Finding Your Assignment From God - Joe Sweet

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somebody gave me life God didn't have to do that we are what we are by the grace of God God doesn't owe any of us anything none of us has any right to ever have self-pity all of us has way more than we deserve God is good he made us He loves us he's blessed us he forgives us it's in him that we live and move and have our being I'm just rambling but it's funny how men mortal men can live on the earth without thinking about eternity how blind men can be how we can everybody lives and dies and almost everybody is living there putting all their energy their thoughts their emotions their heart their strategies into this brief 60 70 80 years but pouring everything not thinking about what's ahead why are we here God made us we're here to discover something we're to choose we're not here to see who can get the best house of the best car there's something else much bigger and much greater going on god made us he's so smart he's beyond brilliant genius there's no human words to describe God's wisdom nothing happens by accident the Bible says in the book of Acts God has foreordained pre appointed where the times and the boundaries of where we would be born and live it's in the book of Acts God's four deigned it you're not an accident no one hears an accident it was not an accident that I walked into Starbucks at the time I did I met Brandon God set that up God caused him to leave where he was and get on his bicycle he knew how many pedals it would take he knew exactly the time it would take to get him there when I walked in and he does stuff like that all the time and it goes right over our head what a great and awesome God we serve who knows how many hairs are on our head and not one of them falls to the ground without him knowing thank you lord you made us God made us I want to I want to be in the middle of God's perfect will I want to find out what God wants of me and I want to do it I want to find out what he wants me to become and I want to become it this this fleeting quick breath that James says is a vapor like a vapor of breath on a cold morning that's our 70 or 80 years is our chance to discover why we're here and do it many people go through the sixty seven or eight years distracted running after other goals other dreams other ambitions and they completely miss completely the purpose for which they were created I had an encounter with the Lord March 10th 1986 I was a believer I was doing the best I knew to try to serve the Lord evangelizing and taking mission trips I presumed I had wrong understanding about how to discover God's will for your life I thought I'd read some books and they misguided me they gave me bad counsel I thought the way that you know what God's will for your life is by the desires of your heart if you have a desire to do something good for God that must be his will so I I had been to India I thought I really had a heart I wanted to preach the gospel to preach heard of Jesus I'd done that before I've been out in villages where nobody had ever heard of Jesus before ever and I was preaching out there to the unreached I thought that's what I need to do that must be God's will for me looks like it lines up with the Bible said go into all the world okay I'm gonna start and and I made my plans but I didn't know how to wait on God surrender to Him wait for his instructions and get revelry I didn't understand that at that time and I thought I was doing because I was under the false teaching of a book I read I won't say the person's name that if you have a desire to do good in your heart that must be God and it's not the way we find out God's wills we lay everything down even our desires to serve Him even our desires of how we want it we laid all at his feet then we say Lord tell me what you want and it doesn't line up with your natural abilities always for example Paul was trained a Jew he was a Jews Jew trained in Hebrew under Gamal ail he was a scholar he understood the law you would think that God would send Paul to the Jews Peter was an untrained fisherman you would think God would send him to the heat and Gentiles God did just the opposite see today we take surveys what are your gifts what do you like to do you what do you like what's your dream we would say okay Peter you're gonna have a you're gonna reach out to other fishermen and to the Gentiles and that's what you're good at Paul we're gonna send you to the synagogues you're gonna talk to the Pharisees God said no that's not how it works I use people's weaknesses not their strengths he said I don't need Paul's strength I'm gonna take Paul and send him to the Gentiles and Peter has no ability to reach the Jews I'm gonna send him to the Jews now what is that gonna do it's gonna make Peter be on his knees and say God I need to be filled with the Holy Spirit if you don't fill me with the Holy Spirit I can't convert these guys I need miracles and signs and wonders so God does God has his plans God said in Isaiah he said my thoughts are not your thoughts as high as the heavens are above the earth so are my ways above your ways his ways are past finding out they have to be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit so we don't just figure out what kind of dream is in our heart and say oh that's God's will and go for it that's what I was doing I thought this must be the Lord's will I'm gonna go to under each people I'm willing to just go live I don't care if I wear I don't care if I even have shoes I don't care if I live in the bushes the rest of my life I want to go preach to unsaved unreached people so I thought that must be God's will the Lord encountered me came in my office March 10th 1986 asked me what I was doing I told him he said I didn't call you to that man was I shocked not amazing I'm so glad that God in His mercy in His grace corrected me I do believe this I believe that if we're doing the best we know how and we're giving God a hundred percent doing the best we know how he'll correct us because I according to their teaching I had I was doing the best I knew how God correct he said no I didn't call you to do that I want you to be a pastor I'm putting it into words over the period of it was a lot of time or since that time oh I had different encounters and basically the Lord said that's not my call what I'm doing right now what I'm doing right now is in the perfect will of God I'm supposed to be living in Lancaster it's supposed to be pastoring this church I supposed to be laying her I'm supposed to be I'm supposed to be laying down my life for you for the church so the church can get fed I said Peter do you love me yes Lord he said feed my sheep so my assignment is to walk as close to Jesus as I can so that I can hear his voice and bring fresh manna to his sheep that's my assignment what's your assignment every one of us has to find our assignment the assignments aren't always lifelong Simon's can be seasonal you have a season where your primary assignment is to love your husband raise your kids that is not a little ministry you're too poor Christ into your family that could be your son there later as time goes on your assignment changes each one of us has to find our assignment and do it and the assignment that we've been given is so designed by God he makes it so hard and challenging the assignment he gives each one of us God will make it sure that it's hard he won't make it easy because the assignment he gives us is designed to bring us to our knees and in God's wisdom is that if we faithfully carry out our assignment each one of us were a body all of us has an important part as each of us fulfills our assignment for whatever season our assignment is that the process of obedience to him works in us to conform us to Christ so two things are happening God's ultimate highest purpose is that we all become conformed to Jesus and he uses our obedience to his assignment to kill us and shape us into his image that's why the whole idea of what do you like to do what are your natural talents is contrary to the purposes of God I'm not saying that God won't use our talents he does he won't let us do things we don't that we like he does before I got saved I never ever ever being a preacher seemed like the worst thing anyone could ever be before I was saved now I wouldn't want to be anything else I think it's such an honor to serve God in any way in any capacity I didn't say yes I'll be a preacher cuz I thought gee I'm gonna love that I honestly thought Oh Lord this is gonna be horrible but I'll do it and when I started doing it I never forget the first time I didn't know what the anointing was I remember the first time I stood up and preached the presence that God came on me and I was enveloped I turned into another man if I was First Samuel 10-6 it said the Spirit of God came on Saul he turned into another man you know how it is Jack and Grace and Joe turned into another man I began to preach like a man from another planet I could feel inside me in me I could feel God's heart I was 21 years old when I started preaching 42 years ago and I remember when the building cleared that night my first time I preached that led about two to three hundred people to Christ I remember the building was empty it was late it was dark I was cleaning up and I thought I like that that felt right I had no idea that I was made for that I had no idea it doesn't enter into our mind what God made us for we have to just obey Him it's not going to look like everything you like or what I like we just have to obey Him even if it looks horrible obey Him and when you obey you'll find out on the other side of obedience you'll find fulfillment you'll find I'm being changed I told my sister I used to work for my family business while I did ministry my dad's business for seven years worked for my dad I swear the hardest workers I've ever met my dad had a great work ethic a fair real fair generous to a fault anyway my older sister died we worked in the family business at real estate then when I went to a full-time pastoring she asked me how it was she thought pastors I don't know what she thought you know that we work one hour on Sunday morning and golf the rest of the week or something she said so she asked me what it's like I said it's the hardest thing I've ever done but I wouldn't want to do anything else and God plans it that way it's not supposed to be easy what we're called to do Jesus said take up your cross and follow me but it is glorious because we get changed as we walk it out I'm not the same person I was five years ago or 10 years ago or 20 years ago we're changing Oh glory to God so what I what am I saying I say no we all need to find out what our assignment is and do it and if you don't know don't do anything else until you find out don't do anything else and don't stress over it like I said assignments are seasonal God could say for the next six months here's your assignment serve Maresa in the kids church or do this just find out what God wants you to do and do it with all your heart everybody in the body we all need to be about our father's business we're not on this planet we are not here to self gratify our self we're here to give glory to the king
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 5,084
Rating: 4.951417 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Id: OtLctHOCjPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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