Fossil Hunting Norfolk UK ,

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and i've just noticed my first piece of bone i normally don't pick up uh pick these up but we'll see wow this that's gonna be off a large land mammal i guess um i was doing some reading about this and i think these animals think the dates on these are like between half a million to two million years old huh i didn't expect that i think i say that on every video but so we've only just got here so maybe i can find something a bit more recognizable but there's a large chunk of bone you can see the honeycomb structure cool so i'm i'm gonna come back down here tomorrow and uh conditions may be quite favorable as you can see here there's been some quite monumental cliff falls and uh this material has slammed down it came through this sea defense now it's been washed away by the sea and uh the sea defense has been damaged but i don't i don't think that it's gonna be replaced so the sea is gonna get further in it's all this material it's being washed to reveal any fossils within this is all different time periods there's a real mix up of sediments here by glacial movements i guess but say a few years ago i remember going up and down these steps now it's just the seas reclaiming it back to nature well i think i've just spotted my second piece of fossilized bone that's what it looks like that honeycomb structure wow yeah that's bone this side's quite smooth so it was the outer edge this piece seems to have eroded out of hair um that is a real mishmash we should be coming up on some of the chroma forest bed so maybe it's out there cool so i think this layer that we've got exposed here is part of the crime forest bed don't quote me on that but it's absolutely rammed here with shells so whether this is part of a estuary um i'm not sure but it's fascinating to see how loaded it is some of these quite big mollusks but these are not yet fossilized they're still soft so i'm not i'm not completely sure the age of this material but there's an insane amount of shell i'm not sure if this is the same material where the oldest hand axe was found it could be so we need to keep our eyes open i don't know if that was like 400 000 years ago we need to keep our eyes open for any worked flints but yeah look at this shell upon shell stick tonight not much in the way of fossils but this area has is ideal there should be some you know look at this it's nearly not an economics being fossilized in there maybe i'll keep this piece um [Music] it's possibly a coral i'm looking for bone but yeah what i was going to film was this beautiful piece of pyrite it's real shiny that is awesome i'm gonna keep that piece it'll probably dull after just being in the air looks just looks so shiny rinse i'm i'm still hopeful you know i feel as i'm gonna hit the big one i'm gonna see a massive piece of pyrite while i'm doing this but yeah we'll hang on to this i love this side how it's so fresh [Music] that's cool yeah it's a huge piece look at this not entirely sure what this is this looks a bit like a face but what on earth is this bright red thing [Music] whoa [Music] what sort of stone is that it's like red real red if anyone knows just drop it in the comments i'll keep that for now something different well i'm in such an an area that's just loaded with pyrite this is a huge piece that has the indentations of a coral but the look of it fossilized into it now i don't know the age of these but i mean they're so interesting to just look at these crystals formations there's looks like the pattern from the coral which runs through the pyrite it's a nice specimen but i'm gonna leave it here for other people i'm i'm personally looking for a mammoth teeth that's what we want here's a piece of pyrite that's formed around a shell nice just found this partial huge piece of ammonite sticking out of a a rock i wouldn't normally investigate but yeah it's in the the outer world still really nice i have found complete ammonites here over the years i'm not sure what type of rock that's in cool [Music] foreign
Channel: Treasurehunter11001
Views: 5,507
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Keywords: fossils, fossil hunting, Iron Pyrite, Norfolk Coast, Bones, Ice Age, Ammonites, Glaciers, glacial erratic, sediments, clay, Cromer Forest Bed, Wroxham Crag, geology, rocks, stones, mammoth, shells, beaches, discovery, fools gold, fossilised bones, petrified wood, cretaceous, pleistocene, geological layers, fossil hunting uk
Id: h4W0M4O8Oec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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