Turning into DARK OMZ in Minecraft!

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is the best day ever I'm gonna have so much fun I'm feeling great and look it's my friends what's up guys how you guys doing uh oh it's you again wait what do you mean ah it's me again aren't you guys excited to see me yeah yeah whatever wait wow what do you mean yeah yeah whatever I thought you guys would be happy you're not happy to see me Roxy we see you every day oh my God what about you little yard you excited to see Mia I guess but we see you every day oh my uh what about your dog Felix Felix are you excited to see me not really mate I'm not that excited wait what uh rocks your dog talks what are you talking about no he doesn't wait well I could have sworn he just spoke Felix say something wait wow oh my yo now he's not talking whatever but why are you guys being mean to me come on today's a great day we can have so much fun how about this we all go to the park and play well I already have plans I have to rebuild my cat statue oh I guess yeah that sounds pretty fun what about you Roxy what are you doing today you want to go to the park my good friend no I have to train oh my yeah well can I join you because I'm also a dog it could be like a dog party sorry it's kind of just a two-person thing two person he's not even a person he's like a real dog whatever anyways what about you can I join you building your account sorry cats only wait what what's your mean cats only come on you're not even a real cat you're just wearing an outfit just let me join please uh sorry ohms no oh my gosh this sucks well I'm about to start building bye guys oh all right have fun Lily oh man Lily doesn't want to do anything with me and what are you about to do Roxy I'm going inside to train my dog bye oh all right bye guys see ya oh I guess they're gonna go play ah this is terrible no one wants to be friends with me it feels like I'm so happy but everyone's just upset oh Patty oh hi how you doing oh I'm not having a good day everyone's being so mean to me oh Lily's building her like cat statue and Roxy's training his dog but no one wants to be friends with me they're being so mean well you have to be nice back no no no I'm thinking that I should be mean just like them I'm tired of being nice because me being nice just makes everyone mean to me and I'm done with people treating me bad I'm gonna become mean no don't no no no there's no other options I have to fight meanness with more meanness now Patty you're right I should do that I should become super duper evil and bad to all of my friends so they will regret treating me badly you are a genius thank you so much for telling me that Patty here oh my yo I completely agree I'm gonna Crush all their dreams I'm gonna make their days terrible out oh my yo you're right and I should crush their Spirits by making their days the worst day possible Patty you are a genius I'm gonna do it right now thank you what do you mean stop it why am I stopping they're your friend you have to be mean yeah but they're being mean to me they like have their own things to do today and they didn't want to play maybe they yeah they are busy but I don't know I want to be friends with them I want to play all day come on please uh by themselves I want to be a part of it because now I'm lonely and I'm bored I feel like a peepee butt face uh yeah so for real for real for real what do I do should I be nice to them or turn bad you have to be nice all right I agree I'm turning evil thank you Patty talk to you later get out of here bye Patty bye yeah oh my gosh whatever bye and wait a minute Patty where do you live where do you live oh my God every time Patty comes he just runs away into the distance but um how do I become evil I've never been evil in my life there has to be a way like a magical item that could turn me evil and I know just who has stuff like that oh Mr style I need a favor Knock knock hello how you doing buddy oh my God it's you okay what do you want blue doggy dog dog you always be coming in here with some weird requests what do you need so Mr snow I'm not doing too well right now I'm gonna cry oh gosh oh man you best not cry my shop you gonna scare off the customers Mr snow I don't think I've ever seen anyone in here other than me but for real I have a big problem I what's wrong tell me what's going on Blue though you don't know well my friends have been being mean to me and it's like I don't know should I be mean back to them and become evil or should I be nice oh listen blue doggy dog that evil laugh was kind of scary are you hiding something is you evil uh no Mr snow I'm not evil not yeah unless they push me overboard and I think they did I want to become evil do you think I should oh man oh man you talking about some dark magic to make you evil I could make you evil but there's no going back that does sound nice becoming evil and no going back so that my friends can really see what I'm capable of I'm being Super Evil and then they're gonna have to apologize yes I want to do it may oh gosh you really want to because it's gonna cost you three diamonds to get the item to make you evil what three Diamonds oh my gosh yeah I guess I'll pay the three diamonds but before you give me them diamonds I gots to warn you if you actually go through with this you gonna become so evil you never going back yes Mr snow I already know yes yes can you just take my diamonds I don't know if I can do this you got to tell me what's the situation going on so far so my friends are off doing whatever my friend Roxy's training his dog like super weird and my friend Lily's like building a statue of a cat and I want to join but they both said no to me and they said it meanly Mane is you serious you're gonna become evil over that that does not sound smart whatsoever what are you talking about Mr snow that is smart and I want the evil Powers now and if you don't give it to me I'm not giving you these diamonds diamonds oh gosh I walk so diamonds aye aye fine give me the diamonds I don't care what you do with your evil Powers just give it to me let's go I knew you would do it Mr snow here's your three Diamonds oh yeah all right blue doggy dog dog you the one that making me do this here you go take this oh whoa what the yo is that it says evil black what am I supposed to do with this excuse is supposed to eat it and then you become super duper evil and Powerful evil and Powerful by eating this this literally looks like a Blog I don't know if this is safe to eat are you sure this will go down my throat maim do you want the powers or what eat it right now uh oh okay Mr snow I'm gonna eat it oh gosh Bottoms Up ah damn oh my gosh whoa look at me I'm feeling good oh my God actually it worked out that I just scammed you but you look super duper scary that's what I'm saying and I'm feeling really good and wait a minute I got some items evil speed evil jump and some evil wings with fireworks to fly around this must be what it's like to be evil oh Mario I feel awesome oh my God you know what no I'm not getting out of your store mistress now you're gonna give me my diamonds back right now oh my God oh my God what are you doing little blue doggy doggy or should I say black doggy doggy I don't want to give you no diamonds now listen up misters now if you don't give me the diamonds your entire place is gonna blow ah bro give me that now oh gosh now my store establishment here you go just please leave take my Diamonds oh gosh get out perfect thank you for the diamonds Mr snow I'm feeling awesome oh yeah and I'm still gonna bring this door oh yeah I feel it oh my gosh all right please just leave me alone just get out get out please all right mister snow bye ha ha oh my gosh I'm feeling great now what's the first step of business you evil powers are awesome and wait a minute I want to test out this evil speed let's see if I throw this on myself off oh my yo I am so much faster holy guacamole evil people are super fast and wait I have another one called evil jump I wonder what happens if I use this and oh my gosh I could jump super high oh my yo being evil is awesome my powers are amazing and I'm really liking my brand new outfit so the first person we're gonna go to is Roxy and he said that he was training his dog and wait a minute oh my yo I could literally fly oh evil people are the best I have so many awesome powers oh my yo so let's go to Roxy and see if he's still gonna be mean to me ow what's up Roxy oh what's up what's up Roxy do you notice anything different about me did you get a haircut uh no I didn't get a haircut do I not look a little bit different why are you talking like that talking like what like that oh what do you mean like that do you mean like this yeah what's that about what are you talking about that's just my new style and get used to it because there's gonna be new rules around town what do you mean I mean that I'm done being picked on oh do you want to play wait what what do you mean do I want to play You're supposed to be mean because like I did this whole thing for a reason uh no I just want to play do you want to play with me and my dog your dog hey you Felix are you ready to get bullied up hello mate uh not really I don't want to get bullied wait what he could talk did you hear that Roxy Felix could talk oh what are you talking about oh my yo I know you can talk but still you're not afraid of me or anything uh uh no why should I yes you should be oh my God why are you not being mean be mean to me yo why would I be mean to to you oh my gosh I'm coming back to you later Roxy uh Roxy's being so weird I put on the whole like deep voice and everything and he's still not afraid of me and he wasn't being mean it's almost like maybe I misunderstood them in the beginning maybe Lily's gonna be mean and she's working on her cat and you know what I'm gonna surprise her I'm gonna put on my evil wings and I'm gonna fly in like this way oh my no evil flying okay let's go and we gotta land on the cat and hey what's up Lily oh hi um wait what do you mean Ohio instead of not just scare you with my awesomeness and my giant muscles uh um you have no muscles wait what no muscles come on they're really big stop it I'm evil Lily if you mess with me again I'm gonna have to put on my evil speed and evil drop and drop and kill you talking about what do you mean what am I wronged me one too many times and I'm done I am evil now oh yeah oh yeah do look a little different yeah I know I look different do you like my new style did you get a haircut what no no no Mom do not see my entire like new outfit it's like black completely and my eyes are red I didn't notice that but yeah that's pretty cool wait what do you mean that's pretty cool come on you should be afraid I mean I guess it's all right oh my gosh Lily you were being mean to me earlier and I'm mad at you oh sorry about that didn't mean to be mean wait why oh my yo you're not supposed to say sorry oh my gosh everyone's being so nice it's almost like maybe I misunderstood them no that can't be it uh Lily I'm gonna be back I need to think about this by myself I'm going away I gotta fly out of here with my fireworks oh my yo this is terrible and a few from all the way alone now wait why oh it's you Patty hi what's up uh what do you look different oh you notice my new outfit do I look intimidating uh no you just got a haircut right oh my gosh no I didn't get a haircut why is everyone saying that I turned evil you don't seem evil to me wait what what do you mean I don't seem evil no I'm evil to the Bone I even took like a little magic thingy to make me evil from Mr snow so I'm pretty evil is he pretty nice oh my yo stop it Patty I'm trying to be mean because I'm trying to get back at all my friends remember I told you they didn't want to play with me earlier yeah wanted to be by theirselves so no no no no they can't be by themselves I want to play with them I'm so bored oh what do I do Patty do I go and ruin their days because I'm evil oh um don't do that wait why not because it's wrong and mean oh my gosh Patty you're no fun oh I need something to do what do I do uh you can be nice oh being nice is so boring I want to do some pranking and trolling with my new evil Powers check this out I can literally fly wait a lot better I know right and I literally have these super good effects like my evil jump and my evil speed that makes me go fast and jump super high oh your powers are awesome and I'm gonna use them for evil thank you so much Patty I agree with you I should mess with my friends and make their lives terrible thank you so much for telling me oh my yo you are so boring Patty look I'ma just pretend like you told me to use my powers for evil stop it use that for evil thank you Patty for the good talking I did not say that whatever bye wait what bye where do you go buddy oh my yo we live that way where are you going oh my gosh whatever I have no idea where Patty lives he's so weird but he told me to go prank my friend so that's what I'm gonna do we're gonna set up a prank for Roxy mooah so let's fly back over to his house and we're gonna use the wing so let's jump hit it and fly up with the fireworks and oh my yo we made it to his house oh yeah and wait Roxy's in the backyard and he's with Felix what is he doing uh Felix I'm gonna go get some food use it right here oh he's gonna get food and this is a perfect time I could prank Felix oh yeah let's go back over here to Felix and oh my own feelings are all alone it's just me and you hi oh my God what do you want me it's you again wait I knew it you could talk why don't you talk around anybody else why do you only talk around me buddy I'm getting free food free home and free water why would I mess this up oh yeah well I guess all right whatever but I'm gonna be pranking you ah I'm gonna blow you up excuse me you will not be blowing me up but yes I won't feel like someone please just like move this way and go Felix go oh my gosh you are so annoying move oh my gosh Ebbs you better not be doing what I think you're gonna be doing yeah I'm doing what you think I'm gonna be doing so let me push you in here oh gosh come on go oh my yeah we're finally into the house perfect now let me break a hole in and I'm gonna set you right in here sorry Felix this is gonna be really bad for you not me though oh my God ohms you have turned evil this is terrible now Felix you're gonna be home I'm gonna set you like right over here and I'm gonna set some traps around you so what's Roxy comes to pick you up you're gonna go come boom this is gonna be hilarious aims you are not gonna get away with this you better not be doing it yeah yeah yeah Stop It Felix with her weird accents so let me break all around you just like this kaboomer and the prank I'm gonna be doing is making you fall down and to a hole where there's gonna be millions of blocks of TNT and you're gonna get destroyed oh yeah so let's break a hole all the way down here just like this perfect and wait you have to stay up so let me not break the block you're on up James please do not do this I don't want to do it I've been really enjoying the free food and housing by Roxane now let's grab some TNT oh my gosh then we're gonna need some pressure plates like this so let's put a layer of TNT all on the bottom and oh my gosh this is crazy deadly dangerous huh please stop it I don't want to die I'm only seven years old and dog years oh wow that sucks for you feeling sorry and now let's put the pressure plate so if anything touches these You're Gonna Go Kaboom oh my yo awesome yeah but how am I gonna fall into that hole there's no way I'm not gonna just walk in oh yeah I didn't think about that ham good point I didn't know I need to set up a little redstone trap for you wait what no no no do not do that yeah yeah I'm doing that so the first thing we need is some sticky instead of putting it right over there then let's get our redstone torch and attach it so it's on and once this torch falls off it's gonna pull you back and you're gonna fall into the TNT oh my yo it's over for you Felix ah Roxy's gonna be so mad please do not do this place up yeah I'm doing it sorry about that Felix now all I have to do is break some blocks over here like this then grab summer Redstone up and put it all underneath like that then let's grab some carpet to cover up the evidence like this oh my yo perfect up then let's grab another pressure plate and put it right here so once Roxy steps over here it's gonna activate this piston and you're gonna fall in now all I have to do is cover up the evidence like that and uh Felix it is not looking too good for you oh my yo this is gonna be hilarious oh yeah and can you please move so I can unwrap the piston and boom oh gosh I hope you are so cruel this is terrible yeah yeah yeah sorry about that Felix anyways Roxy should be coming any minute so I'm gonna hide in this corner to watch you uh you oh gosh wait I hear Roxy where is he oh he's right there he's looking for Felix and he can't find him oh my yo check inside Roxy um he's not here maybe he went inside yes yes yes perfect oh wow this is gonna be hilarious he's walking in so let's hide in the corner and let's see don't do this off sorry Felix it's happening oh Felix you're right there Hi he's about to step on the pressure plate come on go Roxy Cola let's go back outside come with me buddy oh my no yes sir oh gosh this is bad oh my yo Roxy I think Felix is gone yes you fell for my prick on my own that was awesome I did it because I am evil move on that so amazing haha that was so mean I'm gonna cry my room oh wait Roxy's gonna cry oh wait this was actually kind of mean I don't think I should have done that oh my your way he's crying wait why didn't that feel good I'm supposed to be evil oh gosh wait let me check up on Lily and oh she's still building her cat maybe I can prank her if I do something mean to her it's gonna make me feel a lot better so what can I do I know I'm gonna make a TNT cannon and blow up her cats so let's make it right over here while she's building and we're gonna use another potion to make me go invisible so she can't see me oh yeah this is awesome my cat almost done and it looks great oh Mario she loves it but it's not gonna be great for long we're gonna make a cannon and the first thing we need is some obsidian then we're gonna need some water some TNT of course some Redstone to activate that TNT and finally a button to activate the Redstone so let's build it so the cat's right over there so to build again and we have to make this shape like this and let's make it down a little bit like that then let's place down a water bucket over here Kaboom perfect and then we're gonna need to grab a slab and put it all the way at the end like this now we're gonna have to load up the TNT shooter and the TNT that's gonna blow it up and put an obsidian over here and one over here and oh my gosh this is gonna be great now let's attach the Redstone all along here then do the same on this side but with a delay like that and then make it go all around and oh my yo I think we're ready oh God can't wait so let's put the button down and we're about a shoe oh hi I'm High only ah I'm just building something up oh I whip the cat with me I was having so much fun wait what oh why are you not being mean to me oh my gosh why is everybody being nice uh do you want to play Oh My yo no Lily I don't want to play I'm gonna blow your cat up say goodbye oh my yo directed wait what my I blew it up baby oh my yo that was awesome you did yeah I did it with my TNT cannon how does that feel uh that's so mean so mean I'm inside wait what you're gonna cry wait uh what's going on why doesn't Lily want to get revenge uh being evil isn't so cool I was just mean to my two best friends for no reason oh gosh what do I do uh Matt you really messed up you should not have done that wait a minute Felix you're still alive though did you really think some TNT could kill me yeah well that was the point but oh I did mess up everyone's upset at me mate if I'm gonna be honest with you I don't think this whole evil thing is really a thing uh maybe you're right I don't want to be evil I want my friends to like me listen to me mate if you want them to like you you have to make it up to them you have to return me back to Roxy and you have to apologize to Lily but I can't do it I'm evil look at me I literally have the dark outfit and everything maybe you should get a refund from Mr snow I don't even think you're really evil I don't think you want to be doing this wait what really you don't think I'm evil wait a minute let me go to Mr snow and ask him yo Mr snow Mr snow hello and I actually evil mine what do you oh God am I actually evil because like I have the outfit but I really feel evil wait oh no I think you caught me yeah I didn't really give you anything evil I just gave you an obsidian block wait what are you serious oh yeah it did kind of just look like a renamed obsidian block so I'm not actually evil ah man I just gave you a new outfit oh so that's why I did all that stuff it didn't really feel good about it bang girls apologized to your friends for all the bad things you did yeah you're right I have to apologize because I'm not evil I'm good I'm gonna go say sorry oh Roxy Roxy yo Roxy I have somebody to tell you I am super sorry and guess what uh what do you what do you I came here to say sorry and your dog's alive Felix oh he's right here Felix go inside and say hi to Roxy okay all right mate I'm gonna stop talking now all right it was really good talking to you Felix here you go Roxy Felix is okay oh wow that is awesome and I'm really sorry for what I did to you even though he's okay I apologize it's okay oh my God you always ask me and Roxy are friends again now Roxy can you come with me I have to go apologize to Lily all right little oh Lily Lily we have something to tell you I'm really really sorry and wait a minute is Lily back over there yeah she is at oh she rebuilt her cat yes oh hi ohms I just came here to say I'm really really sorry I didn't mean to do what I did it was bad you know what it's okay I already rebuilt it wait what oh you did you rebuilt your cat and wait you're not upset at me anymore of course ma you're my best friend wait why oh my gosh yes we're all together still oh my yeah and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join our next Clique right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 488,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omz, nico, aphmau, cash, minecraft, Turning into DARK OMZ in Minecraft!
Id: GMfCbTCC3_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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