Using PORTALS To Prank My Friends In Minecraft!

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ohms I'm telling you Portal guns are real what Portal guns are totally not real how is that even possible how can a gun also be a portal it just doesn't make sense what are you talking about you just shoot the first portal like there and then maybe the other one there and you go through it and you end up on the other side what that literally sounds like a video game dude you're not making any sense at all Portal guns are not real anyways ohms do you know what you're bringing for the show and tell today of course I do I'm bringing my favorite hamburger it looks delicious my thing's gonna be super awesome really you think it's gonna be awesome mine is gonna be way better it's something amazing be so big so big like how big are we talking are we talking as big as my hamburger that thing is that thing is like one inch tall what no it is like above average well mine can make you fly wait what make you fly are you serious I guess you're gonna have to see it with your own eyes it's gonna be a little something like this whoa oh my gosh that is actually crazy awesome and all I have is a hamburger well maybe Roxy's thing is trash Roxy what are you bringing for show and tell I'm gonna bring something that gives me super powers wait what something that gives you super powers whoa you guys are bringing such awesome things and all I have is a hamburger oh gosh this isn't good yeah I don't think you really want to bring a hamburger you're gonna embarrass yourself what no my hamburger is awesome it's really delicious and it has meat and lettuce and stuff almost how are you even gonna show off the burger are you just gonna like eat it in front of us yeah that was my plan bruh you're hopeless what now come on guys well there's nothing cool around to even bring what else can I bring that's not like a hamburger we're telling you get the portal guys what Portal guns are not real Luke stop talking about video games and imaginary beliefs I'm talking about real life like a hamburger I'm sorry to break the news to you but Portal guns are real oh my gosh you guys are stressing me out just like leave my house I'll meet you at show and sell in 10 minutes okay all right see you later bye guys get out of my house you guys are really weird talking about a portal gun like what Portal guns are totally not real whatever you say Burger boy don't call me Burger boy I am not Burger boy I love my burger though but wait a minute they did sound like they had really good things for show and tell and if I show up with just a burger I might lose no I don't want to be a loser hmm what did they talk about they were saying something about a portal gun hmm what if Portal guns are actually real and what if I brought the show and tell that would be awesome but too bad Portal guns are fake I finally found the portal gun what who just said that what do you mean you finally found the portal gun hello yourself wait whoa hello did you just say something about a portal gun oh hey blue boy I just found this map that leads me to the portal gun wait what that leads you to a portal God the portal gun is real what you didn't know Portal guns are real wait what I thought that was like a video game movie type thing not a real life type thing well you better believe it because it's right here on this map whoa let me see the map I want the map give me the map please give me the map up yeah I am getting a little too old for these Journeys you could have it let me see and wait a minute where is it look at the giant Temple buddy oh I see all the way on the top right so I have to find that giant Temple then I could get a portal gun come on man do you not listen I just told you that oh all right well I'm gonna go look at the temple is it dangerous or something are you gonna give me like a warning or anything like that well you might die there but you should be fine otherwise okay that's not too bad of a risk all right thank you Mr sir I'm gonna go on an adventure and the map is pointing towards this way and it's that Temple and the map but it's like in real life and that means the portal gun is inside and wow the portal gun's actually real so I'm gonna be the coolest person at Show and Tell and get all the girls if there's girls there I hope so there's probably no girls and whoa this thing is ginormous wow wow I made it and this must be where the portal gun is but you know I'm still a little bit sus about if it's real the guy that gave me this map probably lied it still might be a dud but whoa wait a minute there's a chest up there and that must be where the portal gun is oh whoa there's lava all over there's some Parkour I have to do and luckily for me I'm a parkour expert watch and learn 360. parkour jump then hop over here set up these rocks then up over here and wow this place is crazy it's made of diamonds emerald and gold I'm starting to believe that there actually could be a portal gun over here but let's keep going and he yeah few that was a close one in this last jump seems crazy it's three blocks away and one block up high oh gosh let me try my best and few yes I made it and there it is this is the chest time for me to get my portal gun and what really it's a password protected chest what could the password be hmm is it zero zero zero no is it six six nine nine no what is this password wait a minute there's a sign down over here and it says one two three four but what could that be for oh I gotta it's for the password chest okay let me put in the numbers one two three four and whoa what are all these items there's obsidian diamonds iron and an ender pearl with a Nether Star in the middle hmm what could all this be for him wait a minute there's a crafting table here what if all of these items are to craft a portal gun no way let's put them in my inventory the same way that it was in the chest and let's place the crafting table right next to the chest and put all the items in exactly the same way as it was and whoa a bird oh god what the heck it's real and wow check me out this thing looks awesome it's blue just like me how do I use this thing can I just shoot it and whoa a portal spawn this is awesome and I probably have to spawn in another portal because this is the portal I'm gonna go through and I have to come out from somewhere else so let me make the other portal all the way down outside so let's shoot it out there and now let's jump in and whoa what just happened that was awesome I just went through the portal and wait a minute how does this even work if I put a portal over here and then one over here if I walk through this I should end up over there and wait a minute whoa I could see the world wow and wait a minute I'm looking at myself looking at myself this is so weird and wait can I do a little dance and oh my gosh I'm dancing and I could see myself dancing right now this is awesome but if I walk inside here I should end up there so let's try and whoa this is crazy so now if I walk through here I should wow wow wow wow wow what just happened I just went in like a portal Loop let me try that again ow ow my head hurts from doing this my brain doesn't understand what's happening whoa this is super cool and oh gosh why can't I get through this thing is insane but I have a cool idea I'm pretty sure with this portal gun I'm able to like walk through walls so let's set up a little wall right over here like this so let's mind blocks like that then blocks over here then on this side we're gonna set a portal like that and then over here we're gonna set a portal and now I think I can literally just walk through blocks and whoa that is awesome there's blocks here but I can literally just go hello that's so cool and now to get out of here I can put a portal up there and then one right over here and wow wow okay wait that is so trippy what is even going on I need to set another portal over there like that now if I put the blue one here I could walk through I was just there now I'm here this is awesome oh wait there's something I need to try I need to try an infinite portal Loop so let me build up like this place to dirt up here like that and if I place a portal over here then one underneath what is gonna happen and whoa unlimited portals and wait is that my butt oh my gosh don't look at my box let's jump inside it oh my gosh what the heck I just went like through the ground whoa that like almost worked but what happens if I throw an item in this Loop let me grab a block and let's see if I put the portal back over here and I throw an item what it just got from the top let me try that again and whoa it's almost making a loop I am determined to see a loop happen so let's mine some more dirt so then I could build a little bit up like this now I think that's a better angle so will the loop happen and it's so close let me try it again and oh my gosh it's so close the loot must happen let me go back up and here it is the loop whoa that's so cool truth I'm here to take over the village wait what is that Roxy over there and wait why is he gonna take over this innocent Village what did they do to him this land is my it's mine wait I lost sight of Roxy but I know a way I could get sight of him let me put a portal all the way over there and then one in here now let's teleport in the village in whoa oh my gosh that was crazy but Roxy's name tag is right behind that house and I know a way we could spy on Roxy we could use the portal gun and he's right over there so let's shoot a portal over here and then one down in here hello villager you are now wait oh I could see him through the portal awesome man what the heck he's communicating with the Villager what is he saying what the heck is Roxy doing he's just beating every oh my God she is crazy but it's time for me to stop this let me jump through it um hello Roxy what are you doing homes when did you get here um I just stumbled upon the Village um what are you doing well I'm taking over some land what that taking over some land why I have to get my materials for the show and tell oh yeah the show and tell tea I have a little something planned really then what are you doing here oh gosh what should I tell Roxy should I tell him that I actually got the portal gun or should I still talk about how I don't believe in it and oh gosh wait a minute oh that's right there let me like move it down oh gosh oh God get away from here few it's gone what was that um nothing I'm still looking for my show and tell item I hope I can find it why are you talking like a robot what are you talking about I am not talking like a robot I am not lying I don't have an item for show and tell other than my hamburger that thing sucks you're gonna lose oh my hater alert you're a hater Roxy you know what you're going down in the show and tell because let's just say I have a little secret something what's your secret something your small Burger bruh it's not a small Burger it's giant you know what you'll see you'll all see I'm gonna win show and tell I'm gonna destroy all of you and I'm out of here and oh I found a hole boy hey be quiet Roxy let me get out of here let me put a portal and wait I made it out oh wait where'd it go see you later Roxy you're a buffet so I just need a couple more diamonds and I'll be ready for show and tell wait what Lou hello yo I just heard Luke where are you hello did I just hear someone calling my name yes look it's me ohms whoa what are you doing right now I was just going mining for some diamonds diamonds why do you need diamonds what did you already forget it's for show and tell it's part of my item what diamonds are a part of your item Luke what are you making a statue of me what why would I do that that's a terrible item for show and tell what no it is not if you made me you would totally win you should make a statue of me and make my butt extra fast that's the even worse idea why would I ever do that bruh all right well why'd you do the diamond I can't tell you just yet but you'll see oh I'm really excited anyways are you still gonna use that burger for show and tell why why are you speaking like that you're speaking like sarcastically like the burger isn't awesome uh who would bring a burger to show and tell well I break up break up I love Burgers if you bring your burger you're definitely gonna get last place bruh why is everyone a burger head are you and Roxy and Lily are all the same I'm gonna destroy you guys because I have a secret something up my sleeve team wait what's that in your hand um nothing nothing um nothing at all it's not a portal gun what a real portal gun show me I don't have a portal gun no that was a joke no I would I don't have a portal gun Holmes did you find your Portal guns I got a portal gun check this out it's a portal and then plan if we want we could jump through and wait did you see that honestly earlier today I was joking about them being real wait why I just said though Portal guns are only in movies are real check that out we isn't this awesome this is the most epic thing ever I know right and whoa wait stand right there I think I could see or choose from this angle and hello look I'm looking at your butt it's so big hey stop staring at my butt and now I see her face ew I don't want to see that but this is awesome bad Luke I have an idea we can use the portal gun so find out that sounds awesome but how are we gonna do that um I don't really know how can we use the portal gun to find diamonds I didn't really think this through any ideas come follow me there's time it's super high up on this mountain over here wait that's literally perfect the portal gun is gonna be awesome for that there it is Holmes look up there wow those diamonds are Mega high up that's like a billion blocks in the air but luckily with the portal gun I think we can reach it I'm not really sure I'm like 10 sure there's only one way to figure it out let's do it you're totally right let me put the first portal all the way up there perfect and then let me put the second one right over there so let's back up and running jump don't look don't look don't look that was pretty embarrassing don't you think you should have got a little closer before jumping off like that I I said don't look but watch this three oh my gosh look look up I'm all the way on top of the world on make some space for me I'm coming in wait you're coming at uh Luke oh gosh oh no I think I went too fast but good thing I spawned right next to you wow awesome and now you can mine all one two three four and five of the diamonds yes this is gonna be perfect for show and tell well wait why do you even need the diamonds are you just gonna show off diamonds for show and so why would I show you now and ruin the surprise for show and tell oh awesome but where is the show and tell even taking place Lily's working on it oh really where is Lily Lily hello hello hello do you hear my echo bro that was literally you oh my gosh Luke stop brooding my immersion that was the echo echo Deez Nuts Deez Nuts Deez Nuts and the show and tell area is complete wait what uh I just heard Lily's voice where was that from it's coming from over there ohms whoa is that the show and tell area that looks awesome well where is everybody Luke what do you say we make an appearance to the show and tell do you want to make a grand appearance with the portal gun of course I do let's set the first portal right over here and the second one can be right down there now let's go through and whoa it worked at hi Luke I could see it through the portal hey look at my butt oh my gosh Luke stop just come to the portal I don't want to see your butt all right coming and whoa awesome you made it wait what oh hi guys oh hi Lily oh gosh oh gosh you could see it up let me shoot the portal somewhere else go away go away go away go away few food it's gone um hi Lily dumb I really like what you built but where did you guys even come from um no air we just walked we didn't use portals to use a portal gun to portal away with the portal with the portals and the portal gun and the portal gun I use the portal gun oh my God always what are you saying nothing nothing nothing about a portal gun anyways um give me a tour of the place so we could you know like get this show on the road yeah sure so when you come inside this is where all the guests sit oh well guess it's literally just us about oh awesome and this is the show oh why are you yelling because it's the show and towel oh I just wrote it like that so then you can see it better Oh I thought we were supposed to yell but okay I won't okay so anyways this is where you perform oh awesome and where is Roxy Roxy hello I'm at first wait where did Roxy just come from and okay I guess Roxy's first what are you showing and what are you telling watch this oh can wait what he has diamond blocks whoa what is he doing he's building a platform now wow but what is this supposed to Beacon has life that's not all picking abilities wait what an ability what do you mean look inside the beacon wait what and whoa there's so many abilities and I want speeds can you give us speed okay here you go home use this diamond wait what use the diamond hmm how do I use this diamond in oh I get it I can activate it with speed and wait do we have speed and whoa we have infinite speed it never goes away it always resets to 10 seconds this is awesome we are zooming right now great show and tell who started the next no it's my turn let me get this out of here I'm super excited Luke said he needed diamonds for his I wonder what it could be yeah me too what could diamonds be used for I don't know but let's find out Luke what are you showing and telling us check out my wings wait what wings whoa put it on I want to see your wings okay here yeah whoa you look awesome but wait a minute Wings don't need diamonds why'd you need a diamond the diamonds were for the fireworks wait fireworks why do you need fireworks with wings to boost me wait wow gosh oh gosh oh oh he's getting it works awesome wow that's so cool look I'm back look look I'm never coming back this is too much fun oh my gosh that is super cool I love it oh logo gosh um Luke did you just die yeah that hurts so much oh my gosh don't worry I'm right here I respond oh awesome and you know what I think that was the coolest Show and Tell item yeah but now it's slowly start Lily what do you have to show us for show and tell this out wow what the heck look at her armor you look awesome but what does it do yeah what does it do it just looks really cool do you see this thing right here okay yeah what does that do with this item and my my sink whoa Lily you just became like a little tiny and that is awesome but um how do you become big again with just the click of a button I can become big wait really do it okay boom and whoa that is awesome but wait can you do it to other people this one will Spring people and this one will make you big wait really oh my gosh I didn't try this on a bobbin oh perfect suspect sheep I'm gonna use them on the sheep and wait there's water right over here and I'm gonna use the shrink this Mr sheep let's see what happens if I shrink him in oh guys look at the Sheep he's so tiny hello Mr sheep wait there's also the grow one what happens if I use this and oh he became normal but what if I use it I get it um guys I just made a giant sheep what is that thing he looks insane this is awesome wait Luke stand still real quick look stop moving let me try it on you and giant giant so fly being this big yeah try it out let's see if we can fly all right let me try it out and go low go you got this in oh giant flying Luke that is awesome but wait a minute can I make him small mid-air come on come on come on now come on hello come here I need to make you swallow it it worked your normal size now let me shrink you and Luke come here and wait low come out look where'd you go it's impossible to breathe without the suit on oh gosh oh gosh we gotta make a big Luke oh awkward Luke died because he was too small that's why yeah like this WOW awesome sauce but now it's my turn and I've been saving this all day long welcome everyone to my show and tell and I'm gonna be showing and telling you about the most awesomest item in the game are you guys ready for this yay I'm so excited wow Luke that's because you know what it is but are you two ready for this snap the hamburger is probably gonna be super tiny Roxy it's not a hamburger boom whoa awesome we love you check that bad boy out isn't it super cool it's actually real uh-huh I know I didn't know it was real either but I managed to find it and I did an awesome challenge to earn it check this out so I could set the first portal over here then the second one right over there next to that she boom so if we want to go say hi to our sheepy friend all we have to do is walk through this portal and hello guys do you see me over here yeah all right come through guys come through and hello um isn't this awesome and wait we can look at Luke what is Luke doing right now what did Luke just far did my farts go through oh my gosh Luke you are gross that is disgusting is that awesome I know right portal gun for the win I can't believe I thought it was fake but it turns out that it's real and oh hi Lily you just went through and wait are you stuck oh my gosh that's hilarious so let me hop in with you and whoa what's going on my head hurts huh and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on our next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 765,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, Using A PORTAL GUN to TROLL In MINECRAFT!
Id: -LxMqB1hoBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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