JUST KEEP RUNNING | New Zealand Ultramarathon Runner Ruby Muir | Full Documentary.

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we're almost brought up to dislike competitive sport and the ego and that team and we're better than you and so for me that's actually quite a struggle to to run and to be happy with that i question my motivation a lot and i feel a bit like it's not something i can do all my life be a competitive runner because at the end of the day i was brought up with very different core values yeah the community i grew up on top he existed before my family moved there my dad started living there as a young man i think when he finished university and he was living in a in the back of an ambulance i think and he when he was courting my mother he wanted to bring her back there to his ambulance and tapaitahi and i don't think it flew very well so um they built a house truck i think and that was when my sister was a baby she grew up in the house truck and then while they were pregnant with me they built our house my dad was the sort of person who liked to do everything himself and to work out how to do things so he basically built the house from scratch with help from other people in the community i recognised that it wasn't the way a lot of people were living i felt obviously i felt like it was the right way of living because it was my way of living um living in nature and trying to have a balance with it and being to a reasonable extent it's self-sustained i remember as a kid even driving up to auckland i used to actually feel physically ill like it just didn't feel right to me and obviously i've learnt you know this is a world i live in and you have a job and you earn money and you live in a house and i think in order to cope with that it's one of the reasons i run and i do trail running as well it's a step away from all that and back into nature [Music] i started running when my dad got diagnosed with brain cancer and was really good for me during that time and really good for me while he after he'd died um and i certainly think it was the best method of coping i could take but i became quite obsessive over it um yeah in a way that was not very healthy for me so in one sense i needed it for that the emotional release it gave me or the the distraction it was something i could focus on even when he was very sick i was going running every day and i think when he died his funeral was on a wednesday or a thursday and it was on the saturday that i flew down to the national mountain running champs looking back it's easy to say you know it was a time in my life when i didn't have a lot of control and when the things that for me had always been constants were falling apart and so it was like you know one small positive thing to do but more than that i think along the lines of something like anorexia it was a just very much a control thing for me it was this is something i'm doing it became something i needed to do something i was compelled to do my initial experience of serious injury with my itb was something that needed to happen i was terrible it was quite early on in my relationship with christian and i'm quite amazed we managed to he still managed to like me during that because i started running from a very unhealthy perspective and i felt terrible not being able to run where every time christian went for a run i was you know envious and sort of counting how many k's he'd run and what that meant and i don't know i'd pace even i'd pace the room and in a lot of ways that was good because it made me step back and realize hey i've got a really unhealthy mentality with this this isn't you know natural and it isn't normal and instead i just had to face up to all the feelings that i had and it took a long time and my injury took a long time and it seemed to be what was needed like for that whole 16 months i was dealing with stuff that i didn't deal with you know didn't need to deal with before because i could just keep running and so it allowed me to start again in a much healthier space yeah i think i'm very lucky to have a partner who's a runner not because we go for all our training runs together but because we understand sort of the time we each want to take for running and are happy to let each other do that i just feel so well blessed to have someone that i can share that with like sometimes we're in the middle of nowhere and we're surrounded by stinging nettle when we're muddy and wet and i can know that he's actually loving this too you know and it's when i was young i always loved to do that and i never found anyone who you know i could share it with and it's great that we both do love it enjoy the entire range of running but i think what inspires me the most or me and christian especially is getting into the mountains because of the sense of perspective it gives you and i don't know the the achievement you feel there in many ways is much greater i mean obviously literally the obstacles are greater but it's much it's like taking time away from our everyday lives i'm definitely inspired by my surroundings when i run i mean that's why i choose to do the running i do in the bush and the trails where you can see and feel and almost feel like you're a part of the environment and the beauty yeah [Music] through my father i've always had role modeled the idea that your life should have more meaning than just being about you and sort of succeeding i guess i watched him search for a way to be of service of others and to go beyond his own ego and i watched him try that even whilst he was dying and so that left a great impression on me it can also create a lot of conflict living in this world we live in which is a world i love but it is a world that values you know individual success i mean the sport any sport like the sport i've chosen values that as well in some ways to me feels like going against a lot of the core values that i've seen through my father and that i would love to mature enough and grow enough to also experience um i guess i normally let myself off the hook by saying that i'm young and that i can just enjoy being me and that it's something i can look for later in life but i don't know you
Channel: Find Your Feet Films
Views: 209,584
Rating: 4.9487729 out of 5
Id: 2vYUkHWZeT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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