Freight Broker Training - How to Become A Freight Broker in 7 Simple Steps [Step by Step]

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today i'm going to share with you how to become a freight broker in seven simple steps i'm going to walk you through step by step by step on exactly what you need to do and then at the end of that you're going to be able to get for those of you that stick around are going to be able to get this free download which is the outline of this entire episode it talks about all seven steps and actually has links to additional resources that go into even more detail about these steps okay so we're going to talk about those seven steps and i think this is important because there's a lot of confusion people get confused what exactly do i need to do in order to become a freight broker right so i'm going to give you seven steps and i and i would prefer you do them in this order it will probably make a lot more sense if you follow the order so step number one the most important step is to get trained now for those of you that know me know i have freight broker boot camp which is an online freight broker and freight agent training program i don't care if you use my training or somebody else's training just get trained by a reputable source there are three ways to get trained right there are three ways to learn to become a freight broker and get trained one is you can get hired on the job which is an on-the-job training where you get hired as an employee to go work for a brokerage you go in and work every day and you start to learn the business it usually takes a couple years to really learn the business that way okay the second way is you can do classroom training classroom training where you actually travel to a remote location maybe in a hotel or in some sort of a building where you're actually in a classroom with 10 or 20 or 30 other people and you're instructed by an instructor that usually requires you taking time off work or traveling but that's also a very viable option then the third option which is what i do with freight broker boot camp is online training it's all remote 100 remote you do it from home from the comfort of your own home um you don't have to travel you don't have to commute you don't have to do any of that you don't take any time off work you can do it online at your own convenience it's accessible 24 7 365. so those are the three primary ways you have to get trained you have to learn the fundamentals if you are serious about building that business so that's step number one step number two get your freight broker authority now as a part of most training curriculums they're gonna teach you how to get your freight broker authority it's not that complex you gotta file an application with the fmcsa you got to get a freight broker bond you got to get your boc3 you got to get your ucr there's a few little requirements that you have to do in order to become a an authorized and legally licensed freight broker right but you don't have to take a test you don't have to have a college degree you don't have to do any of that okay so it's really simple the barriers to entry are very very low so step number two is again to get your freight broker authority right now step number three once you got your authority is to find your niche now you all know me if you know me by now you know that i'm a big believer that riches are in niches and no more so than in the freight logistics industry i have made tons and tons of money niching down my target market meaning be going into a small niche not trying to please everybody right finding a small niche and there's there's several ways you can find your niche it can be by equipment type it can be by industry it can be by geography it could be a hybrid there's a whole variety of ways you can find your niche but it's really important that you do identify a niche now it doesn't mean that you're going to be limited to that niche forever it just means that you're starting with a very well-defined target of exactly who you're going after and who you're going to serve okay so you can always add niches later or expand into other niches that's what we did and eventually we were in almost every niche eventually by the time i sold the company but we started with one very small niche we grew that niche we started doing over seven figures and then we expanded into some other niches and grew beyond that and then eventually you know you know i was fortunate enough to do well over 200 million dollars in sale as a freight broker so so find your niche that's number three okay number four set up your home office now setting up your home office is relatively simple in today's age to do business you basically need a phone a computer with internet access and you know and an office right you need a basic desk you can work from the kitchen table um but those are the basic office requirements and of course there are pros and cons of working from home in my opinion there are way more pros than cons right the pros are you don't have to commute right the pros are you can write off part of your home office as a tax deduction there's a tons of pros right less expensive than than renting a facility a lot more flexible right less distractions less office distractions right you know you typically have a higher job satisfaction when you have the flexibility of working from home and you have more work-life balance i mean those are some of the pros right so working from home is one of the biggest benefits of becoming a freight broker or a freight agent because what most people don't realize is that most freight brokers operate from home they work from home at least they start up from home and then maybe after their first year or two they may get an office because they're going to start hiring people but ultimately um and i think even more so now with covid and with the pandemic the way it's changed the dynamics of business i think you're going to see even more freight brokers working from home with a distributed staff that's also working from home right so setting up your home office that's step number four step number five bet you can't guess what step number five is leveraging technology leveraging freight broker technology like a couple of primary ones that you're absolutely going to need early in your business is one is load boards you are absolutely going to need load boards things like and and the dat those are all three primary load boards i would recommend you check out see which is the best fit for you you don't need all of them to get started but you definitely need at least one and so load boards are one of those places where carriers and drivers are carriers and brokers come together and they make a match truck drivers and carriers post their trucks brokers post their loads and a match is made and at that point a deal is made and margin is made the carrier is served because they're able to keep their wheels moving the broker is served because they're able to make a little bit of margin and the shipper is served because their product goes from point a to point b okay so leveraging technology the other one uh under number five is your transportation management software otherwise known as your tms so your transportation management software is really kind of the heart and soul of a brokerage it's where you manage all of your customer orders it's where you manage all your carrier data it's where you manage typically manage a lot of invoicing and and payments to ship carriers so it really is kind of like the the management system that brokers use to keep everything straight to manage effectively and productively productively i should say manage your shippers freight right so it's all in one place it's very organized it's very sequential it has a workflow that allows you to be very effective at your job in regards to posting and covering and dispatching and invoicing loads it makes that process a lot easier okay so transportation management software is another one um and there are a lot of software's out there and even in this report i give you some links to where you can find some of the top freight broker softwares out there okay so step number six is partner with a freight broker factoring company now the fact is most people that start as a freight broker are going to need some sort of factoring and what factoring is is basically short-term financing that allows you to pay the carriers and some of your basic operational expense before you get paid by your shippers now i'm not going to go into a real in-depth detailed breakdown of factoring because in this report that you guys can download at the end i give you a link to a resource that goes into a lot of depth about factoring exactly how it works as a freight broker and how the flow of everything goes and so but you're going to probably want a freight broker factoring partner and the importance there is obviously this you're going to want to pay your carriers quickly and sometimes your shippers are not going to pay you for maybe 45 to 60 days whereas you're going to need to pay your carriers somewhere around 30 days or sooner and so ultimately that negative cash flow is going to create an issue and that's why factoring companies exist they fill that gap for a small fee and allow you to effectively run your business and scale your business okay it's usually short term it's something you use for a year or two until you build up your own business credit and you can establish some sort of line of credit with a bank that'll be a lot cheaper and a lot more effective but factoring companies are a great way to get started right all right so that's number six and number seven the last step is start selling and marketing your services to shippers right you've identified your niche you know who they are you've probably already made a list now you need to start reaching out to them and start selling and marketing your services to them now there's a variety of ways you can do that a lot of people do cold calling some people do more warm calling or social selling like i do some people use you know cold email other people like to do face to face some people like to do networking at different trade events there's a variety of different ways that you can start marketing yourself as a startup you don't have to do them all but my suggestion is find one that works for you and dig in and double down and spend your time developing those relationships with your target market you need to start having conversations with that target market one so you can learn more about that target market and develop a better offer and number two to give yourself an opportunity to score right to put yourself in a position where you can actually start doing business with a shipper okay so you can see here uh in number seven i list a whole bunch of resources uh about freight broker sales and marketing so if you guys are curious about that those are the seven steps and here's what i'm gonna tell you if you want a copy of the notes right if you want the notes uh let me put it up here let's see if you want the notes for this go to and i'm going to put it up on the screen slash seven steps slash seven steps right and this is the url that you're going to want to go to in order to download this free report okay this is going to give you the entire outline of those seven steps plus it's going to give you a ton of resources to other links other articles other downloads other trainings that are going to fill in the gaps and exactly the step-by-step process for example you know setting up your home office and the different software companies and you know different sales and marketing strategies and links to the fmcsa and different requirements to get your authority so this is a guide to walk you through the seven steps that you need to follow in order to become a successful freight broker and freight agent now remember ultimately it all starts with training so if you're curious if you're on here listening whether you're on replay or you're watching this live if you're curious about becoming a freight broker or a freight agent check out again you can download this first and then you can check out we have a 60-day 100 money-back guarantee we've trained over 8 000 students it's got to be close to 9 000 by now i gotta check the numbers and um and we've been around for over a decade so i hope you guys enjoyed the training
Channel: FreightBrokers
Views: 215,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freight Broker Training, Freight Broker, Freight Broker Boot Camp, Freight Broker Sales, how to become a freight broker with no experience, how to become a freight broker agent, how to become a freight broker in california, how to become a freight broker from home, how to become a freight broker in ga, freight broker business, freight broker business startup, freight broker authority, become a freight broker, freight broker factoring company, freight broker software
Id: Huke-ZINzYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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