How To Pray in the Spirit | My Top Advice | Holy Spirit led Prayers

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey my lovely youtubers it's me morgan tracy j coming today with a new video for you guys this week's message is all about how to pray in the spirit now boo this might be something pretty new to you um and you may want to know how do i pray in the spirit how do i know i'm even praying in the spirit and i want to give you some tips and to help you lead you into praying in the spirit okay so first of all let me just give you a general idea of what praying in the spirit is praying in the spirit means praying with the holy spirit praying through the holy spirit if you don't know what the holy spirit is the holy spirit lives inside of each and every one of us that has got saved that has allowed jesus christ into our life the holy spirit is literally jesus christ the spirit of god inside of us okay and so that is when we talk about i talk about praying in the spirit i'm talking about praying through the holy spirit the holy spirit is the spirit of god and so when we pray through the holy spirit we pray what god wants us to pray okay so many times we go into prayer and we pray what we want to pray we pray our fears our thoughts how we want our day to go how we want our life to go but when we shift to praying in the spirit we realize that it takes the focus more off of us and it puts it onto the things that god needs us to pray about so the first thing i want to give you about praying in the spirit is first off you've got to pray okay so if you're not really someone that doesn't really pray that much it's going to be a little harder for you to acknowledge and realize when you're praying in the spirit because guess what you haven't really been praying that much okay so the first thing you want to do is you want to pray in the spirit and it starts with praying more often this means you're spending time with god talking to god about your emotions and your feelings maybe turning on some music and just kind of pouring out your heart to god i know a way a great way that i know i can lead myself into it is through worship before i even knew i was praying in the spirit years ago i would worship god and as i worship god in my little dorm room in college guess what would happen i would begin to say an utterance sometimes it would be speaking in tongues but sometimes it would just be speaking words that i didn't really originally plan to speak i would be speaking maybe for a certain person okay so as you worship i think that's a great way that just opens up your heart to god and when you pray in the spirit you're kind of taking the focus off of you and putting it on to god and other things that god will bring to mind so another way i know when i'm praying in the spirit is because sometimes i can be praying and i'll think of somebody or a certain person this right here won't necessarily be someone that's usually on my prayer list i know one day i was praying and a lady from my job um who i don't know that well she's kind of distant from that from me um but she came to mind and so i knew that was the prompting of the holy spirit to pray for her i didn't know her situation don't know exactly what she was going through but i knew at that moment she was someone i was meant to pray for okay so when you are praying through the holy spirit he's going to bring you ideas he's going to bring you certain things and sometimes he'll even bring you tears i noticed sometimes when i would be really praying through the holy spirit i would begin to shed tears as i didn't really know why i was crying but it would just be this overwhelming emotion sometimes i would find myself just drenched in tears and praise to god during as i prayed also so sons praying in the holy spirit just as giving the holy spirit guidance in your life to lead you through that prayer see sometimes our prayer is a little too quick it's a little too structured we may start prayer journaling when our prayer drawing is done we get up and bounce that's not what i'm saying to do when you pray through the spirit you're giving that open leeway to the spirit you may do your prayer journaling but you give yourself time to just allow the spirit to shift you in the direction that you need you set patiently you might think on some few things pray about a few things but you allow the spirit to lead you to maybe some things in your life one major way i know how i truly pray in the spirit is i first i pour out so i start pouring out some big burdens in my life maybe i'm stressed about a few things maybe there's a few questions i have for god that i don't really know about the answer or clarity maybe there's a few decisions i need to make and i need to god to help me make these decisions and so i kind of start praying about those burdens and i pour out and i try to release those things but as i do that i begin to believe that the holy spirit is going to pour back into me and he always does so praying through the spirit is also getting your word i think having a scripture and having a word that god has been putting on your heart and reading that word will help you also get clarity on what the spirit is leading you to do and also clarity on what the word is ministering to you on specifically in your life the next thing is i will say is when you're praying through the spirit sometimes you're what you'll feel afterwards or when you're guided in the spirit you'll feel the peace afterwards you'll feel like a release i feel like it's kind of like a washing away this can be with repentance too but sometimes it's just praying after with the holy spirit you feel such a peace you feel such a relief you feel such a a freshness i call it like a fresh wind it feels free you feel free that's what it is you feel freedom after that and sometimes it's because you release some baggage sometimes you release some burdens as you can walk around some things and so the holy spirit is the spirit of god it frees you and where the spirit of good god is there's liberty okay so it frees you and when you're free you get to embrace the freedom of life you get to see things a little different and so praying through the spirit is a blessing because it changes you i'm going to give you a few examples of when i've prayed through the spirit and i want to tell you it's not only when you're sitting in your closet by yourself praying through the spirit is in your everyday life i was driving one day from once work site to another work site and i'm in my car and i'm driving and i'm kind of just having a little conversation with god i don't have the radio on and i'm just telling him a few things and then i heard this you never was meant to keep them but always to release them this is what i heard and i said okay okay who am i releasing and i have quite a few women on my team and so i originally i thought it was connected to that you know possibly but i didn't really know um and then a few days later one of my top women that helped me lead the entire ministry she had a little meeting with me and she was letting me know that she was stepping away that god had something else for her to do and you know what i was shocked because i didn't want to i didn't think it was going to be her honestly i just didn't think it was her i was shocked but then again i was relieved because god had already told me days prior he was already preparing me for somebody to release somebody and so that helped me in the process so that was a way of being led and praying through the spirit i was just normally prank about my own things and god spoke something also too something i will say is when you're praying through the spirit you will begin to feel a shift in your spirit you will begin to know when you're going into a different season you can feel the shift in maybe how you pray you can feel the shift and maybe you're fighting against god on a few things he's calling you to you can feel the shift when you begin to pray in the spirit you begin to know when you're in the struggle and when you are have released and when you have surrendered you'll know that and so that's one key about praying in the spirit is you're going to get guide yourself through this okay and you're not alone the spirit is here to help you but sometimes we grieve the holy spirit sometimes we fight against it and so what we want to do is we want to release to that and we want to allow the spirit to lead us to new things the next thing about it is when you're praying in the holy spirit a half you have to let go and you have to trust this right here is major because when you pray in the spirit when i say let go you've got to let go of your views your fears does this word sound right does this tongue sound like someone else's tongue i mean we can get all up in our mind but i want you to get to a place where you're willing to let go of yourself let go of your views when you try to when you're praying and you get to thinking about other things and other people and what you're cooking for dinner and you still got to wash those clothes that's when you recenter this right now is the time for the lord you've re-center and you refocus and with your refocusing and re-centering your thoughts back to god what you want to do is you want to trust again when you come out of praying with the holy spirit you just want to have a peace of i trust you god i trust you with my life i trust you with that person i prayed for i trust you with those burdens i trust you with that decision i trust you with the shift i trust you with the next chapter you just get a place in your heart that you trust god okay so that's my encouragement to you if you're someone who wants to pray in the spirit i want to say as you begin to pray and as you begin to work your gifts also you begin to watch the spirit overtake you even as i'm speaking the spirit began to move here and i'm not praying i'm talking about praying but as i even use my gifts the spirit can begin to to encourage me and to move me in the direction the spirit wants me to go and the same for you as you use your gifts and as you spend time with god and whatever you do even if it's washing dishes cleaning out your car listening to some music and cleaning up or whatever doing your gifts and your your talents whatever you do you can spend that time with god and in the process you can be being guided and praying in the holy spirit so that's my encouragement to you today i hope you got something from this if you did boop comment it down below and share this with one of your girlfriends and last but not least i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you go and get inspired to get into your secret place and to go and pray in the spirit this really inspired me i'm gonna go pray in the spirit because i already feel the need to pray in the spirit so i'm gonna go do it right now and i just hope it blesses you guys and i'll see you in my next video [Music] bye
Channel: Morgan Tracy J
Views: 29,484
Rating: 4.9815545 out of 5
Keywords: How to Pray, How to Pray in the Holy Spirit, How to Pray in the Spirit, Praying int eh SPirit, prayer, faith, inspiration, Praying, Prayer, Jesus, Faith, WOMEN, Morgan Tracy J, Prayer Advice
Id: cwUUULG96cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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