Beckey's First Flight with the New Engine - Eggs Benedict & Spotted Cow

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[Music] so understand your plane has this fancy new engine that is supersonic speeds are capable of supersonic speed the engine is getting us closer to SuperSonics okay so I'd be like this in the plane heads all the way back like oh my god it's crazy so maybe from 20 percent of supersonic speed to 20 point one percent huh want to do the math to see you that how that works out a bit so do you do does your plane now have a view soul to it by having a new engine is that like I need a new heart and what is that crane that's a good question maybe the heart yeah yeah that's really sweet the brain that might be the instrument panel in the avionics going to Madison because I have a craving for the eggs benedict at the Jet room restaurant and they're open again with much reduced capacity we don't know if we'll be able to get in there and get seated but they do have to take out it and call the FBI last night they said they have a picnic table outside that we could use but the real reason we're going there isn't really the breakfast of the Eggs Benedict yes I will explain that thank you yesterday I had my last deflect a coup or Spotted Cow and that's he that is a beer that I love and a beer that you can only find in Wisconsin I know you think it's about flying in the airplane and feeling the amazement of this new engine but honestly it's so that I can make sure I could get my beer even if they had to slow down production its Wisconsin the last thing they slow down there's get production I thought about that that's possible all right the quest today will be to see if I can actually find the airport first cuz this is the place Madison has the two lakes there's a city off here then there's the two lakes and somewhere there's the runway you know and for some reason even though I've seen it several times I can't seem to find it before you so don't call it out unless we get to a point of no return or you need to call it out that's why it's fine today okay so it's my game the hardest part was wearing masks though is that's the hardest part with wearing it so much is just when I'm walking and I'm have a mask on and I just wave at people and I usually wave and I smile people have no idea that I'm smiling and then I don't know if they're smiling back at me or sticking a tongue out at me or what they're doing behind that mask well you should follow Lee paint a smiley oh that's a great idea I can play by it one like that right yeah okay super excited about this fight today you should be I love going to Madison I know you're really anxious to get to the plane I haven't seen it in two days yes so as you saw in the picture it's a more pointy spin yeah yeah it's a much point here the older one was more right around here right and the those are pretty the platform of the people somebody with this this is the new engine here oh my gosh look at that made of pure gold it looks like it's pure gold pure gold Chevy yeah and it's actually you can't rebuild and this is this is the baffling the cooling system you know it has a completely redesigned airflow over the cooling fins for the cylinders okay to to keep it cool since it's a really nice day we'll fly a VFR today to Madison I'll request flight following from air traffic control I'm still learning exactly how much fuel to use to prime the engine when I started started better Friday I need a little more or fuel oh we like they're here not like the there's plenty of fuel in the wings okay you need to apply more applicable but shouldn't fly this plane don't you know how to fly this plane I've never seen a car tide car Oh like an airplane tie down over here that is pretty rare that's rare but now I see the little T's there that that's appropriate yeah that's what they're for and that way you can avoid the parking and handling fee from the FBO oh is that right yeah oh free parking cheap gas free parking no they should do given the the kovat situation we're still in there maybe continuing to be in they should do a drive-in movie thing you put a screen up here right you bring airplanes I am down over here a fly-in movie yeah like a fire movie scene emits clearance good morning Bonanza seven zero tango Bravo information Yankee would like to depart VFR to Madison at 5500 with flight following please ground aids are off with transmission just to get on Martin's video it's gonna be one we got that Bonanza seven zero tango Bravo maintain VFR at or below 3,500 on departure you can expect higher departure frequency 119.7 in squawk five three six one Vanessa a majestic Bravo maintain VFR at a below 3,500 119.7 squad five three six month Oh who's this lieutenant tango Bravo Rebecca Seneca and ground finances have no tango Bravo ready for taxi at the West pram full length - the seventh row tango Bravo Cedar Rapids mile away Niner TAC the via alpha from a Niner taxi via alpha but necessarily eating a problem what's that that's a pipe of sénéchaux great sweet engine I love it wow we're really taxing faster - I feel I feel the speed yeah this is still subsonic though yes clearly right all right normal takeoff from what is that cool it's like a mosquito hey really look at it that's it like a little mosquito don't tell Ron and Connie that oh I won't see that scene up is tower bonanza 7zo tango Bravo all ready for departure runway Niner seven think Oh Bravo Cedar Rapids Towers turn left heading north up there a runway Niner clear for takeoff left heading zero seven zero table takeoff runway nine open answer Sara yielding a Bravo hey landing light and strobes are on it is clear on approach and clear on the runway it went from the roads build a speed Espie love [Music] and off we go temperature or pressure goods but uh 27 gallons per hour you're coming up here's a [Music] Oh birds [Music] they were climbing out at 1,200 feet per minutes and the devil tango Bravo contact partridge get caught the departure Bonanza 7zo tango Bravo and have a good day 8.8 I love it we have Yankee blue 350 73 Cedar Rapids approach expect vectors for the visual programming Niner and Lauren about 1/2 mile sooner pizza party a good morning but incest 7 0 tango Bravo are leaving mm hitting zero seven zero an n270 tango Bravo Cedar Rapids departure radar contact be up off the deer discretion turn left on course - Matt official walk course - Madison altitude my discretion but Nance s7 tilting a problem so the vertical speed indicator is change you know we we were not able to climb at 1,200 feet per minute at 130 knots did you feel the take-off though yes that was much faster yes that was crazy yeah when I had the throttle fully in we were almost ready - yeah hey now we're climbing to 5500 everything is looking good all the CH TS are under 380 there because you definitely turned 10 degrees left rudder Authority and 370 miles you're good Henry all temperature is good everything looks good you feel how similar it is yeah maintain VFR at or below P down I mean there's really no engine vibration them down and feel and for the first five hours we're flying with high power on the rich side of peak now that fatal the break-in is complete yes okay let's see what the wind is doing today [Music] not much [Music] Airport in fact we can pickle hopefully today chillin i rock and you can expect your clamps when you just look like [Music] but at 75 knots ground speed now this is more telling it's a hundred and sixty-seven knots indicated air speed and level flight they had that before yeah it looks like it's much higher yes yeah no she's granted by flying Richard Piech so we're flying at a very high power setting thank you it normally do that no it wait it's not economical I'd rather go 10 knots lower and have to have the fuel burn bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo contact Chicago Center one three three point nine five one three three point nine of - answer said with your thing about we'll have a kitty you do Chicago Center good morning bonanza seventh the CEO tango Bravo level 5500 an n270 tango Bravo good and good morning to be doubt he'll endure three zero three five three zero three five thank you the very edges at the bottom yeah Monticello airport at ten o'clock one flying only one sell-off Julia whiskey contact a mini amp friction to manage an approach on one three five point four five little beyond the next frequency also at card 525 kind of Chicago one to seven point seven seven beautiful over here [Music] I haven't had the expanding I think this year well you'll be eating it out of a Styrofoam container how you feel about that yeah so let's see how long a wait it is and if it's reasonable we can put our names on the list do the beer run yeah okay and then eat hey I'm a high field I'll be inside inside I'd rather be in a picnic table I want to take my headset off well partly to see how loud it is in here okay the loud yeah should not be a difference from before I'm not sure what I was expecting but I know I was expecting something a little quieter [Music] which Airport is that that is to buek [Music] I imagine for the first hour in parallel with Shane we just flew circles for a whole hour and could take it one that has to the bathroom [Music] that didn't even feel like a long time no let's doll because you are so engrossed with what was happening on the panel in the conversation all right we are in gliding distance of Dubuque yeah it's time to switch the tanks bit we're on the right tank okay nice for you up the Butte today [Music] that's beautiful 7:3 tango tango context PETA rampant one three four point zero five before monster five but a great thing to think of you know this beer run is awesome being able to get deflected to what we really need because now that we've been home so much yeah it's we're out of milk a chocolate girl almost having gummy bears yeah we can't hop on an airplane and go see your parents or bring any of that home chipping chocolate the summer is ridiculous not a good idea not a good idea and even with the new engine that's not a good tribute so but you know what I do in that that's just not gonna work they're the cousins and I kind of like Minneapolis an air one 28.6 play the airplane our Airport over there yeah that is Platteville ah sure nicknamed the top three think that you were most excited about here the result of having to do with us over those things the the crew speeds free minor was more important this I can more comfortably take off from shorter runways or airports in the mountains that are higher chair but climb better and you'll once it's broken into 33 hours and 100 hours so we know he's a good engineer in Chicago welcome Carmy the old one was all over it there's longevity though being able to take off in shorter runways and longevity of engine train up to ten seventeen gonna maintain four three four zero yeah I was super impressed by the take off that sort of caught me by surprise I was actually my mind just sort of jokey thinking well that jokey might get my mind thinking gathers there must not be too much of a difference that was a real big difference it was yeah announcer one five five three Zulu one two one three zero nine Augusta one six visibility one film sky conditions clear temperature 12.5 altimeter three zero three eight there you go purchasing you planning departing runways one eight to one and one for planting hole chart operations in effect notice the Chairman khaki Juliet Club Cafe mic sign south of runway two one missing on one three point six one anything information allows dependability Minneapolis than our one three points there's usually opposed it's this one here well ideally you will land on only one for 1633 change my green until the turn signal all right they're having fun in 237 best properly for the win all right van isn't our Madison Brown fifteen minutes ago fifteen minutes to expanding their thing a private contact master the first one thirty five point eight four five thirty five forty five one three five point four five minutes uh Sam do you think Rob would think you have any [Music] manases approach good wanting bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo 5500 information Oscar man defender hang around man at the approaching Factory on my one for expect one for Bonanza sampling problem all right I can see the lakes baby I can see the legs I pick 5 alpha pop into right page normally one for well I DC is this look like this fight fire I give you a father's for about 30 more than I was after that you were that I was Chicago Center [Music] that's like north so angry incision take a seat where will we begin to defend yeah not yet there's a very tall antenna oh yeah by the fans I can actually see it deliver to 12 o'clock don't amazes me baby you can see a runway from a gazillion miles away 22 miles away by 2 miles away at a tower 22 miles away if I asked you to go find the jelly jar in the refrigerator my buildings appear help hundreds of possible others back that's a good question that's a great question I need you to ponder that for just a little bit okay yeah yeah I see a boat on the lake that it has sight now shining down go back to it's a horse code yeah what do you slip or just a shiny surface that just happens to be at the right angle for us Romeo's all finished here request to November Oh miss a request like to do continue our survey words are buried up to four zero radio five to seven five gen file remember to November Romeo proceed on course he that course thanks to deliver Romeo number seven to tango Bravo defend is that your discretion but maintain at or above 2500 until it bye I was there for seven zero tango Bravo November 7 0 tango Bravo maintain at or above 2500 and televise enter above 2500 but inserting a problem stephannie to new member Romeo advised prior to climb in any higher than to toe / Santos table or mm all right starting a descent zero tango Bravo turn left heading 360 row vector for traffic left hitting three six zero but nestles you're thinking bubble that's a zero three tango traffic no factor and the seven zero tango Bravo altitude your discretion in to write based on my one for contact our 100.3 right bass one for altitude my discretion and tower one-one-niner point for you but it's a good thing problem it's orbit here Wow that is a power good morning but in so 7zo think Oh Bravo is on a right base for runway one fourth times dear King a problem at the tower when to 1 K 0 fix for my one for third land runway one for little and then we'll be going to the east rent but net ceiling problem Harris I really think ok doctor oh my one for backpacks be as much as you need let me know when you're ready for departure traffic is on a five mile final hey back back to you in one for proceed as a knowledge you know when I can get to enough so I wouldn't have to go to the full way there is three to nine julie title that 787 in her left down went for what for on and banana define our final sure is still rich CFO going zero Niner hotel proceed directed for any context bursary brett Crenna contact departure is here on under hotel hours here three to nine julia tango i back back to you the mouth ready for departure energy locally over seven fly runway heading runway one for president position cleared for takeoff by run we had any present position clear for takeoff there is three through nine julia ankle yeah plan to exit bike three or a call yes undercarriage here two-niner Angela your turn our heading 1 8 0 right heading 1 8 0 through 3 to 9 Julia tangle serious manner do the tango Avenger up to the maintain of 4,000 contact departure remain on the 180 row heading and altitude the 4000 maintained 1 8 0 heading eye contact departure here are 3 to 9 Julia tango 500 thought of construction here yes all the last time all right lemons all the final runway one forward rate the last time we were here there was destruction brilliance we green nice chair baby thank you this is great zero tango Bravo turn left at Mike 3 in taxi Mike to the ramp this frequency left Mike 3 and then Mike to the ramp this frequency but inserting Robin thank you such an important intervention so today look at that Cessna 4 3 nano management error are you ready for departure yes I'm ready pretty much everything that makes ebony then you're downwind of pyruvate expect that wait a minute son that's before 300 proceed on to Rome I won four back as much as you need let me know when you're ready for the car trips identify four nine four three nine left yes you're the bar fuller [Music] we topped off in Madison and then proceeded to the jet room restaurant at the time this seating capacity was still very limited we ordered our breakfast to go and enjoy the nice morning at a picnic table just outside the FBO doors no view of the flight line but it was a gorgeous day to have a meal outside oh this is really done I think it's lovely out here Marty and but considering the ministries and not inside then we took the crew car and went to a nearby store to get Becky's favorite beer [Music] that's it for today thanks for watching and see you in the next video in which I applied a new engine leave of peak to the first time to get some real life performance data of my new setup [Music]
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 12,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bonanza, flying, aviation, cockpit, pilot, N70TB, engine, engine upgrade, Martin Pauly, Beechcraft bonanza, flight training, VFR flight, eggs benedict, breakfast, jet room, jet room madison, Madison airport, spotted cow, engine upgrades
Id: w1Q9MAh71e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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