Beating Pokemon Radical Red With Only Ghost Types! (HARD ROM HACK)

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well hello everyone my name is wigo and welcome back to another video today we are once again going to be doing pokemon radical red because last time you guys really seemed to enjoy the video where we ran through the game with only water types and this time i'm going to be picking a ghost but there is a catch here because in this game ghost type pokemon aren't available so early so i actually had to randomize the pokemon in the game in order to find ghost types this is going to add somewhat of a difficulty because the pokemon that i'm going to be able to choose from are going to be very limited in the end i will only have about 10 pokemon to choose from since i didn't really find that many so which pokemon did i actually get well you're going to have to find out but before we jump into it let's try to smash 367 likes and of course if you are not subscribed already you can do so by clicking that big red button so without any further ado let's jump into pokemon radical red with only ghost type pokemon i named myself germano and i totally forgot why i'm not gonna lie but at least it's a fun name and our rival is going to be the best friend of jimmy neutron carl weezer and so here i decided to randomize the game don't worry this isn't going to randomize any of the major battles you're just going to be able to find random pokemon which is what i need in order to start off with the ghost type and i immediately got one of the best ghost types in the game dragopalt yes this is going to make the early game pretty easy but in the end it's not really going to matter which one i get here but i definitely won't complain with a dragopold i name him bob because he's going to be able to fix everything i beat my rival with much ease and step foot in a world that is randomized and the first randomized ghost type i found was a dell mize which is not bad i'm not going to complain about that one after capturing it i named it titanic while fishing in viridian city i also managed to find a banette which is going to be amazing with the prankster ability i named him kevin easily overpower my rival at viridian forest so that we get the exp share and after grinding up my entire team i went to faulkner down at the museum and bob was able to take down the wingle and the amulga with some bites and quick attacks but eventually the corvus squire came out which was able to overpower me with aerial laces and roosts so titanic had to come in with a rapid spin and sweep up faulkner in order to get the tm for roost which is probably not going to be that useful with a ghost type team as we now have to take on the first gym the rock hard man brock titanic managed to take out his first pokemon alolan geodude with some mega drains then vulpix came in so i switched into my draggapold but he got destroyed by a bunch of ominous winds yes i know how does a pseudo legendary lose to a little fox i don't know but it happened so kevin had to come in and shadow sneak it to finally take it out as he went into his last pokemon onyx which i was able to do some chip damage against with shadow sneaks but eventually bonnet went down so kevin came in and one more mega drain one meter gym battle on my way to mount moon i found another ghost type in a rhodom an electric ghost so definitely not the worst thing but i'm not going to be able to change his form because then he loses the ghost type so i give it the most generic name for an electric type ever and move on over to the admin battle at mount moon which was actually very easy even though he had some dark types on the team our titanic actually managed to overpower most of them as he then walked over a rock and disappeared in thin air after leaving mount moon we immediately go to cerulean city to take on our rival again as he starts off with the curlier i lead off with rhodom but i decide to switch into kevin and go for the shadow sneak as he predicts me and goes into steravia i then burn him with willow wisp and go into sparks to try and go for a thundershock but he predicts me again and goes into ivysaur so he puts me to sleep leech seeds me and then kills me with bullet seed so i swap in kevin go for the willowish to burn him and then go for two hexes to finally overpower this ivysaur for the last three pokemon i switched into bob and i just used bite and hex to take down star ravia rockruff and curlia so we skip all the bill stuff and go straight to misty who ironically enough doesn't even put up a misty terrain as she starts off with frogadier i lead off with the road arm and immediately switching to banette to burn it with a willow wisp eventually i go down pretty quickly so i have to switch in dell mize and go for some gyro ball since it is ice type right now so it's doing a very large amount of damage and frog d really can't take a lot of those so it goes down floatzel is up next and it's able to hit two hidden powers which are super effective on me but two giga drains from my dell mize are just a little bit stronger and floats all goes down after that starmie is going to take me out with a sai bean so i switch in bob go for two hexes and finish off stormy with quick attack giving ourselves our second gym badge and allowing ourselves to go to a raid in where i find a lamppant so we're going to have a chandelure another amazing ghost type so i named it pyro jack after this little guy right here comment down below if you know what game he is from spoiler alert best game ever and here i managed to find a whole niche as well so the pokemon we found in this area are definitely going to help us out in the late game after naming it arthur we sail through the seven seas and get ourselves the hm for cut so now it's time to take on our favorite army boy search the lieutenant the battle starts off with pinch churchian versus my dell mize and since it only has discharge which is not very effective on me my giga drains eventually do take it out because of the hp recovery but the pinch urchin did manage to paralyze me for vika vault i went to the power jack to take it out with two flame bursts even though the second one did way more damage than the first one because of the ocaberry megamanic trick was able to take care of my lamp end with a volt switch this caused him to switch into raichu so i went into kevin shadow sneaked the right shoe twice and that was that his miniature came back out and i went for one more shadow sneak before going down to two charge beams so i went into sparks to try and confuse it so that it would hit itself in its confusion but that didn't work out so well because i went down to another charge beam which raises his special attack even more titanic got destroyed by flame burst so i switched in bob and he had to take it out with two psychic fangs and a quick attack giving ourselves our third gym badge after that my honest evolved into dewblade and i had to make my way through mount moon but don't worry i got the hm for flash so i didn't get lost but sadly enough i once again did not find any ghost type pokemon so i headed on over to the pokemon department store to pick up two dusk stones to evolve my chandelure and my aegis slash and after all this it is time to take on the grass type gym leader erika her leading pokemon is a real boom but i get a critical hit with bob with acrobatics in order to take it out from full health bob gets another critical hit on superior and another one takes it down because he had a focus sash meganium thing came out which is once again grass ferry in this game so i switch into titanic hit one anchor shot and go down to some dazzling gleams pyro jack then comes in who is able to take down meganium with another flame burst for sudowoodo i go into my arthur to go for some smart strikes and take that thing out and finally is mega venusaur of course the venusaur deuces a regular thing putting me to sleep with sleep powder and taking me out with giga drain so bob comes in hits one acrobatics but also gets put asleep and killed by earth power and giga drain but then pyro jack can come in and finish off venusaur with a flame burst then we go to don giovanni's hideout as he leads off with a nido king so what do i do naturally i lead with something that's weak to it because i'm super big brained anyway my aegis is able to do some very decent damage with flash cannon and shadow sneak before going down to earth power so i just have to switch in my boy kevin go for the shadow sneak and take this thing out as he goes into hunch grow he manages to hit a heat wave on my road on the switch in but my thunderbolt is able to one shot it from full health infernape then takes me out with pyroball so bob comes in and once again has to fix it with acrobatics having to hit two of them because of the focus sash he then sends in his mega kangas khan and with a crunch my boy goes down my dell mize is able to hit one more anchor shot before also going down to crunches and then bonett can finish off kangaskhan with sucker punch then rodom comes in my bunnette hits two more shadow sneaks before going down to shadow balls chandelor has to come in and finish this battle with flamethrower giving us the ability to get the silk scope and go to the pokemon tower i then managed to find myself a level 10 hoopa and if i keep it in this form it's actually going to be a ghost psychic type but it is really slow so if you really want to use hoopa we're probably going to have to run some kind of trick room thing and we're not going to be able to build our team around that so i don't know how useful this will be after naming this thing a ring ringman i went to morty to show him who the best ghost type trainer is spoiler alert it was me but the only reason why i fought him was because i got the shadow ball tm from him after clearing out the pokemon tower we had to go on top of silvco where we have a few more major battles starting off with our rival battle against carl he leaves off with a star raptor as i lead off with dragon bolt i'm able to hit one thunderbolt but he then goes into azumarill since i was afraid for a ice punch here i switched into my chandeleur to go for a energy ball but then eventually go down to liquidation so my kevin had to come in go for the thunderbolt and finally finish off azumarill for darmanitan i tried to set up a dragon dance but a flare blitz from this range was able to take me out somehow so i went into kevin thinking that i could at least survive a flare blitz but i wasn't so i wasn't able to do anything so i went into arthur hit one shadow sneak before going down to another flare blitz and then i went into hoopa to set up the thrick room and take out the elective wire and star after with psychics then i of course once again get put to sleep by the venusaur but i'm able to wake up hit one more psychic before going down then going to del mar's and finish this battle with anchor shot of course after beating our rival we have to do a double battle with our other rival brendan but once again this was pretty easy so i'm just going to take this time to ask you like last time what is your favorite ghost type pokemon i think if i had to choose myself i would probably go with spirit tomb but i really like its design and it has one of the best chinese ever created so let's move on over to another mafia boss battle with giovanni his leading pokemon is hippo down who loves to stealth rock and then roar you out so i'm naturally going to start off with dell mice as i go for a phantom force to break its focus sash but i get roared out into ages slash he was able to hit shadow sneak get roared out again into banette and one more shadow sneak is taking out this hippo down the next pokemon on the list is the big boy mega kangaskhan my banette stays in and goes for a sucker punch as i get taken out by a crunch so i send in delmas and go for the rapid spin to get rid of the rocks but even with this speed boost it doesn't outspeed the kangaskhan so we get taken out so i send him bob to try and take it out with acrobatics but he goes into guard chomp and i'm very lucky because the next move that the garchomp goes for misses so that my dragopold can take him down with two more acrobatics kangaskhan also goes down this way polti guys gets one shot by phantom force and i'm able to take out x-core drill with two skulls since the second one burned it and the burn damage was able to finish it off so we finally drove the mafia out of town we all know it comes next sabrina the fifth gym leader this is another double battle and her leading to pokemon are indeedy and haderine i once again double up on the hadarim flash cannon and anchor shot to take it out without it being able to set up a trick room she then brings in kong kelder and i always wondered are these things just stuck to his hands i've never seen kong keller without them anyway i decided to go for a king shield but my anchor is going down here so ringman can come in and go for the psychic on the con killer which one shots i think get hit with the shadow ball and manage to hang on and hit a brick break on the indeedy as well as she sends in crawdant i hit one more dark balls on the indeedy and managed to flinch it as well and arthur hits a brick break on kuradan but then the quran takes out my hoopa with crunch bob then comes in and i take out the indeed with acrobatics and the crawdad with brick break her last two pokemon are porygon 2 and mega gardevoir then i double up on the mega god of war with flash cannon and phantom force which is able to take it out of course but the porygon 2 was able to set up a trick room but this is the last pokemon left so we should be fine an acrobatics and a brick break does just under half and then i hit one more brick break but the ice beam is taking out my dragon bolt here then i go for a break break sucker punch combo to take out porygon and finally get my fifth gym badge i then also capture a type null because once i evolve it into a silvally i'm going to be able to change its typing into ghost type so this is going to add another ghost type to the team even though it's not ghost type yet i then also capture a gore geist which is a very good defensive type pokemon as well so i'm not going to complain with this one even though it's a literal pumpkin but before we take on koga the big ninja man we have to take on brendan again with his exploding metagross hopefully he doesn't do that today he wouldn't even be able to because it's a normal type move so his leading pokemon is going to be metagross and mine is going to be hoopa i set up the trick room and he sets up some stealth rocks i then go for a shadow ball but he manages to out speed because of the trick room and hit me with a meteor match but a shadow ball takes it down his crawdad thing comes in and goes for the aquajet taking me down so titanic has to come in and a power whip is able to one shot it from full health medicine went down to a spirit lock explode once again to a power whip as i get hit with a flamethrower as well and the last pokemon is sceptile mega sceptile it takes me out with a bullet seed i go into arthur in a flash cannon and two shadow sneaks later and the sceptile goes down one more pokemon left gardevoir so i get taken out by a moon blast bob can come in and go for the phantom force to take out god of war and beat brendan to death and now it's finally time to take on koga the ninja man i still don't really understand why ninja is being linked to poison typing but let's start off with this quillfish against my dell mize and a power whip and a rapid spin immediately takes care of the big puffer i tried to attack the drapion too but it killed me with a wicked blow i then switch in banette to go for some protects and stall out this drapion's wicked blows because otherwise it's just going to be able to sweep my entire team i'm able to get 3 off and hitting a shadow sneak before going down i think going to hoopa to set up the trick room as he switches into dragonfield and i hate a psychic before going down so i go into power jack to try and hit a shadow ball but he switches into greninja which takes it very well as i had one more scorching sands before going down as well he turns into ash greninja and arthur takes it out with a shadow sneak he then switches in a selgore as i keep going for flash cannons but he keeps going for u-turns and switching in his drapeon again so eventually i take that thing down then dragapolt comes in so i go for a shadow sneak and that thing goes down as well arthur is really putting in the work here a selgor is once again going to come into u-turn into toxicity so i go for a flash cannon but this barely does anything i hit two more shadow snakes before going down to some overdrives from this big giganta max mega toxicity whatever you want to call it but then bob can finish off the last two pokemon with acrobatics no more problems that gives us our sixth gym batch though after this i went to the seafoam islands and captured a decidueye which i probably won't use and i also managed to find a dusk hole so if i evolve this into disc clops give it the evia light it's going to be one hell of a bulky boy and i decide to name it after an electronics company for some reason i totally forgot why but i guess he's now a vacuum cleaner anyway so that's exactly what i do i evolve it then i evolve my type null into a silver valley go to the guy on cinnabar island which is able to change yourself valley's typing and change it to ghosts so that we can use it and since we are on cinebar island the big bald man bling but before we do that we take on this girl called mei or something i mean her team really wasn't that bad for me to take down so it's just like a mosquito that you just have to like smack so let's just skip that and move on over to blaine immediately the big bald boy also i have a pokemon theory why is blaine bald is it because his fire types burned off his hair but that's just a theory blaine's first pokemon is going to be a torque cool so i'm going to be leading off with my banette and i also got the mega stone for bonnet before this battle so i mega evolve and set up the rain dance i then go for poltergeist twice to take out the tour cool while it was able to hit me with a lava plume and set up some stealth rocks scenery's then came out i was able to hit one sucker punch before going down to a zen headbutt so i go into sil valley and hit a multi-attack to take it down since it is now psychic typing typhlosion thing came out and i made the stupid mistake by switching into hoopa which wasn't even able to tank eruptions but i thought that it was going to be able to tank some because it has high special defense but i guess i have to sack it here so i go into pyro jack to hit one shadow ball but i still get taken out by two eruptions this typhlosion is a very very hard thing to take down if you don't have rain up anymore so i switch in bob set up a dragon dance and kill the type lotion with acrobatics then some flora comes out and of course this thing is not going to survive in acrobatics either mega charizard y is not taking a phantom force and last up is venusaur which we take down with two acrobatics as well and that gives us our seventh gym badge dragopold really put in the work on this one now before we take on the final gym we have to go to cerulean cave to get rid of all of the mafia in there and in the last video i did not include this battle because i didn't have any problems whatsoever but this time in this gauntlet battle against these two admins i got stuck for about two hours straight i don't know why but my team just was not able to take them down i even switched up the team a couple of times but even then it really wasn't easy for some reason they have a lot of dark types like a mega hound doom which is able to out speed most of my team members and then kill with dark pulse but just like always we eventually got enough luck and rng to take them down but i just wanted to mention that this fight really was a pain in the ass for me so let's move on over to giovanni and the mewtwo battle with lance and in this battle i decided to take bob kevin and pyro jack with me at the start of the battle they go with scrafty and tapulele and we start off with two dragapults so just go for the phantom force on the tapulele to one shot but lance's dragopold easily goes down by a knockoff from the scrafty we send out our dialga and they send out their tyranitar so i go into powerjack to hit an energy ball on the tyranitar but it barely does any damage eventually i do go down so i have to go into my dragapolt then set up a dragon dance go for a dragon darts and take out scrafty and do some decent damage on tyranitar as well excadrill then comes in so i go for some more dragon darts to do a little bit of damage on extra drill and take out the tyranitar then celestia comes in and lance sends in his mega selemance i go for a phantom force on the x-card drill to take it down his mewtwo then comes in and mega evolves into mega mewtwo y and the selemance takes out the celastilla with a double edge and i can finish off the mewtwo with phantom force and just like that without even losing any pokemon on my part we defeated giovanni with that we now move on to the final gym battle with claire which has been swapped out for giovanni she still has a dragon type team but doesn't start off with the dragon type though she starts off with a fossil aerodactyl so my best pokemon to lead off with here is arthur flash cannon shadow sneak combo and that thing is already out of here next to that is draco fish so i decided to go into my own dragapolt to take the fish's wren but it did way too much damage but luckily he switched out into the magyrna while i went into hoopa i was able to set up a trick room and a nasty plot and then take it out with two shadow balls because the floor cannons lowered its special attack which meant that it wasn't doing as much damage after this she went into naganath which i took out with psyche because of the trick room i was still faster but then dracovish came out and my trick room ran out so i go down to fish's round so i go into bob and the dragon darts is going to take it out from this range which is full health then he sent out his dura ludon so i went ahead and set up a light screen because this thing always goes for draco meteor as my dragopold gets absolutely annihilated but that means i can bring in pyro jack and two scorching sans is going to take out this big metal building i guess her dragon knight was up next with the multi-skill ability my shadow ball barely does anything even though it was a critical hit but i managed to lord special defense before going down to a dragon danced dual wing beat but luckily arthur could just come in and finish this thing off with flash cannon which meant that we now have our final gym batch and let's move on to the final two rival battles before the elite four let's jump right into it with carl star raptor vs rodom and i knew that it was going to go for u-turn here so i went for ominous wind as the cortana came in and i did a lot of damage on it but after that it did manage to take me out with a leaf blade though so kevin had to come in and go for the sucker punch while omega evolved to take this thing down star operating came out so i switched back into arthur i hit a flash cannon but then eventually he switched into azumarill just going to annihilate my sword and shield with a liquidation so silvally has to sweep up this azimur with multi-attacks as he then goes into star raptor again but i go down to a brave bird since it's out speeding me and then swapping kevin and try to go for the sucker punch but he switches into his electavire and after going for a willowist to burn it and then going for a shadow claw it's already down but it was able to hit two plasma fists leaving me with only two hp star opter then went down to sucker punch and darmanitan was after that after hitting one more sucker punch i went down to a flare blitz but then bob could come in and a dragon darts was able to finish this thing off from this range and his last pokemon was mega venusaur so i just set up a light screen and kept on going for dragon darts but it put me to sleep a couple of times and also giga drained me way too much until my dragopalt eventually fainted but hoopa could come in i avoided the sleep powder and a psychic finishes off this battle you know what time it is now brendon time the last battle before the elite four let's see if we're ready he starts off with a deoxys attack form but my sword and shield shadow sneaks it until it's dead the next pokemon is landorus so i'm predicting a ground type move here then switching to rotom with the levitate and luckily my road arm is even strong enough to take down this landorus with three ominous wins since i did get some boosts on my second one next up is mega septal and even with the boost so i'm still not faster than this thing so my thunder wave is not going to go off and my bullet seed is taking me down so i decided to go into banette and set up the three chrome and then go for a shadow claw on the sceptile it did a very major amount of damage but not quite enough to take it down so a bullet seed here takes down kevin so hoopa can now come in and because of the trick room i outspeed and take out septal with shadow ball then huntel is the next pokemon and it's apparently slower than my hoopa and destroys me with a crunch so i go into dragon build i manage to survive a crunch and go for dragon darts then the trick room runs out and another one takes out the huntail for zapdos i was able to hit one more dragon dars before going down to a brave bird but arthur can come in and sweep it up with shadow sneak in the last pokemon is jiraji arthur hits two more shadow snakes combining it with some king shields to get some hp recovery from the leftovers but the giraji does come out on top in the end and then silvally can swoop it up with a multi-attack defeating brendan and moving on over to the elite four and this is the team that i'm going to be using for the elite four and champion since i didn't find any more ghost types in victory road so i'm going in with bob as my physical attacker gore geist as my physically defensive tank arthur just has a specially defensive tank as well as a mixed attacker kevin is going to be able to set up some nice willow wisps and stuff with the prankster ability then hoopa is my special attacker and also special defensive tank and last upsill valley is kind of a bit of everything but mostly a physical attacker too with these pokemon we're going to be facing loralyze of water type team because it's just easier to take down than the ice type team in my opinion so i'm going to lead off with silvally and gorgeys against their polywrath and polytoad they set up the drizzle of course and i'm going to go for a giga drain and psychic fangs combo on the polywrath in order to take it out and my silvally managed to hang on from a scald and an attack from the polywrath as well ginger is the next pokemon on the list as they take out my silver valley with muddy water and hit my gorgeys with a skull i decided to go into hoopa because most of their moves are going to be special here as i set up a trick room and get hit with a scald muddy water combo again but i'm also able to hit the poly toad with a giga drain but my gore guys got burned as well a burned pumpkin that's kind of ironic so then i set up a nasty plot with hoopa and take out the polytoad weak iga drain and get hit with the muddy water once again as she's sending dracovish which is going down with a shadow ball and i also hit a giga drain on the kingdra but it barely does anything mega swampert one of the biggest threats thing comes out but i decided to double up on it with shadowball and gigadrain which is able to take it down but then primal kyogre her best pokemon comes out and i survive in muddy water with both of my pokemon with only a little bit of hp remaining and my shadow ball giga drain combo doesn't quite take out the kyogre as you can barely see it's hcp bar now hoopa gets taken out by a muddy water but gore guys manages to survive again so i just bring in bob and the dragon darts are going to hit both of her pokemon which means that we won the first elite four member battle let's move on over to bruno and bruno was actually one of the hardest battles in this entire elite four i had to reset the most on him which is pretty weird because bruno is most of the time the easiest anyway he starts off with an urshifu but he immediately you turns into zashin which is very broken in this game position is probably broken in every game so my multi-attack is going to come through then i go into arthur to take a behemoth bash and hit a shadow sneak before going down to a crunch then i switching gorgeys and a flamethrower is taking out this zashen this was one of the biggest threats on his team by the way now next up is killer so i try to go for the giga drain but it barely does any damage so i go for the explosion after that to take myself out and do okay damage on the cone kill there but just not enough to take it even below half health but still valley can come in and sweep it up with a critical hit psychic fangs scizor gets taken out by two multi attacks but it was able to hit two bullet punches doing a very major amount of damage because it has the technician ability urshifu is going to take me out with aqua jets so i go into bob set up two dragon dances and then two dragon darts are going to take out tirakion because he switched into him with a u-turn from urshifu his mega lucario went down to a phantom force and then urshifu last but not least hits me with an awkward but doesn't kill me and a dragon darts defeats bruno so let's move on to professor oak's lady agatha she has a grim snarl as her starting pokemon so i lead off with my aegis slash and a flash cannon shinano sneak combo is taking this thing out easily that was a lie i actually needed two shadow sneaks for spitter i decided to stay in and hit one more shadow sneak but a shadow ball is taking me out so then i swap in kevin and go for the shadow claw to take down spectre his high dragon comes out and i needed to sack someone here so i went to the sil valley which is going to get destroyed by a dark pulse but then i can safely go into bob and the dragon darts is taking this thing out from full health her own dragon pulse is now coming out but it manages to outspeed me and kill me with his own dragon darts and so i go into gorgeized hit two shadow balls and get hit by a dragon danced phantom force but i managed to survive and take out dragapolt marshadow can now come in and sweep me up with shadow sneak so i can swap in kevin go for the shadow claw sucker punch combo to take out marshadow and last up mega gengar is going down to a shadow claw as well this lets us move on to the final elite four member of lance the dragon master lance starts off with the guard chomp and i lead off with my aegis for some reason so i go for a flash cannon shadow sneak combo to do decent damage but a earthquake is taking me down so i try to go into bob and take it out with dragon darts but he switches in mel metal so i tried to run away but after that didn't work i went into gorge ice and hit a flamethrower and then went down to two double iron bashes but still valley could come in and hit a multi-attack but then he switches into his primal dialga which i'm able to hit a couple of times with multi-attacks as well but then i go down i have to go into hoopa hit a shadow ball but then get rord of timed out of here go into banette and then sucker punch the dialga to death next up is draco's old and i'm able to go for a willow wisp to burn it but then i get taken out by two bald beaks but bob can come in and go for a dragon dance as i get hit with a critical hit bald beak but then two dragon darts are taking this thing down mel metal goes down to phantom force guard chomp to dragon darts dragonite to dragon darts and last but not least salamance once again a dragon darts and a we win so let's move on over to the champion battle with carl carl's leading pokemon is a pharamosa which is a bug now what's the best thing to take on bugs of course a silvally i go for a rock slide and hit his next pokemon yveltal since he you turned out another rucksack manages to flinch and the third one takes it down that is one of his legendaries out of the way already and his next pokemon is primal groudon and i'm able to hit three multi attacks because he missed the press of his blade and went for a thunder wave on turn one but even that wasn't enough to take down the big beast so bob has to sweep up this ground with dragon darts galerion darmanitan is nixed so i swap in arthur and try to go for the flash cannon but he switches into ethernetis so i go into ringman and set up a trick room and then a nasty plot while i manage to hang on from a flamethrower and two dynamax cannons then i go for a hyperspace black hole to take down this big fat snake or whatever it is furamosa also goes down to two hyperspace holes because it decided to use close combat on a ghost type for some reason i then tried to take down his mega metagross but sadly enough a bullet punch connects and kills me but luckily i have a gore guys which is able to hit two shadow balls and finish him off last up is galerion darmanitan again so i go into arthur after it kills my gore guys with u-turn and a close combat is able to finish this battle which means that we have defeated pokemon radical red with only ghost types compared to the water types that i did before this was definitely way harder because with the water types i could just set up rain and then my swamp bird would just go boom on everything with this i didn't really have that i mean dragopol was probably the mvp but almost everyone on the team did put in a lot amount of work but which pokemon was the mvp in your opinion let me know in the comments down below as well as which typing i should do next or maybe just a team from someone that i should try to beat radical red with i hope you guys enjoyed the video and as always i want to thank my membership and patreon supporters for supporting the channel you can do so yourself by clicking the links in the description it is always appreciated and with that out of the way don't forget to leave a like subscribe and share this video with your friends i'm zwiego and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: zwiggo
Views: 356,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pokemon, #challenge, #radicalred, #canyoubeat, #ghost, #shiny, #firered, #type, #competitive, #sword, #shield, #kaizo, #dragapult, #aegislash, #hard, #gamefreak, #nintendo
Id: hCTspHCTA9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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