CLJ Conference session 4 Dr Bruce Allen

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good morning how many of you here this morning now then we're not Finn Isaac yeah I need you this is what the Lord showed me during worship please be seated for a minute come on up wherever you are Isaac come on I know you're not shy so well you were drumming I saw an angel come in come on and what he did is he set up a drum set right next to you and so what the Lord wants to do is you're to sit down and listen with your spirit and heaven and earth I'm going to beat in sync right now this is going to be a new season for you a brand new unction and anointing on your gift and it's gonna flow directly from heaven so father I just pray that you would open his ears to hear that sound that you want to release that new sound we release them to do it now in Jesus name so you you go up there and just listen and as short or as long as he shows you you do it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was a good start you know there was more yes that's okay there's a new sound God's releasing it's a sound of breakthrough let me tell you about the the drumset I see here in the spirit is about ten times this size because they can move at the speed of light and the sound I can't even describe it but we're about to hear a new sound in the earth and it is the sound of breakthrough and so we had you that was just a little bit he's not quite sure but I'm telling you it's gonna begin to grow in in isaac hallelujah now this is fun yesterday while we were here teaching and that there's been a few times over the years i've heard this but when he you know I see the angelic and the presence of God in the place and I hear the sound of a sword being drawn it was interesting that we had by James Psalm 149 he talked about swords because when I walked in I heard it again and it's pretty amazing what God's doing I want to see if I still got them well that was really quick man this is what it sounds like it's it's one thing to describe it you know it's another thing to it's the sound of a sword being drawn and so the word of God is powerful sharper than any two-edged sword it's quick I mean the word quick is a fascinating word in in Scripture in in the Greek and the Aramaic even in the Hebrew it speaks of a quickening a releasing of life an impartation a transformation and much more so when the word of God is quick it's quickening the individual and it's powerful for transformation for the pulling down of strongholds it it you know divides us under the joints around the thoughts and the intents of the heart so it's precise God's doing a something unique that's the first time in a meeting a series of meetings I've heard it two days in a row non-stop so I want to encourage you you're in the right place at the right time for what God wants to release to you and your nation something is transitioning quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword it's gonna be interesting to watch and see what God does part of what he shows me that he's doing is in accordance with Matthew 21 12 through 16 let me read this to you so Jesus went into the temple of God now who's the temple where the temple of God you know I find it interesting that it says about Antichrist as he comes upon the earth in the last days that spirit that's going to be prevalent he sets himself up in the temple of God as if he is God that means within you we're always looking at a structure in Israel but you are the living temple of God and his one desire is to establish himself in you the temple of God so that you take him as your God rather than the God of the heaven it's called deception and it is prevalent throughout the earth that is the thing that Jesus talked about more than anything else when he talked about the end of the age and the sign of his return is deception deceive deceive deceive I'll get more into that tonight but we have to be aware that we got to stop putting everything out there into the natural realm in a natural setting that makes it easier for our intellect to accept and rather we've got to understand the significance of Scripture and that God is communicating spiritual truth and it might have a natural implication as far as you know temples and buildings but it's more about the temple that God built in you he's after each one of us so let's draw forth that sword you see a two-inch sword to the Hebrew is very significant when the Lord says that his word is a double-edged sword this is what it literally means to the Hebrew when God speaks revelation into your heart that's one edge of a sword when you now begin to speak in alignment or agreement with that it becomes double-edged so it's not really a two-edged sword until you take it forth and you begin to apply it by the swards of your mouth that it becomes double-edged and guess what it's powerful that means to are in agreement that's a two-edged sword just in Scripture totally different that that's in line with the Hebraic understanding that the again if you hear the word of God to the Hebrew it's not it's beyond just well I heard that because for you to say I heard the word of the Lord means now I have I have made it a part of my life and I walk it out and I that it's always conjunctive it's always contain within the idea of hearing is doing we haven't had much of that in the Western Church I've heard I've heard I've heard but if you're not doing you haven't heard because to hear God is life transformative because you now begin to walk in that here's what Jesus said again Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple and overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who sold doves you see we have been trading in the temple of God with everything that is not God we have preconceived ideas we have things that we take as normal in our Christian experience that really our anthem are there against God I like what pastor Andy just said you know Jesus didn't charge for the Sermon on the Mount well we're coming to the day listen I I prayed this for years then the Lord said that time is now upon us you know when Nehemiah was rebuilding the temple and he had to have offerings he and the people gave willingly and he finally had to say enough stop we have too much when's the last time you went to that church no it's because what we what we Traverse well what we we deal with in the temple is greed and avarice we're not true followers of God because you know we have all of these concepts that are wildly but Jesus is about to clean the house that's us we need this cleansing by God the world looks at us and says you're all a bunch of thieves liars and you know it's a religious Club and as a whole that's been true but it's not true not according to what God says he said it is written my house that's you we call the House of Prayer for All Nations but you made it a den of thieves even in prayer we can be thieves lord gimme gimme gimme gimme my name is Jimmy I want I want a lord if you just fix them if you'd make them do this man the other thing that's so immature now we are to be the house of prayer corporately sure but individually absolutely we're to be the house of prayer and yet we fail or not why because it's boring we want the spectacular I mean this other stuff kind of boy that's why the least attended meeting in the church is the prayer meeting well what happens when we move back to the Terry gang meeting we're just gonna sit and wait on God to move are you gonna be kiddin Concord well we're missing we're missing so much that God has for us and we cannot allow this to continue in our lives it's not hard to pray without ceasing how many of you think non-stop all day long that's some of you okay you could be praying all day long matter of fact it's you know my dad taught me this he's always praying quietly under his breath in tongues all day long and then the Lord taught me another thing you can do that and since your mind is unfruitful you can pray with your thoughts and you can pray in tongues so now you have to prayer sessions going on at one time then he said also you can pray with your actions I said excuse me he said when you model the Word of God through your actions that's a worship to God that's a form of prayer Wow there's three of me praying at once then the power of that is transcendent is beyond anything we've ever experienced but it's going to become the norm I remember and years ago the Lord I went with a triage team the first time I ever went to Nepal and they wanted me to come because of my background in television I was coming to quote-unquote do some video production with a man that had never lifted a camera knew nothing about that he was in charge of that he thought he was Steven Spielberg he was something but he wasn't that and but I was there on an assignment from God not about cameras as a matter of fact I got so frustrated I was ready to help that man way that camera and I prayed I said God if you don't do something fleshies gonna win because I'm and the cameras stopped working I said thank you Jesus [Music] but this is what he said I want you to prophesy the release of my glory into Nepal he said I'll tell you when I said okay so on the way over there we ended up we star first stop was Bangladesh if you've never been to Bangladesh I don't recommend it I'd never seen such poverty and it was horrible but I woke up in the middle of the night praying in the spirit toughie saying the glory of God okay that's cool then we ended up in in Thailand but first it was Thailand then Bangladesh then Nepal but both places I woke up in the middle of the night prophesying and praying and releasing the glory of God so okay that's cool so finally it the day came where there was a little bit of a crisis in the triage team all these doctors where the Lord said now Ana and I prayed and released that I said God will send you on assignments you don't know about but here's what I'm trying to say your spirit never sleeps and when you're an agreement with the assignment of heaven God can use you even when you're asleep sometimes that's the best time to use you cuz you is out of the way but you is alive so once he cleansed the temple of verse 14 it says then the blind and lame came to him in the temple how many of you have difficulty seeing in the realm of the Spirit you don't have to raise your hands how many of you struggled with your walk with God look here's the formula here's the key let him cleanse the temple drive out all of these religious precepts these religious things that we think are normal but are contrary to the Word of God let us cultivate this temple as a house of prayer and worship and guess what your blindness is healed your walk is now healed and you're walking with God in a place you've never been before because now you are in alignment with the king you're vibrating with the frame same frequency as somebody else said in here but when the chief priests here's where your reason kicks in and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did and the children crying out in the temple saying Hosanna to the son of David they were indignant that's not how I've always done this [Music] reason your religious thinking will always always strive against reality of relationship we have been inculcated we have been immersed in doctrines or traditions that are contrary to a walk with God and a leading of the Spirit of God in the Word of God now I'm not picking on people I'm just telling you that's a fact every one of us has been indoctrinated in a religious system and we've recognized some of it some of it we still don't recognize but it's an incipient strategy of the enemy to get you so ensnared in a religious system that you miss the relational experience of God that he intended you to walk in I'm not against Church I'm against a religious system that calls itself church I can't stand that spirit because it kept me in bondage for far too long it tried to shackle me and destroy me I jokingly talked about the almost of God Bible College the almost of God why don't I do that because they they mix it with tradition and even denominational flavoring but why do you think we have so many denominations because people are not carry i'ts that's the Hebrew word for a scriptural as somebody that sticks to the Word of God Jesus was the carry out he said your tradition you say but the word says you say but this is what God says he always brought the pharisees sadducees and hypocrites back to the world because they had taken tradition and elevated above the word that's a religion that's what we the spirit of religion does and so then we don't understand why we're ineffective were hamstrung in our walk with God and in our in our spiritual growth it's because we embrace religion over and we elevated above the it with the Word of God we can't do this anymore it's not going to work and my dad traveled behind the Iron Curtain for many years before the wall came down that's you know the old Soviet Union and you know the stories he would come back with just left me in awe I said God I could never I'm not even worthy to carry their shoes or you know yeah I was just dumbfounded because of the contrast between Western Christianity and the persecuted Church you know they would have a man what a pastor has a church you couldn't have a conference in it you don't advertise you advertise the KGB comes got you all and you're in prison until you renounce Jesus and they will beat you and torture you until you do so so those believers had to learn to hear the voice of God and some of these pastors have maybe one page of the Bible that for 10 15 years that's the only thing that could preach out of now you think about that they would get fresh revelation every week because the pastor would be praying over that word and meditating on that word all week long and God would give them new facets of Revelation every week and we have a butt of information I've got 87 different Bibles I love to read them all but I'll tell you what the simplistic approach is get on your face and see how to speak to me meditate the word meditate on the word that's what Neville does that's what sadhu does that's what I do that's what regnant listen just one scripture just sit there and chew on it all week and see what God does it will transform your life he would tell me still he would regale me with stories of the of these people to this day I've still moved by that you know one day the pastor was praying of the Lord said I'm sending some American pastors to come and minister to you and they'll be here on this date he was all excited and then he's terrified oh no what he prays he prays it through and on that day he does that nobody's contacted anybody on that day my dad and his friends show up and instead of the eight to ten people he usually Shepherds all of a sudden there's four or five hundred people show up all led by the Spirit of God and their meeting way out in the woods in the middle of winter sub-freezing weather sometimes downpour and they get out and they hiking into the woods and over to place their meeting there's a beam of light from heaven and it's dry and warm welcome to the reality of the kingdom lights and we settle for a religious expression of it and it's a very bad picture of what the reality of God is but God's changing this so many people get worried about the end of the age and the things that are coming on the earth what I'm saying hallelujah he's gonna purify his people you all want intimacy with God well he's gonna throw you in the furnace that's heated seven times hotter why I didn't sign up for that part God well that's why he sneaks up on you you start praying and confessing that double-edged sword comes under your mouth and he goes you got it I want to be close to you okay crush [Music] brokenness situations that cause those things that are hidden in your heart to come forth and like old GE I didn't know that was still in me but you asked for intimacy with God this is how it works he's going to expose the hidden things Jesus would always say have you never read out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants you have perfected crazy he would always take him back to Scripture tell him to be quiet this isn't right but haven't you word what read what the word says this is the foundation nothing else not your opinion not your experience not your intention not what you want this the scripture and we've got to get back to it amen brother thank you very much okay now notice the prophetic progression the Lord Jesus cleansed his house he was not subtle about this he came in and he built a scourge and he says okay boys let's do business and he began to chase them out overturn the money tables flogged them house that's a little harsh Lord in other words you should feel better you have offended the father now I'm gonna set things right judgment begins at the house of God you think judgment is don't do that jr. now he said don't do that jr. enough now he said okay no more get the whip see for many generations the Lord had taught God's house is a house of prayer it's a house of worship it's a house of where YouTube come and sanctify yourselves before you enter into the presence of a holy God but they had turned it into something common cherica's become common it's entertainment it's a club it feels good because religion by its very nature draws upon that god-sized hole in you that may pulls you towards it but it's not it's subtle you've got to be careful you know when we first got saved the only thing my dad ever knew was that he'd grown up in the Catholic Church you know I never went to church in my life before I got saved because my parents didn't do it after after he got married he never went back because he recognized what he wanted to become a Catholic priest and he studied for that that there were still a god-sized hole in him and he recognized this wasn't the answer this isn't what he so he just left it so when we did get saved of course he took us back to the Catholic Church after two weeks after actually I say after a month I said dad why are we going here I said I can get up and do this that's the same thing every week in this printed out stand up sit down and the sermons have printed in advance for you know however many years I said it was just dead to me he said this was his statement then well if you're sitting on an iceberg and you're melting it you stay I said I'm not an Eskimo eventually we left it one year one year but bless his heart you know we all start somewhere and we all have our own journey we all learn through experience then we went into a charismatic church more what a breath of fresh air for a while it was good that man that pastor al Hammond had impacted my life greatly but he set me on the fire for more of God matter of fact he's finally what hope he was a world war two veteran every summer he would do a tour of the u.s. he'd go on vacation and he'd meet with all of his old comrades in arms because they had fought in the South Pacific brutal and he kept trying to the day he died he would go he says one more soul he'd tell him about Jesus and about forgiveness and he slowly began to win his fellow soldiers to the Lord but there were some hold us and I mean in his last year of life he was pretty frail he said I gotta have one more so Lord one more soul and he went out he had his daughter drive him on that trip so he could one more time the remaining handful of men that he knew that he could witness about Jesus - powerful powerful in his love of God but he even had some how do I want to say that Lord based upon his generation there were some limitations in his experience because there's times and seasons for everything he wasn't against the move of God it was just it was that wasn't what he had walked in and so things were different and I was so honored and blessed to be able to share with him my first book before he went home and he said Wow he said that's powerful he said that's well beyond anything I ever understood I can't tell you what that meant to me he but he said keep going son keep going we have a lot of wheat we owe a debt of gratitude to previous generations so we're not pointing at them and see how they were all wrong no they walked in the fullness of what God had given them we've got to raise the bar for the next generation because his ceiling was my floor what does that mean for this last generation we should be able to reach the Stars so the Lord cleansed the house he was not subtle he was direct and abrupt he severely disrupted the status quo and he's going to do the same thing our day and he's beginning to do it now severely interrupt the second thing was he declared that his house is to be a house of prayer the judgments and disruptions will help the church wake up and become a house of prayer when you have no recourse but to fall on your knees and cry out God what are you doing what's happening why is the in such upheaval why is there infighting bickering there's so so much discord there's so much because God's cleansing the house but you've got to get on your knees and on your face so that you can understand the process a lot of you pastors have been going through rifts and and things in your church rejoice yes it's painful but rejoice because God is fulfilling his word remember those angels he's gonna remove the tears from the wheat I'm not judging people I'm talking about a spirit then he says then the sick and lame came to him and were miraculously healed that's both in you and the people around you as the church seeks God's face in prayer His grace and redemptive power will be released in unprecedented ways spontaneous outbreaks of miracles signs and wonders begin to take place not initiated by a man may be initiated by a ministry but initiated by the very love of God he chooses to intersect with history at certain points throughout history if you study this the father himself is only three times that I've ever found in Scripture stood up off of his throne to interact with the works I mean the the goings on in the business of man and in this last hour the father has stood up up his throne and he's beginning to interact in the earth in ways that are spontaneous based upon his love and his covenant he's intersecting he's doing things in spite of us thank God because He loves us and then the next thing that happens the little children begin to praise him I told you about Brazil revival among children children being translocated preaching the gospel in different parts of the world being caught up into heaven I could tell you stories I mean I want to go hang out with those kids absolutely we were ministering in a church one time and I this is one of the times I saw the angel that God has assigned to the resources of heaven at the end of the age he was standing right there and so I began to prophesy according to the leading of the Spirit and after I was done I sat down and the pastor said should we keep what I said let's just worship my message is done but less this worship God for what he's doing and I'm sitting there with my eyes closed and Jesus was standing in front of me so I'm talking to the Lord it was an aisle and I was sitting where still is and all of a sudden I hear this little girl weeping and there's just weeping and I'm kind of ignoring and I figure okay but it got to be so much and I was like open my eyes I'm look I looked at her and she's looking at the foot drive or what you call an Isaac but the foot drum and then she'd look in front of me and then she'd look at that and look in front of me and I said honey what's going on she's well what here's she said every time I look in the drum I see a reflection of Jesus standing in front of you and he turns and looks at me and says come with me and that's what he was standing in front of me talking she said what do I do I said first you let me adopt you I want children that are that sensitive and I said but the next time he says that say okay Lord I'm willing and she did she's a profound seer you know her parents were so inculcated indoctrinated into religion they thought it was imagination they kept rebuking her and I would get by with her I said don't you do that that's a gift of God both little girls their daughters and once they understood they began to encourage it God's moving in children another little boy 8 years old caught into heaven God downloaded the whole Bible into him he came back preaching like nobody you've ever heard he's just a kid when he's playing but you start talking about God wisdom comes out of the the spirit of wisdom and he begins to speak in the prophesy and preach and whoa this is happening all over are you seeing the sign God is saying this is happening now so rejoice at the struggle you're going through you've got to see it through a different lens not poor me God the devil pick an ami say thank you father purify me I can take a little bit more pour it on you're crazy yeah I'm crazy to the religious mind but I'm desperately in love with God and if that's what it takes for me to know him turn up the heat God a revival broke out among the youth in that scripture and so it will be throughout our land for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God and it begins with us first and if it does what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel first Peter 4:17 he's talking about the church what about those who don't care what God is saying and doing and refused to be changed in the hour of visitation what's gonna happen to the stagnant dead church I'm glad you asked they're gonna be led away into apostasy that's what Jesus said he said many are going to be deceived and taken into apostasy you know for years I've heard this once saved always saved and you can never use to lose your salvation I don't know if Jose's gonna talk about this tomorrow but listen do you know what this final day of the feast is this is where you qualify to have your name written in the book of life one more year see that the Hebrew mindset everybody that's born their name is written in the book of life how you conduct yourself well brother that's Old Covenant no that's the renewed covenant also you can how can you grieve the Holy Spirit and never be forgiven if you're born again remember what Paul's if you've tasted of the gift and you've flown in the spirit you've done all these things and then you grieve the Holy Spirit and you turn your back on them there's no repentance left for you that means goodbye you're no longer in the kingdom so how can you say once saved always saved I'm not gonna argue these things I'm convinced by God showed me and I pray believe me I pray I met too many people that have had death experience not near death death experiences that came back and God showed them both heaven and hell and they saw pastors and believers in Hell and I I said God how can that be he started showing me in the word well well now you made it the gospel of works no I made it a gospel of relationship if you offend your spouse don't you go and say honey forgive me if you don't we're gonna talk come on you're looking at me like I'm from another planet listen you keep short accounts with God you stay in the place of a malleability of teachability of continual Union how do you do that father created me a clean heart renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from your presence wait a minute I'm saved I can't be cast away from his print yes you can so how do you do that you wash in the blood forgive me Lord I said I missed forgive me lord I it's just it's that simple we're still friends well with some of you anyway okay that was a big Amen I heard that the shakings that are now upon us are for the purpose of driving out of the church everything that hinders love for God and love for his will in Russia has been doing a lot of study because she's teaching in women's conferences on on scriptural with the women that impacted history through Scripture but also the women that impacted history in the last few generations you know Mariah Woodworth in her and Amy simple McPherson Katharine come on just to name some that most people would hear and she's discovered a common thread I mean they have most people today would absolutely disagree with this but Mariah would with enter because she was a woman in the 1800's refused to enter into ministry because that's a man's job and it's culturally not relevant for a woman to do this and so God began to take her children home God would never do that well listen when you're outside the will of God and in sin his mercy was let me spare your children the hell that's about to come on your life and you know those kids would say she has okay mommy I'm where I'm supposed to be we're praying for you keep going keep going finally her husband said we're down to one kid you better do what he says cuz I'm not losing this one well God doesn't do that listen don't tell me what God does when all you even know is religion his thoughts are not our thoughts his ways are not always his mercies are new every morning but we don't understand his mercy how about Jacob a jagged Lord blast me okay now you're a what kind of blessing is that certainly wouldn't fit in the modern-day Church hello profound prophetic word I'm gonna be a Joseph in this hour up 20 years in prison and part of her side he's but there's a process there's a process we got to go back to this not our preconceived ideas not our make me feel good ideas but the Word of God and sometimes Jesus makes a scourge says let me help you you know the scripture clearly teaches that the Lord chases those whom he loves if you're not being chased and you better reconsider your walk with God my parents when I was growing up again every time we'd get correction they said we only do this because we love you they love me the best or just saying all my brothers sometimes I feel like God loves me the best but that's okay for years I would hear we read Paul in the book of Acts I glory in tribulations and tests it I thought that boy is not he got hit with too many rocks until one day at a season of tremendous brokenness in my life I was in agony I was oh I was hurtin and I was on my knees by my bed just weeping and Oh God and out of my spirit not out of my flesh King Lord take the broken pieces of my heart and do whatever you can with them they're yours and I was shocked and when I knew where it came from and I began to develop in an intimacy with God I'd never experienced before and I began to understand Paul that's a lot of rocks I'm a thick-headed German why because brokenness pushed me towards intimacy I don't run from it I don't I don't run to it but I don't run from it I run and cling to Jesus when the first commandment loving God with the whole heart is first place in the church we will see the Lord Jesus releasing unprinted unprecedented miracles in power this will bring an unprecedented harvest of people to the Lord Jesus Christ the young ones will praise God God will pour out his spirit on all flesh and even nursing babes will praise Him you think about this we we talk about wanting to make the gospel culturally relevant to the younger generation you want cultural relevance get back to the culture of the Bible it's relevant for every generation and every culture and we don't have to transform it into something pleasing to the natural man we have to bring them into the realm of the Spirit where God meets each individual uniquely but we have a hype gospel we've got to have the greatest flights than all this stuff let me tell you something mega churches are about to crash and burn I'm not against people don't don't don't do that because there's no intimacy and the longer they go on the more they have to hype to keep it going on you even some of the megachurch pastors are recognizing this remember I told you a few years ago when I was first in that charismatic church is a 14 15 year-old there would be a stirring in my spare I didn't know anything about the gifts I mean I was studying a little bit reading Kenneth Hagins books that was good matter of fact I read them so much that I when I - finally took the Rhema correspondence course I didn't even have to read the books I get that fill out the test send it in and reread the book and I get a hundred percent because I've read them so many times I was desperate for God but I would feel the stirring in me and in church on Sunday mornings and sometimes if that boy had too much coffee I'm hungry - stirring but finally it began to dawn on me as God in His mercy and his patience which say no that's my spirit prophesy and I'm like in front of people and finally I'd say something and the pastor blesses oh he said Amen that's right on brother Alan oh so they're yelling it over the course of a couple years I would still hesitate because I you know fear a man and all these other things and finally I got to the place where I was I went from prophet trying to prophesying that's progress but you know after a few years of becoming verse sent with the gift that God had placed within me and people start looking to you because though he can't emphasize building you got a word for me yeah sit down - shut up sorry Don Rickles I can't help it they start looking to you as if you're some type of soothsayer that is the answer man for anything they're facing you know now you're in dangerous ground because you can say oh sure and now you're profiling because if God doesn't tell you to speak you're out of bounds we I mean back in the eighties you we it was fun to clear the room we could have a word of knowledge or word over everybody is that gift in you sure that's there but if God doesn't tell you to do it it's not life it's death just because you see something or hear something doesn't release you to speak something then you get to profit dying because now you've crossed the line into error and apostasy and you begin to wilt on the vine and die hopefully it'll be a quick death before you leave many others down the same path it's the same thing that we've all faced in our Christian growth that's just the process of growth God has mercy I was sharing was regular - they you know the first time that the Lord he called me at 14-under Jeremiah chapter 1 a prophet to the nation's that was in 1973 when I was a couple years ago in 1998 is when I finally prophesied over a nation he said now you're a prophet to the nation's that whole season was a season of instruction and growing up actually it was 2000 so there was a process that's when the fear of God entered because I realized this prophesying thing is dangerous it's frightening because if I'm speaking and I'm saying I'm speaking for God and it doesn't come to pass I have not only been smudged God but I have led people down the garden path I don't want to do that so this pressure is coming to drive us to prayer to seek the Lord and to give up our pride to give up our idols of entertainment lukewarmness self ambition pride pleasure seeking lust of the eyes lust of the flesh and prayerlessness we are in a season where we're going to see the fear of God restored to the church now the fear of God is reverence on respect it's coming into a place where you know the presence of God is and there's a holy hush how many of you ever has been in a church 7 listen let's just be quiet before God for a minutes holy huh and I'll within 10 seconds shuffle shuffle ring tingey because there's that was man initiated but when God does this when his manifest presence comes boy you tiptoe because you know the Holy One of Israel is there we've Richmond I've seen this a couple times I'm one time it was for over an hour and a half Jesus was standing there ministering to people they knew it they lined up you never heard a word or yeah you could have heard a pin drop I would you know it's awesome to see Jesus their minister I wasn't more at all I said Lord this is what a holy hush looks like he said this is what my presence does it's not always boisterous loud jumping up and down and twirling and dancing and shouting no sometimes when his presence comes it's that Chabad that way to glory that and your life can be transformed in the midst of that that fear of God is coming holiness is going to become the norm that's how we're going to know the true church from the apostate Church and God will raise up a people who find their joy and loving and serving him he will heal our land in preparation for this move of God we need to understand some things Jesus speaks in an imperative manner to his people to exit Babylon he says and I heard another voice revelation 18:4 I heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of her plagues he's not speaking of a pagan people or a monetary system he's talking about his church there's a Babylonia system of religion that kills spiritual life of the church and renders us unable to reign in life with him that's what he's speaking to his people come out of her we have a Babylonian religious system and if you study this you can take it way back even to Nimrod all the way back to its initiate came where he came to God and offered that which was pleasing to him not pleasing to God he started this Babylon has existed ever since religious systems existed no matter what they may be this is the spirit that was operating in the Jewish priesthood during the time of Jesus it's the same spirit operating today on this edge is not to get people out of churches but to get the churches out of Babylon we've got to come back to the simplicity of intimacy with God it's time to enter into the kingdom so how do we transition Neville said one time life is not always as we think it should be however as you think it will be well I said Neville you're the you're the master of doublespeak brother in English please your life doesn't always turn out as you think it should but if you're a part of the kingdom of God if you understand the precepts of the kingdom if you're not in the Babylonian religious system that as you think it will be because you have tapped into the very source of life himself you're in sync you're in the same frequency the same vibration as God he says in Proverbs that our thought life is responsible for our present condition in life where does this say that proverbs 23:7 as a man thinks in his heart so is he it's becoming very important right now one day I was ministering in a church in the US and it's like time stopped you see everything froze and I'm thinking what in the world and then somebody hit the reverse and I saw time as a scroll just rolled backwards everything I mean I could I don't know how I could see all of it every place every all the way back through the Big Bang where God said like be right back into his mouth then I saw that concept drop back into his heart and then it went up into his sanctified imagination he's a Creator God then he began to I saw it go back far enough that he began to formulate his plan his strategy what he was going to create and as he did and he meditated on that it dropped into his spirit and he opened his mouth and the word himself came forth and when he did light me there was an explosion of light and all of creation came into existence and it came rushing back up to the very moment I was in and time started again he said that's the same in our every one of my people you see we always thought you know I'm having bad thoughts um I mean seeing no bad thoughts are not sin that's where the devil plays with you they become sin when you meditate on them and they drop into your spirit now you're in trouble that's why you cast things down immediately I won't receive that I cast that now the more you do that the less the devil picks on you in that way because he goes this doesn't work anymore and then as you've meditated on it out of the abundance of your heart you create your own existence let me define that even better as we think it will be most in the church don't understand this okay the word says in proverbs 4:23 keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life the word issues is a Hebrew word Salah which literally means boundaries source or border in other words the boundaries of your present life or what your life is like inside these boundaries is a product of what is issued from your heart out your mouth you have created the boundaries in your life how come I never see I really want that but it doesn't work for me I'm just not good enough and on and on and on it's because you're agreeing and you're establishing boundaries in your life you have to re-establish those boundaries break those off and from now on say I can because God says I can I will because God says I will nothing's impossible to me because I believe I have the mind of Christ and it's active and operative in me you've got to change the boundaries in your own life nobody can do this for you so our heart is a mixture of the mind the will and the emotions in this connected somehow to our spirit words follow thoughts in the beginning was the word now this is interesting John 1:1 that word word means in the beginning in the Merrimac was the substance and thus say what is faith when God speaks it's always faith the word became a substance that performed exactly what God had intended it to perform when you speak and released that substance called the word something begins to form something begins to be created in your life and the more you release that substance of the word you change your whole existence you with me Matthew 12:36 Jesus said I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment for by your words you should be justified and by your words you should be condemned that's not them that's now your words will put you over to put you under we have a friend of ours Bruce Anderson he's very prophetic one day the Lord took him to to heaven and he had this and he was standing next to the throne of God looking at the sea of glass and because he was he was talking to the Lord about faith and the Lord said watch this and here comes this old farmer and kneel bib overalls and kind of greasy and and he's believing God for an old 57 Chevy and as he's believing in confessing Lord I really want to see an on wahala bird he saw this honor this substance of the sea of glass called faith he started seeing this old 57 Chevy began to form it had the the rusted wheels in the the door that was hanging on a hinge and you know all the upholstery was ripped and tore it was just his old beater but this old boy wanted that and he was exercising his faith and when it was finally fully formed before the throne of God he saw this old farmer get in it and drive off with a smile on his face then he saw another man very dignified young man in a three-piece suit and you know he began to confess and believe he wanted a Mercedes and as he began to believe God and and follow Scripture and so and do what he see the Lord said he saw this thing begin to form and finally this whole beautiful brand-new Rolls Royces for now excuse me Mercedes this form and this guy got in it and drove off and they and Bruce say Bruce Anderson he said wait a minute God that's not fair how come that old boy got that piece of junk and this guy gets a brand-new car the Lord said pay attention he put both of those things but the cars back into the sea of glass and they fought it they faded away back into that substance called the sea of glass he said what's the difference between them he said well nothing that the same substance he said exactly but it was the focus and the intent of the heart of the individual that created the desire that it came forth see you create your own world by what you speak I hope you get that and meditate on that word spoken have consequences there are righteous words and thoughts and unrighteous words and thoughts thoughts translate into reality as a man so she will also reap we got to understand something because it a sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily the heart of the sons of men is fully set then to do evil that's Achilles ERC's 811 C when we don't see instant justice according to our standard of how God should do things we get lux well you know they got away with it that's okay then so we can do that too that's why there's been so much take place in the church that's not of God because judgement hasn't come speedily so we we assume it's okay there was a man that came to the set of TBN when I was working there in the 70s he had exercised his gift so well that he was I mean you could see an anointing on his life you know the gift and calling of God is without repentance you could take that gift and go into apostasy and it still functions powerfully because it's without repentance that's why you need discernment you don't look at a gift you look at the fruit but he would come up and everybody every time he'd come on the show everybody be excited Paul and Jan and you know this is gonna be great because words of knowledge would flow people in the audience and get healed but he came up one day on the set just before you know we were checking the sound and you know balancing everything and he says hey you guys want to hear a joke sure he told this joke that made me blush I think sailors blushed halfway around the world I was like that was vile how could that come out of this man I was in shock nothing happened to him and then he got up and ministered and it was powerful then I was like you mean God you can just be whatever way you want to be and you still honor that and bless that he said no well what are you saying and that's what he taught me that the gift is real but the conduct in the character is not of him and if he doesn't change his ways in that day I will say depart from me I don't know you well wait a minute he's made a profession faith departs from me I don't know you but we were doing all these things in your men depart from me I don't know you hmm fortunately on his deathbed dying of AIDS and I won't go into how he got there he repented he died a young younger man in his 40s he's with the Lord now but see young Christians could have taken that to mean oh I guess it's okay to act like this I mean this one tilted me a major ministry that has a school of ministry some of the instructors in that school of ministry go out and smoke pot with the students because it's legal now I went excuse me that mind altering yeah yeah it's legal now they have no understanding Pharmacia is witchcraft now that may have been a true that God didn't execute speedily these things but that's true for the past everything is speeding up in this generation you are now living in a time when acceleration is becoming a reality in our days this is part of God's strategy and purpose you need to understand he is now combining acceleration with multiplication and this will bring about changes so rapidly it's going to be hard for us to keep up with this is truly the time when this the the Reapers are going to overtake the sewers listen I I don't do this so I'm gonna do this because the Lord just put this in me as you sow liberally it's gonna overtake you before you even have a chance to finish just saying do that will do with that what you want wherever God says that but so the word says behold the day's come says the Lord that the Parliament shall overtake the Reaper and the Treader of grapes him that sowed seed and the mountains shall drop sweet wine and all the hills shall melt Amos 913 because of this acceleration we have reached the time where the consequences of thoughts actions and words will be very difficult to change if not impossible the decisions you make now will affect your lives forever everything is the beginning to happen so fast you will not have time to bring about change to negate the negative consequences brought about by your thoughts and your actions at the same time when your alignment with God and you move according to what God is speaking that acceleration is going to overtake you quickly also the restoration that God is bringing to the church listen you're the one who establishes the boundaries of your life you're the one who initiates this now because God has put the tools in your hand to see the fruition of this in your life and for some it's difficult because we've had years of walking in the mullah grub's as they say of speaking negative death not life I'm walking under the cloud of unworthiness or curse is spoken on us by parents or friends or what I doesn't matter but you're the one who makes the choice if you're going to stay there or not there is Liberty in Christ and it's time to rise up and say no more I refuse to walk in that because that's not who I am and you know what the devil is so used to you just taking everything he throws at you he's gonna go oh no no no pour it on a little more they're getting out of hand and then you have to stand up even louder say how dare you get out of here I won't put up with this anymore because God has put an unction in you you have the Holy One of Israel let him loose [Applause] time is being compressed did the Lord not say and except those days should be shortened there should be no flesh saved but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened the birthing of God's mature sons that's you two ladies will bring about a shortening of the coming days of Great Tribulation their mandates will be achieved with great speed God's gonna do a quick work in your lives now what used to take years is going to take months what used to take months is going to take moments it's happening so quickly it took me 20 years to learn and develop in a sensitivity to be able to see in the realm of the Spirit and when we teach a class and people get it in moments and I'm almost like God that is not fair but do you know what it's a time of the season we've entered into this is your season to be alive God chose you for this no longer is there going to be business as usual the time has come when God's bondservants will go out quickly into the streets and the lanes of the city and bring in the poor the maimed the halt in the blind say not ye therefore there are yet four months and then comes the harvest behold I say to you lift up your eyes there's the key we've been looking at a natural realm instead of looking at the eternal realm we've been looking at man-made constructs instead of the kingdom of heaven lift up your eyes see from a different perspective the perspective of the kingdom of heaven because he's saying the harvest or the eyes the fields are ripe for harvest in Hebrews 11:7 it says by faith Noah being warned by God about things not yet seen in reverence prepared that's all I need to say to this generation God has been be speaking prophetically through teaching and preaching and different things that this is the end of the age what have we been to prepare because the truth is if you really believed what God was saying you wouldn't be preparing and that's referencing God well how do I prepare you spend time with God you press into his kingdom and into his presence the only arc of safety we have now is Jesus the Messiah so we must press into that amen so for us to build this Ark of safety means we must develop a relationship with God that's more important than anything you've ever done and it's going to become even more so the reverence and fear of the Lord cause Noah to act we must be a people that are willing to act now we've got to understand something we've got to fully realize that obedience to God and His Word is not an option anymore it does not come without pain and cost how many of you folks in here have ever been in the military just a handful that's okay listen disobedience to your superior officer was not an option not if you wanted to live long and prosper we're in a kingdom with a king why do we think disobedience is an option well I'll think about it god this is not a democracy when God speaks you'd have heard the old adage when he says jump you on the way up you say how high sir you've got to be learned learn to be instantly obedient to the voice of God you can only hear the voice of God and become obedient because you know his voice and you only learn his voice by spending time with him there's no other way now listen stop relying upon your faith and your ability to hear get over yourself start believing and trusting that God can speak so loud he can speak to any anywhere anytime and everybody could he could shake the heavens in the earth with an utterance put your trust in his ability and his love that he wants to communicate with you and you will begin to hear but we always want a 14th step program there's only one yes slurred I'm listening that's it yeah but you know don't you have to have a prayer chair don't you have to position a certain way have your hair comb just right don't forget the old suit and tie no just make yourself available I'll make this real simple there's some really young children running around here how about a baby that crawls do you think we have to give them a protocol on how to hear mommy's voice or daddy's voice when they're to your mommy speaks they go why do we make things so difficult my sheep know my voice we reason it away because we've been taught religion we got to have steps no you don't Joshua 3:5 says and Joshua said to the people sanctify yourselves for tomorrow Yahweh will do wonders among you set yourself apart now Matthew 7 it says why do you behold the mote that is in your brother's eye but considering that sin your own eye Matthew 7 relates to a well-known Jewish proverb during the time of Jesus found in oral tradition and today today can be found in the Babylonian Talmud so the original this proverb is of Hebrew and Aramaic religion or original in Greek and so the it's a very obvious on the surface what it means but there's something even more telling pretty much we go around belly aching about the faults and the sins of our brothers and sisters while ignoring our own faults that probably are worse I know you've never met anybody like that just stop looking in the mirror we've all done that they used to be an old television program in America called love American style I don't know what that means so and one of this shows the vid unit there was a middle-aged couple we're in a bedroom getting ready for bed and after having attended a formal function and and there they're talking the whole time about how phony everybody at the party was while they're taking off their false eyelashes and there's toupees and all their jewelry and all the you know their corsets and all day but everybody else is phony that's a graphic picture and you're real under all that cosmetic fluffer II at the I mean it's very that's that's the mentality today you know there was a it's a Christian artists um you quite a few years ago that was really at the top of the charts in his day and and got enticed away and fell into adultery and and and he repented but you know immediately all the bookstore everybody pulled everything off the shelves and he's untouchable and he's you know and and it doesn't matter that he was restored loving me by God and that he still walks and worships God to this day people still talk evil of him well you know what look at your own life what have you been restored from and we overlooked our own stumblings but boy if it's somebody else we're going to attack why because it makes us feel like we're holier than we are we're better than that no Matthew seven three talks about a Pharisee the stands and says lord I thank you that I'm not like other sinners you know any lists all of these sins overlooking the fact that he's walking in gross pride but he's better because we suffice ins and this one's worse than this one and this one's worse than this one so you know just because I only steal a little bit from the offering plate and and and judge my brother and sister and you know and and tell the right lies it's not as bad as this but it all separates you from God you can't do that there's no degrees of sin in the Aramaic the word for consider not the beam in your own eye as Bihar which means to choose elect to compare and make a choice to choose elect compare and make a choice when it came time to compare sins the Pharisees chose the lesser sins to hold up as the example excuse me that was Luke 18 11 so in Jesus referencing this actual event he talked about the fair's it took great pride in their righteousness I love mark Lowry I want arrest miss favors you know Gaither Vocal bands and mark Lowry the adda adh what does he got ADHD he's he's funny but he talks about Baptists I was brought up a fundamental you know quick scripture quote and Bible totin all of this stuff and we thought the rest of y'all were going to hell because you're not us but he he makes it very clear that we develop a mentality of superiority because it lifts us up and makes us feel like we're something when we're nothing that's what the Pharisees were doing you know the the Pharisees were willing to admit they were sinners but you know their sin wasn't as great because everybody is a sinner so the word in Aramaic for moat the the the sliver in your own eye is galih which means a small chip of order a straw if we remember getting a eyelash in your eye and it's just like oh man it's painful and you can't see clear until you get that thing out that's what it's talking about it's even more in-depth than that because he's talking about something that is revealed or exposed you can barely see the speck but it's exposed your eye to something that's painful so these specs this dross if you will is the same type of thing in this Aramaic construct that talks about when you make building material or safe cement you know you got the lye and you got the rocks and you've got all these all these things that sometimes straw they go together to build us a construct of something that's even stronger and harder to remove than a beam and over time it builds and builds and builds till you're nothing but a walking judgement Factory that's all you do you slander you gossip you judge you point the finger at everybody else neglecting the work recognize what's in us let me give you some good news we like to choose Behar to focus that once in that mistake of our brother too and then our being the cloth in our own life because we built a foundation of pride but the good news again is this in this day Jesus is making a scourge he's about to drive out all of these things out of the temple he's gonna lay bare our hearts that we recognize the wickedness that is within us because he's coming back for a church without spot and blemish he's bringing this generation to the place of maturity well you're not so quick to judge others but you're quick to judge yourself and the moment of judgment arises in your heart about another you quit to repent say Father forgive me I pray for a restoration and a revelation of Jesus in their life Lord if there's something offensive in them that's offending me then the problems in me I shouldn't be offended I should have enough maturity to walk like Jesus who was never offended at the sins of others but always loving and trying to restore this generation is gonna walk in profound intimacy with God if you are the Bride of Christ you are going to have the character of Christ because the two become one and you cannot separate that and you're gonna tell the fruit of the bride the fruit of character will differentiate between the masses that are following a god that supplies their needs and feeds their stomachs to those that are sold out and in love with a master and they're going to come forth and shine in this hour and walk in the powers of the age to come they're gonna have free access into the kingdom they're gonna be tried with fire that's seven times hotter they're gonna be transformed and transformative wherever they go that's you it all comes down to one thing you've got to make a choice Lord whatever the cost I'm willing you don't pray that if you don't mean it we've broken vows to God far too often one last thing and I got a couple minutes there's an ancient Hebrew understanding regarded sin they saw it as having three distinct levels what you just said there's no levels - yes there are in this regard Avon is the Hebrew word for iniquity iniquity is the weakness or tendency to fall under temptation in specific areas now Avon is not as the sin that generally under that most of us generally understood it manifests itself in various ways by bringing thoughts and emotions into our lives that we know are evil but it does not involve taking action in the condoning way based upon those thoughts we're all in undated that's what the devil does then we have Fatah is the Hebrew word for transgression transgression is more than the weakness of iniquity it is the action of violating God's principles we've all had this because you know you're tempted with something of funny you give in to some yeah and you do it you've just entered into the transgression that's what that means so hot Kotaku carries with it the idea of making a mistake by violating God's principles then picking yourself up repenting seeking God and trying to restore covenant fellowship with him so in contrast to Avon a tie involves taking action on what we thought or felt but will you still do it don't identify with it you don't identify with it when we commit a transgression of the transgression of this type then correct ourselves and repent god applauds us now think about that why because you're fighting the good fight of faith do you understand that we condemn ourselves because we stumble and fall even though we repent we stay under the cloud of condemnation when God's going good job you just overcame that's not a license to continue that's an encouragement you're on the right path you're quick to repent the final one is the shy is the Hebrew word for sin it literally means to defect to go over to the other side in other words it means to enter into counter covenant with evil it's deliberate sin consciously choosing to violate God's principles and identifying with the principles of evil it is a clear act of rebellion when you are walking in this you are no longer struggling against sin you're an agreement with sin the major difference between a transgression and Peshawar sin as the sinner now says I no longer recognize and subscribe to your I now honor a different standard that of the enemy that's called apostasy that is the direction unless repented of that the church is heading towards right now because anything goes in most churches we just had a conversation where so much of the church voted in your nation in our nation for perversion to be legalized that's that's that right there that's total apostasy that's siding with the devil the Lord is calling us not to have our consciousness seared like that but to stay on the path of light in a life right now you see the Feast of Trumpets yom teruah this is a time of repentance of making sure our hearts are right with God so that our names will be written in the Lamb's Book of Life yes I'm saved and my name is there but you know what I want to keep that that volume clean and pure and consistent with the character of our God we should be doing housecleaning in this temple every day the longer you let the dust and the dirt and the the spiders and all the garbage in the the more it gets cluttered and filthy and no longer a place that God wants to dwell let's keep it clean amen hallelujah blessings
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 11,048
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Id: rnD_TT1B340
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Length: 83min 34sec (5014 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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