Best Grind Spots in 2024 | TUVALA - ENGAME | NO BULLSHIT GUIDE | Black Desert Online

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yo guys what's going on Vice here today I will be making a guide on where you should grind where you get the best silver for your gear and I will be going over like different gear phases so different AP brackets Etc but I will not be going through every single gear that you have and I won't cover every spot in the game I will just do the best ones okay and this isn't a guide for land specific but I can provide numbers that I grind into on my L obviously so the class you're playing might be better might be worse in some spots but it's pretty much all like approximately the same I'll be using this G of tool guide here to show you what gear you should have but keep in mind guys this is not a gear guide I'll say it again and I'll probably put it on the screen this video is not a gear guide all right got it perfect so guys when you get out of the season this is kind of the gear you'll be having maybe like a destruction stone or something but it's going to be around this AP right maybe you take the Ring The penosha Ring or the necklace who knows but this is approximately what you'll have at this stage you should be fitting uh you should be sitting at all the desert spots okay like Centaur cadri maybe don't go here don't go don't go to the South but you can go to gajas if you want you can do already said CES you can go to the cres shrine you can go titam Valley these desert spots are all really good personally the best one is probably sental ser but you're going to have to play class that fits the spot like Valkyrie zerker Musa Lan for example is really at this spot I see a lot of people grinding their on line is really awful you will be better off going to Krick for example it just depends on your class like maybe go to your class Discord and ask them what they think about Centaurus um because it's not for everyone like stamina start class for example these spots will grant you 600 million usually at this gear it'll give you about 600 million it's pretty good you know one that's also really good is Road s for mines that's where I spent most of my time when I was low gear and you're going to stick there for a pretty good while they give decent cfas and as I said it's pretty okay money okay moving on we have about like 267 to 269 gear um at this stage you can start getting into obvious spots like uh or camp for example swamp Naga or fogan and biragi of course I wouldn't recommend going alter imp it's a dual spot but the spot sucks it's then we have castle ruins as well but it's also so please don't go there um I just focus on these three as they give you all the shot you need like the these cookies right you can skip doing nagas for bari as it gives you more shards and I just I just hate this spot it's not fun but these are the main Spots You're going to be looking at when you're around 269 AP you might think it's uh maybe a little low and you are right with that assumption but you can start going here right you won't p optimal numbers you'll probably pull somewhere in between from 500 million to like 700 800 million but it's a good start right 800 mil is pretty good besides these alvia spots you can also go to sria it says 3 230 but that's we don't go here 230 that's way too low S as a spell where you can also earn like 5 to 800 mil obviously it depends on many how many Tong you get and then one other spot you can go to is gruga ruins uh I haven't been here in a while but the spot used to be really cracked and it's probably still really good it just it's a spot that takes skill to grind so to say um I have a video on it so if you want to look what I do in this video you can try to copy it but it's also about 5 to 800 mil at that gear and then the last spot on the list we have which is one of my favorite spots actually is th with Forest not the DECA version the regular version I just enjoy grinding here and this spot honestly gives a lot of cafas and you're going to be needing them anyway right so just see which spot is like most fun to you and where you succeed the most but I'll say it again and I'll probably put it on the screen somewhere but uh Oran swamp Naga fogans vagen then we have sria we have kuga and we have the Thornwood Forest moving on we have 281 AP and about 350 DP it's about like 281 till 285 right that's what I'm going to be like playing with here at this stage Orcs where is it Orcs becomes really good Orcs can be obviously it depends on players but it's usually about 800 million silver guaranteed it's guaranteed it just depends on how many seeds you get after that Orcs was like basically the spot that I grinded the most in the game at that AP it's also my first big video I would say um it's really good on most classes and now with the money changes as well it's really easy to grind right you don't have to fly around the castle and everything you just walk in a circle in the mar room after Orcs we have Jade solid Forest you you should start going going here definitely if you hit like 281 uh yeah 281 that's when you can start going here you won't make the most money but you're going to get used to it this spot which is for Medi po part because when you get more gear then this spot spot becomes Ultra cracked just hear me out okay and then also if you're 281 you can go to where is it Primal Giants post which is also a really solid spot it's U 800 mil guaranteed at that gear for me was at least and it's pretty simple to grind but you just have to be careful cuz these mobs can definitely hurt um you're definitely going to have to be careful with that one especially when the boss spawns I'm not responsible for losing any crystals okay I told you guys be careful okay and then we move on to 293 like 291 293 till 297 it's pretty much all the same you can still go to Primal Giants it's just going to keep getting better same with Orcs you're probably going to make like a million guaranteed at these Bots but what I would recommend at least whenever you have aggas literally anytime you have agas don't go anywhere else use it at Jade Starlight Forest please guys this spot is lowkey until you unlock like the end end game spots this is the best spot in a game for money and let me show you I won't be taking the averages on garoth because 30k it's pretty ass that's that's pretty okay but again it's average but let me just show you my numbers for example here this is obviously I have a little bit more AP but it it is within the bracket I said it's 297 and I got about 50k obviously I got a flame but if we put 50k in here that is almost 1 billion in liquid silver okay guys I know 50k is pretty you have to be good at the spot and you have to be good at your class but even if you don't get 50k let's say 40K which is 10K less right that is almost 800 million in liquid silver and if you want to take a look at how many caos I'm getting here then you can just put the numbers together right this spot is the most crack spot in a game I'm saying it and it just gets better the more gear you get okay enough sing about Jade video coming soon by the way I'll be recording soon when I go there um the next SP you can go to is G Underground when you hit 297 you can start going here right because it's pretty good cafas without agas and it's very good XP obviously I think it's one of the highest XP spots in the game but don't expect the highest numbers it's probably going to be lower than ORS I'm Giants if you start here with 297 but it's again same principle you're just getting used to the spot because when we get to our next bracket which is 301 you can come here again and you'll be making a lot more money for me this spot is basically 1 billion guaranteed now with 301 AP when you hit 301 you can also start going hex Sanctuary like alvia of course and it's it's also going to be 1 billion guaranteed I've been really enjoying the spot um not just because I'm getting their despairs the money room is just really fun and as I said it's 1 billion guaranteed so whatever right then the next spot you can start going to again you can start you won't make the most optimal money but you can start is thorwood Forest and deia version obviously it depends on your class if you play Guardian you're just going to go crazy here but if you play L for example it's um it works right but it's not the most efficient I just do it because I enjoy the spot and it gives quite a lot of cafas then you can start doing olens as well you'll probably get accepted into groups when you have 301 AP but that's the problem with the spot you need a group you can also start going to Ash Forest I personally haven't been here um I know it's obviously for the DEA necklace but I haven't been here but I know that the games are okay right the money here is okay people just mainly go here to get the DEA DEA necklace or the lung moving on we have three five at this point I feel like you already know how to play the game and you know which spots are good but I will still tell you which spots uh you can go to obviously if th vorus just becomes better if you get more AP then you can go to is it you can go to troll habitat which is a crazy crazy spot which is like I feel like it's uh definitely above a billion guaranteed as well and it just depends on the player what you get here cuz getting diss from LV Calon is fake the barely happens but it's definitely like one 1.2 Bill spot and then you can look at the desert again we have the akman temple in DEA version and we have the history of ruins in DEA version you can go here and it'll be good but I'll warn you you're going to have weight problems here cuz you can bring your horse into the spot so you're going to be needing a lot of maids and let me tell you 12 Maids that I have are not enough at all and I have above 2K weight and not everybody has above 2K weight like 2K is a lot already okay but if you don't have mates you're in the spot you're literally because you're going to be overweight after some time and your mates will be on cool down so if you have enough mates go to De akman and histria these spots will treat you well even though hisa is uh better I believe I try going there and I can grind there with the l and 300 AP but it's not efficient and these mobs really really hurt so please have enough DP when you go here probably yeah about 380 and then you'll be fine now we're getting into the big boy Aras 309 AP I feel like at this point you definitely know what you're doing and I shouldn't even have to explain it but I'll do it regardless troll obviously still probably gets into the one best spots of the game CU it's just ton of money then we have dea cyclopes it's also stupid how much money you can make here it's crazy you can also do de Ash Forest at this point you can do DEA Tuda if you have a partner this is probably also one of the best spots in the game you can do deia olens you can do crypto resting thoughts and in addition to that you can do every single one of these yulita spots G Highland is really good if you have the gear it's like two billion guaranteed Dark Seeker is really good I don't I think City of the Dead is the worst out of these spots um but yeah all of these other spots are definitely offro B and you can go to all of these I know it says 320 AP but you can go here and it'll still be good right and yeah after you reach this here like this year like over 3009 you can basically go to any spot in a game right it doesn't matter you can grind everywhere but as I said I just talked about like the best ones you should be going to and in addition to that I'll also talk about some other SPS real quick star end can be one of the best spots in the game but only if you get about five to six disos and also a very popular spot it used to be the go-to spot back in the day but as I said it's super R independent same with abandoned Mana story if you have a teammate fine but if you don't get a single drop in this place you're it's no money at all and yeah that is basically it that sums up my guide on where you should grind I just wanted to make a quick guide no bullshitting you know no talking around or anything just really quick simple guide because I've been asked to do it as well and I thought like it why not maybe it helps some people and yeah if you enjoy this guide you know of course um drop a like and a follow I really appreciate it and I'm planning to upload more so if you want me to upload a video on any spot or any specific topic then just let me know in the the comments and I'll see what I can do all right I hope you have a great day and good luck getting your silver guys peace out
Channel: Vyus
Views: 13,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7ynBhtWomAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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