My first Approaches in IMC - with the Avidyne IFD

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hello welcome to this video well take the new avid ifvs into IMC for the first time I feel like I have learned enough during my VMC practice to know how to do that safely today is not a low IFR day but it is cloudy enough that I can shoot an actual instrument approach long it for instrument currency and see how the new equipment works let's go check it out fuel is on the right tank that is all foolish tank today the beacon is on the gust luck is removed cowl flaps are opening trim 3-up landing gear switches down circuit breakers are in avionics autopilot off emergency gear crank is free seats and seat belts secure propeller hi the throttle open mixture rich brakes are set its prime it and I will crank [Music] clear Cedar Rapids our information tango special observation one seven zero zero Zulu wind one zero zero at one zero visibility one zero 1300 scattered feeling two thousand two hundred broken seven thousand overcast temperature one Niner 2.16 altimeter three zero zero five Heil s runway Niner approaching yes now this airman around frequency 121.6 out of service use one to five 0.45 program control advise on initial contact you have tango see I was clearance good afternoon Bonanza 7zo tango Bravo as information tingle have been IFR on file for some practice approaches CNC Rahab it's starting with an ILS runway Niner zero tango Bravo sitrep is scram mayn't correction clear to Cedar Rapids Airport as I'll maintain 3000 departure frequency one-one-niner point seven four five three five six potato seven seals hangar Bravo clear to Lisi deputy report is filed climb maintain 3000 departure 119.7 scored five three five six and your tango Bravo read back correct advise ready technique everybody says you're Tina Bravo is ready for taxi at the Northwest he s with information tango or request full-length please and you're a thing go proper runway Niner TAC hippie alpha runway Niner via alpha burn answers you'll think a problem a vaccine to runway Niner it'll be a right turn on alpha it is clear to the right and clear to the left hey Chad 3:41 clear to Yankee Quebec tango Airport as filed maintain 5,000 expect flight level three Niner zero one zero minutes after departure departure frequency one-one-niner point seven o'clock three one one three all right I'll do the run up and then we'll program the GPS new departure briefing then we'll be good to go and whenever possible I'll do the run up into the wind run up breaks a set fuel is on the right tank that is the fullest tank-like controls are free and correct mixture best power Magneto's left and with 3770 sitreps clearance clear to Minneapolis st. Paul Airport as filed maintain 5,000 expected by level 2 4 0 1 0 minutes after departure Tyler departure frequency one-one-niner points have a pressure at meter all looking good bottle idol good we take off mixtures best power prop high rpm read that girl absolutely the time lapse alright your pump is off pitot heat is off or most window will be open Phenom Roger if you want really window for usually on the runway okay TPS set up we are going from Cedar Rapids to Cedar Rapids and I love this keyboard down here and then we'll use the ILS Niner with vectors to final on this one because that's what we'll get here and activate the fly plan and this is what it looks like on the map vulnera is our final approach fix I'll get that on the iPad as well identified she was tall ribbon ss7 is do tango Bravo runway nine are ready for departure and the seven zero tango Bravo Europe it's our turn left heading two niner zero man when I turn left heading two niner zero clear for takeoff runway Niner bonanza sevens eating a problem it is clear an approach it is clear the runway lights are on take off yes be alive temperature pressure good positive rate hero read the pitot heat on Nadira thing over have no contact partner content white ribbon insulting a problem see diversified rear good afternoon Bonanza seven zero tango Bravo 1,500 climbing 3,000 been disseminating a bravo daf departure radar contact maintain 2500 a 2500 foot answer 7 z OT no problem [Music] all right it's mm I'm still in BMC but barely a little more climb will be in the clouds the ends of the earth hang a proper request cloud bases when an says zero tango Bravo where that just scratching at the bottom here at 2300 butter a 2,500 2,500 rpm [Music] finances your thing a problem faint engines after the approach but it says guilting Bravo I'd like to do an iron a front way Niner after this one if possible all navigation with the concert wristlet the whole do think of Bravo you set your own navigation of what thick openin says you'll say probably possible I would like to do the courser whistle that cupola at the rnf runway Niner zero thing Bravo suspect that turn left heading two seven zero after completion of this approach pyro heading climbing pain two thousand five hundred two seven zero and on the mid fly the runway hitting two thousand five hundred but a ceiling around 100 I will reduce power now to 18 inches and will give me a good approach speed but n20 thing around turn left heading 180 zero left heading 180 0 but in suggesting a problem [Music] hey approach briefing we're doing the rnf sorry the ILS runway Niner approach at Cedar Rapids the [Music] vocalizing online part 3 is bench you and identified final approach for 0 each diner is set on the HSI glide slope intercept 2500 at phoner minimums 1060 10:57 let's call it 1060 [Music] mrs. frouchy structures are runway heading climb to 2500 bonanza zero thing of Bravo files from phone or turn left 18 1 1 0 maintain 2500 tilts Alice on the localizer cleared Island tourmaline and her brooch left heading of 1 1 0 maintain 2000 till established cleared ILS runway Niner approachable answers yachting a problem I start three four zero one zero zero a self-similar three zero zero five [Music] vocalize are alive [Music] pedant the zero thing a bra will contact our context however in sales you think while we're talking [Music] see I'm sorry Bonanza 7zo tango Bravo iOS 9 or approach today the earth in front of our runway Niner cleared out probably Dino did for the option for an answer 70 Rumble what mile the faller by stopping to say here down three greens Landing checklist ear down and lark landing light is on mixture and rage comes in short final [Music] it was 1060 800 feet submittals gasps undercarriage mixture problem by hundreds of minimums 200 seminars I'll call that mist Europe but that's your thing a Bravo is going missed it does you're thinking about manraja hey we'll get ready for the RN a front wait Niner with the course reversal it was 3772 drown treasured by 30sec at Kukla bananas urethane go problems left to right turn their discretion proceed direct to club and it says yielding a Bravo will make a left turn to culo that's your thing about Roger contact party comments are evidences you'll take a ball approach bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo a 2000 climbing 2500 in a left turn towards Kukla phantoms Ortega Ralphie rapid approach radar contact cross Kukla at 2500 cleared our nav early on our approach across cupola at 2500 cleared par now front Lee Niner approach peninsula 70 a problem [Music] their tango Bravo how this fraternity what it says you think Raul will do a full-stop landing after this one but ends at their ground running [Music] all right approach briefing this is the iron after runway Niner and Cedar Rapids approach has been set up in the GPS we are GPS with LPB armed and well by a cupola with direct you Koopman all will do the course reversal there to a teardrop entry and then intercept the final approach course which is zero-eight-niner which we still need set [Music] Brenneman for this one is also 10:57 missed approach should we needed climb sprayed ahead to you to ascend hole is the synthetic vision mode toast me approaching Kukla and then the barber pole coming out of cupola is slight left turn here for the teardrop entry in the hole [Music] one mile from cupola you're a fan - yes [Music] alright I'll set the involve korsunov zero-eight-niner [Music] I'm still doing this in headache mode if I had GPS steering or GPS s this would be even better [Music] localizers already alive [Music] but we will overshoot slightly [Music] or continue the turn by another 50 degrees [Music] all right with 2,500 begging bounty Kukla that folder could maintain 2500 until phoner and then let me just have the glide path and folder [Music] and then passing Kukla the GPS will transition to lpv if all the integrity checks of the GPS workout point one miles [Music] okay Foner's active waypoint know and we just transition to LPB [Music] and I just absolutely love this display here with the deviation bars duper imposed on the edge indicator this is sparked I hope one day to have on my real attitude indicator right in front of me [Music] but m20 tina Bravo contact our gate contact our finances he'll think Rob would think so have a good day G [Music] see it was tower of an answer 7 the 0 of tango Bravo is on our nav runway neither approach for a full so many then seven zero think of revenue terribly thank you through the land traffic earth pressure up runway Niner clearly a financier sevens yielding a problem I'll be a bad event pedestrian so funny [Music] hey we got three miles - phoner and 8.8 miles to see rabbits [Music] 3772 service tower roughly diners turning left fitting zero seven zero six big up white path is now moving yogurt they got hurt my manners [Music] there was 3770 traffic day but there's no on a big pharma Roger [Music] what my other father [Music] by pathing to seven here down a lot Landy check this gear is down and locked Laennec lay this on mixture and rich got us on short final [Music] 3770 not that debugger uptick or departure cell 13 Vanessa there's a rose in the face reports that depreciated Oh bananas EO tango Bravo basis were around 2,300 thank you [Music] [Music] yes undercarriage mixture problem [Music] or in a fee to minimums Roach lives [Music] let's see if I can touch down on the thousand foot marker three grains pose enough everyone answers your tango Bravo would like to go to the northwest he's please fit into the denier thing up in 1103 thing forgive me left on alpha 3 2 parking your frequency Bonanza is using a Volvo have a good after landing checklist perhaps identified and up it's their left and clear rate our flaps are open three up lights back to beacon all right the one thing I didn't do today was activate the missed approach and that's something that has to be done manually and I will show that to you in another video viviana cough [Music] technician off master all right that was fun [Music]
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 35,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IFR, IMC, flying, instruments, instrument flying, avidyne, IFD, avidyne IFD, IFD550, IFD540, IFD440, avidyne avionics, avidyne vs garmin, ifr training, ifr flight, instrument flying basics, instrument flying training, avionics, ILS, instrument landing system, GPS approach, RNAV approach
Id: thcI27lIbco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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