glory realm is through sanctification that what's makes us a vessel of Honor if I'm not filled with all the spirit if you're not filled with the Holy Spirit I'm no good to anybody I can't help anybody less i have divine enablement i need words and knowledge I need love I need gentleness I need the fruit of the Spirit I need compassion that comes from the Spirit of God we can't produce the fruit of our self jesus said in John 15 I'm the vine you're the branch abide in me and you'll bear fruit but apart from me you can do nothing so all fruit comes from Christ filling us and he fills those that sanctify themselves we saw in Acts chapter 26 where Paul the Lord appeared to Saul who became Paul he said I've I've appeared to you for this purpose to make you minister he said now you're going to turn people from dark to light for the power Satan to God watch this that they may receive the forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those that are sanctified by faith in me our inheritance is to be filled with Christ he said they're going to receive an inheritance if they're sanctified by faith in me that's our inheritance amen so that's kind of our review it's my faith when we believe God when we believe God's Word and act on it the Holy Spirit moves in us and changes us believing in God means much more than mentally agreeing James said you believe in God you do well so does the devil but he trembles so the devil believes God exists but he's not obeying God's Word he can't now he's fallen so believing God doesn't mean I believe Jesus came I believe he died I believe he rose again I believe he's the son of God that's good you're still not saved until his word becomes your food until you're looking to him you're trusting him leaning on him relying upon him amen when we lean on him rely upon him we trust in his word we believe in his word and act on it for example the Bible says in acts I'm sorry in Matthew chapter 6 Jesus said it's the heathen it's the unbelievers that are always worried about what they'll eat or drink or what clothes are wear he said don't be like them seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you that's the word of God now here's what Jesus told us he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God so we're to live by that word as soon as as I believe in Jesus but they don't seek first the kingdom of God they're not believing him he said jesus said that were to live not by our favorite verse not by the one we like not by the ones that support our pet doctrine but we're to live by every word in the book and we believe in him we eat his word and we live by it Jesus said in John 8 verse 12 I'm the light of the word old he that follows me will not walk in darkness so our believing has to cause us to follow and as we follow we walk he said he won't walk in darkness so I have to eat his word believe it act on it start following him and when I do I'm walking in the light I've come out of darkness into his marvelous light and the more I eat of his word act on it and follow it the more light I walk in the more light I walk in the more I'm transformed got it okay that's believing in Christ now we talked last Sunday that faith brings peace Romans five we now have peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ we talked about the peace of God so as we walk in peace the God of peace sanctify this so it's my faith that brings peace we agreed okay that's our introduction now for today's message here's the text Romans chapter one verse five remember where were sanctified sanctified vessels are vessels of Honor were sanctified by faith in him that means we believe in act on his word agreed we're going to look how are believing must have obedience or it's not believing let me say that again our believing must have a corresponding obedience or it's not believing Romans 1 verse 5 Paul is writing he said through him Jesus we have received Grace and Apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name obedience to the faith enough eighth that produces obedience I think that's the NIV where are we going with this I'm gonna tell you then I'll get it I'll show you from the word everything that God does when he relates to us has to do a stewardship I mean want to go higher in God of course you do you wouldn't be here right how many feel like ah I'm hungry to have be more filled with the Holy Spirit to have a closer walk with God but I'm not where I want to be let me see all right here's the key everything God does the way he relates to us is through stewardship God's not dumb he's brilliant God gives has given all of us a measure of light hasn't he that's how we're saved and you couldn't look around and different people are different levels in their walk with God now here's how God works to the degree that we apply and act on and do everything that we know in God's Word to that degree God increases us the increase in love the increase in faith the increase in his presence cannot be produced by us God is the one that makes us have more love God's the one that makes us have more fruit God's the one that makes us have more faith more power and he all of us have a measure but when we obey God 100% the best we can with the light that we presently have God then increases us in the knowledge and the experience of him and that changes us okay now we're gonna now we'll go through the word and see it and it works through obedience see this false grace message it's a distorted grace message said talks about the finished work of Christ just believe what he did for you on the cross that's enough you're already sanctified you're whole' you're perfect no you're not just ask your people that live with you you're not perfect yet come on there's an elephant in the room and someone has to speak up it's a distorted message the potential for perfection is in us because Christ is in us all the grace is available to us but we have to cooperate now the finished work of Christ was finished on the cross he's done it but his work in us has not done Philippians Paul said we have to work it out now the way we work it out is through stewardship the level of what you know what I know from the Word of God what do I know well I know that this is a sin and that's not I know I should guard my tongue I should guard my heart I should have respect I should walk in love I should be fair I should not lie I shouldn't cheat I should treat other people as they want to be as I want to be treated I should be generous to the poor I should give God my first fruits I should seek Him first I said have a prayer life these are all Commandments right so if I know something and I'm not doing it I'm condemning myself to this to the level that I'm on you'll never go forward no one is going to grow in the experience and presence of the knowledge of Jesus unless we have more obedience now there's a reason why well get to it now here's what Paul said I've been given the grace of Apostleship for this purpose for obedience to the faith that means what we believe God commands us to believe his word he commands us to act on and to obey what we believe agreed as it says it again in Romans 16 verse 26 for obedience to the faith so now now we're gonna look at keep that thought we're gonna look at what does sanctification look like when we're seeing God I want to be sanctified I want to be a clean vessel I need to know what it looks like so I can lean that direction are you with me all right here's what it looks like progress 1122 he that loves a pure heart has Grace on his lips we mentioned that verse that means our our thoughts our motives our imaginations are clean before God what we think God sees we want to live our life before God in such a way that the Lord can walk in the garden of our heart when a thought comes in this contrary to holiness to love to purity to goodness when thought comes in we we arrest it and push it out the Bible says guard your heart with all diligence because out of your heart are the issues of life the Lord's river will flow out of us if we guard our heart and keep it a clean garden so it starts with our thoughts our imaginations and the motives why are we doing what we do is it pure that's number one has to do so when our heart spirit effects our words he who has Grace on his lips the king of his friend it affects our hands our deeds okay here's what we need to remember revelation 2:23 I am he that searches the minds and the hearts I'll give to each one of you according to your works so it's living a life of awareness awareness of what God wants God wants an environment in my heart of love of purity of honesty of goodness of truth of obedience that's the environment he likes so we guard our heart with all diligence we spend time before the Lord his word when we're in the word Ephesians 5 said the word washes us and sanctifies us it renews our mind okay so that's one thing our heart our lips our hands are clean number two first Thessalonians 3 verse 12 and 13 says may the Lord make you and if you writer in your Bible or circle or underline you could do that the words make you increase God is the one that makes us increase in his love now for the kingdom to increase for his power and his glory to increase in my life it takes one thing the love of God has to increase in me when the love of God increases in me his glory increases right may the Lord make you increase in abound in love to one another and to all just as we do to you so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness that's sanctification okay so let's say we're gonna press for sanctification what does it look like it looks like every motion of my heart the imaginations the thoughts the motives comes from the well of love that's holiness God says when every motive of our heart is not about let's see I'll do this because if I do that I can get Madeline to do what I want I'm not gonna manipulate her or put her under a guilt trip or I'll do this Madeline's not behaving the way I want so I'll do this no games no manipulation love so when every motion of our heart is love God said your heart is now blameless in holiness degree so now we have a picture what we're going for first Timothy 1:5 the goal of the commandment is love from a pure heart remember that the heart pure heart means our thoughts imaginations motives we can do loving things but we can have a hook in it I'm doing this because I want people to see what I'm doing to recognize me when I'm doing this because or whatever but he said he wants love from a pure heart no strings attached for the love is for your sake not for mine that's the love of God right the goal of command at first Timothy 1:5 is love from a pure heart from a good conscience from sincere faith now here it is are you ready 1st Peter 1 verse 22 how do we become sanctified vessels 1st Peter 1 verse 22 since you have purified your souls I mean though that's sanctification right how did they purify their souls in obeying the truth through the spirit in sincere love of the Brethren love one another fervently with a pure heart I'm telling you this verse is loaded with Revelation he said you have purified your souls how did you do it you obeyed the truth you obeyed the truth that means you obeyed the scripture and what did it caused you to do to sincerely love the other person your soul has now been sanctified you obeyed now let's talk about obedience we have to be obedient to the Word of God or God will never promote us he will not promote disobedience or we were made every one of us to be full of the Holy Spirit you're gonna be like a fish out of water I would be to all of us all our lives will be discontent that's why people's to give up Christians give up because they're not obedient to Christ somewhere along the line they get angry they get mad to get unforgiveness they get jealousy they get money hungry they get this and instead of going after love and obedience to Christ they start going after something else inside they're dried up they don't have a buoyancy in their spirit they don't have the joy of the Lord they don't have God's presence and so church and Christian all that just becomes a duty and a burden why they're disobedient when we obey God's Word our souls get purified and when our souls get purified uh it how does it what does it do but through love of the Brethren here's what God does he takes us up a notch every time we obey God he takes us up are you listening that means the verse that we dislike the most is probably the one we need the most because the area that we're not obeying is the thing that's keeping a lid on our spiritual life for example just name it it could be anything it could be you know serving tithing loving help the poor give to missions love your wife as Christ loved the church submit to your husband as under the Lord those could be verses there could be others it I don't want all of my life like Christ loved the church not until she treats me right well you'll never grow spiritually I will not submit to my husband is under the Lord not until he treats me like you will never grow spiritually I don't want to tie I don't want to do that I don't if we don't now we're not under tithing law by the way it's a principle of honoring God with our firstfruits but whatever if there isn't a word that we neglect and we don't obey that's the thing that keeps us on a level of immaturity now I'll show you some more from the scripture we have to obey now when he said you obeyed the truth in sincere love of the Brethren and it purified your soul you know what that means anything that hinders love we have to overcome it through obedience not to our feelings I don't feel like forgiving I'm gonna tell you this stark truth if you stay that way you'll end up in hell jesus said in mark chapter 11 when you pray forgive anyone you write forgive anyone because if you don't my father won't forgive you I don't want to love my wife that way okay you're stuck you'll never go forward if you don't repent you may not make it into the kingdom I'm not gonna submit to my husband as unto the Lord all right you're stuck you'll never grow I won't obey my parents you'll never grow here's what the Bible says the eye that mocks father or mother proverbs it says the fowl of the air will pluck it out what does that mean it means you'll go blind you'll make stupid dumb decisions it happens all the time kids go into rebellion you won't prosper you're cursed if you dishonor your parents you have to obey God's Word and when we obey it he get he promotes us okay now let's look at what it says let's read it again first Peter 1:22 you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through sincere through the spirit and seer love of the Brethren that means whatever it is whatever impediment now we all have it all of us have had relational challenges haven't we it's part of life we've all had oh man Lord this is hard how many been there okay here's the answer get over it and obey that's it I'm not being uncompassionate I know how it feels you know how it feels but listen until you obey you're not going anywhere your most difficult relationship is probably this the lid over your spiritual life holding you down get over it I'm not being uncompassionate I know it's hard that's why we're supposed to die you're not God doesn't want to make you better he wants to make you deader we're to be dead that Christ may live so he said you obeyed he said you didn't say you had a warm feeling and you loved he said you obeyed and loved your bade and forgave you for Cobain and stretched out your hand to the poor you obeyed and helped the person you obeyed and loved the person that's cursing you you obeyed and went the Second Mile you obeyed when we obey the Spirit of God comes in and starts changing us now watch this when we are faithful to God's Word he enables us remember it's all through stewardship let me share that with you mark chapter 4 verse 23 and 25 jesus said if anyone has ears to hear let him hear 23 and 25 through 25 then he said to them take heed how you hear another translation says what you hear with the same measure you use it will be measured to you and you hear more will be given for whoever has more will be given to him whoever does not have even what he has will be taken away so God's saying you have a Bible I have a Bible we've heard the word if we do it the more that we do the word the more God gives to us the more of his presence the more revelation of Jesus a closer walk with Him the more of his word he'll reveal to us if we don't obey his word we will start losing what we have now that's the love of God let me explain why that's the love of God if my knowledge of God's Word exceeds my obedience to the word God will not measure out anymore revelation to me he will not measure out any more of Christ's presence to me his gifts his powers anoint he will not give me any more than my obedience because if he does he will have to judge me for it because everything God gives you and me he's going to judge us for it all of us are going to be judged by God on the grace that we've been given okay now watch suppose I'm at this level of grace and I get stuck somewhere and I said hum I'm not doing that okay I'm disobedient to God God said I'm not giving you any more if I give you more beyond your obedience I'm gonna have to judge you for that can you're not even obeying this so God in His mercy doesn't let us go forward spiritually that's why it says in Hebrews 6 let's not keep laying the foundation the foundational principles of doctrines of Christ he said let us go on to perfection and watch Paul says and this we will do if God permits we can't grow in Christ unless he allows it we can't go higher we can't get fuller we can't know him better unless he allows it and he only allows it when we're faithful on the level we're at this is the key now if you want to get more full of the Holy Spirit and joy and by the way then every one of us here's what here's what seeking God means it means going before God and say God for the next 30 60 days I'm on a mission I'm gonna find out anything that I want you to show me any area of my life that I'm not obeying you all right am i giving to the poor am i helping homeless people do I pass out tracts am i involved in the Great Commission Drive a burden to to be part of the Great Commission am i loving my neighbor in other words we got a funk come before God and be fully obedient and just watch I'll tell you just watch your head will spin how much grace starts coming to your life the more will beat it you become you know just say God help me bo-beat in every area of my life watch the grace of God come I'll show you from the Scriptures Jesus said in the parables of in Matthew 25 in Luke 19 he talked about the parable of the talents and the meanness and we're all familiar with it he gave this one this many talents and this one this many he left for a while he came back he expected them to use them and produce and when he came back he said you were faithful with very little he said now be over much how does someone get full of the Holy Spirit you obey God the best you can right where you are here's what Peter said in his message on the day of Pentecost the God gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him so we all that means greater measures is ways all Christians have the Holy Spirit in them but to those who obey Him he gives greater measures come on somebody see that it's God relates to us in stewardship we all have grace that's why Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians 15 the last verse I believe it's verse 58 he said therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your labor is not in vain in Hebrews chapter 6 he said God is not unjust to forget your work and your labor of love God sees everything we do so now here's what when we're faithful if you're faithful with the talents God says you're faithful so the present level got a look at our life and they'll say wow you are really seeking with all your heart to obey my word in every area of your life now be overmuch here's more of my presence here's the gifts here's more anointing here's joy and by the way that's how joy comes when you read John chapter 15 it's Jesus commanded his disciples to love each other as he loved us and then he said I've spoken these things to you so that your joy may be full when we grow in love the joy the Lord grows joy is a byproduct of abiding in Christ if we're lacking in joy it's a good way to test our own heart this then we just say God bring me into a deeper love walk the more your love increases the more joy you have now here's what Paul wrote to Timothy Paul said I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me that word is empowered enabled means to be empowered by God's grace to do God's will I'm enabled because he counted me faithful okay where does enabling come let's read this verse again 1st Thessalonians 3 12 and 13 may the Lord make you increase and abound in love he's the one that makes us increase he's the one that enables us Paul said I thank God he enabled me because he counted me faithful are you listening so the level of love we have remember Bobby Connor I shared that with you yeah that experience where he was catching a fish for the Lord and the Lord gave him a piece of his own heart Bobby threw it out on the water caught a big fish Bobby had held in his hand a piece of the Lord's heart this prophetic experience Bobby said I felt like I was holding in my hand the most priceless valuable thing in all of creation and he was so for God to give us his heart and let us feel his heart is the greatest treasure we could have for us for our heart to agree with Christ's heart is the greatest riches we could have so so Bobby gave his heart away and then he turned to the Lord said Lord I don't have any more bait the Lord said I'll always give you my heart if you'll come to me and he said listen the more of my heart you give away the more of my heart I'll give you so the more we practice obedience to love the more God will fill us with love how can we get so full of love that we're just shhh it's not us it's the Holy Spirit filling us with his love how do we get it we start where we at right now and love the best we can forgive go the Second Mile turn the other cheek pray for blessed do good Paul said I thank Christ Jesus our Lord he has enabled me that means empowered me because he saw me faithful yes we need to study the word we need to have the word in us but if we're not doing it it won't do us any good I know you know that I don't believe that's anybody's intention to just study and not do it praise the Lord this is a key right here this is the key to going forward in God pray and ask the Lord how am i loving how am i loving the people around me do I forgive or do I have unforgiveness do I measure my love or do I withhold it am i am i obey Espirit am I paying the truth in sincere love because when we obey the truth and grow in love our hearts become pure blessed watch this are the pure at heart they shall see God I pray that this revelation gets into our hearts and it causes exhilaration and encouragement because if every one of us can get this understanding all we all we got to do is just get about our father's business that's it Lord I'm throwing out I'm throwing everything overboard that keeps me from growing in love I'm getting rid of it right now I don't care what it is it doesn't matter I'm gonna love because I want more of him so we're created for stewardship it's quiet in here first Peter 1:22 let me read it again you have purified your souls there's sanctification in obeying the truth through the spirit in sincere love of the Brethren so therefore love one another fervently with a pure heart I looked up the word fervently in the Greek it means to extend your soul and to do it with intensity when God said in Isaiah 58 when you see the poor the naked the hungry extend yourself to them and it also means to be fervent and intense means with intensity not indifferent not casual so the love that were to love with is to extend ourself do it sincerely intensely and not casual and if we grow in that kind of love the Holy Spirit will just take us to the next verse 4 says slowness 3 verse 12 he'll increase us now how many know everybody to know what it's like we know what it's like to be in a place where our oh we know what our own heart is like without the fullness of the Holy Spirit we can be just feel like our heart feels sterile it feels indifferent but when the Holy Spirit is moving on our heart he can fill us with so much love our hearts become tender our hearts become caring and it's not us that's the awesome gift that God has given us it's not us it's Christ in us it's him look it's the measure of Christ increasing in us if I have this much of Christ manifesting if I'll be faithful 100% he'll make this much if I'm faithful there he'll make that much if I'm faithful to give away his heart but obey his word he'll give me and pretty soon we'll be full of Jesus and that's all there is it's all by stewardship you that are faithful a little more will be given well I'm just repeating myself we're done praise the Lord now not my my desire is that everyone's not discouraged but exhilarated I'll tell you what I feel like there's how I feel right now it's like Lord just show me how to the next person to love show me the next way I can give away your heart we ought to be about our Father we ought to be looking for ways to lift people to forgive people to go the Second Mile we ought to be looking for ways to love extravagantly and just watch God just start overwhelming us with the increases of its presence we'll come in here one day and everybody will be blinding light all you look around and see Jesus that's what God wants he wants Jesus to become all in all people look at you and say is it Jesus or is it George who is it that really does happen listen I'm gonna I'll close with this I meant the first time I saw Tia losberne this really happened to me it was back in I believe it was 1982 or 83 TL Osborn came to Riverside California I had never seen him before but God had spoken to me a friend of mine called me up on the phone I'd never heard of TL Osborn before that meeting he said but I he knew that I had gone to India and I wanted to be a missionary he said Joe there's a missionary coming to Riverside his name is TL Osborn and he said I felt so impressed by God to tell you that you need to go to this meeting now I kid you not when he was telling me on the phone the Holy Spirit came up all over me and then I heard the inward voice the Holy Spirit say yes go I've ordained for you to be at this meeting and I have something I'm going to impart to you and I was so excited I was singled back then and uh four of us single men we all went to the same church we rented a house I told my friends when I get excited I get all my friends excited so I said we're all gonna go see TL Osborn so six of us packed into a car we drove from Palm Desert to Riverside we got the times wrong we thought the meeting was that I don't know seven or something but it was at six so when we got there the building was packed standing room only and they had an overflow room but I had prayed on the way there as we're driving down the interstate 10 I told my friends I said God has already spoken to me this is a divine appointment I have to be in this meeting so God's gonna impart something to me from TL osburgh I said Lord will you give me a good seat I'm telling the truth I'm not exaggerating one bit I said Lord will you give me a good seat because you told me you're gonna impart to me so we get to the meeting and we can't even get in the sanctuary and my friends the ushers were saying go stand out there in the in the overflow room and watch on a monitor I said I'm not doing it I said I prayed for a seat up front so there were people in the aisles uh sure trying to get him out said you're breaking the fire code it was packed here's what we found out his plane was late and so he still the meeting hadn't started all the people have been sitting we were an hour late to the meeting and all the people been sitting there for an hour I'll tell you what when you when you're full of the holy spirit and full of Jesus people will sit and wait for an hour and so I I said I'm gonna go look for a seat up front I kid you not I was a big Church seat about seven or fifty people I walked up to the front row I looked at there people sitting on the on the floors the nostrils were saying get out you can't sit here it was packed I walked on the front row right in this very center of the front row that was right in front of the pulpit was about 15 feet away was one empty seat people on this side that side and every place packed people standing against the walls I went to the person on this side I thought that has to be the pastor's seat I went to the person on this side of empty seat I said are you saving this seat for anyone he said no I said if someone sitting there he said I've been here for over an hour nobody's sitting there I asked the person on this side of the empty seat I said are you saving the seat he said no I said has anybody been sitting there and they got up went the bathroom he said no no one's been there the whole time I said are you kidding me they said no I don't know why it's empty I said thank you and I sat down right in the front I said I had the best seat in the whole house and then I turned around like this a wave to my friends in the back they looked like they were about this big they were so far away so I sat there waiting for my divine appointment I said God TLR I didn't even know what he looked like I said where is he he's not here yet I said I don't know all I know is I'm gonna get him parted from him and I sure would walk by I said is that him they said no that's not him somebody else had walked by says that him said no and then sure enough he walked out I remember ho-oh-oh he was so full of Jesus full of Jesus I remember TL oz been walking out here he's not a big man about it inch shorter than me slender built red hair and a beard he was with time I met him he was 62 years old he looked like he was 45 and uh when he walked out there was an anointing all around him it seemed like a king walked on the platform there was such a kingly anointing I remember sitting in the front row he began to preach and he was so full of Jesus so full of Jesus at one point I didn't know what was happening to me but at one point my spiritual eyes opened up and I couldn't see him anymore I saw Jesus standing there preaching and then it then it went back in the natural and then I saw him again and then it my eyes changed again and I saw Jesus standing there part of me I wanted to jump out of my seat and worship because it was Jesus in a man but then the other part said you can it's a man and I saw what it's like to see a person full of the Holy Spirit that's what we're called to walk in that's what we're called to walk in Christ is in us and if we will love one another fervently our hearts will be purified and he'll become all-in-all that's our goal and then God wants to shake the entire city with a whole bunch of Jesus people I'm not kidding I'm telling you God wants to shake the city he wants to heal though God wants to listen God not just once God needs people to yield to Jesus God needs people to obey the truth and walk in love so that Christ can fill us that he can have a whole company of Jesus people God needs us to be filled with the Holy Spirit he needs our hands to be filled with his power he needs our lips to have his words it's not about us it's about God so loved the world and he now wants to finish his work it's not finished I read a verse recently the Holy Spirit moved all over me when I read it it said now Jesus is waiting until his enemies become his footstool Oh Spirit spoke to me he said I'm waiting for my body to come into agreement with me and bring my enemies under my feet that's sin and sickness and death and lies they have to be defeated by a people that will yield to Jesus that's right that's what God wants it's not like oh I'm happy with where I'm at now it's not about us having what we want it's about us giving ourselves to Christ so that he can do what he wants in us he can love through us he can heal schizophrenia through us he can heal suicidal demons and Casta people that have those casa demons out heal people through us we're called to be one with him and the way we get there to be that sanctified vessel of honor is there it is first Peter 1:22 you have purified your souls you obeyed the truth in sincere love of the Brethren that's holiness praise the Lord let's all stand to our feet and give God glory [Applause]
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 4,552
Rating: 4.9515152 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Id: cWTHHg2YR-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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