Becoming a Vessel of Honor - Joe Sweet

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well today will hopefully begin the introduction of a teaching series I'm calling this becoming a vessel of honor becoming a vessel of honor and that vessel of Honor a phrase is taken for a second Timothy chapter two and if you have your Bible you could read along with me I'll begin reading in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 and we'll read down through verse 22 now a vessel of Honor or as we're gonna about to read is someone who's set apart unto the Lord and the word set apart is defining sanctification to be sanctified means to be separate from sin but also not just separate from sin set apart unto the Lord some people have a misunderstanding of sanctification they think it just means separate from sin so you say well I don't cheat I pay my taxes I don't commit adultery I don't lie I'm sanctified but you're still not sanctified unless you're given over to the Lord it's to be separate from sin and given over to the Lord Lord you're my master now I live for you that's sanctified okay let's read that's what a vessel of Honor 2nd Timothy 2 verse 15 be diligent to present yourself approved to God a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth we're gonna read through it once and then we'll go back and try to break it down but shun profane and idle babblings for they will increase to more ungodliness and their message will spread like cancer him æneas and philetus are of this sort who have strayed concerning the faith saying that the resurrection has already passed and they overthrow the faith of some nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands having this seal the Lord no those who are his and let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity so this there's the solid foundation of God has a seal on it and here's the seal god knows those who are his and everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity but in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay some for honor some for dishonor in your house is probably the same you have vessels that you'll get out your fine kitchenware when you have a special Thanksgiving meal then you have another vessel under the kitchen sink it's a trash can they're both vessels once for honor once for dishonor that's what he's saying therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter and the latter is the dishonor he will be a vessel for honor sanctified and useful for the master prepared for every good work okay so if we want to be a vessel for honor we have to cleanse ourselves from what's dishonorable or unclean and if we do that we'll be sanctified or set apart we'll become useful for the master and prepared for every good work flee also youthful lusts now youthful lusts aren't just flesh or sexual lusts we think of that word lust it also means every kind of wanderlust travel lust recreation lust adventure lust youthful lust he said flee that didn't say you can't enjoy yourself or have a good time he said flee youthful lust but pursue righteousness faith no hold on let me pause here for those that distort the grace teach again say Oh the finished work of Christ only believe it's all done if you have to put any effort into it that's works that's such a false teaching and people that buy into it end up making shipwreck of their faith I've seen people that believe that kind of false teaching at best they become very worldly Christians now if we're if we're justified and it's all done then we wouldn't have to pursue righteousness would we his work on the cross was done but his work in you is not done and his work in us is dependent on us cooperating and here's where it is Philippians 2 verse 12 and 13 it says work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God verse 13 who is working in you both to will and to do so we work it out and he works it in okay that's the grace of God we take the steps of obedience His Spirit works in us to do it you know we may stumble but His grace gets us back up okay so he said now flee youthful lusts but pursue righteousness that means after you've been declared righteous by faith in Jesus now pursue it so that it's acted out in our life so righteous living doesn't just happen to us we have to be intentional about pursuing it pursue faith the more we pursue faith the more faith will grow pursue love pursue peace now how are we to pursue it there are people today that don't believe in going to church if you say hey the Bible says don't forsake the assembling of your Saints together say oh I hang out with my other buddies that is church it's three or four of us gathered that's not what the Bible says how can you obey the Scripture in Hebrews where it says obey those in the church obey those who have rule over you because they watch out for your souls how can you fulfill that one when you're hanging out with your buddies saying were the church and smoke and dope at the same time well some people do that there are Christians that do that it's a natural plant anyway don't get me off on that flee also youthful lusts pursue righteousness faith love peace now how do we pursue it with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart what is that that's called a praying church kind of rare today so if you want to grow in righteousness faith love peace if you want to pursue it the Bible tells us he admonishes us pursue it with a praying church with those who are calling calling on the Lord means praying find a praying church and join it and seek the Lord with them amen so anyway from verse 15 to 22 there's an exhortation wisdom instruction on how we can grow into vessels of honor that are useful for the master okay let's read verse 21 again it says therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter dishonor he will be a vessel of Honor sanctified and useful for the master prepared for every good work so our prayer shouldn't be so much God used me I'm not saying don't pray that we should pray God use me guide me anoint me but more than praying use me we should pray sanctify me because he said if we're sanctified we've become a vessel of Honor useful for the master ready for every good work again let's talk about sanctification sanctification is two-sided one side it's and it's progressive it doesn't happen overnight it's a process where we become less unless entangled with sin selfishness carnality anger impatience materialism we're getting separated from that but that's only one side and were separated on to living for God that's the process so he said as that process increases clean from what son separated from what's unclean giving over to God he said you become a vessel of Honor ready for God to use you so one side is let's be clean but there's many Christians that say I want to live clean but they don't want to live for the Lord they want to live clean for themselves I want live clean and go to heaven and be blessed and live for myself that's not to fight I want to live clean and live for him a living for the Lord doesn't mean full-time ministry probably less than 1% are doing that that's not what it means it means wherever we are as a mom raising kids we're doing it is unto the Lord wherever we are amen shall we read it again okay let's go back be diligent to present yourself approved unto God the word prove approved is docu mo or doc amazos another form it means tested and passed okay there are people that are approved by God as workers God looks at some people and says I approve of that person other people said I don't approve of them right so he said let's present ourselves so that we can be approved how he said not being ashamed so what does that involve rightly dividing the word of truth now let's talk about it do you want to be a vessel of Honor I do you know why we were made by God to be filled with the Holy Spirit every one of us we were made by God for good works Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that you should walk in them every person is called to walk in good works are you still awake how many are here today alright not just natural good works but supernatural good works when it says you'll be prepared for every good work that includes every good work that means all the gifts of the Holy Spirit you are the offspring of a supernatural God to do anything less than supernatural will bore you we're made to walk in the spirit led by the spirit anointed by the spirit to love people help people be excellent at whatever our lot in life is and to do good works including the gifts of the Holy Spirit every believer is if someone says I'm not too interested in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit I don't care if I have more anointing I'm happy now that's a sign of a self-centered life we want to be more filled with the Holy Spirit and anointing with the gifts so we can be more useful to be a blessing to people you say I'm doing good I'm happy where I'm at you're self-centered you may not have thought of it that way but look at it that way now we're here to be a blessing I'm not here God didn't put you and me here to see if we could get the best car the best house of the best vacation it's not why we're here now to be a worker that's not a shame we have to rightly divide the word of truth well how do we do that the right way is to is to read the Bible and read verses in context psalm 119 verse 160 says the sum or the totality of your word is truth so we've got to read the whole Bible and then eat the whole Bible and process it and take verses in context I've had conversation recently with another pastor in the valley who I love an esteem and it was on the subject of the topic of once saved always saved so he believes once saved always saved and he knows I don't cuz he saw my message on YouTube and so he's we were emailing back and forth he's telling me well what about these verses and he gave me five verses you know and I'm familiar with all those I've looked at both sides and here's what I wrote him back I said look it's possible for you or me to build any doctrine we want by isolating scriptures you can you can create any dollar I can take two scriptures out of context put them together I can say take this one it says Judas hung himself then I can get the next verse where it says where Jesus said go and do likewise put them together and say God wants you to hang yourself right now people do that all the time they take a verse where Jesus said I judge no man they didn't read the whole context God's committed all judgment to the son what he said meant was it's not me that judges the father in me does the works he said and if I do judge my judgment is righteous because it's not me doing it but they take I judge no man there's no judgment today so I said you can take anything and one of the verses that he gave me was Philippians chapter 1 verse 6 he said what about this it says he that began a good work in you will be faithful to complete until the day of Jesus Christ there it is if you're in Christ he's going to finish the work you'll be saved you start saved are gonna in saved and I said read the next verse you got to read the whole Bible the next verse says it's right for me to think this of you because I'm holding you in my heart I said Paul it was only right for Paul to think it of the Philippians because he kept holding them in his heart praying for them as long as he was praying he said I'm confident God will finish the work in you because I'm holding you in my heart but as soon as you stop praying and stop caring about people the grace that was being given to them through your prayers and through your love stops now anybody with any sense knows that you can look on the Christian landscape and see multitudes who people that started out with Christ and they're not finishing very well at all so you can't take a verse out of context and say well it says right there he there began a good work will complete it you have to take the whole Bible read all the scriptures look at both sides and when you the sum of his word is truth so to be a worker who's not ashamed we have to read the Bible you can't survive on YouTube messages or just looking at a few verses we've got to read the Bible amen so he said and we're talking about a worker that wants to be a vessel of Honor and then the next thing he says is shun profane and idle babblings for they will increase to more ungodliness know the word profane means unholy or ungodly and idle babblings in the greek means empty discussions and useless talk okay he said avoid that because that leads to more ungodliness so he's saying idle babblings profane means vile unclean and idle babblings they lead to unmoor on godliness meaning they are ungodly and if you indulge in it they'll take you in to godliness so if you're going to be a worker anointed by God our tongue has to be guarded and if our tongue is going to be guarded I found this out the hard way but you know what you can't stop your tongue from saying what's in your heart so our heart has to be guarded because if it's in your heart it will come out I know because I've done it the wrong way and still catch myself at times something's in your heart and you know it's not right you just sort of go oh that's not good you stuff it down but not deal with it it's still lurking in there somewhere and that thought comes out and you push it down no that's not go that's a bad thought I get rid of that it's still there and five weeks later someone touches a nerve and out it comes you're going to oh my god did I say that it was in the heart so we have to get free from profane talking idle babblings let me give some examples of it proverbs 17:9 he who covers a transgression seeks love he who covers a transgression seeks love but he who repeats a matter separates friends I believe all of us have repeated things that we have no business repeating now think about it oftentimes people repeat things and we don't need to repeat it why don't we just cover it why do we have to repeat things that aren't edifying they put other people in a bad light and we have to repeat it these kinds of talking takes us to more ungodliness remember I I can't remember where I shared this but I'll say it again the book I talked about aaand in the book there's a page you need to disregard it has a copy of his death certificate they says in the book that he died of alcoholism said so he lived a great life but he went off at end well it's not true now al his granddaughter is a personal friend of Lynden mine and she and her husband pastor Church in Yuba City and AE Allen was not alcoholic he was murdered by Christian denomination who when he went to a doctor's appointment they paid the doctor to inject him with alcohol which killed him and then change his death certificate to say he died of acute alcoholism we know the proof because the doctor that signed the death certificate in his 90s confessed to a a Ellen's family on his deathbed and showed them a copy of the check of ten thousand dollars that he was paid by the Christian denomination to murder Ellen you won't hear that in public we heard that from the granddaughter who has a copy of the check I won't say the name of the denomination is from a denominational Church now watch this Bobby Connor did not know anything about what I just told you that he was murdered by Christians so-called Christians Bobby Connor read in a book called God's generals about the life of Al and that said he was a great man of God but went off toward the end of his life became alcoholic died from alcoholism he didn't know that that was a lie he just read it in a book he got up and he repeated it after he said it he was teaching a class on God generals he went back to his hotel room he said the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in his hotel room and rebuked him said you just lied about my servant he said you lied about my servant Al and he was a upright and righteous man and he said you'll find out when you get to heaven Bobby said Lord I didn't know I just read in the book and then the Lord said this is the words Bobby Connor told me now Bobby doesn't know the story I had to tell Bobby he said he the Lord said he was murdered by the Christian mafia now how why do we repeat things what I'm saying is repeating negative things about people is not our job our job is to cover and to pray now I'm not saying if it's something really serious that we need to repeat or warn somebody right watch out for that guy he's a thief I'm not talking about that I'm just talking about repeating for the sake of telling stuff we don't need to do it these are these are profane and idle babblings there's another one opinions on matters that are not our business when we begin to give opinions without realizing we cross the line and getting to passing judgment there's no way that I can pass judgment on anyone unless i exalt myself above them so becoming having a critical spirit is a very blunt where we become blinded to how much pride we're operating in when we're critical so we don't need to give our opinions because when we repeat things we can get in trouble with God when we give our opinion and what none of us knows all the facts about people we aren't God so we can't give our opinion I told you this was happening Reese to months ago I got call after phone call and after person who was calling me what do you think what's your opinion about Rick's response to Todd what's your opinion about and I just said you know what I'm not gonna touch it it's not my business I don't know all the facts let God sort it out there's people it's their business let them handle it and I don't want to give my opinion because God hears everything I say I'm just telling us if we're gonna walk in the power that God wants us to walk in our words are a big part of it we don't need to criticize we can't judge we just need to say what we need to say and no more no less you remember me saying this but it I can't say it too much years ago Bob Jones told this on himself so I can repeat it Bob was in a meeting where God used him powerfully I mean everybody was getting healed and demons coming out they said after the meeting was over and I've been in meetings were Bob flowing in miracles after he was done almost nobody was standing in the whole sanctuary they're all under the power of the Spirit he went up to the green room one of the preachers said something to Bob that another preacher had been bad-mouthing Bob and when he and when that preacher told Bob well Bob God's using you so powerfully and just think pastor so-and-so over there he says that you're the sand so acrid and he repeated why did that pastor have to bring up and repeat something critical and judgmental why did he have to say that anyway Bob says by an old admission there was a nun sanctified something in his heart oh where his is pride responded and when the when he said that how that pass had been speaking evil Oh Bob Bob said I said five words he said that man's ministry isn't going anywhere or his ministry is his ministry isn't going anywhere Bob said as soon as the words left my mouth the word of the Lord came to Bob and God said you just released my power to destroy your brother's ministry he said now you're going to be sick one month for every word you spoke and if you ever do that again I'll take you home early now what's going on here that degree of accountability comes with the degree of power in other words God put an anointing on Bob so powerful that when he's in the meeting one word and demons come out one word and healings happen so if we're going to have that level of the anointing our lips have to be guarded and my lips I've learned this the hard way I've tried guard my lips guard my lips and stuff comes out because it's in my heart so it has to be my heart so if we're gonna flow in what God has for us we have to guard our lips you understand that how important it is this is not like oh we can just repeat what do you think yeah I think this I think he did the wrong thing me too did you hear what so-and-so did we can't talk like that and have God's power did you hear so-and-so hurt so-and-so yeah they're hurt really yeah I know people like that we don't need to say it now you can if you want but you'll be disqualified from walking in what you were created for we are sons and daughters of God were made in His image God creates with his words every almost every miracle Jesus did was by speaking words he's calling us as his workers to be anointed so we can speak a word and they're healed that means I got to get my heart free of criticisms judgments opinions pointing the finger complaining and murmuring those are profane talk and idle babblings that lead to ungodliness somebody help me we can do this how many can do this we can do this we can make up our mind now what we have to do is make up our mind I'm going to love everybody and mind my own business now repeating things is bad because you read Hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 it says it's pursue peace with all men and holiness without which no one will see the Lord the next verse said taking heed lest you fall from grace and allow a root of bitterness by which causes trouble and by which many become defiled so when there's a bitterness in our heart that we haven't dealt with it does two things it causes trouble and it defiles other people so when we recognize I'm hurt I'm offended we gotta be quiet go to God get over it and get back in love and not go blab to people because what we do is we cause trouble the Bible says by the multitude of words there's no lack of sin but he that keeps his tongue keeps his soul from trouble so when we and it happens all as we get a fin and we get hurt our friend gets offended so we get offended we have to guard our heart and say you know what you're gonna have to work through it I'll pray for you I'm not getting involved now not only repeating things when we're when we're bitter or angry or offended the Bible says we defile many people because we vomit on them or we give our truth with our spin now an offended person I know we've all been there haven't we I'm not talking as someone who I got it all perfect never been there I know what it's like to be in the mire I know what it's like to have fiery darts hitting me from every side and getting offended and speaking back anybody else been there but it's deadly to the anointing it's deadly to the anointing if we're gonna walk in the anointing our lips have to be guarded if we're gonna walk in the anointing our hearts have to be pure I mean more anointing than we're walking in now I want more for me and more for you so repeating things spreads offense its defiles people but also listening to people's offense defiles you even though you think it doesn't and we do it we sanctify I mean not sanctified we justify listening to gossip as we're being loving to the person and helping them vent well we need to do is just say hold on hold on a second please have you talked to them okay don't talk to me about it I'll pray with you let's pray that God will help you work through this that's what we have to do not listen because we get defiled here's here's what happens when we listen especially to someone that we know we think to ourselves well they're not a liar they must be telling the truth but when our heart when my heart is offended or your heart is offended our perception is skewed now I've never been offended at mark lauric I can't ever remember a time in 30 years that have no number 28 years but suppose I was oh this is true of all of us if I once you get offended everything he says or does is skewed now I can't really perceive it how it really is because there's something blinding my heart it's called offense so so if I'm offended at him and then he says something to me I'm gonna totally twist what he said because of my offense now if I repeat it to you I feel like I'm telling you the truth but it's skewed because of my hearts offended so say guess what Marc did I'm so hurt and she thinks I know him he's not a liar it must be true then what happens that rat mark and then they say well I'm not a gossip but I'm just gonna tell one person and then they tell I know Pasteur wouldn't lie here's what he said then that person says that rat then Marc comes in and and because well why does it feel funny why is everybody treating me different that's what the devil wants he wants it in our homes in our mayor he wants division and strife so if we're gonna walk in the power of God our lips have to be sanctified proverbs 22 11 he that loves a pure heart it starts in the heart he that loves a pure heart and has Grace on his lips the King will be his friend man I want friendship with the King more then I want to repeat some juicy morsel of garbage and it's not a juicy morsel it's filth I was going to get farther into the message somehow I got stuck on this part if we're gonna be workers who are approved by God we must rightly divide the word read the whole Bible our lips have to be sanctified no profane and idle babblings so he gives then he goes on and talks about him and ants and philetus how they brought false teachings let's go to a couple more verses verse 19 nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands having this seal the Lord knows those who are his and let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity I'm not gonna get too far today I'll just try to finish with this the this verse 19 there's a foundation of God if our walk is going to be built on God has to be built on his foundation not ours what is that foundation God knows everyone that's his what does that mean if you read 1st Corinthians chapter 8 I didn't write the verse down but I think I can turn right to it 1st Corinthians chapter 8 verse 3 it says but if anyone loves God this one is known by him what does it mean to love God John 14 verse 21 and 14 verse 23 jesus said the person that keeps my word is the one that loves me now let's put that together with 1st Corinthians 8 3 he that keeps my word is the one that loves me the one that loves me is knowing by God so here's the foundation for walking with God the foundation for abiding in Christ love him and keep his word and he knows you that's a foundation it's not a doctrine of justification by faith without works that's the starting place were justified by faith now our walk begins I love God and keep his word and God knows me that's the foundation for a worker who's not ashamed who's a vessel of Honor come on somebody then the next part of that the seal of that foundations is let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity that means clean separate holy God said in second Corinthians chapter 6 verse 16 17 18 he said I will be their God I will walk in them I will dwell in them they will be my people then he goes on and says therefore having these Hamas's no I said therefore come out from among them bees separate touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you that's what it says Gus it all walk in you I'll feel you you'll walk with me but if it's gonna happen come out be separate don't touch what's unclean I'll receive you so then he says in chapter 7 verse 1 therefore beloved having these promises let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God so the everyone that's going to have the foundation of God in their life we have to understand that God wants us to enter into that process of sanctification where we depart from iniquity now the Bible does have slightly different shades of meaning for transgression sin iniquity they're all the same but they're all slightly different for example a transgression means there's God's word you broke it it's a transgression iniquity seems to imply the weakness or the propensity for sin that's in us whether we actually do it or not David said I've kept myself from my iniquities meaning this there can be generational sins in it they can be habits we learn bad things someone could come out of pornography they come out of drinking alcohol or getting drunk and they come out of this or that's in their family it's in their background or anger they were brought up in an angry home and they're struggling with anger you may not get angry but that's your iniquity in other words that's your weak spot that's the place that if you don't guard and walk careful before the Lord you'll fall that's iniquity he said depart from it some people their weakness is pornography some it's food so much drugs Summit's whatever it doesn't matter what it is so he said those that walk with God we become separated from our iniquity and we can through Christ I don't want anyone to feel discouraged it doesn't happen overnight it's a process it happens through the washing of water by the word happens through the process of time and God in His sovereignty will allow circumstances to be set up in our life to even bring it to the surface to make us deal with it amen anybody can be a perfect Christian when you're on vacation in Hawaii getting your way you can be sweet to everybody but wait until your body's wrecked in pain and people are bad-mouthing you and your checkbook is short on money and your car's not working very well and then be in that situation for about six months every day and let's see how much fruit is there God has a way of putting us in circumstances to squeeze out the worst in us it does he wants it to come to the surface so we can get cleanse of it if we have all the circumstances manageable so that we can be happy our iniquity won't manifest but it's still there how many of had that happen okay I'm in the right church it's a truth okay let's lead into the next that's enough for today let's try to wind up the next verse we'll just read it and try to prepare us for the next time I'm excited about going into this God wants us to be encouraged that he will sanctify us and if we do our part he'll do his part watch this in a great house there's not only vessels of gold and silver but also wood and clay some for honor some for dishonor therefore anyone cleanses himself from the ladder that's dishonor he'll be a vessel of honor sanctified and useful for the master prepared for every good work there it is it's not a mystery if we're going to be anointed by God and used by God we must give ourselves over to him to be sanctified our tongue sanctified our thoughts sanctified our actions sanctified our checkbook sanctified our eyes it's a process but we give ourself over to it and as that process goes forth in our life we become vessels that God will use for every good work amen it's not just about getting gifting it's possible to have gifting without character they have anointing without character but it's not possible to have character without anointing because God fills those that are like him it's actually scary to have gifting that's beyond your character I've seen it over the years people that have that and use most every time I've seen someone that's really gifted beyond their character their life becomes complete shipwreck I've seen it I've known people the last 30 years that are gifted I could go find him right now they don't go to church they've lived compromised Hort but I could find right now and I could and I get him to prophesy they have gifting it's scary it's scary to have gifting that's beyond your character because it's so deceptive it makes us think that we're something that we're not then we're in grave danger of hearing the Lord say depart from me you workers of lawlessness god help us to be workers we divide the word of truth let's see we want to be vessels sanctified for the master did I cover that they cover that let me close with this thought it says if anyone will cleanse himself he'll be a vessel of Honor that might even make some people feel overwhelmed Oh cleanse myself but let me encourage us the Bible says has there's two sides of sanctification God will sanctify us if he says I will sanctify you and then he says sanctify yourself so which is it it is we do our part and His grace comes and makes it happen okay so if we don't take the steps to sanctify ourselves his grace to sanctify us won't happen that's Philippians two 12 and 13 we work out our salvation of our soul with fear and trembling but he works in us to do it here's an example it says in Joshua 3:5 God said sanctify yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you it says in I quoted second grade in Chapter 7 verse 1 therefore having these promises let's cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness the fear of God so he says cleanse yourself 2nd Timothy 2 if you will cleanse yourself but now watch this verse here's the other side 1st Thessalonians 5 verse 23 and 24 now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely may your whole body soul and spirit be preserved blameless under the coming of the Lord faithful is he who called you he also will do it Hebrews 13 verse 20 and 21 now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead that great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant may he make you perfect in every good work working in you what's well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to him be glory forever okay Psalm 138 verse 8 the Lord will perfect that which concerns you so you have verses that said God will do it he'll sanctify you he'll make you perfect he'll finish the work then that's one-sided God says now take up your cross follow me cleanse yourself so we do our part we walk it out and God works it out so we still are what we are by His grace I don't know why this is poppin amen I'm not putting you to sleep in my alright be sanctified in Jesus name Lord make us vessels of honor let there be the washing of the water of your word in our lives the purifying of sanctification in our lives in our hearts Lord on our tongues Lord make us vessels you can increase your anointing you can increase your power you can increase your love in US and through us Lord make us vessels of Honor ready fit for every good work well we just scratched the surface of it there's just an introduction to it Lord willing in the next weeks we'll unpack this and make it very simple and clear the pathway God has for us to walk out if we just simply walk it out God will do it he'll change us amen we're gonna be a people whose tongues are harmless there's no guile in our lips that was one of the words aaand was given first Peter chapter 2 it says Christ suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow in his steps there was no guile in his mouth who did no sin and there was no guile in his mouth but when he was reviled he did not revile back when he suffered he did not threaten but he committed himself to God who judges righteously as one of the words so we have to become if we're gonna walk in the power God and you are don't look at me like that you're gonna be you stay in this church you're going to be anointed more than you were God's gonna put a hot coal on our lips to where listen the Bible says if any man speak letters speak the Oracles of God what if the grace of God so bridled our heart in our tongue the only thing that came out of us was what's necessary for useful edification that your speech be seasoned with salt to minister grace to the hearers what if the only thing that came out of our tongue was truth love and grace I'm gonna tell you what the anointing would fall because God's looking for vessels like that who he knows when he puts his power on you that you will not use it to hurt anybody you will not repeat something you will not say something but it won't be restrained under the Holy Spirit and we'll only say things like Beals come out walk sound mine I remember hearing Marie Watkinson he ministered here from New Zealand he said he was in a prayer line ministering to people there's a woman of multiple personalities she's been diagnosed with about seven personalities all how many know that's a horrible way to live now sometimes it's seven demons it's another time it's because of the trauma the soul actually fractures fractions is for the healing of the broken heart in the Greek itsuki soul it means the soul this has been so traumatized by sin that it fractures to survive there's a woman been diagnosed with multiple personalities her soul was so fractured she's so abused by sin he's walking down the prayer line and when he got to her these words came out of his spirit consolidate and he went on and her mind became completely healed in a second she became one healthy person one anointed word of power consolidate he didn't even know what was going on there was a holy spirit God anoint us let our lips be sanctified let us be sanctified Lord God let my heart be sanctified that's where it is I tried I tried and tried to guard my lips it doesn't work unless my heart's guarded guard would God would you cleanse our hearts cleanse mind cleanse ours come on let's agree Lord will you let your fire burning us cleanse us from a need to say anything that we don't need to say cleanse us Lord that our words are harmless that our words are sanctified washed under the blood of Jesus God we could be a vessels of Honor ready for the master ready for every every one say this with me every good work that's what we were made for every good work in Jesus name Amen you stand your feet let's give God praise
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 10,232
Rating: 4.9030304 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 7sec (3127 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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