I DID IT! - My First Marathon Experience

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why did I run a marathon I think I really just wanted to prove to myself that I could do something that I didn't think I could do running a marathon was probably the single most difficult thing that I've ever done in my life not so much the race itself but the five months of training from going from zero running to finishing a marathon it was the commitment it was the hard work it was the early mornings it was the late nights it was all the miles that I put in so that I could actually finish the race when I set the goal to run a marathon I decided that I was gonna record and vlog every session that I did that way I could look back and see all the obstacles and the challenges that I ran into to get to that final goal that I had said I wanted the videos and the recordings to tell the stories I wanted to look back and see all the challenges and obstacles that I overcame to finish that marathon ooh the hardest part training early mornings late nights lots of miles lots of commitment finding the time that was the hardest part I did it I finished it I actually finished the marathon and I recorded it and I have a story to tell and here's my story okay so today is July 8th in 2018 today marks the first day for my marathon training all right so three miles complete itch alright just got some gas day two let's do this [Music] all right so it's day three on the marathon training a little tired went home took a nap I think that was a mistake sitting a little out of it but we're gonna do this thing still motivated just tired one of the biggest reasons while I'm doing this is for accountability I feel like if I put this out there and I'm telling people that I'm gonna do this I actually literally have to do this all right I'm almost over that workout it's like a rear view mirror you can see it's like driving a car all right goal achieved six-minute run six-minute walk six minute run six-minute walk ended up being about a mile and a half so not too bad and it's kind of cool out it's good day alright so you see all that sweat it's actually not sweat my bladders leaking my camel back back there next to this hose water I can drink it that's water not sweat alright so I think today is day number four supposed to do a one-mile walk six minute fast run another one mile walk to finish it off I think I'm just gonna run the whole thing we've had a real controversial thing with these rental bikes that you can just rent people are just leaving them everywhere all over town I've seen the same bike just sitting on the trail for the last three times I've been here and I'm like yeah that thinks here the next time I'm gonna rent the thing there's a reason for everything reason why this bike chasm and ranadev sit here for three days this guy broken handlebar I can't ride a bike handlebar okay so I didn't come here to ride a bike came here to run today absolutely killed me I ran like two and a half miles wasn't a whole lot but it's like a hundred degrees and that Sun just blazing down on you just lose you here's the tough one today one mile down two miles complete Wow three mile for one mile ago five miles it is a burner out here today did I run the whole way No did I finish yes these headphones are junk how can a $200 pair of headphones not even making two minutes and shut off and they got a fiddle with it while you're running you can't hear your app you can't tell when you're supposed to stop when you're supposed to start bla bla bla bla I'm not gonna be negative but they are Jacque you know I'm still so ticked about those headphones you know what where do I get my workouts sport me I woke up Monday morning to one of the coolest emails I've ever received it was from Angie over at the product team at sport meaning the email says hey Chris Andrew from the product team here we just watched your episode in the office and we loved it all of us from the sport B team are rooting for you and we'll be following your journey I'm telling ya that was so cool and they also sent a picture there was a guide a beam there was people raising their hands up they put my name on the board go Chris it was such an encouragement and it pushes me to do what I need to do out here good morning it's 5:00 a.m. why am i running at 5:00 a.m. gotta catch a plane at 8:00 four miles done I don't remember what day this is but I feel good just got to the airport flying in this fat something cool happened today I got a notification on YouTube from the fodder runner said hey great video where you planning on running the marathon asked me some questions I responded to him now he's following me just wanted to say hey to you thanks for supporting me thanks for keeping me accountable not so bad 9 minute run complete you know during the week this place has a lot of people on trails tonight hardly anybody one it's Friday night to set 111 when I got out of the car so maybe that has something to do with it eight miles complete never stopped that's pretty proud of that wanted to stop I never stopped another early morning run 5:30 on a Tuesday morning so this is seemingly working so I think can I do this can I really do this forgot to lock my car headed back so here's the deal these have no wires I've had pairs that have wires that go and connect around the back and it just flaps on your neck it's pretty annoying me first world problems right so I'm like you know what I'm gonna go get some that are complete Wireless no success three pairs into this this one's going back I'm sorry fries I'm not one of those people I guess I am but I'm really not when you pay a lot of money for headphones you want to get something good right three weeks ago I was sitting on the couch today I just finished 10 miles 2 hours 12 minutes six miles complete a lot of days I've made the comment about how many miles I ran and I said no problem not today I ran into a major major block at mile three I was gonna stop I was absolutely 100% gonna stop it's my Friday run and I'm in Seattle beautiful morning in Seattle about 64 degrees I'm gonna start my long run 10 miles the bay on one side downtown on the other a great place to run I got two more 800 meters to run it's a half mile age I had my alarm set for 4:30 this morning that didn't happen it's still 6:45 in the morning still early I just didn't want to get up I was tired I finished my run last night about 10:00 I just wanted to sleep in I've got to hurry up and get this run over with get to the office get some work done so I can catch a plane headed to Dubai today really excited about that gonna be a great trip with my son he graduated high school this year and this is our last hoorah so 5 miles less did it I literally can't believe I'm running into by I feel like I have the city to myself so today marks a good day for me I have run over a hundred miles since I've started this journey about 4 or 5 weeks ago about almost 110 miles what a place to hit that today in Dubai as a great accomplishment for me I'm halfway there I had to stop and take a break I've I've never ever felt 118 degree I just looked on my phone the weather says 118 feels like 118 which it does I mean it's hot I mean it's hot anyway I got to take a break I'm gonna finish though good morning it's a Friday morning in the middle of August I have a two and a half mile walk warmup 16 minute fast run and then I finish up my workout with another two and a half mile run I just ran past four snakes when I say four snakes I mean the first one I had a hurdle over it scared me to death 14 miles complete today was a rough one Friday run training complete please please please tell me when the cold weather is coming so getting back to what I was saying earlier there's no good excuse to miss a workout there's just not so what do you do when you miss a workout that'll teach me no really you just have to get back and run that's it it's simple it may be hard to get back and run but you just get out and do it it's not so bad one for 14 miles completely actually felt pretty good it's another hot one today over 100 degrees 6:00 a half miles complete it's pretty easy it's Wednesday and guess what I have another run okay this doesn't apply to all the skilled runners out there this is to all the beginners I just ran seven miles in average pace is 11 minutes and 58 seconds I broke my 12-minute mark I'm not gonna record very long cuz I'm wiped out and my legs are tired and I just want to get home but I made it 18 miles further stuff every rain in my life sometimes commitment is hard let me give you example this morning I left for work at 5:30 was that work all day got home a little late enough time to eat and get up the door about eight o'clock to go run been running for over two and a half hours it's a Sunday and I have another run so 18 miles is complete I beat my last time by 15 minutes it is Tuesday interval day training for my first marathon got out here at 5:30 let's be honest I didn't feel like doing this today well it's another Sunday morning long run the normal trails that I usually run on are completely under water nine miles complete check out my new watch anyway the day is complete on the run gotta start my day with work man the trails were muddy today it was hard to run it's Wednesday it rained again it's gonna be muddy the river which is back over there completely went over its banks and flooded this whole area anyway not a weatherman but I think that's what happened it's one long run Sunday supposed to go 18 miles kind of at that time constraint got a lot of things going on today so just see how far we get um 11 miles 11 and 3/4 miles into this 80 mile run six and a quarter low let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes I'm actually signed up for the New York City November 3rd 2009 - mmm somehow someway I got into that race wasn't because I qualified follow me on my journey please subscribe I'd love for you to join in and watch my training and try to knock an hour off my time that I did in Dallas now remember five months ago I was not a runner I still don't consider myself around her but I'm getting there anyway we'd love to have you thank you I appreciate you watching
Channel: Chris Swanzy
Views: 43,682
Rating: 4.8939266 out of 5
Keywords: Marathon, My First Marathon, First Marathon, Marathon Training, Vlog, Vlogging, Run Vlog, Casey Neistat, Cody Wanner, Peter Mckinnon, New York Marathon, New York City Marathon, Boston Marathon, Running, Runner, Run training, how to run a marathon, first time marathon, half marathon, first marathon experience, marathon (sport), marathon running
Id: P_60C2oworA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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