Be Fearless: Week 1

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freedom worship come on [Music] the reason I believe and it's rated it's flowing through my veins just like a manatee gives me faith so I see your will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my faith it doesn't shave just like you never change I've been loved with who you are so unless of me be my attend as I live you work now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I know I know I know I know that you are in control deep inside my soul I know I know I know I know that you won't leave me side myself [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] come on turtle give her a shot of Grey [Applause] [Music] my dreams are small compared [Music] oh my god you [Music] they will be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] churches continue to worship does anybody here believe that we serve a God who walks with us through the fire we never go alone through that fire come on you see these words there's a grace when the heart is under another way when the walls are closed and when I look out the space between where I used to be and it's wrecking me I know I've never [Music] there was another [Music] standing next to me holding back the seat should I have how I've been set free there is a cross that bears the birdie there was another [Music] while you sing all my dead left for dead beneath all my dad ever Deveny [Music] I'm the longer the slave through my skin anymore should I fall in the space between what amazing me and either way I'm things of this world I know [Music] there is another [Music] power save me [Music] by [Music] in the darkness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is no other pain [Music] [Applause] even wiseass the ladies and we'll be do it all so come what may and the space between [Music] and threaten me I know I will never be [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi Church medical aids family wedding to Lisa Hughes I'm pastor David's wife and we just wanted to take a moment to come out let you know that we're praying for you we're praying for your families we're praying for this community we're praying for our country it's been our honor the last 20 plus years to love and lead you during some exciting seasons exciting moments and it's also our honor to love and serve you during some uncertain seasons and this will be one of those uncertainties is of course just weird out there right now but I want to say this I know it's a cliche we stay in charge but cliches become cliches because sometimes they're really good really true and we just say them a lot God is in control all right God is not stumped by this he's not surprised by this our God is bigger than covet 19 and we always have a moment of Prayer right now and I know right now there's lots of anxiety and uncertainty and concern so whether you're here at one of our physical campuses or you're watching online right now I guess what God can work through all these different venues through all these different mediums I want him to speak to your heart in a very powerful way today so we're gonna invite God to touch us so maybe you have a personal need yes we're gonna pray for our city our community our country in our world goodnight but you have a need right now you're concerned financially you're concerned relation that you're concerned know about your health right now that is you just raise your hand we want to join you in prayer as your church family we're gonna ask God to moves only God can move so Jesus there are many things in the Bible you're a teacher you're a wonderful counselor you're Almighty God you're a miracle worker Lord we need that miraculous touch yes in all these areas but Jesus is so many that miracles the Bible you are a healer so Lord touch us and protect us physically we pray for those who are sick all around the world God healing power divine touch your anointing your blessings O Lord you take control you are bigger than this you will meet us in our fire we make this prayer in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is in control in every little detail you are [Music] here in the the tower of you friends use my soul [Music] in every little you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as I pray trust you every point don't you [Music] Jesus our [Music] oh Jesus we were we [Music] hey church brother glaze Stephen Chandler here and I just want to take an opportunity just to encourage you to be of great courage the Bible says God hasn't given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a psalm and what does that mean we rely on the power of God we're not gonna get self which we're gonna love on each other and we're gonna keep a sound mind we're gonna live with with some CBG be fearless hey CVG I just wanted to take a second to encourage your hearts he says that he's gonna always work things together for our good and be faithful when we are faithless because that's who he is so I want to encourage you today CBG be fearless what is up Church by the glades Hey is your favorite cousin you've got the teaching you've got the gospel you've got the light you've got the Holy Spirit we got this normally I'd say high five your neighbor and tell them we got this but just wink at them and tell them we got this one of us to lean in to second Timothy 1:7 when the Bible says that God has to give us a spirit of fear but a power of love and a sound mind hey this is Mack Rashard in Austin from Lake Hills Church and I just want you to know that Julie and I are praying with and for you all that God's gonna use this coronavirus thing that we're all going through right now for his glory and our good to bring people Christ and life and hope keep up the great work and do not fear hey there it's Priscilla and I just wanted to pop in and say hello to you and also just to encourage you it's such a crazy time right now but I wanted to just remind you that God is still good God has done he is the same the same guy yesterday today and forever more he's still the same trust that our God still has your best interest in mind he's still on the throne he is not shocked by the stuff that has shocked us this past week or two she loves you he cares for you be encouraged and I look forward to seeing you again soon hi Pastor David and Lisa and my whole church by The Glades family this is Chris cane I just wanted to drop in and remind us all that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind what a great opportunity to witness to our neighbors and friends and show the love of God the peace of God and the grace of God there's no reason to fear but we can operate in these days with great faith CBG be fearless well we have some great friends of our church I'll say sometimes you want to see your future check out your friends we have some great friends this are great leaders around the planet who love our church you're praying for our church in the season and speaking of Prayer I want to praise some more and this is a unique opportunity for us so we are having physical gatherings at our campuses so it's welcome right now sample Road campus Lake Worth campus two of our campuses I'm going to pray for in a special wait a moment because they are not allowed to meet so for the foreseeable future date CI and homestead are to prison campuses are not allowed to gather and they don't have access to the technology to even get to them in the digital world so they're kind of on their own right now but they're not our God is with them so I'm gonna pray for those campuses in a special way and speaking of digital world this is probably be the smallest physical attendance we've had a church by the glades since 2003 and I'm fine with that I'm so fine with that just if you want to be here I want to make sure you knew our doors were open for you if you want to pray with somebody see him face to face be in a physical room I wanted that as long as that was legal to be available to you so that that is a possibility today that's best in play but we have a lot of people checking out church by Church by the glades online welcome our online campus right now Pastor Mike is your campus pastor Lori and her team it's kind of cool so Lori Rowland girl runs our conversation our chat so if you're engaged in that Lori is a valued part of our church family and she has never lived in South Florida she lives in Phoenix Arizona and were her church Lori good to see you and your team today so lots of people involved in this because of church by the glades online do they probably our biggest online attendance ever we're gonna pray together and ask God to be so involved in this we're about to study God's Word that's always an exciting proposition for me and the Bible self defines as alive I pray that God's were to come alive in your life at a very powerful and personal way today so let's pray father God our cities our communities our country and our world needs your touch people are freaking out right now God there's all kinds of concerns what we're facing medically is unprecedented the steps our leaders need to take I pray you to give them wisdom but we are the people of God and the needs are not just physical the needs are emotional psychological and spiritual so god we ask that you would heal we ask that you would step into our reality you'd work a miracle we ask right now as we begin to study your word we would be so incredibly open god we pray for those who are sick healing God touched them God rescued them a God we pray that using this word right now you would touch the parts of our hearts that are sick maybe not physically but spiritually emotionally so God do your thing we make this prayer in Jesus name Amen amen put your hands together repla study God's Word and it is it's crazy out there hey people but asking hate we started last week a four-week attendez challenge is that still a thing yeah sure is still a thing and so if you want to know what the the password is for the week get out your phone you can enter the password right now if you missed the last couple weeks you're confused sorry but the password is wash your hands wash your hands is the password I think they're bring up wrote wash your hands all lowercase all one run together word wash your hands by the way if you're watching online that counts so you can just go ahead and log on wash your hands okay how do I introduce the teaching topic today okay if you make all four weeks whether they're live or digitally you get a free t-shirt pastors love free stuff pastors love free t-shirts I'm wearing this t-shirt right now and this is a free t-shirt at church by the glades in fact we were on a lot of t-shirts I was at a conference one time with a whole bunch of pastors this was several years ago and and the guy in charge very respected guy and he pulled me into a conversation after the conference but many conversations all these other colleagues of mine and said guys guys this is David Hughes David Hughes is one of the best Christian leaders at but what's he gonna say at guiding a church at navigating at preaching what's gonna say you said at t-shirts they have the best t-shirts at church by the glades so I'm the t-shirt pastor we were all some great t-shirts thank you guys for going to our resource centers and buy an art gear you pay his twelve dollars and you walk around as our billboards so thank you for that now typically we brand our t-shirts the most common thing is no perfect people allowed just describing the fact that we are a beautiful and broken people we're messy God knows that He loves us just the way we are but he loves us too much to leave us that way and so hey there's Hughes y'all can still make some noise man it closes arms let's be rowdy today you're washing online I'll give you some words to shout don't you shout if your Starbucks whisper there but have fun participate engage don't just spectate go ahead be involved with this so so you guys love free stuff I love free stuff so anytime they wrote a free t-shirt they leave one of my office but this one you probably can't buy because the fearless shirts are pretty much only our baptism shirts and so we baptize you on campus by the way no baptisms on campus next few weeks hygiene issues but Easter we're gonna baptize at the beach and we give people free t-shirt when you choose baptism a church by the glades get baptized and that shirt wear proudly later on that don't get baptized for a free shirt but they pretty much always say some form of be fearless be fearless let's say that together ready be fearless turn that turn and look at your neighbor hopefully is a few seats away and say be fearless let's their family be fearless but this one I like this one if you're up close you'll see it's a little it's a little faded this is from four or five years ago I've worn this actual t-shirt to my gym quite a few times I workout in this year but this one I like because I have the question it says one word or two words is that you know be fearless or is it just fear less right now we might be okay with just fear less there's so much anxiety so much confusion right so much uncertainty there's so much fear out there let's just try to fear less so we are in this series as Mike pointed out your host for online put out this series won't on miracles there are 34 recorded miracles in the Ministry of Jesus and the four Gospels we're gonna put four of the 34 the one today I change actually I wouldn't even scheduled to speak this weekend but in the world went crazy about Wednesday III pulled the plug on the place I was speaking I asked the pastor my good bowel out cuz I need to be if my people I'd like you needed your pastor I'm kind of your big brother your dad at this point in my life so so I'm home and he was totally cool he pastors another great Church in the area and so he's with this church and I'm back with you and I had to kind of write a unique message for this this season how to pick a miracle now this is a medical issue it's a physical issues issue of disease and Jesus has authority over disease there are miracles we heal sick people in profound ways but I didn't pick that miracle I picked a miracle when the issue is well it's a physical issue issue with nature but there's a huge dynamic of fear and anxiety and if you battle with fear or anxiety or worry I think it's really gonna help you look at Jesus power over fear and over nature mark chapter 4 Mac mark chapter 4 let's say that together even on library' mark chapter 4 find your Bible this miracle is such a big deal shows up in three of the four Gospels that's that's a big deal Luke records it Matthew records at chapter 8 of both those two Gospels but mark mark is probably the oldest and earliest gospel he tell us about this amazing story of Jesus and His disciples on the Sea of Galilee and the Sea of Galilee sea is a misnomer is a large inland lake but it's a big lake it's very deep and the weather patterns are very prone to quick and sudden change the topography or geography something called the syrophoenician reef it's a unique rift it's unique part of the world that this this lake is 400 feet beneath sea level so storms show up quickly and sometimes they're almost hurricane-force that happens in mark chapter 4 verse by verse again the issue is Jesus power over nature and his power over our fear and anxiety verse 35 on the evening of the same day I I got a stop right there anybody here you're prone to worry anybody you're kind of wired to worry you're a little boring send me a line in church I'm just doing my own personal survey in my family there are five of us and four of them worried like crazy mama both my boys and my daughter are all kind of like anxious people I'm the only person who's chill in my family I'm not sure why my kids did not get my chill DNA but they all tend to be kind of worried some people but we all so I'm not naturally a warrior but we all battle with anxiety and worry and for me it's always worse at night they've had a busy day of meaningful ministry Jesus and the twelve are tired but this happens at night and for me what I might issue and I wake up at 2:00 in the morning and I'm thinking about that issue it always seems embellished and exaggerated at night now wake up in the morning and it's still a thing it's the little thing I didn't make it up but it doesn't feel as big I'm not sure if it's darkness or exhaustion the great theologian Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi said fatigue makes cowards of us all and so maybe they were tired so on the same day Jesus their disciples let's go across to the other side of the lake so this idea of his boat trip is Jesus idea verse 35 so they left the crowd crowds by the way crowds are biblical when Jesus shows up he tends to draw a crowd the disciples got into the boat there was Jesus Ari stood him they took him with them other boats were there too suddenly a strong wind verse 37 you're by my say a fierce Gale it's not just like a little breeze man this is blowing hard because look at the results the waves began to spill over into the boat so it was about to fill with water Jesus was in the back of the boat verse 38 I love this too biblical detail get ready sleeping with his head on a the reason I chose marks telling of the story is he's the only one that tells that Jesus was sleeping on a pillow anybody love your pillow just love your pillow yeah yeah oh yeah you love your pillow okay I don't think it's his pillow he brought from home this is probably the seat cushion that the guy who driving the boat he would use the guy was Manning the back of the boat he asked can I borrow that but this tells me since Jesus took the trouble to get a pillow he's tired in fact I don't think this is Jesus had a little cute little like power nap I think the king of kings and the Lord of lords is sawing logs I think he's snoring I think he's out cold because there's a storm and he's not awake he's sleeping through this mini hurricane the disciples are freaked out and I like the detail pillow because that highlights the humanity of Jesus you see the Bible teaches Jesus is fully God and at the same time fully man well david has that even work out how can he be fully God and fully man so he's like I don't know 50% God and 50% human nope 100% God and 100% human I measure how it works out that's Jesus math but 100% plus 100% equals all Jesus and his divinity shows his power his authority he's the unlimited God the maker of the universe he's big enough to deal with your situation come on Church don't be quiet right now at the same time the fact that he's tired he's fatigued he's sleeping hard he saw maybe the king a king is snoring tells me he's human he deals with all the things we have to navigate all those human feelings all he's exhausted he doesn't like to be just just bone tired he knows was like to feel rejected to feel discouraged that's why verses like in Hebrews chapter 4 says we do not have a high priest Jesus who was unable to sympathize with us but been tested tempted every way we are yet without weakness didn't fail so he gets it you're worried right now he gets those circumstances that drive worry he gets disappointment he gets all those things all the pain that we've known physical pain he understands all that he's sleeping on a pillow I love a little biblical detail it continues Jesus stood up and commanded the wind be quiet he said the waves be still get ready and the wind died down and there was great louder one two three what do we need right now yes everyone is losing their mind everyone is freaking out right now everyone have you been to Costco oh my gosh people are going nuts right now we need supernatural calm Jesus calm our storm but start by calming our hearts if you will then a bit of a detail afterwards next couple verses just to wrap up this miracle then Jesus says disciples why are you frightened do you still have no faith but they were terribly afraid this time is not a fear of the storm it's like there is a holy reverence right here this is the fear of God kind of here it's a good kind of here and began to say to wonder who is this man that even the wind and the waves obey Him it's such a good story such AB you give it up for the Word of God ok let me give you three quick insights and I will let you go listen I'm not sure how many weeks we'll be able to gather like this in the physical setting but online is a valid option so well I got you here in the room got you here in the room three big ideas I've seen this story I see perspective I see opportunity and I see revelation we walk you through those take a couple notes on your phone if you will no matter where you're seeing this okay when I say three police say the word perspective one two three excellent a lot of life and stress and worries how you see an issue it's a matter of proper perspective now you've heard it said probably even in this room that faith and fear cannot occupy the same heart at the same time faith and fear cannot occupy the same heart at the same time now that is so tweetable it similar like let me take a picture and post that guess what feel free I've actually said that before it's not original other pastors that say but as I wrote that of my notes this week as I shift the gears to teach based on this unique circumstance I thought you know I don't know if that's completely true can I just be that wrong with you gonna be that honest with you cuz I really work it trying to be a person of faith I try to let this whole faith and God think integrate every part of my life and I'm not wired to be a warrior like people I know and love but there's some times I feel like I got faith and fear in my heart at the same time I feel like though this is a great statement I feel like for me just can't be it don't think less of me don't judge right don't don't be the person but think sometimes in my life I got the faith and fear thing going on I feel like they occupied the same real estate at the same time and that's the issue of perspective now if you battle with worry if you battle with this you guys can take that down thank you so much I'm not sure it's 100% true if you battle with this let me give you a couple of thoughts couple thoughts to think of something to meditate on in this conflict between faith and fear that goes on in this battle between faith and fear all the time I think that's the moment you're saved the dynamic changes whether you've been say for 10 years or you get saved here in about about 13 minutes google give you a chance to make your brilliant beautiful Jesus decision the moment you do that you are forgiven you're accepted you're qualified for heaven and the Holy Spirit of the Living God the spirit of Jesus comes to live inside you and that changes so much because he's the one that generates faith so guess what does that really mean the eradication of all fear all worry for the rest of your life don't you wish I meant that it doesn't mean that but it does put faith in the first position because Jesus has come to indwell in your life he brings system into mission of faith so yeah why faith and fear may still occupy the same real estate now faith is the landlord and fear is the tenant faith is now in charge so when you're tempted to be afraid gosh what you don't let fear be the roommates kick fear out of the master bedroom kick fear out of the living room say hey fear you sleep on the couch fear fear you take your junk and you go down to the basement fear it better yet once you go sleep on the hammock on the porch and maybe I cannot dislodge you completely from my life but faith is gonna be dominating my life I'm gonna believe what God says to believe because the Bible tells us to do things like this like let me give you a verse Philippians 4:6 and seven great passage for seasons like this now if you're prone to worried here's what this begins by the way this is a command this is a biblical imperative here's what the Bible commands us to do ready don't worry about a thing now if thank you up there now but if you're prone to worry you look at that let's go on now you look at that and you say great would love to yeah how do that let me give you some house it'd be some house and things to think about right but jot these down so here's like three or four things you can do the how to stop worrying number one understand faith is not denying the problematic it's not like pretending like the bad thing is not there Jesus did not wake up go oh storm storm what storm I don't see a storm here's faith guys let's pretend like the wind and the waves aren't real some Christians treat faith like it's spiritual eyes denial no to have faith you must acknowledge the reality of your problem covet nineteen is a thing is real right it is we're not pretending like it's not a real thing it's out there it's a reality with navigate see a miracle is God invading your circumstance it's got touching your reality so step one is yeah I must acknowledge the problem is really a problem okay David Thank You number one that helps me not at all cuz I'm so worried about the problem I'm just technology and the thing I'm worried about is really thing okay let's continue to unpack if we will because I've memorized this verse because I battled worry sometimes Philippians 4:6 Philippians 4:6 it begins translation I memorize be anxious are worried for nothing but in all things by prayer by prayer so your next step when you're worried they're like me it's two o'clock in the morning you wake up think about this thing I want to shift gears and stop just thinking and about God into the conversation in my mind disciples are frightened by the storm they do a smart thing they call upon Jesus they wake Jesus up invite Jesus in prayer so instead of just worrying about the thing I want to invite Jesus into the conversation in my mind okay so Mike just to think about mo talk to Jesus about this thing it's a financial thing God okay right now if they shut down businesses and I don't get a paycheck I'm good for like 15 minutes you know what do I do talk to God about that okay the verse continues be anxious for nothing but not all things by prayer with supplication and Thanksgiving so I wouldn't acknowledge it's real I want to pray and then I want to give thanks how do I give thanks for my problem not quite sure turn a page maybe start thinking about whole different issues get my promised wigging me out but God if I stop there's still a whole lot of good things in my life and good people in my life I can give you thanks for so heather's here on the front row in this room probably should have stayed home Heather because I know you have some asthma issues many ways if there's on the front row love love Heather she's phenomenal Heather one time said I can hear him what a teaching you did it was so bright you said when you're in this situation could you worry a little bit I know you you shift gears to thanks and you go through the alphabet she goes for the alphabet like ABCD and offers thanks for things so I'm guessing you know and get this simple but brilliant so I'm guessing a for you as your son Andy and B is maybe your blessings and C is Cuban pastor calm and D is d is D D G which she's hit doodles she said her dog is never son DJ de teammates you worked I'm not sure what you come up with X X might be a hard way but that's actually a great thing to do by the time you work through the alphabet you're gonna have a whole different frame of mine do not worry perspective perspective perspective some it's how you frames how you see your circumstance how you view it framing this issue so so let's look at the story this unpacking there's two things going on if you're one those twelve with Jesus you might look at your situation like this oh I I'm in a storm I'm in a storm I'm a professional boats and I've been a fisherman my whole life I've never seen a storm like this we're about to be swamped we're taking on water I'm in a storm that's my real I am in a storm or you can look it this way I'm in a boat with Jesus I'm in a boat with Jesus now wait a minute wait a minute here's the crazy thing both of those are true smart Christian people don't ignore I'm in a storm that's denial but you focus on the thing yeah I'm in a storm but I'm in a boat with Jesus and they didn't know everything here in this fourth chapter marked that Jesus was about they were still figuring out Jesus but they'd already seen miracles they'd heard his words they recognized they would just stop that I'm here with this very special supernatural person and because I'm in the boat with Jesus I don't think God's gonna let my life stop until his ministry is done if you are saved you've invited Jesus into your boat the vessel that is your life if you are saved Jesus resides in you if you walk in faith that pupper perspective your life without finished until his mission is complete you're fine when I say three say the word perspective one two three second words the word opportunity one two three opportunities if we keep our heads when the world freaks out there's opportunities there's opportunities this was the opportunity for a miracle the disciple is losing her mind Jesus did not boom miracle demonstration is power opportunities let me answer the question because a lot of people ask so why are we having physical meetings let me just tell you this this was not an easy decision this was a very carefully prayed over talking to other smart people smart leaders trying to navigate different things choosing not to open would have been a valid choice I think to lots of churches I love respect chose not to open the doors this weekend I get that I mean that that's not judging them I understand completely maybe in some ways politically the safer decision to make why-why-why open here's simply what was the more we heard from individuals in our church we heard people who were afraid who needed inspiration who needed hope and I didn't know how I could close the doors on that I just felt like it was just if it was one person who'd mediate a face-to-face we're not gonna hug you as we pray for you we're keeping space right but you need to see someone to pray for you now listen we may be in a position very soon we can't do that anymore all right but this week I felt like we could as long as we have legally we can stay open I wanted to stay open that was a choice I might look back in the future there's a bad choice I don't know but I just want to do that I just felt like being your pastor this long Samuel needed your spiritual big brother and your family now if you're watching online this still counts online it's still a great way to connect with our church I will explain that in a moment but here's something else you might say well David you know we we we were open but anyone else is closed not just churches of clothes I mean everybody's closed oh my gosh the NBA has closed Major League Baseball has closed NHL hockey has closed and no one in South Floridian noticed that woman hockey has closed right back over the Panthers got a business I'm pleased by that giant arena for us we could have Church in that arena someday I'm just saying opportunity just kidding if you're a hockey fan today Sunday Mickey Mouse is going to close when does Mickey Mouse ever gloat Disney is good Universal Studios is closed and you say Dave was all those closures that we closed maybe but here's one reason why I chose to stay open ABC liquors did not close and look I'm not really just trying to be funny I'm trying to make a point I'm not saying if you enjoy an adult beverage you know without getting intoxicated that's a bad thing nothing that at all I'm just saying this that is actually a smart business move by ABC liquors fact I bet they're crowded I bet they're busy why they have leverage this is a season with pervasive fear and anxiety and worry and some people are try to intoxicate those emotions so as long as they're open I want to be open so you might use spirits to deal with it I think the Holy Spirit's the better way to deal with it so I'm not jamming total wine or ABC liquors I'm just telling you they're open so I want to be open because I think there's an opportunity if we keep our heads when everyone else is wigging out there's a verse that's so powerful that's by the way a hundred percent immune to covet 19 its Romans 8:28 Lucas says is on the screen right now are on your on your phone it says and we know that God causes all things doesn't call us all things God is not making people sick right now all things to work together for good so there's a love God who called acordes person he's God is bigger this and if we're open there's something by an opportunity there's some way listen I think stay with the church I think this is a huge opportunity for the gospel I think this is a chance for Jesus to do some remarkable thanks to his people if we don't freak out I really do cuz why because right now nobody is worshipping Wall Street nobody has placed their faith in their 401k right now but your 401k is far from okay right now right and when things are comfortable people are self-sufficient but right now they're freaked out and I think there's a window of opportunity for people recognize their profound spiritual need they always have spiritual need but sometimes they don't feel it right now they're feeling it if we can step in that void in meaningful ways we can do some damage it's a chance to the church just to be the church historically this is true so what changed public opinion on the Christians back in the Roman Empire so go back in the first centuries of Christian faith because we were not very popular early on we're a small weird marginalized spiritual group we were not recognized by the Roman elite or government and we were persecuted we were we were blamed for things we were misunderstood we were scapegoated so when Christians were killed me arena no one cared no one cared so what changed public opinion on Christians well according to a H Edwin Young he says it was a pandemic bubonic plague Black Death swept through the Roman Empire no cope at 19 is bad with the mortality rates for black death about 40 to 50 percent and the Romans and Greeks the pagans were so afraid that someone in their family showed any symptoms whatsoever even an even a spouse or a child they dashed me to the streets to die by themselves and it was the Christians he's weird Christ following people who would start to collect the dead and the die and take him to their homes wouldn't Christians get sick yeah some got sick and some died Christians get sick and die non-believers get sick and dying and so brought them into their house and they love them and care for them as they did this more and more public opinion change people sought you know they're weird I don't get it but they love people they love people they're compassionate they're caring for people who are afraid of they're keeping their heads when we're freaking out there's opportunities I don't know what they're gonna be maybe as like schools are shutting down and gosh 60% of kids in Broward County get free lunches or reduced lunches and there's only like ten schools gonna continue doing that a few days we step into that gap maybe we're maybe a sample road we're cooking hot dogs every day for lunch maybe it's we're helping senior adults as they have to stay in their homes I'm not sure what maybe before you before you clap maybe it's sharing your toilet paper with your neighbors you got 35 rolls share your toilet paper with your neighbors man some of us grew up in countries where we'd have toilet paper all the time right share it with your neighbors just be friends that's the best church invite we've ever had right there put that on your neighbor's doorstep come on that's that's a great way to reach people in Jesus name quickly quickly I'm going a little long and I can't afford that because the massive crowds can afford that because the parking by the way parking was great today wouldn't Park you too awesome today stop cheering it's terrible the park you miss awesome but yes am I making live I'm having fun but we always have fun it may be listen very soon that the only way to connect our church is online and that's okay that may be because guess what we're set up for that we're prepared for that and you have a smartphone or you have a laptop right so maybe so listen this might be an opportunity so this is the smallest crowd we're gonna have since 2003 as far as people showing up at physical campuses but this may be the most important Sunday we've ever had because I think there are some ways we can connect with people and share online via Facebook and via our website that you're gonna reach people we couldn't reach if that hasn't happened so guess what who's techie who's techie in the room who's techie great who's like me and you're not techie at all thank you yes thank you all right some your old people should stayed home today anyways alright so I do Instagram really well I enjoy YouTube I'm not good on the other things but we have some people back I think Pastor Mike Critch is Mike around I'm Mike Chris Mike Chris is Mike give every white courage my Chris make his way the stage Mike is allowed to be fast cuz I've got a little long today but Mike is our online campus pastor he is highly techy so Mike I got one big question I do think this can be a window of opportunity for church I think we can reach people and stay connected maybe more than ever before via online so what are some ways for people like me yes who are terrible technology to figure this out make it simple dumb it down I'm gonna try so well water every years is too close to you my water's over here safe just face this way give you six feet here we're gonna talk about watch and share watching and sharing church is too good to keep to yourself come on pretty too good especially the way we do it it's too good here so you got to watch it and share it so the first thing make it easy Church by the glades calm it's our logo if you google it you'll find it top link church by the glades calm you type that in your search bar and when you land on our page the first thing you're gonna see the very top of the page is our live stream experience so you click to watch CBG live now and that will stream you to our live stream now this is an interactive experience just like you'd be here in a community of people you can interact with people that are also watching online you mentioned Laurie earlier she does a great job of hosting that chat room so she can connect the show so you can actually talk in church and it's okay if you don't mind so it's fine yeah you see nice things about the sermon if you will absolutely absolutely shout pastor down so you could share prayer requests in here anything that you might be going through in a season of struggle that you're going through so you can share what's going on with you ask for prayer interact with other people let us know where you're joining us from could you please pray for my dad no no some prayer for his cat you know we'll get some prayer requests that's a great way that's the best streaming watching experiences that through our website now I'll show you Facebook everyone's on Facebook right who's on Facebook Facebook's huge Facebook's taking over the world second to Google so if we have live videos this is also a live stream of each service during our service times we're streaming to Facebook and Facebook again has that interactive experience another host that's in that area so you could start a watch party you see that on the right-hand side start a watch party so that's another girl what does it mean what's a watch party mean yeah so if I click on that button in the chat or I'll show you in a second how to share that button if you start a watch party you're basically gonna stream another separate watch party where you're watching it but you can invite your friends to watch with you on Facebook live so that another way to do it is just click that share button in the middle and start a watch party so that's a great way to start your own chat interact with your friends you're all watching church separate but together part of the church family ok how about say YouTube yeah so YouTube is another great way this is where we archive everything that you see in this room is online and this is a great way to like invite your friends when you're grabbing YouTube channel yes just CB glaze competent search they'll take you to our channel and you'll see all our resources right there yeah I got the color even our creative pieces amazing way to show somebody what church is like sometimes it's hard to explain what church by the glades is like true some people think church and they have a totally different idea in their head that they don't know what church by the glaze use like phone don't buy people all the time so a church they don't think so I'll show them examples from Instagram of what we do exactly exactly exactly so creative pieces you can share them to social media even just copy the link text that to your friends easy easy ways to watch and share ok listen so this might be the most important part of this talk and this might be as important Sunday we've had and forever mm-hmm because you need this information what I love is yes it's a great way to stay connected get over pastor my cousin charge that but listen here here's what's so important share this let's take the two ideas there's all the sphere this is this gap ABC liquors are trying to fill this gap if you will they charge you money we do this stuff for free so if you use Facebook use those different platforms and you start sharing us I want all of you to become Church by The Glades online evangelists I want you sharing this with a hundred people I want it's going crazy we're gonna create content during the week I'm most ready if we shut down the physical buildings I'll do devotionals or the staff every single day if you go to my Instagram and you want someone to pray for you if you make a comment I'll pray for you now listen don't leave me a paragraph leave me two sentences that's my promise if there's a thousand people on there asking for prayer from me operate by name or by handle whatever you choose it's a promise what this is going on I will pray for you personally because you need the prayer and I probably need the practice so we're gonna make sure this might be the most connected we've ever ever been go to our website to see what things we can and cannot do right now what life groups are having me not happy like I know celebrate recovery it's gonna keep happening on Thursday at this campus I know you guys need to me says low as long as this let's just illogical or illegal we're gonna try to make these things happen the best we can but stay stay stay connected and share connect and share connect and share connect and there you go man spread the word spread the word step into the gap there's an opportunity for us to exploit in Jesus name and then quickly revelation say the word revelation I'm almost done revelation a love verse 41 they're afraid it's a different kind of fear and so holy fear and they're like who was this man wind and waves obey Him I'll just say this this these are tough times but if you're a person of faith and you're trying to be fear less or just fear less there's certain information about God certain God truth you'll never discover during calm seas there's certain great profound truths about God you only learn in the context of a storm and why is it as Christians we want to live miraculous as life's gods I want a miracle God I need a miracle that we constantly prayed that God would keep us safe from any circumstance that were required divine intervention so when the story there are two things taking place right in this story if you're if you're Nathaniel if you're Thomas if you're Peter if you're James you die you could think oh my gosh I'm in a storm I'm in a storm I am in a storm or you could frame it yeah I'm in a storm but I'm also in a boat with Jesus they're both true they're both true and now they're both true they're both required for a miracle no storm without Jesus your boat you just got a storm you've got a cry so you've got an issue but no storm is just Jesus at the boat you just got a boat ride it takes both so I don't like the problematic any more than you do I don't like issues that might generate stress but we're in this storm right now just make sure Jesus is in your boats and we will invade this void this emotional vacuum right now and people are looking for answers and people are frustrated and people confused as we got something no one else has why cuz they've all shut down MBA has shut down I missed LeBron already right Major League Baseball's I never really started is shut down ESPN it's got nothing right now but we have hope we are the Church of Jesus Christ we have vision we have purpose we have supernatural peace we have a miracle working God we have the promises of Scripture we have all these things that cling to we got something to save and we got something to share this is our opportunity this is our revelation you be the church whether we physically or not it doesn't matter any time any place two or three or more gathered in Jesus name he's there in their mist let me pray for you remain standing father God we receive your calling and commission in this uncertain season we will trust you touch us uses someone today at a campus someone today online via the chat needs to give their heart to Christ they need Jesus in their boat they're gonna make that brilliant move the rest we recognize we are commissioned to make a difference use us help us maximize prayer flee with humility this opportunity in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 4,968
Rating: 4.9012346 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, message, fun, covid, covid19, fear, fearless, fear less, anxiety, worry, church live, church online, online church, fearless 5, fearless five, coronavirus church, coronavirus, help, pain, quarantine, bored, inspiration, happiness, guidance, peace, Jesus, God, Bible, truth, sadness, church streaming, toilet paper
Id: kPOxLx6E7UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 19sec (3499 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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