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what's up y'all it's alex good energy man this video was in such high demand and i'm excited to do it for y'all man like listen man i've been in the industry since 2012 and um you know i've been booking lows negotiating and i grew my fleet from finally learning how to get what was owed to me for real right like once i learned how to read the market um once i learned like uh you know that every week literally like the market changes and i was able to uh negotiate correctly that's what helped me take it to that next level so um something that i've always been asked to do is hey can you book a load for us live cause i'm gonna be real with you man like um my nickname is the lowboy killer okay when uh before we got contracts and dedicated lanes we built our relationships off the low board right this is a this is a good resource for people who are new to the industry you haven't had the opportunity to get a contract yet like this is how uh we were able to make some money and this is how we actually built our relationship with our dedicated contract right [Music] so uh the first thing i do when i get on the board man i'm you know i find out where my truck is at make sure that uh he's empty and um so like right now i have a truck that's in dalton georgia right he's about 90 miles outside of atlanta so what i'm doing when i hop on the low board um i'm looking for the most paying freight going the least amount of miles but i'm also trying to make sure that wherever that destination is i'm still able to get a good load coming out of there as well right so i tell people all the time like when you're calling these people uh when you're calling a broker to book a load the first thing you want to know is okay how much do you truly want to move your truck right you got to know that number like some of them post what they're paying but some of them don't post what they paying so i don't know what load i'm gonna take yet right but i'm gonna make sure that i pick the smartest load and at the end of this after i do this live call and i'll book this live load i gotta teach a lesson for you guys alright cool so let me go ahead and see so one thing about it i've been doing it for a while so you know there's 3 000 loads uh coming out of um georgia right now right coming out of the atlanta area um so it's like okay there's 3 000 loads which one do i choose right like that's the biggest question right now i've been doing it for a while so i kind of know how to locate uh the lows that are going into an area that has some good loads coming out of there and i prefer personally to get lows that i can pick up today and deliver next day i really don't like holding lowe's for more than one day okay hey tim how you doing brother this is alex i was calling about that love you guys posted here from atlanta georgia to baltimore maryland for tomorrow for what day today tomorrow okay uh it's fair burn georgia to aberdeen maryland uh it's actually ready now um uh i i need to fix the posting so i had two loads the 44 425 was the one that it's covered this one is 44 968 on the weight can pick up today tomorrow it's a 24 hour shipper and uh receiver is a 24 hour as well so you can pretty much deliver straight through next day you know love it love it um love what i just heard the only thing that i that i don't like is the weight obviously right with this storm going on right now let me ask you a question brother i mean isn't it better though when you heavier it'll you know you'll stick to the ground that's what hey that's one way of looking at it for sure for sure but it's definitely gonna pull a little bit of my fuel as well i see you got it posted for 2 000 um i don't know would you be able to meet me because i'm trying to convince this guy to go in that direction he normally does not go in that that far up north uh would you be able to squeeze an extra 250 for me and do it at 22.50 brother i'll i'll do 21. man that's my break-even rate 2100. yeah i'll send you a screenshot if you don't believe me that's like dollar for a dollar that's all i have nah i totally believe you my brother and i think i might be able to get him to swing that let me go ahead and just give him a call real quick and i'll call you right right back okay buddy all right all right all right so look that was a pretty good load i'm gonna be honest with you um that's a load that i probably would take because that load is picking up in atlanta georgia right i do have a truck in atlanta empty right now i love the fact that it was a 24-hour shipper and a 24-hour receiver because what that does is that makes it super flexible now for me on uh pickup time it takes away all the pressure from my driver especially when the weather is not the best it takes all that pressure off of him and he can get there either really quick or if he runs into like some slick weather he might need to pull over for a couple of hours there's no pressure there's no service failure right so let's do the math real quick right guys so that low picked up in atlanta georgia it delivers into baltimore maryland so that's 661 miles right so the first thing i'm gonna do um to find out what my net profit will be is i'm gonna figure out how much fuel am i gonna need in order to pull this uh load off right so we're gonna do 661 miles and we're gonna divide that by six miles per gallon so that lets me know it's gonna take 110 gallons of diesel in order to complete this trip right and then all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna times that by the national average price for diesel right now which is about two dollars and fifty cents right so i know right now before this truck moves i'm gonna have to spend at least 275 dollars in fuel in order to go ahead and get that load completed right so we're going to go ahead and deduct y'all remember that number write that number down right 275 right i'm not the best at math you had to work with me now all right so we got 2100 that i'm getting paid we're going to minus the 275 in fuel now obviously i don't have a cdl right i'm not going to drive the truck right so i got to pay my driver now so let's go ahead and figure out how much we have to pay the driver so me personally what i do is i pay my drivers 25 after fuel okay i give them 25 of what the low pays after fuel so if we do that it's going to be 2100 minus 275 that leaves 1825 and then we're gonna times that by 25 so my driver now he's going to make 456 dollars off that one low going one way right all right so we got the 275 for fuel we got 456 for um for the driver and um that truck um has depth so let's let's add another i don't know 30 bucks for death right let's go ahead and add it and deduct another 30 for death and then um there is um i think there's tolls going to baltimore don't quote me right now let's just add another i don't know 65 70 for for toes okay and then let's not forget we have to prorate our monthly expenses so you know your truck no your truck note might be 1500 your insurance might be another 1500 a month right if the um you know your sam your e-log system like what you need to do is make sure in order for you to find out what your actual net take-home profit is you have to prorate your entire monthly expense and figure out like daily how much does it cost for you to run your trucking company so for this particular truck if i remember correctly um it costs about 115 a day um in expenses and fixed costs right so let's go ahead and find out what that load will profit me so we're talking 2100 is what i'm getting paid we're going to minus 275 from the fuel minus another say 30 for your death um minus another 456 for the driver and then we're gonna minus 115 for your monthly prorated expenses right so on that one load that picks up tomorrow morning in atlanta and delivers or he can pick it up tonight whatever delivers the next business day it's a profit of 12 24. [Music] he's actually calling me back see he's calling me back right that means that he really really needs that low move so i might be able to get a little bit more watch this alex speaking can i help you yeah it's tim with xbox i know it hasn't been too long we talked to you about that uh georgia's maryland for tomorrow a few minutes ago mike my co-worker has an option for the load same rate 2100 but his carrier is like ready to take it uh i wanted to give you a call first because you know i was talking to you first before he booked his truck so if you feel good i'll i'll send it to you if not gotta take that other guy oh no i i totally understand brother i ran to rape by him he didn't actually bite immediately but i will be hearing back from him in less than five minutes so as soon as i hear from him hopefully you still got it if not i totally understand brother um if i called me back either way i had one load today i had one tomorrow too but it's covered but i had one today that most likely will roll over to tomorrow because the shipper is already closed out of kanye's georgia to sweetsboro new jersey it's uh it's actually less than 23 000 pounds um so yeah we will set it up to pick up tomorrow deliver monday though what's the rate on that one on that one i can do 21.50 gotcha that's a little bit more miles though ain't it uh 7 39 um and the other one is 738 so like one mile difference 21. this one out of conyers georgia gotcha okay hey i'm going to run that by him as well too thank you so much for reaching back out to me stephen no problem all right so look i was hoping that he was calling back you know asking me hey did you talk to your driver yet because that's a negotiating tactic right there like if he calls me and says hey did you talk to your driver like i told him i was going gonna call him back so the fact that he called me back that shows me there's a high demand right now for trucks so guess who has the power now guess who has the negotiating power at this point i do because why trucking is all a supply and demand that's all it is so the more you guys need my truck the more money that i can charge does that make sense so you know if he would have called back and was asking me about the load that we already spoke about i'd be like hey look okay you know i spoke to my driver uh but he's not a budget man he really is trying to get like 22 2300 right because now i have the negotiating power now you need my truck and it works the opposite way around if there's way more trucks than it is freight then they haven't negotiating power and now they determine what they want to pay me because i'm just trying to get a load to get out of wherever city i'm in right um but also the reason he also called me back is because he wants to get that other load moved right so there's the negotiating room i mean he says that he's firm into 21. no if you're calling me that means your phones are not ringing and i know that so i tell people all the time the person that wins the negotiation is the person who has the most information the person who is who is the most knowledgeable about what's going on in freight in the industry in the market that's the person that wins the negotiation so if i'm green and i don't i didn't get educated first if i just came on here playing around and i'm just i would have just took whatever number was offered to me but i need y'all to understand something there's 3 000 loads available right now and you can just be lazy and just take whatever you can get or you can actually make an educated decision and and maximize your profits y'all okay so is that a good load absolutely it's a good load is it the best load i don't know yet i'm gonna be real with you being that the supply and demand is high for trucks right now being that the the market is in favor of the trucks right now i'm not i'm not afraid of the work like i'm gonna go ahead and just kind of scroll down just a little bit more and just make sure that i am giving my driver and my company the most profits that's owed to me right now all right man listen man this has been dope super organic i just you know i did it live man was on live tv today man but i just hope that this that this uh video you know just gave me some insight um on the industry on booking loads you know i'm very passionate about it i love doing this i'll be doing this til i'm 100 years old as far as trucking because i mastered it i mastered it y'all and my goal is for my students to master it as well my goal is for my students to actually be better than me right i learned to become this good by just like keep keeping at it right i became this good because you know i just kept doing it if you do something over and over and over again you have no choice but to become a beast at it right so it what took me years to learn how to do i'm hoping with this portal um i can shorten that learning curve for you that's my goal if i would have known what i know now back in 2012 when i first started oh man i'll be crazy out of here right now like i'm doing amazing but i promise you if i would have had that four year head start if i would have had if i would have had the opportunity to skip over that learning curve if i if there was a portal that i could have paid for in 2012 i wouldn't have lost that 38 000 that first year i would have went out of business i wouldn't got that high blood pressure from the stress of all the mistakes it's okay to learn from other people's mistake all right so i'm gonna see y'all on the other side make sure y'all subscribe to the channel hit like leave your comments i'll see you on the other side baby let's get it so you want to be in the trucking industry my name is alex burton and i've been a fleet owner since 2012 and right now the trucking industry is exploding right but there's a huge difference between being a truck driver and actually being a fleet owner who has systems set up to make money without you physically having to be there in 2018 i created a course to show you the exact blueprint on how you can enter this 800 billion dollar a year industry but not only just how to enter it but showing you how to dominate and master it so if you want to learn how people are averaging anywhere from five to ten thousand dollars a month per truck i invite you to click that link and watch this free demonstration of the complete trucking portal and i can't wait to show y'all how i see you on the other side you
Channel: Good Energy Worldwide
Views: 222,260
Rating: 4.9402065 out of 5
Keywords: alix burton good energy, good energy worldwide trucking, good energy worldwide portal, good energy trucking portal, alix burton trucking course, alix good energy, good energy worldwide, alix burton, alex good energy, good energy, truck dispatching training, truck dispatcher training, how to become a truck dispatcher, load board
Id: NY5JB4hOLeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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