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hey so some of you guys out there want to learn dispatching a starship dispatched your company so I get this question axed a lot so this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make this quick video and I'm gonna break it down to you guys real quick on how you can become a dispatcher and start to dispatch your company out here so first thing you have to do is actually learn it so whether you go through a training or whether you self educate yourself either or it's personal preference but I do recommend definitely learning and conquering knowing how to dispatch before you guys out here before you go out here and start trying to dispatch other owner-operators and build your dispatching company because the thing about it is once you guys start that dispatching company you want to make sure that you're providing a great service and that you are maximizing your owner-operators profit out there so first step is learning how to do it whether you go through a training or self educate yourself it don't matter second step go form an LLC a limited liability company this is going to make you a legitimate company out there so now you have a legitimate dispatching company like I told you guys before if you have been following me in one of my previous videos I told you guys you do not need a college degree you do not need a GED you do not need no type of certifications or no credentials to become a dispatcher and to start your dispatching company so don't let anyone out there tell you anything differently trust me you do not need none of that stuff some of you guys out there you could have a 2nd grade education but all you have to do is just learn how to dispatching you guys to start a profitable dispatching company so now you've learned how to dispatch you start at your LLC now it's time to start marketing and advertising your business now there's many ways out here you guys for marketing advertise and guys can utilize your social media platforms Facebook whatever it is twitter IG YouTube whatever it is man start dot start marketing and advertising your actual dispatching business out there so now you have started marketing advertising your business now you are acquiring owner-operators now these guys are wanting to come to you to provide them that service as being in their dispatcher so now what you're going to do is go through basically your paperwork what what is your system you know what does your system look like you know when it comes to bringing on owner-operators what does a paperwork look like so create your paperwork creates your contracts and then you guys negotiate on whatever rate that you're going to charge them use at a time how it works in when you're starting up with dispatching and you're operating a dispatching company you will charge your owner operators a set percentage so this stay for me for example I charge my owner operators eight percent of the load that is being dispatched at the time so for example if my owner operator I find a low for my owner operator for $1000 I charge them eight percent so that means I just made eighty dollars out of that actual load that was just being booked so that's how dispatchers get paid you guys are going to charge them except for sinners so that's what I do if your disappear owner operators want anything outside of just basic finding them loads then you can actually renegotiate that rate so if you guys are performing more work as a dispatching company what you're really going to be doing and your sole job is to just find your owner operators loads so get no lower boards building relationships with direct shippers out there right so your job for that eight percent for me for eight percent what I'm doing is finding loads and completing and carrier packets and that's it now if your owner operators out there they want you to do anything outside of that I will highly recommend renegotiating that actual percentage that you're charging them out there so now you have learned you have created your LLC marketing advertising now you have acquired your owner operators out there so now it's pretty much just focusing in on growing the business now now you guys can actually earn a six-figure salary by starting a dispatch company and that is a pure fact out here and I'm going to tell you guys I'm gonna break the numbers down real quick to you and this is how you guys can start and operate a six-figure actual dispatching company so for me like I say I charge 8% to dispatch every truck out here hotshot truck and semi truck she'll be making at least $5,000 a week in revenue what is 8% of 5,000 that's $400 my goal for everyone who goes through my dispatch training is to dispatch four five owner operators if you dispatch four five owner operators that's $400 for up that's $400 per truck that's your dispatching for so if you're dispatching four five trucks that's 2,000 dollars in a week $8,000 in a month so close you're very close to that six-figure salary now you have dispatchers out here that are dispatching for 10 to 15 trucks and I'm talking about one dispatcher dispatching for 10 to 15 trucks at one point in time while I was still active duty in the military i dispatched for seven trucks while I was still on active duty so my goal is for everyone to get to five trucks because I know that's achievable and I know you're not going to be overwhelmed to stress yourself out by dispatching for five trucks but you want to work your way up to that tenth truck and I guarantee you guys will start making over $100,000 in a year just by starting a dispatching company where you don't even need a college degree a high school diploma you don't need anything like I told you guys you guys could have dropped out in the second grade and you could actually learn how to dispatch right now start a dispatching company so that's going to be the way that you're going to start your actual dispatching company of course there's going to be more going into it to getting your business operational but if you guys just take these little few steps that I just told you and start self educating yourself start asking questions I guarantee you guys could start your dispatching company ASAP and you guys could start getting out there marketing and advertising and start acquiring some owner-operators one thing about this business when it comes to dispatching and broker and freight is that you have to be a sales men a saleswoman you know because you are you have created a service and now you're providing the service now you have to sell that service there's not going to be owner operators just walking up to you and just emailing you you actually have to get out here and start marketing and advertising and selling your business and selling your service so remember that - I hear that from a lot of people a many I'm not a Salesman I'm not a saleswoman I mean you don't have to be a used-car salesman but you just got to know how to talk to people and you got to know how to converse him and have a conversation with people and then that'll be a way that you can start selling that dispatching service out here so I just wanted to put this quick video out here today if you guys have any questions about dispatching feel free to email me at broker and manage Transcom go visit my website visit
Channel: Brandon Manney The Mentor
Views: 41,540
Rating: 4.9558825 out of 5
Id: vyc1m2XNJEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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