3 Days Ice Camping On North America's Largest Frozen Lake - Catch & Cook Lake Trout

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that the salmon you just watched me cook up I caught yesterday uh on open water in a boat with my mother oh yeah wow look at my hair woo and where we're driving to right now we're going to be fishing on the same Lake but through the ice I've got a truck packed full of camping gear and I have high hopes of getting up there with enough daylight tonight where I can uh set up camp on the ice the weather's changed a lot from yesterday and we're starting to have some snow flurries so I'm going to pay attention on this drive and try to knock it out and get there in a timely manner but my plan is to be camping out on Lake Superior for the next two nights in a row and be staying out there for 3 days turn [Music] okay welcome back to an episode of I brought way too much gear uh actually I brought just the right amount of gear we're going to be here for 3 days so packed heavy hopefully the Smitty sled does some work for me all right well it's officially fully dark outside the funny thing about the biggest great lake is that the walk is a little bit further than I thought it was been walking for a full hour show a spot that I thought was going to take me 20 minutes to get to but I'm pretty sure we have everything now I get the house set up and nice and cozy cuz it's starting to cool off and quick I'm really sweaty right now I just don't want to let that sweat get Frozen and make me cold first things first we're going to see what depth are in here see if the map's [Music] accurate transducer to cold it's cooled off to about 8° out right now and apparently that's too cold for my fish finder I've never had that issue before so here we go working now so 66 ft here without drawing a bunch of other holes I don't think I'm going to be able to find like a crazy Break um I did walk all the way out to a point that I thought looked good on a map but it did say I was supposed to be somewhere between 60 to 70 ft here and that part checks out so I'm going to set up here for the night might end up moving the house a little bit tomorrow but I think this is a good starting spot I need to put my gloves on it's cold okay now we have two 10in holes drilled in the floor La now I can start unpacking the sled and get it onto the ice this is the only battery I brought a little Dakota lithium just to run some lights all right always scary get it started the first time but there be heat for some reason those things just don't like working on the [Applause] cold oh boy all this snow around here is super hard packed and since my shovel is almost broken I don't want to lose it all the way so just going to use some ice shards instead batteries do not like cold we're all set up is it's officially two hours since I left the truck so that wasn't terrible pretty good actually for how far I went my app saying I walked 1.7 nautical miles since I left the land so we'll call it two nautical miles that was a hike but we're all set up now and aside from Whole hopping around tomorrow we're in a very good spot to be able to catch some fish in the morning all right there we go all set up all right so I had high hopes of having my uh my salmon for dinner but all the work that I did think I'm just going to have myself an MRE just because it comes with so many extra things and I can really use the calories because what I just did was a lot of hard work so we've got some Southwest beef and beans here and all of the fixing that come with it got myself some spiced apples I've always had rough luck with those heater bags so worst case scenario I'll just boil it in some water but we're going to try to make it the oldfashioned way first my food is still cold into the DP boil he stink hey looks like chili mhm jalapeno cheese bread ooh chocolate banana nut muffin that sounds awesome oh oh can't eat that I did bring a little fan cuz since the Heat's rising up it's really hot in this area and hopefully it'll help blow some of that down and regulate the heat a little more it's a rechargeable one so hopefully it lasts the 3 days you can see got some drippy boots dripping on stuff so this is a water filter um I'm actually going to be using Lake water for all of my drinking water because I wanted to save on water weight so we're going to pump ourselves some [Music] water [Music] and it's cold imagine that I'm going to be up and atam early in the morning tomorrow so I'm going to get some rest it's about 10: p.m. I'm going to try to wake up at about 5:36 wow just got a rod down it is 7:15 in the morning roughly 7° fah outside and the Sun is just starting to come up on the lake once this light starts penetra in the water there going to be more visibility and hopefully it'll make fish more active we just have to wait and see this being the largest lake it uh it has every type of freshwater fish in it so we really could catch anything from steel head to King Salmon but the most common fish we're going to catch is a lake trout so that's what we're going after on on what is it what is this it's not a lake drought it's big whatever it is oh my gosh it's the biggest freaking white oh it's a lake tro it is Lake tro whoa what a way to start little Laker holy cow he's got a big gash in him look at that crazy there's the first one of the trip right there nice lake trout get him back oh that was so cool dude oh it always feels good getting the goose egg out of the house early only been jigging for 15 minutes here we've already got our first fish and there was two more with it that was awesome you know I had to go with some Timmy Hortons since we're in Canada lake trout oh boy there we go there we go oh this is a good fish oh God he's hooked on the floor that's not good no crazy status Laker Laker we're going to keep this one [Music] [Music] oh number three for me that fish little guy all right well I just lost another fish at the hole um got caught three fish so far kept two but I'm starting to get hungry so I think I'm going to dive into my my salmon oniri it's like a disassembled oniri but sounds like good lunch what help if I had a [Music] spoon oh my gosh a coming in right [Music] now literally one on the screen you go these fish don't even want to let me eat in peace oh God my T just blew over oh no I didn't get any of that on video but my tent just BW over I thinking like it's across the lake [Applause] holy cow I wish I would have got that on video that was insane well I was just going to do an update earlier and say that it's been getting a lot windier out but that's apparent this house literally just flipped over and dumped all of my sleeping gear out and it's blown out onto the shore over there you have no idea how badly I wish that I had that on GoPro I uh I shut it off earlier because I was worried about uh having enough batteries out here and I wasn't seeing fish so I shut it off but I have uh I have the ice steaks and last night I couldn't get that one to bite and I gave up just cuz I thought it wasn't going to get too windy out for me but turns out that this lake is unpredictable so now I get to go on an adventure and see if I can find my sleeping stuff because without my bag I am going to be in a bad position tonight for sure all right this determines whether or not a fin this camping trip right here oh my gosh I see my stuff all right I need to be very careful here because it's stuck on a heave but that ice that's in between can be absolutely terrible so I can't believe that got stuck [Applause] there I found both the things but now I have a long walk back and a direct wind so I'm going to try my best not to lose them oh oh I might as well been trying to tow a sailboat sail back that was intense I was all the way all the way down there just walked back in the wind holding that stuff it was like trying to fight me the whole time and I just was trying so hard not to drop it cuz I knew i' have to chase chase it back again the whole side's basically blowing in right now this wind is insane I sweat through every piece of clothing that I have so tarps off for now trying to dry it off and get my bearings back about me oh my gosh I've never had that happen in 10 plus years of ice fishing 12 plus years ice fishing that is a first and I normally don't even bring steaks for a house like this because I've never I've never had them FL flip over like that that's crazy fishing slowed down a lot um I haven't caught one since the tent blew over uh but I want to cook up some lake trout for dinner tonight because while they're fresh they're absolutely tasty so I'm going to go grab one and clean it inside to defrost a little bit we had a high of 30° today and the wind got up to 30 m hour so definitely one of the crazier wind storms that I've been a part of and even crazier on this Lake all right at least the wind has died down now finally still blown a little bit you can see cuz this wall is caved in but definitely not the 30 mph that we were seeing earlier and we've got some fresh fish for dinner it was definitely a a great fishing day I had a lot of marks and and I think I ended up with five fish on my lonesome must have marked at least five more but that's pretty good for Lake tro fishing all right fresh Lake throat nice white flaky meat little bit of seasoning and it's delicious I'm starting to find out that there may have been a few more casualties than I originally had thought missing my paper towels I'm missing some cilantro that I brought with to make with my Lake troat that's all that I've noticed so far oh my phone charger doesn't really help that that's a white cord so it kind of Blends in with the snow but um I'm honestly surprised that the house stopped when it did because it could have easily like gotten wind in it and acted like a parachute and just picked up and sailed away with how fast the wind was blowing today so I'm happy that I was able to get my gear back catch some fish and stay warm because that could have gone way more south than it did as delicious as it was um I'm a growing boy I also would like to save some weight on the ride home so I'm going to eat a couple of these freezer meals freezer bagged meals would you trust the freeze-dried pudding I think it looks delicious yeah that's good all right putting on my face maybe a little bit okay please no crazy events tonight now about all crazi out my brain was kind of in turmoil right right after that if I'm being completely honest walking back to go get the stuff I thought the whole trip was going to be ruined it was a lot but I'm very happy with how everything came to be it was a great day of fishing I just got to remember that just take a couple of deep breaths can relax now kind of just really hoping that those Stakes are enough to hold it down because I have never had a house flip over on me like that and now that I know that that's possibility a little scary but it's completely dark outside besides for the illumination from the big moon tonight day two is just wrapping up and it was a memorable one for sure good night Lake Superior my dental hygiene usually it's put on the Wayside on these camping trips not today all right it's supposed to get up to a nice 25° out this morning I think it's around 20 right now it's nice and comfortable nice and warm in the shack guessing it's probably about 70° but first cof all right all right got everything loaded back into the truck got back safe caught fish didn't die that's a successful Lake Superior Mission hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode I got a 7-hour road trip before I get home but as always until next time you already know the drill just keep on trucking
Channel: Mav
Views: 904,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mav, Mavrikjoos, mavrik joos, Truck Camping
Id: Om-IuKs2GqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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