BCC Sunday Service September, 19

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[Music] two uh we worship you and who brings healing jesus [Music] oh is jesus [Music] good morning church if you're here with us this morning and you are able would you please stand and sing with us as we praise the lord this morning [Music] everyone needs compassion everyone needs compassion a love that's never failing let mercy fall on me [Music] everyone needs forgiveness the kindness of a savior the hope of nations singing out savior savior he can move the mountains my god is mighty to save he is mighty to save author of salvation he rose and conquered the grave jesus conquered the grace so take me so take me as you find me all my fears and failures [Music] fill my life again i give my life to follow everything i believe in now i surrender i surrender savior he can move the mountains my god is mighty to save he is to say forever author of salvation he rose and conquered the grave jesus conquered the he is mighty to save author of salvation he rose and conquered the grave jesus conquered the grave shine your light shine your light and let the whole world see we're singing for the glory of the risen king jesus shine your light and let the whole world see we're singing for the glory of the risen king jesus shine your light and let the whole world see we're singing for the glory of the risen king jesus [Music] he can move mountains god is mighty to save he is mighty to say forever author of salvation he rose and conquered the grave jesus [Music] author of salvation rose and conquered the grave jesus [Music] so thank you [Music] seem worthy [Music] worthy of every song we could ever see worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you jesus name above every other name [Music] jesus the only one who could ever say worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me [Music] worthy [Music] worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you we live for you jesus jesus worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those [Music] who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me [Music] thank you [Music] upon your [Music] i will put my trust in you [Music] upon your love it is a firm foundation i will put my trust in you alone [Music] upon your love a firm foundation i will put my trust in you alone and [Music] there is none beside you open up my eyes in wonder and show me who you your are to those around me holy there is no one like you there is none beside you open up my eyes in wonder and show me who you [Music] love are those around me [Music] firm is [Music] seeing [Music] just come to the fountain dip your heart in the stream of life [Music] in the waves of his mercy as deep cries jesus [Music] jesus [Music] let the [Music] of his [Music] jesus christ come lord jesus [Music] come lord jesus christ [Music] yes foreign [Music] holy spirit [Music] is [Music] lord jesus come lord jesus comes [Music] yes come lord jesus come lord jesus [Music] yes god we thank you for your goodness we thank you that you never change you're the same yesterday and today and forever god we know you are good we know you are all powerful and omnipresent and all-knowing and we still want you here today god we invite you to just take over this service we have our order of things that we do but we don't want that to stand in the way god of what you have planned today god we want you to just speak to us today we want to know more about you and more of who you are and more of your goodness and we just want to hear your voice in a new way today god so just help that to happen today give us ears to hear and just open up our hearts and just speak to us today god speak to us as your church speak to us as your bride as this church body but also speak to us individually just meet us where we are god you know what we need we thank you that you are a friend and you are our father as well and our savior just be with us today as we worship you and we just lift your name high i pray all of this in jesus name amen amen thank you everybody for worshiping you can be seated at this time well good morning church how is everybody well today i've only got i've only got one thing that i do want to mention to you and it actually has to do with christmas which feels weird because it feels way too early for that but i'm going to say it anyway every year we participate in operation christmas child most of you are familiar with that and know what that is for anyone who doesn't know that's in short it's a ministry that we participate in um where you can get a bunch of small little items for kids either a boy child or a girl child and you pack all these into a shoe box and then you bring it here and they get packed and marked and shipped out to a center before they send those boxes overseas and they're used to bless needy children overseas and it's all done in like a christmas theme a christmas kind of a style so the boxes are either wrapped or have a lot of like green and red on the outside and the idea is to basically give them a little bit of a taste of christmas the joy of opening a gift that they really haven't experienced before and we experience it every year here so the idea is to send it to those children who don't experience that every year and it has changed um a lot of lives a lot of lives and it's really blessed many many people so um that is we're gonna be participating in that again this year of course but i bring all of that up because now is actually a really good time to start getting supplies if you're planning on donating a shoebox of your own so you can actually get some supplies now as a lot of back to school supplies start coming out and you see more of those on the shelves those are actually really good supplies to get for your shoe box pens pencils crayons colored pencils stickers there's really small coloring books you can fit in there you can deflate a soccer ball and put it in there put the pump in there too that's important you don't want to just give them a soccer ball so and a little like toy cars and you know little knickknacks like that so now is a really great time to start getting those things you can even put them off to the side and then when the time comes which i think it's only a couple months from now those will be ready and you can start packing shoe boxes and then as we have done in the last um several years now bcc has been the collection center for all of the churches and houses in the area so when other churches do this and their congregation members donate shoeboxes all of those churches take what they've collected and they bring them here so we see thousands and thousands of shoe boxes in a one week period so all that being said more information will be coming on that um very soon you'll hear me talk a lot more about that as as that approaches more but we will need help with that so just keep that on your mind put it in in the back of your mind there and um uh yeah something to think about more information on that will be coming soon um but all of that being said let's just take a couple minutes and greet each other say hi to somebody around you if you're tuning in with us online now would be a good time to take a quick bathroom break or refill your coffee or whatever you got to do we'll be back in just a couple minutes hey guys i got you each a gift no way jesus why awesome well i just love you guys so i wanted to get you something so nice laura you first oh this is so exciting oh will you look at this a little eight ounce can of coke this is perfect for me i looked everywhere to find a gift for you and this just seemed to fit i love it drew yeah your turn all right no way jesus seriously 20 ounces of coke yeah baby this is awesome oh jesus thank you so much laura we gotta go show richard our gifts come on okay hey laura is there a problem no i mean well yeah kind of you know it's just that every time you give people gifts you always give everyone else more than you give me what do you mean i mean like i open my gift and oh cute eight ounces and then drew opens his gift and hello 20 ounces oh i know what you mean well that gift is for drew well that's what i want go get it for me okay if that's what you want yeah i got a leader i know it's one liter of god's sweet goodness jesus gave it to me he did yes okay you know what you're going to meet somebody with a bigger bottle and you are going to be so fast check it out i got an upgrade coke 3.0 that is awesome i know well isn't that just great yeah hey jesus you rock what is wrong with you why are you holding back your best from me i gave you my best don't you see what's happening here you're letting everyone else's gifts steal your joy no jesus you are stealing my joy by giving everyone else more than you give me laura i picked this gift out for you that's what i wanted you to see i don't care until you can look past this all you're going to see is a can of coke is it working all right good so 18 months ago debbie and i came back to michigan we were living in colorado to take care of our aging parents and while living in their home we have done a lot of remodeling and though it is a team effort most days i go off to work and and debbie is home working on another project and our most recent task was to replace some siding on the back of the house and what we thought would be a quick and easy job was just the opposite uh we pulled some sighting off only to discover that some of the two by fours were rotted and needed replaced and so deborah replaced them and then we pulled off another section of siding and we found some of the wood sheeting was kind of soft and so we replaced that as well and i thought okay we can finally put up the new siding nope debbie decided you know what maybe i should go back and replace those that i thought i was going to leave and so we did that as well and that whole process reminds me of our walk of faith we pray god i need your help and and if you're anything like me we're expecting this this quick fix that god's going to zap us with the holy spirit and put everything right in our life or better yet god's going to zap the holy spirit of the people around us with the holy spirit and make them right but that's not usually how it works is it instead god shows up he's already done this thorough inspection of our life he has already examined our heart and he gives us the report and that report is not at all what we were expecting he pulls back the siding of our lives and he says you've got some rotten wood here and there's some more here and and there's some more over there well god doesn't call it rotten wood he calls it sin and the remodeling process he calls repentance and it simply means that we tear out the old lifestyle and we replace it with new attitudes new actions and new life patterns and those are the steps to a new and better life it's not a quick fix it's much harder than we anticipated but it is well worth it so how long has it been since you allowed god to do a remodeling project on your heart when is the last time that he removed some of your old attitudes and replaced them with the heart of jesus well jesus was not only a carpenter jesus is the great physician now when we go to the doctor whether we're not feeling well or we're just going for a routine checkup they always do the same thing they take us into the examination room and they take our vital signs vital signs help assess the physical health of a person and the four main vital signs of of the body are body temperature blood pressure pulse or your heart rate and your breathing rate some have added the scale of the level of pain that a person may be experiencing in that from zero to ten how do you feel now vital signs are checked on every patient it tracks their health and their overall progress and as the term indicates they are vital this morning we're going to begin a new sermon series titled vital signs that will help us take an analysis of our spiritual health and just as there are vital signs for the physical body there are vital signs to help monitor our spiritual health like our physical body we can look spiritually healthy on the outside and yet inside we can need immediate attention a runner may look healthy may feel healthy and though exercise is important exercise is not a vital sign in the same way attending church services being involved in a small group a bible study serving on a ministry ministry team those are all good things but they don't guarantee that our hearts are right so during the next few weeks we're going to look at some of the vital signs of our spiritual lives and today we're going to begin by looking at contentment think about the video that we just watched laura was perfectly happy until someone else got more than she did and then she got upset she was jealous it's not fair jesus gave her just what she needed because eight ounces was perfect for her and she was perfectly happy with eight ounces until someone else got more than she did and then all of a sudden her attitude changed regardless of what she actually needed and that's because happiness does not lead to contentment contentment leads to happiness contentment has been defined as a state of mind in which one's desires are confined to his lot whatever it may be in other words we accept where we are in life with joy and with peace and we're not looking for greener pastures we're okay where we're at this morning we're going to look at two different stories from the book of genesis and they're going to contrast a discontented heart with a contented heart so if you have your bibles turn with me to genesis chapter 3 or you can follow on the screen but we're going to discover how a lack of contentment changed the course of history now the account of adam and eve in the gardens what we're going to look at and from this passage of scripture we're going to sign we're going to discover four signs of a discontented heart and the first one is a discontented heart thinks i deserve more rather than be grateful adam and eve wanted more and they thought they deserved more and that's why it was so easy for satan in the form of the serpent to lead them astray they already had these thoughts all satan had to do was play in their emotions and so when we let our emotions control us we don't think clearly and we easily get swayed let's pick up in genesis chapter 3 verse 1. the serpent talking said did god really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden the woman replied it's only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat god said you must not eat it or even touch it if you do you will die i find it interesting eve could quote the word of god but she didn't necessarily believe it we continue on you won't die the serpent replied to the woman god knows that your eyes will be open as soon as you eat it and you will be like god knowing both good and evil the woman was convinced didn't take much convincing did it she saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious and she wanted the wisdom it would give her so she took some of the fruit and she ate it then she gave them to her husband who was with her and he ate it too why did eve and adam as well why did they give him so easily because satan played on what they had already been thinking had they begun had they been convinced of god's goodness that god had their best interest in mind then they wouldn't have given the temptation a second thought unfortunately they were both already questioning god i want more i deserve more why is not god given it to me like lauren the coke but it doesn't end there a second sign of an uncontented heart is longing for that which we don't have or we can't have adam and eve could eat from any tree in the garden except one but rather than be grateful and appreciate and give thanks to god for what he had provided they craved the one thing that was off limits isn't that like us i mean as soon as we're told no is isn't that the very thing we focus on why can't i have that i deserve that i want it and i'm going to have it and so we plan our strategy on how we're going to get it and that is a discontented heart and it leads us to pursue after something different something more something new something that will somehow fill that void or emptiness that's in our lives that's in our heart it can be a new romance it could be a new car a bigger house a bigger paycheck maybe a title and some recognition whatever it is it can be many things that we think will finally satisfy us and make us happy unfortunately we oftentimes pay a heavy price for that quest and it only leaves us more unsatisfied because happiness does not lead to contentment contentment leads to happiness let's look at verse 6. so she took some of the fruit and ate it we're going to repeat that and ate it then she gave him to her husband who was with her and he ate it too and at that moment their eyes were opened and they suddenly felt shame and so what we see here is that when we finally have that elusive thing in our grasp we discover it's not what we imagined and our pursuit was in vain and worse yet we often sacrifice what we did have what we did possess in the process it might be our family our career our dignity maybe our faith and now we're more empty than ever we will not find happiness or peace until we are satisfied with what we already have because happiness does not lead to contentment contentment leads to happiness sadly many never reach that point we continue to doubt that god does have our best interest in mind and that he will provide us with everything that we need if someone else has 20 ounces then i'm convinced that i need 20 ounces as well and god owes me and so as as a result we begin to place ourselves in a position to get what we're not supposed to have did you notice where adam and eve were they were right by that forbidden tree satan did not have to go looking for them they were already there the one place they should have avoided because they weren't content they thought they deserved more they were longing for what they didn't have and so they placed themselves in a position to get a closer look at the very thing that god said no to don't we do the same thing like adam and eve don't we place ourselves in situations where accidents can happen and then it happens and we think well it wasn't my fault i didn't do anything wrong we need to understand it was no accident that adam and eve were standing by that tree looking at the forbidden fruit it was no accident that they ate the fruit deep in their heart it's exactly what they were looking for they just weren't expecting the tidal wave of repercussions that followed same is true for us the problem is not that satan is more powerful than we are the problem is our hearts are already in a bad place when satan comes knocking and once the forbidden bite is taken we find ourselves excusing our sinful behavior and the truth is our excuses reveal that our heart is not right like laura we can't see that the problem is with us in our hearts it's not with jesus in fact if our hearts were right we would be convicted of our sin and we would beg for forgiveness well that's not what happened look at adam's response it's not my fault god it was the woman you gave me she gave it to me so he's kind of putting the blame on god and then look at his response it's not my fault it is the serpent he deceived me how often do we put ourselves in these compromising situations and then claim it's not my fault i didn't do anything or like that basketball player who knocks the guy down i didn't touch him look at the list again we think we deserve more we long for and we daydream about what we don't have or even what we're not supposed to have and so we place ourselves in a position to get it anyway and then when it goes bad we excuse it when we're caught and when we're questioned if we are not content with what god has given us then our heart and our faith is not healthy and it leaves us susceptible to those deadly schemes of satan we can be in church we can read our bibles and pray we can attend a small group we can serve in ministry and these are all good things and they do promote good spiritual health but those are not vital statistics they're just not vital statistics and that's why we can get a new job we can get a new house a new car a new relationship a new baby and they can make us happy for a time but they don't lead to contentment because happiness doesn't lead to contentment contentment leads to happiness and if we don't learn to be content then none of these things will make a difference in the long run our emptiness and our frustration will always return so how do we take an unhealthy unsatisfied discontented heart and transform it into a healthy satisfied and peaceful heart well let me share a prescription to cultivate a contented heart and let's turn to genesis chapter 13. this is the story of abraham and lot god had directed abraham to leave your father and mother and go to the land that i will show you abraham didn't know where he was going he simply obeyed god every day one day at a time and he took with him sarah his wife and his nephew lot and over time as a result of god blessing abraham and lot both their flocks grew so large that the land could no longer sustain both of them and their their herdsmen began to argue let's read abraham's response to the situation genesis 13 verses 8 and 9. finally abraham said a lot let's not allow this conflict to come between us or our herdsmen after all we're close relatives the whole countryside is open to you take your choice of any section of land you want and we will separate if you want the land to the left i'll take the land to the right if you prefer the land on the right i'll take the left and so as i read this i see three keys to developing a contended heart let's see how we do on these first of all treat people is more important than possessions abraham saw there was a problem and even though god had made the promise to abraham not lot and abraham had every right to say hey this is mine god gave it to me let me see what i'll need and i'll give you the rest he decided to make a lot his top priority he was choosing the relationship over possessions and rights treat people more important than possessions so let's let's make it more modern day tom picked leonard up from the airport and his lender got in he couldn't help but notice tom's new ford pickup it was beautiful he had just traded his in and so the entire ride they talked about their love for pickups the next day tom picked leonard back up to take him back to the airport and as leonard got in he couldn't help but notice two long scrapes on the passenger side of the truck and said what happened to your truck and tom replied well my neighbor's basketball post fell on it and he doesn't feel responsible for the damage and leonard's like well did you contact your insurance company how are you going to get him to pay the deductible and tom thought for a second and he said you know after a lot of soul searching and talking to my wife and we talked about hiring an attorney it came down to this i can either be right or i can be in a relationship with my neighbor and since i think my neighbors are going to be around a lot longer than my truck i decided i'd rather be in a relationship besides trucks are meant to get banged up mine just got initiated a lot sooner than i anticipated when we make people more important than possessions than the dings the scratches the dents that happen in life it's not going to steal our joy it's not going to steal our relationships so treat people more important than possessions well secondly we see allow others to have first choice though abraham had every right to to have first choice he yielded to lot and as a result because of lodge agreed abraham ended up with second best but in the long run he was far happier than lot why because happiness doesn't lead to contentment contentment leads to happiness and this is a tough lesson at any stage of life i still struggle with it as a kid growing up in our home the rule was whoever poured the glass or dish the bowl the other person got first choice worked well in my home i taught it to my kids and even though my kids are gone i still try to practice that so if i'm dishing or i'm pouring i try to make them as even as possible but i have to confess if they're not i always know which one has more and so what i will do is i will bring it and i will offer it to debbie and usually i'll put the one with just a little bit less i'll put it towards her and most of the time she will take the one that has less but there are times and i think she must just have the sixth sense about knowing when i'm being greedy i offer it to her and she reaches around the one i put near her and so take the other one and so here's how i know where my heart is at if that makes me irritated oh i'm not in a good spot if it doesn't matter i know i'm okay i won't tell you where i'm at most of the time but so it's more than just offering first choice it's it's being happy and content with what we get even after we've offered it but even if you're not content keep doing it because the more we yield to others the more we give them first choice the easier it is to have the right attitude and eventually that attitude can become second nature for us so treat people more important than possessions allow others to have first choice and finally a third key to developing this contended heart is praise god for what we do have verse 4 says abraham worshipped the lord and then verse 18 it says after lot chose the better land abraham moved to his new home and he built an altar to the lord i think most of the time when we think of worship we typically typically think of singing which is a form of worship yet worship is more about aligning our hearts with god's heart rather than how we express it so i want to quickly look at three ways we can worship we worship god by acknowledging who he is that he is god he is the creator he is the lord of all and without him we would have nothing not even life itself and so we worship god by proclaiming our dependence on him also we worship god god by counting our blessings so at the end of your day if you haven't done it throughout the day take time to thank god for the good things in your life and praise him when things out work out better than you expected and even if they didn't praise god because there are always good things happening in our lives and then we worship god by confessing our sins reveal your day reveal your thoughts your words your actions your attitudes and then confess to god the times when we let selfishness or greed get the best of us those times when we put our needs or maybe just our wants ahead of other people and this is important confession is not only key to repentance and key to growth but confession humbles us and it reminds us that jesus died on that cross for me not just for all of you but for me so how to remove the weeds of greed and discontentment and cultivate a contended heart treat people is more important than possessions allow others to have first choice and praise god for what we do have because we have life we have good things in our life that he's given us we have family we have friends we have faith we have a god who loves us there are so many things to be thankful for last night i was i was driving it was still daylight and uh traffic stopped in front of me and i saw the car i believe was three spaces up turn left and before it could even complete its left-hand turn the truck the pickup that was directly in front of me swerved over to the right and gunned it to pass the car in front of him so he could become first and i thought that looks like a foolish decision but the foolishness quickly became dangerous is he wasn't driving on any kind of pavement it was dirt with a lot of bumps and he's gunning it and his truck is bouncing all over the place and i thought he was going to lose control and hit the car he never did but what did happen was it was so bumpy that the tailgate on his truck broke off and and but it was still connected by a cable at the top of the passenger side and it is just kind of flopping all over the place it's banging the side of the truck and then it's coming back and i mean just back and forth and back and forth the pickup never stopped he just continued to accelerate to get past the car he pulled on the road and just continued going like it never happened and then eventually he turned left and sped off into a parking lot i thought does he have a clue does he even know what happened and it made me think this guy was not content with his place in line he thought he should be in front he deserved to be in front and so as a result of that mindset and that attitude he put himself where he shouldn't have been on the shoulder trying to pass a car which is illegal and dangerous and i have to imagine he never considered the consequences of what could happen because of that action like adam and eve and a lot of times like us and and then i thought okay so when he finally stopped and he gets out of his truck and he sees his tailgate just hanging there and stuff blew out of the back of the truck i know a work boot flew out i don't know what else but his stuff is missing he sees the tailgate hanging there did he think what in the world was i thinking how could i have been so stupid because i guarantee you someone asked that what were you thinking how you've been so stupid he had to answer to somebody i'm sure but the question is did he think about himself or did he all of a sudden have excuses why it wasn't even his fault this week ask yourself some vital questions do i have any symptoms of a discontented heart in what areas do i think that i need more and really you can answer very quickly where do you keep saying boy if only i had this or if only had that what areas do you think you need more where you're just not content with what you have right now ask yourself have i experienced consequences because of my discontentment when did it happen what did it cost me because that's how we learn those lessons in fact ask yourself how has needing more caused me to lose sight of what i have and many times what's most important in my life think about your current situation how would a contended heart affect your attitude right now how would a contented heart affect your relationships with those you love how would a contented heart affect your faith i think if we begin cultivating this contented heart we're going to find that our attitude change and we're going to have more peace and those little things that used to irritate us they don't irritate us anymore like they once did happiness does not lead to contentment but contentment leads to happiness let's pray god we thank you for this day and lord so often we're like lord in that video that you give us something we're excited thank you god until somebody gets more and then all of a sudden we're dissatisfied we're we're discontent and we think you've held out on us and god that attitude sucks the joy from us it steals the life out of us it causes us to do things we shouldn't do we that we know better than to do so i just pray this week we would peel back the sighting of our lives and and let you point out some of the rotten areas that need to be dealt with and and show us where we're not content for we don't trust you and how life could be better if we would just say thank you jesus for all that you've given me it's in jesus name i pray amen hi shall we have communion together okay this is romans chapter five it's one of my favorite passages verse six for while we were still helpless at the right time christ died for the ungodly for one will hardly die for a righteous man though for perhaps the good man someone would dare even to die but god demonstrates his own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us much more than having now been justified by his blood we shall be saved from the wrath of god through him for if while we were enemies we were reconciled to god through that the death of his son much more having been reconciled we shall be saved by his life and not only this but we shall also exalt in god through our lord jesus christ through whom we have now received the reconciliation so communion is this moment we do all the time where we remind ourselves what's what and why we're here sin was so great blood had to be shed there was no other way jesus came and i was thinking about this little part up here where you know someone might have enough guts to die for somebody else a righteous person maybe it's pretty rare but it does happen it has happened i don't know if anybody here i doubt it is are you alive because somebody else literally gave their life not likely it's rare isn't it maybe if you're active military or first responder but i i got to thinking about what would my life be like if i knew that i'm standing here today breathing air because somebody else was willing to die for me maybe i was in some sort of life threatening situation and somebody saved me but in the process had to be willing to die can you even wrap your head around that right and if that had happened what what would my life be like from that moment on how would my attitude be right i think maybe i'd be a whole lot more grateful maybe a whole lot less petty i think i would see things much differently i would recognize what's important what isn't i would be i think i'd be different wouldn't you nothing would be the same i'm literally alive because somebody else laid down their life for me and anytime somebody asked me tell me about that what happened wouldn't i just say oh so and so is why i'm standing here today that's the only reason right but imagine the years go by and i get kind of used to it and the intensity of it fades and over time my story starts to change a little bit yeah because i think it's possible that we've been saved so long we forgot how it happened and we get used to the idea we grew up with the idea and it just doesn't have the same impact anymore that's why we take communion to remind ourselves blood had to be shed for me because god forbid i i come to a point in my life where someone asks me tell me that story again how someone saved your life and all of a sudden it becomes well you know i was in a situation and i worked it out i did this i did a little bit of that you know i used my intelligence i did something smart and i managed to get out of it and completely forget the guy who laid down his life for me can you imagine turning around and catching the eye of his father in that moment who's listening to me and the look on his face because i think that's what happens every time i think my righteousness has got something to do with how i'm standing before god or that my goodness or my sinlessness is what gives me access to the father i've forgotten if only for a moment it's only because jesus his blood and because of his life i live so that's why we take communion all the time so we never ever forget amen so heavenly father we just look to you right now and we say thank you for sending ishan and god forbid we should ever forget or get used to it lord i pray that it would come over us anew with new intensity that we stand before you only because your son came thank you jesus for doing that and lord we thank you for the body that you gave to be broken willingly with joy you gave yourself up for us at the cross take let's take the bread [Music] thank you jesus for your blood which you poured out for us willingly help us lord never to fail to point people to the reason that we have hope it's only you jesus we worship you and we love you amen [Music] [Music] lord i come [Music] i confess by [Music] you're the one that guides me [Music] [Music] my righteousness oh god how i need you [Music] our sin runs deep where sin runs deep your grace is found is [Music] [Music] holiness is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so teach my song to rise to you when temptation comes my way and when i cannot stand i'll fall on you [Music] jesus you're my hope and stay and when i cannot stand i'll fall on you jesus jesus you're my hope instead lord i need you oh i need you every hour i need you my one defense my righteousness oh god how [Music] every hour i need you my one defense my righteousness oh god how i need [Music] every hour i [Music] oh god how i need you my one defense my one defense my righteousness oh god how i need you well we not only need god in our lives he gives us all the good things in our lives so when you're out this week and you're thinking man if i only had this man life would be so good and i'd be happier don't be deceived happiness does not lead to contentment but contentment and being happy we're being satisfied with what we have leads to happiness have a great week we'll see you next time hello i could have your attention i'm sorry one two more quick things next sunday we're going to have a short members meeting right after service so if you could plan to stay for a little while right after that that would be great and secondly i have permission to share a prayer request with you for jill silver we need to keep her in our prayers this week she's going in friday for some surgery uh some some cancer issues have re-emerged and there'll be a surgery and then there'll be um chemo treatments afterwards so let's let's be praying for jill okay thanks have a great day you
Channel: Brighton Christian Church
Views: 13
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Kf-Ucm3aVHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 20sec (4460 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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