The Plane Crash That Killed The Bin Laden Family | The Crash Of HZ-IBN

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a big thank you to nordvpn for sponsoring this video this is the story of the 2015 blackbush phenom crash on the 31st of july 2015 a phenom 300 private jet was to fly from milan italy to blackbush airport and the uk now this private jet didn't have just any standard rich people on board on today's flight was bin laden's immediate family yes that bin laden today's occupants were raja hashem one of the wives of bin laden's dad her daughter sana bin laden and the daughter's husband suhair hashem what i find interesting about all of this is that the bin laden clan was free to private jet around the entire planet despite them being the immediate family members of the man who used to be the most wanted man on earth i assumed that his immediate family would be sanctioned or something but apparently not well for whatever reason the family had chartered a jet and they were being flown by a single pilot who had 11 000 hours of flying experience we joined the phenom tail number hotel zulu india bravo in november as it descended through the london terminal area as the plane streaked across london it was handed over from atc region to atc region eventually ending up in the control of farnborough approach blackbush airport is kind of a hotspot for business jets as it offers easy access to the stuff rich people like to do in england which is probably drink very expensive tea i don't know when the pilot had the runway in sight farm reapproach cleared the phenom to descend under the pilot's discretion once the plane was closer to the airport the controller asked the pilot to contact black bush information the phenom entered the left-hand circuit for runway 2-5 via the crosswind lake but as the phenom entered the circuit it flew very close to a micro light aircraft seeing the microlight the pilot started to climb in an attempt to avoid the microlight this is when the tcas kicked in tcas or traffic collision avoidance system is as the name suggests a system designed to warn pilots about traffic conflicts and a system that gives them resolution advisories basically the system thinks that you're going to crash into another plane it will ask you to either climb or descend basically the system will tell you what it thinks will minimize the chance of a collision in this case the tcas system asks the pilots to descend the advisory quickly changed to maintain vertical speed which then again changed to adjust vertical speed this is because the climb had put the phenom very close to another plane that was above it once the phenom was clear of both conflicts it was way too high and fast the pilot put the plane into a curving turn as it descended towards the runway threshold the rate of descent at some point reached 3 000 feet per minute in fact the plane hit that 3 000 feet per minute of descent value between 1200 and 500 feet of altitude if you can't tell this is one approach that should be abandoned after reaching 500 feet the rate of descent slowed why don't you pause the video go down into the comments and drop your guess as to what the new rate of descent was i'll wait are you back it was 2500 feet per minute for the uninitiated that's screaming fast the jet passed over the runway threshold at 151 knots for some context it was supposed to be at 108 knots this jet was way too fast then the plane touched down very hard and very far down the runway seeing the plane land the af afiso or the aerodrome flight information service officer initiated a full emergency because he knew that there was no hope of this plane stopping in the runway that was left the pilot in the cockpit was breaking as hard as he could but the jet wasn't losing speed fast enough he had about 1100 meters or 3 600 feet of runway the hunch of the afiso was right the jet overran the runway at 84 knots it then went into an earthen bank which caused the jet to become airborne for a bit but the problem was that the jet landed back down into a car park which caused the right wing to separate starting a fire unfortunately none of the four people on board survived talking to the people at the airport they got to know that this pilot and this airplane had flown into blackbush multiple times but none of those landings had caused any concern something was different about this approach and they needed to find out what just looking at the tire marks on the runway was enough to convince anyone that this landing should not have been attempted at all the plane basically touched down a kilometer or 0.62 miles away from the end of the runway why they ran toxicology tests on the pilot to see if he was under the influence of any sort of inhibitant that could have degraded the pilot's decision-making abilities the talk screen came back clean this pilot was fit to fly they then looked at the communication between the pilots and the controllers looking at the controller's instructions they got their first clue before we go any further let's get some terminology out of the way when you land at an airport you don't just make a b-line for the runway every airport has a certain way in which you approach the runway for larger airports you have things like stars and approaches but for smaller airports like this one you have circuits think of them as race tracks in the sky that you fly around in order to get to the runway for our discussion we're only really concerned about the downwind leg the base leg and the final leg when the phenom was approaching blackbush the initial radar vectors was towards the downwind position from there the pilot expected to be cleared for a visual approach to the runway it was a simple approach in landing but then the farnborough controller changed things up the controller wanted the plane to overfly the airport then enter the circuit and land but unknown to the controller there was a micro light aircraft doing circuits at 800 feet this instruction wasn't unusual for black bush so the controller had no qualms about assigning it to the phenom but this one small change set the stage for the accident as the phenom entered the circuit the pilot knew that the microlight might cause a conflict so he planned on extending his downwind leg just a bit so that the microlight could land first now that's a good plan it keeps everyone away from everyone else but the pilot of the microlight suggested the exact same thing to the af-s io he said we'll extend on the downwind to let the jet in first if you're happy with that the pilot of the microlight wants to extend his downwind leg so that the jet can pass him by and land safely it's basically the opposite of what the phenom pilot wanted to do but i mean this works too so the pilot of the phenom responds with i copy i was doing the same for him but in this case i'll just uh descend and do my landing if there had been a proper atc system at blackbush pilots wouldn't have to brainstorm conflict resolutions in midair but unfortunately here we are with that the phenom and the microlight are now on the same circuit and there are different altitudes but in the same general area with the jet coming up from behind now due to their close proximity the tcas system goes off and the phenom pilot who had the microlight in sight climbed to avoid it but this climb unfortunately took the phenom very close to another plane that was on a cross-country trip that was above the phenom at 2 300 feet he basically avoided one traffic conflict and flew right into another one this meant that he was being bombarded with warnings at first the tcas system was like descend and then it was like maintain vertical speed and then it was like you know what adjust your vertical speed in a span of two minutes and 19 seconds he was subjected to 36 different oral warnings due to all of this he took manual control of the plane and started to descend sharply as he turned through the base like the tcas warnings gave way to terrain warnings and on top of that there were transmissions from the airport itself swapping him with even more information this created a very high workload environment in the cockpit and the lone pilot did not have the mental capacity to deal with so much information at once this led to target fixation his initial plan was to land the plane and now that's all he wants to do his mind was blocking out any information that told him that landing the plane was unsafe he probably felt like despite his high speed he'd be able to stop the plane in the runway that was available maybe he just didn't realize how fast he was going for example during the descent he commanded a bit of speed breaks but they did not extend because the flaps were extended so in his mental picture the plane was probably slower than it actually was because the speed brakes never extended but unfortunately he wasn't able to stop and it cost everyone on board their lives why do you think the pilot went ahead with the landing let me know your thoughts in the comments below before you go i 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Channel: Mini Air Crash Investigation
Views: 83,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air crash investigation, air crash confidential, why planes crash, blackbushe, blackbushe plane crash, aviation safety, bin laden, bin laden crash, air asia, phenom 300, passenger jet, the crash that killed the bin ladens, too far gone, runway, maday, air crash, plane crash, british plane crash, aviation education, educational, historical, aviation, planes, mentour pilot, theflightchannel, seconds from disaster, plane documentary, aviation documentary, history, UK air crash, plane
Id: qRC6zgeOYwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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