Adopted By DARK ANGELS In Minecraft!

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ah okay bull what are we working out today ah you know the memo get on the bench we always get on the get on dementia oh well you need to learn how to bench press you never do it well when are we gonna work out legs I feel like we've skipped leg day for like a year ah do you see my legs huh do you see that oh I guess they're pretty good yeah so do not say we skip likes you just have little Stickman legs not my legs are in fact really strong actually I could jump super high what watch me you're walking on Twigs yeah oh you have no hops boy you cannot even dunk a basketball oh my gosh I'll show you all right if you want to hit legs then uh go ahead and do some squats uh squats yes I spoke English oh gosh okay fine the squats is the squats what is that yeah yeah I'm gonna kick you I'm just doing that it's okay fine I'll do squats up okay let's go what is that [Applause] oh my gosh I feel kind of weird oh wait where am I this doesn't look like my house this is not blue did bull knock me out gosh I think I'm getting a headache or something oh why is there this stuff on my wall so yeah why is it all gooey oh I don't like that I need the miners to come over to fix this later wait what else is it usually purple what is all of this wait who are you oh hello son hey uh you're not my parents who are you come here buddy just uh sit down on the couch with us ah yeah uh I don't know if I could trust you guys sit down on the couch with us okay you're not going anywhere come on uh are you sure take a seat just take your seats okay we want to explain to you that we are your new parents yep and we love you so much wait this doesn't make any sense what are you talking about all right oh my gosh I'm Dinah no wait the news is starting come on the news is starting what do you mean sit down it's gonna be good oh my gosh uh it's just this guy bobbing his head all the time he doesn't even say anything he's gonna start talking here in a second right what do you mean a young young blue costume earlier this morning was attacked by a strong muscular man in the Square City Gym uh why are you guys laughing oh that's hilarious yeah still not Blue Boy anywhere please call 9-1-1 he's still not been found uh guys I'm right here I gotta tell them that I've been found you're not a blue boy silly come on wait wait I'm not a blue boy what do you mean you're not a blue boy let's go outside then what what am I what Dad I am a purple boy yep you're a purple boy wait I'd say you're more like our son I have a question why do you guys have wings and everything well we're Dark Angels Dark Angels excuse me ma'am what's a dark angel well there's nice angels and there's mean angels and we just happen to be the mean ones uh okay so what do you do well we corrupt people using a power blast wait and I assume that you corrupted me well no we corrupted bull you just happen to be there wait so bull was corrupted and then I got corrupted because of both and now you're our son oh my gosh how did this sort of events even happen uh don't worry about it son just follow me I want to talk to my friend cash oh you can't see cash why you just can't are you sure yeah you have to be revived to see your friends oh my gosh we're really just in a fake mirrored Square City right now are you serious no no I don't believe it I'm gonna say yeah you can look for yourself but he's not gonna be there um hello that is not cash all right I would get away from him he looks like he's gonna bite you so I assume cash does not live in this house gosh we're here we're in the dark angel Universe Sun oh gosh we're Shady messing with balls when you need him and where's my science experiments and please don't tell me this that is Zoe of this universe there's no Zoe in this universe it's all right so it's all right we know you have a crush on her we'll find you a nice Dark Angel girl I never said that I never said that okay whatever ever we know oh my gosh okay well where are you taking me uh do you want to see anything else in mirrored Square City uh I don't know this all looks the same except my house I don't know why my house was the only thing that looks different well we made it the same for you we know you love this place oh well thank you we just need to redo this statue for sure this blue looks terrible what do you mean no this is the best statue ever no it's not honey we have no time what are you talking about honey he's not strong enough as a dark angel this process could kill him if we don't make him stronger wait but maybe make me stronger but why do I need to get stronger my son is looking pretty tough are you sure we need to train this guy he's weak come on look at those muscles yeah yeah look at look at my muscles wait actually look pretty strong no no I do not want to find out you remember what happened to the last guy hey why am I hearing a sheep the last guy what happened to the last guy oh yeah why are we getting a sheep uh why is there a sheep in here you know what Nico first part of your training Merc the Sheep uh I didn't all right I'll do it oh my gosh that was cruel uh I handled it so don't worry about it uh okay well what now you say I need to get stronger yeah I would listen to your mom you don't really have muscles so I was lying all right well there's a dark angel school right down the road so you need to learn some stuff there all right but like what you need to learn some abilities to use on humans like abilities what can I do Mom well this is great you could make them do something evil wait so when I get new humans I could pick them do something evil yes honey why do you sound so happy lower your tone I'm sorry it's just so exciting uh okay fine well I'm going to school thank you Bob uh mom or dad go oh he's right above you wait what I'm behind you son wait what oh why are you messing with me I'm not messing with you all right son is there anything you want to do in mirrored Square City why are you taking me yeah anywhere you want to go like maybe your statue uh what do you mean like the grocery store and then the disco ball nothing's purple except my house listen listen we're gonna redo your statue anyway it looks hideous but my statue what's wrong with my statue look at my goggles they're so shiny too much blue hey did you say too much blue yeah blue is terrible let me just stop what's wrong with blue hey yeah oh my gosh we don't have enough time to do this we have to train him oh uh what are you talking about look at how muscular our sun is come on train me well if he's not strong enough then the whole Dark Angel process could kill him the whole Dark Angel process can't kill me what are you guys talking about hang on hang on let's put a pin in that I hear something wait uh tear what there's an evil villain in this house an evil villain uh there he is wait it's just a sheep and is that a normal sheep wait what what am I doing I need you to slaughter them well you're a dark angel now so do it son he's Hawking Luke he's on me all right do it oh fine I'll do it myself wait no no no oh gosh sorry mom dad is crazy well that's how he became as strong as he is uh what yeah look at these bad boys oh yeah I guess you do have wings whoa yeah all right well you think it's a time to take him to school oh yes I'm so excited wait why do I need to go to school I gotta go to school all the time oh this school experience will be a little bit different um how so well you're gonna meet new humans there and when you do it's time to start one of your new abilities my new abilities can I like shoot fire or something uh we're not really fire demons or whatever but we can do some other cool things wait like what um I don't know we can control humans like we did to both wait control humans like you could make them evil yes wait why don't I guess you guys are Dark Angels We are indeed Dark Angels all right are you ready to go to school bud uh sure okay first test survive a large height I'm only kidding come on oh my gosh you're crazy yeah I'm not crazy I'm just your dad uh I guess you want my dad you're right all right smoke bomb oh gosh why is this truth it should always happen I think we're gonna be in the school oh my gosh yep how's this even possible Mom Dad Dad I just saw you uh wow I guess I'm in the school again oh my gosh I'm always here what's gonna happen gosh she went to go to class wait did this place definitely building about dark angel stuff you never know wait uh what's this person doing over here oh boy where's the book great this is just a normal person wait is this a human uh what are they doing ah sorry I'm late uh here you are did you get the ball course I did oh thank goodness are they having a study session come on we only have two weeks until the quiz yeah why are they wearing like the quiz in the dark angel realm this also doesn't make any sense to me okay we're starting with two plus two oh my gosh I'm done with this you know what I'm just gonna see what happens when I use my corrupt abilities dad kill them hey what up uh okay yeah I'm definitely not doing that say I am correcting you guys you cannot break things I will break things I hate hates [Music] really did work um excuse me excuse me weren't you gonna study I don't want to study all I want to do is destroy Ed to jump off a balcony oh I like doing that too wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why oh and they're gone oh my gosh I don't know about this I think I'm just gonna leave school actually maybe I should is that person flying what wait what is Dad doing oh my he's dead uh did Dad just eat that guy yeah yeah definitely not I'm going to go out over there my parents are kind of you know kind of evil I think you know what I'm just gonna go to the movie theater maybe Clyde's over there is she in the dark angel realm I don't know oh gosh maybe I could see some of normal in square City uh this dark angel experience has been kind of rough I just want to turn back to a human again and return to the normal Square City but at least they're still premiering the life of shady I thought that movie's been going on for a while um hello Clyde it's so nice to see you I'm not Claude man what you talking about wait slide wait are you quite dead yeah why are you in the dark angel realm I don't know I was just put here oh my gosh well anyway sir are you normal yeah I'm normal man what does it look like well that's awesome I just need a buddy to talk to you know what do I have the urge to break everything what you have the words to break everything corrupt him Nico do it I think he's already corrupted Mom keep going make him go crazy oh my gosh and you know I I was wondering if I can make him levitate do it slide it levitate [Music] you're knocking yourself into walls oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh outside are you okay oh I don't feel so good man side I get it I did it why are you going to take to the sky oh yes uh Mom amazing job you're getting stronger each second I'm not so sure about this all right well I've been thinking about it if you're hesitant about trying out your corruption abilities we could take you to a training course you guys have a trading course this whole time and you took me out into the real world oh hi honey oh my gosh hello wait Dad oh my gosh yeah you jump scared me sorry just uh one of my favorite things to do oh well I guess that based on how you look hey what are you trying to say huh uh you just look like very mysterious and scary that's what I like to hear all right what do you say we take them to the trials yeah I think that'll be good oh my gosh there's always a trial so just go I hate it too and were we here yet yes we have landed wait uh how did we end up in a cave where are we on the surface just a second ago um yes but we're Dark Angels so doesn't matter should I not question it oh no I guess you should have questioned anything then okay well anyways what is this welcome to the uh you know training course you know trials whatever you want to call it all right uh okay and uh here's your dark angel staff buddy oh thank you we there are kids on the staff wait what are you giving me that's the ammo for it all right wait so I could just insert it into it so oh my gosh wait it is ticking from it yep that's it you're doing it right I'm glad you know it oh okay well I'm just gonna fill this up all the way to the top just like this and uh how does this work take a shot at a Target like this watch oh let me try wow good job we have a natural wow he's playing but how do I get those wings you guys have oh um should we do it to him honey I don't think he's ready I think he's ready oh gosh wait what what are you gonna do just stand right there all right this might hurt a bit sorry hey uh dad what are you doing don't worry about it buddy oh gosh why'd you do that oh you look great son look at him what's what do you mean look at me wait did I get wings so I can fly yeah you have wings oh my gosh let's go now come shoot the targets while you're flying uh guys is that a person right there oh yeah why don't you go say hi to him oh wait he's a friend okay yeah yeah look at him [Applause] get rid of that Vermin that was like the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life that was his first kill his first kiss what first kill okay thank goodness you guys know well anyways someone just finished doing this target practice gosh uh why are we even here anyways they're practicing because you're gonna need to you know use this later uh why would I need to use this later um I don't know that you don't know is there like a super villain I need to attack and then save the world son you're gonna need to attack the angel HQ the angel HQ wait are you talking about angels like the ones in the sky yes you need to blow up their headquarters with your you know abilities uh why do we need to do that while we're stronger as a trio and me and your mom can really seal the deal just us too uh well I don't think we need to worry about that excuse me huh you want to do this here bro get away from me I've had enough for you guys doing uh I guess I'm going with this person well whatever oh my you sure are heavy wait where are we wait where are you taking me ma'am this is the Angel HQ oh hello hi okay just stay back a little bit go away uh no reason uh you're just a corrupted Angel and I I don't want to deal with that uh it's okay well why'd you take me here then well you were summoned by the angel HQ so yes right right or else wait uh or Elsa or else what why are you holding a sword uh no reason uh no reason gosh people are always so scary nowadays um well what if I do this or else I can just take that it doesn't work here wait it doesn't oh gosh so follow me oh my gosh uh well nice to meet you Angel uh likewise I think just don't hurt me it's okay I am a nice Angel guys I brought them oh gosh what is that uh excuse me guys hello I'm not gonna take it what's going on over here Hello whoa no who is that dark angel Oh I thought you guys summoned me oh I guess we did we still are scary let me explain my situation okay let me explain my situation we don't care about your situation dude okay never mind Well why'd you guys bring him here anyway I don't know why did we bring him here he's a dark angel well we need to get rid of him we brought him here to discuss his situation uh I don't want to discuss what this guy you you go talk to him I don't want to talk to him him like brown I'm here oh my gosh if someone just talked to me I'm so confused huh fine I'll talk to you uh okay what's up hello [Music] hey just talk to me for real uh you do it I'm staying back and watching this oh my gosh uh just one of you at least well guys we need to get rid of him he's already a dark angel he tried to take you out that is true he didn't even try to plus if we let him inside he's gonna destroy our Temple oh my gosh uh we gotta ask you question have you heard anything um let me quick call no I don't think so maybe there's one guy with the oh gosh that scary guy does that count oh that does count here we need to get rid of him now please please get him get him so myself okay how about this explain I'll do good deeds for an entire year I don't think that's good enough I'm not believing it I really want to return back to human I don't want to be a dark angel or an angel I just want to be a human in the normal human realm how dare you insult the Angels well um I'm sorry take it back okay take it back wait so you want to be a dark angel no I he's flowey I think Zoe's up here it's that pink girl at the candy shop but down on earth oh her what what about you guys know Zoe of course yeah we know Zoey we know every human on earth right now all of us oh my gosh whatever we're the same the same yeah you guys look very similar well anyways what's that supposed to mean anyways yeah we're gonna get you now can you guys happy or not take that back we don't help Dark Angels are out here knock em back down into the void is yeah oh my gosh son oh gosh uh did you do it dad mom no do what we heard what you were saying um no I didn't say anything no you did we heard you but you heard me we heard everything we have big ears oh my gosh well I just want to be human come on oh so you're a Pansy what is that a little scaredy cat like a chicken oh my gosh okay stop making fun of me yeah with it with those chicken noises all right honey we're not doing this again oh yeah you think so oh gosh uh no he got away last time we need to stay with him oh my gosh could you guys just help me please I just really just want to turn back to human fine I guess we could but we need to make a deal with those angels yeah all right let's go talk to him right now is it that simple yep we're gonna talk to him oh my gosh okay I guess that's I guess that sounds like a plan look at their you know silly little wings like what are they doing in there that one looks so dumb well yeah hey don't be mean don't be mean how about I wipe that smile off buddy come here guys guys Papa remember the task at hand what they're the only ones that can bring Nico back to life all right right all right lady lady in the white uh what do you want your counterpart up there oh me wait wait who's talking oh my gosh yeah come here face the scary man come to me talk to me okay I didn't ask for a wall ah what is it oh my gosh I asked for you tough guy come here ah gosh it was you wasn't it I need you to send my son back to human form and why would I do that because if you don't then we're gonna have an issue what is that honey honey no no that's that's not how the deal goes why can't you guys just get along well listen we would bring him back to life but he's been corrupting humans all day that's messed up dude yeah we can't have a human like that he promises he won't do it again okay and how do we know we can trust him because he has love Dark Angels Don't Love wait honey I love you though yeah no it's not mutual but I'm glad we're together what oh you know what I'm just gonna kill an angel because of that ah come on come on what are you doing just standing there what what do you come on you've been standing there for like an hour come on what I swear it was just a dark angel do some squats okay I'm gonna do some squats gosh Dark Angel bro you are so weird what do you mean I swear I swear oh my gosh just do the squats fine if you want to watch more new catch Fetchers to cook on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye foreign
Channel: Nico
Views: 422,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft
Id: xLQWw3lO9mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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