CLAY PIPE FACES Mudlarking On Our Favourite Beach!

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[Music] [Music] what an excellent first find oh a bead a beautiful bead button might be able to clean it up it's a tiny bottom of the face with a bow oh okay so i went down to pick up that button and what do i see but a knuckle bone a jack a gobby a five stone i haven't found one of these in ages and it's a beautiful brown color and it's not it's almost it's in really good condition oh i think we have enough to play now to have a game when we get home another ball another ball another lovely beautiful blue bead ooh our bead springs gonna go longer from this trip oh that looks like that might be good for a christmas craft oh it's like a holly leaf [Music] okay oh look it's the little arm but i think it's um we need the other arm to all this arm i need to make my dough but it's always this arm it's really weird but i'm very grateful thank you the arm it's another rat i said on the way here i wanted to find the whole rat pipe because now we've now figured out those things i've been finding on pipes are actually rats because of the lovely book that we've been bought and look there's another one but it's not the whole one oh well i'll gradually build my own [Music] that's a pretty one [Music] that's really nice part of a tile i think that's really nice very architectural [Music] pieces it's a bird bottom so [Music] [Music] i found a tiny arm yeah little doll's arm with all our five fingers and everything [Music] a button clean and over here [Music] some chain [Music] i thought that was actually a shell to start with well that's the closest i've ever come to a whole one oh that would have been so beautiful oh such a shame okay pipe extraction time oh does it have like a harpon or is that just oh i can see that it's got a crack so i'm going to have to be careful here oh it's plain but it's beautiful but look you can see that it's all cracked a lot so i'm going to be very careful and leave the mud in until i can get home and glue it but pipe first pipe bowl of the day hopefully more will follow [Music] it's pretty flower i think that's the top of the box that's quite nice be good for craft your legs [Music] it's gonna have anything on it no shame quite nice look i think it's a slate pencil to match the board i wonder if i can write on it [Music] should definitely not take pens and pencils for granted wow could that be a queen [Music] oh oh is it a military this is an artillery button an artillery gun see if we get this crud off when we get home i have just found another neck from what was most likely a head clay pipe [Music] look at that that's a lady i think it's a lady that goes with your man where's your man pipe thing look oh i don't think so but that's amazing wait oh gosh oh look how cute they're magnificent how cute they're magnificent shame it's not a whole bowl hey rich served cream contains a small proportion oh let's see not ex awesome [Music] okay i lost this tiny wet bead i found it again incredibly another bead see there's a pretty tile stuck in there i found a button or something a rivet or something we're writing on i can't see what it says oh what does it say d deans i don't know look at kate had super duper camera i think i might [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] another bead for the bead collection that i'm growing today do you see him oh oh my goodness look at him it's a little oh gosh no my bead it's my turn the tiny cup the doll's house we have a lot of tiny cups he had a lot of tiny cups [Music] i think that might be a teddy bear's eye but i'm pretty sure that's a teddy bear's eye i found a teddy bear's eye a teddy bear eye [Music] oh my goodness leave me eyes i can see the metal where it would have gone it's amazing [Music] oh little wagon [Music] definitely looks like a heart phew it's another lady these are good for wings a little person in a boat a little lady in a boat it's quite cute is that a tile or is it just a very fortunately cut piece of glass i think it's just a very fortunately cut piece of piece of glass that's beautiful and excellent for crafting is that a body to add to our collection it is wearing a toga of some sword i'd imagine and yeah i found the back of a pig and it makes me very sad well not so many finds today but any day spent outside mud locking with mum is a day well spent and i think we got some nice bits so um see you in the roundup well that was a trip to our favorite beach from a very very long time ago it was summer i know we were wearing coats but the british summer isn't exactly i wasn't really good we did actually take our coat off for now but yeah as you can see there were a couple of issues with that film so i kept on putting off putting it up there these must [Laughter] so yeah that's okay so there were issues with this film and we didn't really find that to be honest um well there's a few things there's a few interesting things um i can't even remember who found what so what's your favorite um probably my little probably are probably rm yeah yeah it is weird because neither of us have ever found anything like that on a pipe and then we both find one almost exactly the same size with a different iphone on the same day that one and you found that one that's crazy they're both ladies yeah always want them out i think mine i don't know i can't tell what gender mine is i think it's probably a man i think it's probably a man but i don't want to offend if it's a woman mine's definitely a woman isn't it yes i'm a queen mean it could be a man it might be a woman she's got like bosoms doesn't she well if anybody recognizes because i mean this is a very small bit to go on to investigate on it it has but they're amazing but she looks like queen alex [Music] say yeah if anyone recognizes either of these pipes it is it does look like alexandra but there is no i can't see a part like that with her on it who does mine look like there's a clay pipe with a head on it yes it is um i don't know it's very primitive edward no i mean it's got an e but no but um yeah i think they're amazing they're very very cool things and i'm very sorry that i didn't film me picking mine up you saw that i just filmed before picking it up so and my rat and my rat i found another rat the code's tail wraps around pipe i'm definitely the rat pipe woman my little laughing buddha that's what it is right i think so yeah smiling buddha i don't know what it i mean it's probably off of some sort of don't know it's made it's terracotta isn't it but he's lovely and guys are lucky buddha's are lucky so yeah he will go pride of place somewhere on our my docking shelf we found three arms but we used one of them in some doll somewhere probably one of the dump doll's arms um but look how tiny this one is a victorian one that will go those tiny legs never found an arm quite that tiny they found arms much smaller than that not with a victorian and have we yeah really yeah much smaller they're all in the box in the living room waiting to be made into some tiny dolls ah i'm not sure so it turns out it's actually the same size oh look at the eye turns out they're actually the same size as um norma's arms so one at the smallest we've never found a smaller the eye w dole's parts i found a teddy bear eye another glass teddy bear eye and this one's whole it's much smaller than the other one but we have plans for our next craft oh hey ladies honey hello hello yeah we have don't you dare john pogba we have plans for our next craft which involved these teddy bear eyes one of them is much bigger than the other broken but you could like to guess what we're going to do with them sunny no jumping don't sunny oh you're so curious yeah so you can see we can guess what we're gonna make with the teddy bear eyes wait get the um the other components well that'll make it obvious um so yes if you can't guess this is some teddy bear fabric two very different um so yeah that will be up on thursday assuming it all goes well yeah neither of us have ever made a teddy bear before but we're very very excited so he's yeah the teddy bear is going to leave him live with the dump maybe they could give us a name for the teddy now so then in the actual film we can actually say what his name is okay yeah so but they haven't seen him no but they'll see his eyes um pretty decanter top but it's got a little chip out the corner unfortunately but that's too cute uh lid of a doll's pots which will go be used as well as this soon we'll be making a uh doll's house miniature film soon another mud locking miniatures yep um a gumby there's a very good condition there's corby yes i think it's in the best condition the best one we've ever found this must have just come out that has just been eroded because it hasn't been worn he's discovered it kate he's found out where we do all right we've been cat free uh gobby five stone knuckle bones knob all sorts of regional names for them um these are all our gobbies so it's definitely enough to play a game with which we will do what else have we got so buttons a little shank one to go on our button to drink a few beads this looks like it was probably from a little stained glass or something because it's very perfectly cut and just quite nice but quite nice for george um a torso no not also legs some nice pieces of you you think people have been missing you just making sure they all know you're still here you're still the most important yep i can't see sunny cat we got some nice um pieces of pottery with things on this one's got a house on it i don't know if that's even because the cat sat on would you some nice bits of pottery you that you're not going to be able to see so you can't see okay fluffy bomb balling away um i thought this was a person in a boat but actually it's a horse's head she said in the boat and it's a horse um lady i think is she a milkmaid she got a stop i can't tell she doesn't seem to have a head is good for craft um wagon or carriage maybe more of a carriage a bird's head and a bud but which is fit together quite this is what i've talked about before about what i'm gonna do is like make frankenstein parks and this is a perfect example and he's sitting on all the limbs this is we're supposed to be professional sonny cats um i found this piece of architectural tile which is quite nice again for craft so mum found a dense button which would have been dense gloves and they i we've found a dense button before and we went into a bit of the history of them but they are the uk's oldest or one of the oldest glove makers and they've made gloves for the british royalty and yeah very very nice fancy gloves and the last dense button i found was at that beach could have been the other one different button so on the day when i found this pipe you heard me say oh is it going to harp on it and then i went oh no it's just plain and then i came home as you can see it did struggle after the dirt was removed some of it did it go down the black hole but it does have a harp on it so it's probably an irish pipe and it's quite funny because um i only realized that it did have a pipe on it when i went to glue it together a harp on it when i went to glue it together this morning so obviously i found this in the summer we have a film coming up in a couple of weeks where i may or may not find a pipe very similar to this and i thought it was my first one but it turns out i actually found one in summer but obviously i didn't realize because we tried not to look at the roundups until it came to filming them well it's like mud lugging again isn't it yeah so yeah okay so um that was our last time we'll be at that beach we can go again um we hope you enjoyed um we hope you are excited about seeing us make the teddy bears we are excited about making you a little dubious um yeah he's gonna be wonky he's gonna be getting away from it definitely gonna be a wonky teddy bear so yeah that will be up on thursday and then next sunday we have a sea glass hunting trip we went to the beach the last time we went to the beach that we managed to make before lockdown so so much trouble it's just one of my hands honey um i need to just apologize about not answering any comments my laptop has been really really a bit peculiar at the moment it's a bit better now but i haven't been able to answer the comments so i i will get onto the backlog and we just have to say a massive thank you to all of our wonderful coffee donors and for all of the wonderful comments even if mum's not been able to answer them yet so yeah we'll see you soon we'll leave you with something out bye bye so so yeah some limbs you
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 10,270
Rating: 4.9817352 out of 5
Keywords: bottledumpsearching, bottledump, victorianbottles, claypipes, exploring, mudlarking, beads, fieldwalking, slowliving
Id: oM1WNHmj418
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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