BCC Modern Service 4-4-2021

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good morning church could you stand and join us in worship [Music] feel free to stand and sing with us and worship with us we're going to worship god today in the spirit of the truth [Music] are you thirsty come to the world that never runs dry drink of the water command thirst no more [Music] come my sinners come find his mercy come to the table he will satisfy taste of his goodness find what you're looking for for god's of love the world that he gave us is one and only son to save us whoever believes in [Music] forever [Music] bring all your failures bring your addictions come lay them down at the foot of the cross jesus is waiting there with open arms for god so loves the world that he gave us is one and the only son to save us whoever believes [Music] now it [Music] praise god praise god from whom our blessings flow praise him praise him for the wonders of his love praise god praise god for whom all blessings go crazy praising for the wonders of his love for god so loved [Music] [Music] is son to save us whoever [Music] [Music] is bring all your failures bring your addictions go lay them down at the foot of the cross jesus is waiting god so loved the world yeah he is risen church amen he is risen this is what we come to celebrate every sunday what he did death could not hold him the grave could not keep him amen yes and we celebrate that today he is risen welcome to broadway my name is stacy we are so glad that you are here and if you are new with us a special special welcome to you thanks for joining us today we would love to connect with you if you are a guest with us and so the way to do that is to text the number on the screen 480-933-1482 text the word guest to that number we can get you a gift and learn who you are we would love to learn who you are um so we're going to continue singing and worshiping and i wanted to share something from a study that i've been doing this past week leading up to easter a study out of the book of matthew and the writer sums up what jesus did this way he says pause for a moment something too fantastic to invent something so incredibly god the creator of all in the womb of a woman conceived by the holy spirit the king of kings lord of lords almighty god was born of a woman laid in a manger walked in our shoes lived a perfect life and died in our place he overcame sin death and despair and in exchange gave us his righteousness his hope and his grace let us be humbled by this amazing love and mercy in light of our terrible sin and rebellion let us be compelled by this amazing compassion and view of our tremendous weakness and frailty and is when we recognize that we are not enough and it's only jesus that can complete us that is when the holy spirit can work in and through us amen let's go to god in prayer and father we can't say thank you enough for the redemption that jesus brought to us through the cross and through the resurrection of your son those who call you savior may be made righteous in your sight and we praise you and we thank you for what jesus did for us amen let's continue to sing here we go [Music] you [Music] you pulled us out of darkness [Music] [Applause] [Music] belongs to you champion of the world all of our lives belong to you you conquered the thief and stole [Music] belongs to you [Music] champion of the world every heart belongs to you [Music] and now these bones are [Music] now my alive free to dance [Music] [Applause] victory to you [Music] is [Music] bless your father [Music] you are many [Music] [Music] belongs to you [Music] champion of the world all of our lives belongs to [Music] [Music] all the yourself [Music] [Music] is [Music] ride with us [Music] every heart belongs to you champion of the world all of our lives belong to you you conquer the thief [Music] belongs to you yeah man it was [Music] but just changed my life just a child like truth that consumed my mind [Music] all i need to know [Music] oh [Music] just [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus loves me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] it was just three days it changed our world for when there seemed no way from the grave he wrote [Music] [Music] is [Music] loves me [Music] is [Music] you can be seated [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] [Music] me hmm mushrooms so um is that awesome or what [Laughter] wait a minute wait a minute you were all just singing like crazy out here just a minute ago was that awesome or what yeah yeah thank you thank you yeah that's kind of what we're here about today by the way just to clue everybody in we're all about the resurrection and how amazing and awesome and spectacular it is and it's so good to be reminded of of god's love through his son jesus in our life so if you remember everything from what we're doing today remember this that jesus loves you he loves you with the most incredible amazing profound love that you could ever imagine and it's really hard for us to know the depths of of his love completely but but he loves you and and i believe that's something that we need to be reminded of quite a bit and it's it is a simple truth but it's a profound truth in our life one that easter really uh reflects on and and talk and we need to talk about that love in an incredible way today by the way i'm john clunt i'm one of the pastors here at broadway christian church and so glad to have you guys with us today and it's it's a great day to be here on easter and if you came with a family member or friend and they bribed you to come today man we're glad they did um you should have got more um but uh also live stream we're glad you're with us today and we're gonna have just a real good time together we've just been blessed so much by the worship and and going to continue to worship through the the teaching time now so it was easter and you could say that the guys who were in this room were i guess you could say for better words you could say they were physical distancing themselves or you could say maybe they were even kind of quarantining and the reason they were doing it is because the week but the week before there was a lot of great things going on and they didn't see that week before they didn't see what was coming down the road they could have never guessed or anticipated the events that would unfold before them they could have they just would have never thought about it that way but things got really bad and they got bad really quick and so they're they're they put themselves in a place where they could be safe now here's the thing about these guys they most of them have either given up or lost their job and that makes their their future even more uncertain and the person who was close to them is is gone i mean things things are just bleak and they're not they're not going well now you might think maybe i'm describing last easter but what i'm describing to you is the very first easter you see we didn't we didn't meet last year and last year we stopped meeting on after the 15th of march and we had several weeks before easter hit but we weren't able to be together but this year we're able to be together in the same room and in person now we yeah we we were together we were together live stream and that was that was uh that was great and we were glad that we could we could have just that piece of it but in thinking back i mean man it's it's been a it's been a different year i mean nobody would have thought about all the things that happened in 2020 and how it all unfolded just like the disciples would have never anticipated what happened to jesus just just a week before they were coming into jerusalem and they had people just cheering jesus and laying palm branches down at jesus feet as he was coming into jerusalem and and crying out hosanna and and just giving all the praise and glory to jesus and i mean you would you want to say like hey that's a lot of momentum and there's excitement and there's just everything that you could imagine is going so well and then all of a sudden friday hits and jesus is arrested and jesus gets put on trial and jesus gets put on a cross he's crucified on that cross he dies he gets put in the tomb and he's dead and the disciples disciples never saw it coming although just in fairness they should have because jesus said it a couple times i'm gonna i'm gonna be put to death and then three days later i'm gonna rise again jesus said it but for whatever reason they weren't anticipating jesus raising from the dead john chapter 20 verse 19. it says that that evening that sunday evening so it was the very first easter at night the disciples had been told by mary and martha that they went to the tomb that morning and that they got to the tomb and the stone was rolled away and the tomb was empty and we were told in other passages that peter ran to the empty tomb and didn't see jesus and then he left thinking what is going on what is happening and and he was pondering these things and they were just uncertain but we find him that night in a room completely fearful it says that sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were fearful of the jewish leaders and by the way probably were pretty smart to be fearful because that's those same jewish leaders are the jewish leaders that had jesus put to death just three days before and so they were in a room locked so nobody else could get in you think about the the year that that we just had i mean nobody saw kovid coming nobody saw lockdowns and quarantines and businesses closing nobody saw any of that but 2020 was just not that i mean as the year unfolded we had uh issues with racism and riots and curfews and fires like our whole state seemed like it was on fire and you couldn't go anywhere you couldn't leave anywhere and then on top of all that you had the just crazy political climate and environment and elections and all the things related to that and and the news that was coming out and all the things related to things you couldn't you couldn't trust and you didn't know what to believe and and the truth was being just absolutely uh challenged in every way and it was just a it was just a year that just every time you turned around you thought what what's going to be next but as we started out 2020 it was like hey this is this is going to be a great year you know you always start your year thinking it's going to be a great year you always think hey man i'm going to accomplish things this year and i'm going to do some great things and then all of a sudden it's like whoa what happened what happened how how did it get so bad so quick and i think the disciples were just fearful they had no idea what to expect they had no idea what was going to happen and as they were in that room on that first easter at night time it says suddenly jesus appeared among them he was standing among them now i don't know what that speaks to you but to me when i read that i think to myself that must have been a really unbelievably profound like hard to believe moment i don't know if you've ever experienced this but i have not i've never had somebody who's been dead three days stand before me i'm not sure i want to to be honest with you but here was jesus just like and by the way it says suddenly like he didn't just like knock on the door and then they said oh it's jesus like here he's in the room and he's in front of everybody in the room he's standing among them like wow this is incredible moment jesus was dead and now jesus is alive the same jesus who they saw faced the most horrific awful most unimaginable death that any of us could ever imagine that same jesus was now standing before them and he was living and breathing in front of them it must have been just unbelievably like we don't know whether we should believe this or what what we should be doing in this moment but we didn't expect this all by the way they should have expected it because jesus said it to them and actually that's the that's the big part of the story is so many other people were anticipating something happening with jesus three days after his death but his disciples who spent the last three years with him were in a room meeting behind locked doors because they were just full of fear boy fear can do some crazy things to you it can do some just unbelievably profound things you know we don't typically think ourselves as people who are very fearful but oftentimes a lot of the decisions that we make day in and day out are based upon something that we think might happen to us or what somebody else might do or somebody else might not do and yet in that moment the first words out of jesus mouth or i think some of the most incredible words that you could ever say in that particular moment what would be funny is if he would have said boo but he didn't he did he did but jesus did have a sense of humor but what he said in that moment was so incredible he says peace be with you peace be with you i don't know what that speaks to you but you got to think about the circumstances that they were facing they they believed that the same people that killed jesus were after them now that they were going to be the ones who were going to be hunted down because they were connected to jesus and they wanted to eradicate and get rid of anything that reminded the jewish people of of jesus himself i mean that's what they sought out to do they sought to get rid of jesus and and now they were they were fearful that the same thing was going to happen to them and jesus says peace be with you you know that jesus wants to say the same thing to us today in whatever circumstances you're facing jesus because church and you have to remember this because of the resurrection because of jesus's death and his burial and his resurrection he wants to be able to have you here today very loudly no matter what circumstances you're facing peace be with you peace be with you and jesus can really get away with saying that by the way you can say whatever you want when you come back from the dead but he's trying to give you the biggest information that's ever been given we no longer have to feel or fear the circumstances and the events of this world and when they come at us see jesus can say to you in the moment peace be with you if you're facing a storm right now in your life jesus can say peace be with you if you're facing a relational difficulty maybe peace be with you if you're facing divorce jesus can say to you peace be with you if you've suffered the loss of a husband or a wife or a son or daughter or mom or dad he can say peace be with you he can say peace be with you if your business has just closed down or you just lost your job or maybe finances are really tight he can say peace be with you in any circumstance in your life now think about this just for a moment you see the the events of life that come at us from day to day those events oftentimes can just absolutely shake our foundation and they can shake they can shake the hope that we have in jesus because sometimes the events that come they hurt and they bring pain and anguish and the disciples not just were they feeling fear in that moment they just lost somebody that they loved dearly in jesus they loved him and now he's gone and jesus says the first words out of his mouth are peace be with you see the events that are designed to shake our faith and shake our hope when jesus comes in jesus gives us an unshakeable hope because he says peace be with you no matter what you're facing no matter what hardship you're going through jesus says peace be with you you see the events of the crucifixion and jesus burial and his resurrection are meant for us to be able to be reminded every day that jesus has got this no matter what we're going through he has it and the disciples were fearly feeling everything that we've all felt when hardship comes our way and jesus says peace be with you and then after he says peace be with you jesus turns to his disciples and he says to them as he just keeps talking he says see my hands and see my wound on my side you see it's okay oftentimes we we think oh i just have to take everything at face value and if somebody says it i have to believe it but i want i want to tell you something jesus turned to his disciples to let them know that it was really him because they saw him be nailed to the cross with his hands stretched out to the point where his tendons were probably being ripped in his in his shoulder and his pecs and to the point where he was nailed and as the nail was driven in just below his palm right here it would have hit a nerve and the nerve that pain would have been the most excruciating pain most of us couldn't have taken it and jesus had that happen to his hands and to his feet and he's showing his disciples here you want the evidence that this is me look see my hands and see my side lee strobel who is author uh just a incredible investigator in his life lee was a full-on atheist protagonist when it came to the christian faith and lee really didn't want to have anything to do with christianity and his life showed evidence that he didn't believe in god or anything to do with about god anything like that but his testimony is where his his wife becomes a follower of jesus and then he begins to investigate the claims of jesus he begins to just over uh several month period of time to to to look at the claims of christianity and jesus from scripture and from other historical documents and he comes to the conclusion that he believes that jesus is the son of god and he gives his life to jesus and he's written several books he's written books the case for christ the case for the creator and he's written a book also called the case for easter and by the way if you would like this book today we'll hook you up with this book i like to do is go out to the welcome desk and sign up put your name and phone number and address and we'll send you a book it's a really short read it's a great way to get into investigating the claims of christianity and jesus and i'm telling you when you read this you just see over and over again the mounting evidence about how incredibly documented not only christianity is within the context of the bible itself which you expect it to be but outside of other historical documents and just how profound it is to to look at it and go man i can't walk away and reading this to go but man this has got to be true and if it's true what do i do with it what do i do with it so jesus was saying hey see my hand see my side it's me it's jesus you just saw me three days ago on the cross and now i'm standing before you and here is the evidence so if you would like that book i'd love love to get you that that book today there's a couple of of things about the evidence of scripture and things that point to what the story of the death and burial resurrection of jesus that it is actually true the way it is there's a there's just a couple ones i want to i want to go over with you today but in the in the gospels in the new testament the gospels of the first four books of the new testament there's matthew mark luke and john and those gospels all have documented uh stories about the death the burial and the resurrection of jesus and and they all have similarities that jesus was put on a cross that he was taken down dead and he was put into a tomb and then three days later he rose from the grave but there's a few in those stories they also have some documentation in there that they matthew or mark or luke or john wrote down that are a little bit different than the other gospels and people look at it and go well that's that's proof right there they don't always they don't all say the same thing well here's the thing if if you and i were to see an accident out in the parking lot today after we finished i hope that doesn't happen by the way i feel really bad but if we were to see an accident today out in the parking lot and they the police would come and they would say okay you saw what did you see and then they would ask somebody else and ask somebody else you would all give your view and your account of what you saw and it doesn't make it incorrect or wrong it just makes it your viewpoint about what you see where you stood and how you saw it now if matthew mark luke and john would have all said the exact same thing exactly the way that they all said it we would all go well they rehearsed it and they and they they all went over their story before they said it so who can rely on that no you want it to be different because that's the way real people see events and circumstances and they can be a little bit different but the most important thing is that they all recorded the the death and the burial and the resurrection of jesus well here's a here's another one they say oftentimes well um the in in that particular time in that culture women would have never been counted as the the people that you would say are the ones who went and saw the tomb first they women had lower standing in that culture and so they didn't give them as much credence and so the fact that the gospel writers were writing down that that women were the always the first one to see the tomb empty and and they gave them that that that that credence they would have said well that doesn't make any sense because women wouldn't wouldn't have done that in that culture but the way that jesus had women in his ministry and mary and martha who went to the tomb to see the to see the empty tomb and the fact that the the gospel writers all recorded the very same fact is proof that they went against stereotype in their culture and not only that but they said well here's another thing the women on the first day of the week which was easter they would have never went to the tomb because they knew the tomb had a big stone in front of it so why would they even have went there have you ever have you ever lost somebody in your life who has died and you're grieving over the loss of that person and they died and then you had to hurry up and put them down and then you had to leave for a day and a half because it was sabbath and then and then you have the body is there and you care deeply for that person see i think a lot of times we read the stories of the bible and we forget these were real people who had real human emotion and these were women who loved jesus dearly and are you going to tell them they can't go put the oil on jesus body no and maybe they thought hey if it doesn't work out great but we're going to try and make it work anyway there's incredible evidence to support the death and resurrection of jesus actually so much evidence it's so overwhelming that i believe if you investigate it and you look into it and you do an absolute honest search you will come to the conclusion that jesus was real his death burial and resurrection was real and i want to tell you for christianity everything rises and falls on the death and the burial and the resurrection of jesus everything if it is not true and it is not real all that we do means nothing it means absolutely nothing but it is all pointed to the death to bear on the resurrection of jesus and because it is true this is why we are here today because we are here to celebrate and that's what it says as as soon as jesus showed his hands and his sides to the disciple it said the disciples were overjoyed and that's what easter is easter is a celebration it is an absolute overjoyed overwhelming exciting day to celebrate the good news of jesus resurrection because we believe we put our faith and our trust in our hope in jesus and we come and we say oh my goodness there is nothing greater there's no greater gift it is the most amazing thing that anybody could ever receive in their entire life and that's what jesus has done and the minute the disciples came to the conclusion that jesus was alive they were overjoyed but here's the deal their circumstances didn't change things weren't going to get better for him and jesus again says in verse 21 of chapter 20 he says again i say to you peace be with you a second time jesus says peace be with you you know why he says it a second time because he knows what they're going to face as followers of jesus their circumstances aren't going to get better they're going to continue to face hardship they're going to be persecuted because of their faith they're going to be beaten they're going to be put into prison they're going to be hunted down they're going to be on most wanted posters even to the point of death and jesus still has the nerve to say peace be with you he still has the understanding that he can say peace be with you not because of the present circumstances because of what he's done for you on the cross and he has full confidence in knowing that the circumstances of the day are nothing compared to what he's offering us and the gift that he has given us in church the gift that he has given us is the promise of eternal life he says again i say to you peace be with you and then he says these words and i love it he says as the father has sent me i am sending you he says i know you're in this room and you're hiding out and you're fearful but now i want you to know as the father sent me and you got to think what jesus just went through he just got off the cross before the cross he was beaten and he was tortured and he was flogged and he was punched at in his face and he was spit upon and jesus says as the father sent me i am sending you not to hide away and be fearful but to understand that i'm going to send you out and bad things are going to happen and sometimes it's going to be difficult and sometimes it's going to be hard but i'm going to send you i love this past year because we i think about this year and all the things that transpired and the church at broadway it's been it's been such a blessing because i've seen people in our church when people needed food brought to them they had food brought to them when they needed someone to go to the grocery store and buy groceries someone went and bought groceries our community center up at the university in power road stayed open the entire time giving out food and giving out other needed items and another other things to help out and people they didn't stop they didn't quit people made phone calls after phone call after phone call because we knew this year was going to be a tough year for people because they were they were sequestering themselves and they were keeping themselves quarantined that meant isolation and we knew that this year was not just rough for that but for people who were in the in the nursing homes right across the street at springdale we we gave thank you cards for several uh months in a row to people who couldn't see family couldn't see friends had nobody coming in nobody seeing them and the church said even in the difficult circumstances we understand that as the father sent jesus into difficult times he's still sending us as well and it doesn't matter what's going to happen because what the cross did for us and what the death and burial resurrection of jesus did for us says the circumstances don't determine whether we can have peace see we can have peace no matter what circumstances come our way and those those events are designed to shake our foundation but through jesus we have an unshakable hope it's unshakable in church what he's offered us yes it's forgiveness of sins but it's the promise of eternal life i don't think we think about eternal life like we ought to sometimes but it is it is going to be the most fantastic incredible thing that we've ever been able to experience being with our heavenly father in eternity i have this list that i want to share with you it's a list of things that won't be in heaven it's things that we are experiencing here on earth that we'll never have to experience when we're with our heavenly father and it's it's what makes these experiences today tolerable it's not just tolerable but it's what gives us peace in the midst of these times knowing what our future is the minute the disciples saw jesus raised from the dead they knew it would never be the same again and that is true for us today listen this is these are the things that are not going to be in heaven there's going to be no cancer no divorce no rejection no loneliness no depression no crutches no wheelchairs no pacemakers no radiation no chemotherapy no suicide bombers no mass shooting no anxiety meds no middle of the night phone calls no crosses alongside the road no child abuse no rape no breakups no coughs no colds no flu shots no acne no love handles by the way we have donuts right outside the door just no body odor no deodorant stains no shaving no waxing no yelling no fighting no road rage no addiction no drama no hormones no crash diets no spanx no gossip no stub toes no embarrassing moments no concussions no doctors no needles no taxes no bills no dentist no medicine no lawyers no plastic surgeons these next ones are my favorite if we can get rid of these it would be heaven on earth no politicians no political commercials no elections can i get an a aim no nursery homes no emergency rooms and i'm gonna add a few no mask no covered no physical distancing no quarantining through jesus death bureau and resurrection we have an unshakeable hope and your heavenly father wants you to hear this today peace be with you let's pray father we're so grateful for our day we love celebrating easter easter is a big big deal there is no bigger deal because this is everything when it comes to our faith everything rises and falls on the death and the burial and the resurrection of jesus and father we today want to hear the words that you have said to your disciples when they were fearful when they had forgotten the promises that jesus had told them the things that he was going to do father we often do the same thing peace be with you no matter what circumstances come your way and father i pray for anybody who needs to investigate the truths and the evidences of the death burial and resurrection of jesus because they're uncertain i pray that they will begin to investigate that today they will ask questions and father allow themselves an honest investigation into the truth of the death burial and resurrection of the story of easter and father i believe if they do through your holy spirit father you will you will guide them gently and lovingly to an honest answer that you are real and jesus is real and everything about jesus death and resurrection is true and because of that father they can have forgiveness of sins and promise of eternal life today and he prayed in jesus name amen hey if you would just watch the screen for me for just a sec [Music] in the past few years we have seen believers walk away from their faith some of them have been lead singers in a christian band and others pastors take a look at the reasoning there's hundreds and hundreds of children children that are the same age as my child and they are alone and naked and many of them die at an early age i don't know what to do with that [Music] i have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in jesus the popular phrase for this is deconstruction or falling away by all measurements that i have for defining a christian i am not a christian we are kind of like taking the orienting principle of our entire lives and just sort of saying we don't believe anymore i don't believe in god anymore like i can't believe any of it starting next week we will begin a three-week series called done with god we will wrestle with difficult questions and doubts that cause people to say i'm done with god next week starting next week three-week series it's going to be incredibly important we want to invite everybody to come back next week and be a part of this series so here's what i here's what i've i believe and here's what i've seen a lot of people are walking away from faith some do it publicly some just say look i don't believe in god anymore i'm just i'm done and a lot of people walk away they don't say anything publicly but they just walk away quietly i don't know where you're at your faith and maybe you know somebody else who's struggling with the things about god and christianity but we're going to do a series and we're going to talk about these things and we're going to wrestle with these things because i believe there's a lot of people in our culture today who are who are followers of jesus who are saying i'm done with god and we're going to we're going to deal with this so we're going to see what scripture teaches us and how we can have a faith that we hold on to and never let go of i just want to invite you back next week to be a part of that it's going to be it's going to be a really great series if you can't be here for whatever reason man stay with us on livestream and watch us through our through our website because you're gonna you're gonna be challenged and at the same time encouraged in your faith thank you so let me paint a picture for you here in arizona we have a lot of sports teams that don't usually do a real good job unfortunately right so a lot of us have been waiting for the cardinals to win their first super bowl but i want to just paint a picture for you of this team that next year let's just say they go on a run they win 15 games in a row can you imagine the buzz surrounding the cardinals from avondale to apache junction from chandler to somewhere up north people would there would be buzz there would just be anytime you see people you'd be like hey how about those cardinals right they're killing it right now and sometimes i wonder why as christians we don't have the same kind of buzz about jesus who literally defeated death something that no one else has been able to do right jesus told his disciples i'm gonna die three days later i'm gonna be raised from the dead and i'm doing this for you so why isn't there that buzz right why don't we come in contact with other christians and say hey how about that jesus an interesting thing to think about right today is our day this is the day this is better than super bowl sunday this is better than the world series this is better than the nba championship this is our day to celebrate the victory of jesus christ over sin to celebrate that god in his infinite wisdom sent his one and only son down to earth to live here to minister for a time to be handed over to a criminal's death on a cross to be raised to life three days later and defeat death once and for all so that we can face an eternity we can look forward to rather in eternity with a god who loves us more than we can fathom so that's what we get to remember right now with communion so if you're here in person hopefully you grabbed a cup when you came in if not there will be some time in just a second to do that we're going to take some time to meditate on that sacrifice we're gonna thank god for sending jesus we're gonna ask him to absolve us of our sins we're gonna spend some time with confession so let's do that right now and then once we've given some time then we'll all take communion together so do that now [Music] the bread represents the body of christ that was beaten and bruised for you and for me take and the cup represents the blood of christ that was poured out for your sins and for mine taken drink the scripture tells us that as often as we eat the bread and drink the cup that we proclaim his coming till he comes again amen amen but we're going to uh take some time now to receive our our offering um and uh if you are a first-time guest here we just want you to kind of sit back and relax during this time this is for those of us who call broadway our home but we have several ways that you can give here at broadway um you can go to bccmesa.com giving we have a way to give online there also use our push pay app um to give or if you're here in person you can drop your offering uh in the boxes at the back of the room when you leave i'm gonna pray for our offering and then we're gonna continue uh with our service so god we just thank you we thank you for jesus lord we thank you uh for for sending your one and only son lord to to die so that we don't have to face eternity separated from you god we just love you for that we thank you for uh the people who come to broadway christian church give generously lord we pray that you take these tithes and offerings use them to further your kingdom here on earth we pray this all in jesus name amen hey everyone my name is jonathan and i'd like to take a minute to tell you about some things coming up for you and your family at broadway so check this out men's breakfast will be on saturday april 10th at 8 a.m in the family life center in addition to great food and fellowship we'll have a short teaching time come learn about seven questions that rattle in the minds of most men sign up at bccmason.com info ladies you're invited to the women's spring event flourish this fun and inspiring event will be on saturday april 24th at 10 a.m in the family life center sign up by friday april 16th at bccmesa.com info if you'd like to find out more about broadway christian church or see our full calendar of events visit bccmesa.com info and be sure to connect with us on social media at bcc mesa have a great week amen let's continue to worship together you can stand or sit we love you so much [Music] oh [Music] through your holy spirit christ the son jesus our savior come only sing this now believe it i believe in i god in christ the son i believe in the holy spirit our god is three and one i believe in the resurrection [Music] thank you thank you so much [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] happy is [Music] is is [Music] the resurrection [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] of every single praise that we have in our body this has come to the time of the end of our worship but not in the end of our worship of god or loving on people take your love out of these walls and continue to love on people with the love that god has given you amen amen we'd love to connect with you again you can text us at 480-933-1488 we'd love again to connect with you amen go with god and have a great day you
Channel: Broadway Christian Church Mesa
Views: 116
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 7sec (4267 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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