BCC Classic Service 4/25/2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everybody and welcome welcome to broadway christian church this is our classic service my name is rod larkins and thank you for being here and i'd like to add a special thank you for joining us those of you at home watching us live stream thank you for joining us uh we will have communion at the end of the service so especially those of you at home if you want to prepare by having something to eat and to drink and you can join us together as we take communion together our service lasts about an hour we have pastor john clunt who's going to be delivering the message and we'll be uh having offering as well as communion and i already said that didn't i okay i think it's time to all right he's always right behind me all the way in he hey let's get this service started please stand up and sing with me we'll start off with what a mighty god we serve [Music] heaven and earth adore him one mighty god we serve what a mighty god we serve one mighty god we serve angels bow before him heaven and earth [Music] [Music] praise the lord let the redeemed of the lord say so let the deep does the lord say so let the indeed the lord say so i'm redeemed i'm redeemed praise the lord i will enter his gaze with him in my heart i will [Music] day that return lord has made i will [Music] rejoice [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] praise god all right i hear you singing out there you sound wonderful now at this time i'd like to make those people at home feel welcome and i'd like to greet them by turning around there's a camera back there wave to them say welcome thanks for joining us and uh while you're standing i like to go ahead and look around and see who you're worshiping with singing with maybe share your name with them get to know who they are [Music] lord of my heart not real else to me say that thou art thou my best [Music] my [Music] and now [Music] thee and thou with me lord thou my great [Music] the [Music] may i reach heaven's [Music] still be my vision [Music] he wraps himself in light and darkness dries too high it trembles at his [Music] with me voice [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] grace [Music] [Applause] god [Music] my soul my savior [Music] [Applause] praise god all right now at this time i'd like to direct your attention to the screen behind me and above me and let's find out what's happening at broadway christian church hey there everyone i'm jonathan thank you for spending part of your weekend with us here at broadway we are so glad you're here if you'd like to see what events we have coming up or just want to find out more about our church stop by the info center in the lobby or visit bccmesa.com info you can also connect with us on social media at bcc mesa enjoy the rest of the service and have a great day [Music] so [Music] [Music] good morning everybody my name is john clont one of the pastors here so glad to see everybody today for sure hey as we get started i just want to uh real no i don't want to do it quickly actually i want to do it very slowly we're going to have uh offering time right now yeah yeah see i think i think how you say like we're going to have offering time just kind of raise the level of clapping or not if i say hey we're going to have offering time it's it's not very many class but i say hey it's offering time yes there we go much better so we receive an offering every week at broadway christian church and we do this because we believe in the the ministry that the church has in our local community in our state in our country and in the in the world and we really believe that jesus christ is the hope of the world and that jesus saves and he offers something that nobody else offers which is the promise of uh forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life with with god forever in in heaven and we want to continue to share the good news of the gospel and so we receive an offering every week to do ministry for that very very purpose so ways we can give um right now we're still not receiving offering by passing the plate but we have a couple ways to give you can give as you leave we have some boxes out in the lobby we can you can go to our website bccmesa.com giving or you can go and on to a push pay app and you can you can give that way so let's pray for our offering today father we're so grateful for uh the the very idea that generosity and all goodness flows from you and father we have certainly been blessed beyond measure and because of that father we also want to bless those uh father uh in this world particularly father those that don't know your son jesus with the good news of the gospel and father that's our mission as a church and that's the mission you've given the church and we want to be faithful to that in these days and we also want to be faithful to father giving and being generous and we thank you for the generosity of this church and and father for the for the faith they have uh when it comes to their finances and so father we ask a blessing on the offering today and we pray it in jesus name amen amen well a what year are we in 21 so think back think back to uh a year over a year ago now and every year except for this year every year we have what's called himsing and a hintsing typically happens at night time and rod as the leader of uh the music in the classic service puts together just a real uh varied number of pieces that people get to kind of give an input into like hey would you sing this song and would you sing this song and so rod uh has a lot of songs but a year ago i was i was here for the him sing and i sat kind of up in the corner over in that area over there by the way uh the room by the way this was pre-covered the room was uh completely packed there might be one or two seats kind of throughout the building but there wasn't many seats left and as the as the night went on there was just a lot of different songs sung but typically there were songs that were saying of uh some old older hymns of people's favorite choices and i i usually think like when people pick a hymn it's because they they singed at him when they were maybe growing up or it was something that was impactful to them as they were growing up and and did just maybe pick the song and different songs have different meanings to different people um and and it was just a great night of of worship and and listening to the music and and there were so many smiles on on the people's faces as they would listen to the different songs that were song but when when amazing grace came on every and i i i usually don't like the word to use the word everybody and all but in this case everybody stood up and began singing so loudly and so passionately the song amazing grace amazing grace how sweet the sound and and i was i was just sitting over there and as one who doesn't sing well i was i was really i like to sing by the way and i love the fact that it was really loud so i could sing as well but i was listening i was listening and i was watching across the room and in the room that night the makeup of the people similar to what it is today mostly uh people over um 45 maybe i should say uh maybe a little bit more north of that but what i loved i loved watching everybody sing that song there was so much passion and so much excitement and it meant so much to everybody who was singing that song and it hit me in that moment and it's been hitting me a lot more over the last couple of years that that it's not so much how you start in your faith but it's really so much more about how you finish and i i was thinking of two people in particular over this past year that that had died this past year and they both had gotten cancer and they had been living with cancer for for a season and as they were living with cancer and the diagnosis there was treatment and there was hope of in the midst of the treatment that the treatment would work and they would get healing from the treatment but at some point in time there was a recognition that they there wasn't going to be healing and eventually they were going to be they were going to be taking their last breath and through that season i was watching watching them and what what stood out to me the most was as they were going through treatment and oftentimes there was no there was no energy and there was a lack of just ability to really function really well and obviously there was pain in the midst of it but throughout that season at different times they would they would show up on a sunday morning and i thought to myself wow wow they they came and as i watched them come into the room i thought to myself man that is just that's incredible and what it what it said to me was that they weren't just showing up because they wanted to to show up and be counted on sunday no they they showed up because during that season as they were navigating those last days of their life god was sustaining them and they were leaning on god during those seasons of their life to to just hold them up and give them strength to finish well boy that just encouraged me and as i saw them and and there was there was a couple times they came in you could just tell they weren't feeling well and they they didn't they didn't really have a sense of like hey i'm doing great but boy they wanted to be here and that was such an encouragement to me i thought again man it's not how you start but it's so much more about how you finish and finishing well with the lord means everything it means all the difference in the world and to those of you that are finishing well in these days and these times thank you thank you for your faith and thank you for your encouragement you encouraged more than you could ever imagine just by your faithfulness day in and day out so we're in a series called done with god and we started two weeks ago and pastor john and emma began the series and and he began to speak about how often times when when we get to the point when we say hey i i started with god and i loved all the things that god had to offer to me with jesus and forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life but somewhere along the way there just began to be this slow drift where i just started to to pull away from god and i pulled away from the things of god and it didn't happen all at once but it just drifted really slowly and as we think about people in our life we can think about people that have had that slow drift and to the point where eventually at one point in time they just say you know what whether it's verbally they say it out loud or they just say by their actions i'm i'm just done with god i'm just i'm done the things of god no longer are about who what i believe in and what i'm all about and then last week he spoke in the room and talked about the hard teachings of jesus and spoke from the the book of genesis about adam and eve and the struggle that that has been from the very onset of time with with the with the difficulty of introducing the sin and all of that and there are some hard teachings in scripture particularly when you align them with the way culture is today and today we're going to speak about injustice and oftentimes what happens in our world today is people look at the injustice that is happening in the world and they say hey if this if this is what god is going to allow i cannot i can't go down this road with god anymore and there's people who are walking away from their faith because of injustice you see the bible teaches so much about god and who god is and that god is a loving god and that he cares actually it also says that god is a god of justice and yet injustice oftentimes prevails in our world and so you have what scripture teaches and you then scripture collides with the real world and people go boy this doesn't make any sense to me and they walk away they walk away from their faith our encouragement through this series is to say hey we want our church body we want our church here at broadway christian church to really lean in and wrestle with and investigate the truths that scripture talks about when it comes to who god is and what what he allows so many times we we have this thinking about what god should do and the way that god should act and oftentimes it doesn't match with what scripture teaches about god himself and that's where the struggle really comes into so we're going to talk about injustice today we're going to talk about why people walk away from god because of injustice and the struggle that is and it's okay to wrestle and it's okay to bring our our concerns and our doubts before god because god is able to take those and he's able to listen to those and god doesn't shrink back from them but oftentimes when we when we bring those to god with real sincerity and real honesty god meets us in those moments and can sustain us and strengthens us in every way how many of you in the room today this i'm just curious how many of you like to drink milk anybody okay now i i know not everybody likes milk and i don't understand you um but for those that you that for those of you that like to drink milk uh i am also a a big milk drinker i i like it a lot and in our in our household uh we have some rules for milk would you like to hear the rules that we have for sure well here's one rule um and i say this uh these rules but oftentimes they don't get followed that's the problem with with rules um and here's the one is uh when when you get milk from the store and you get back to the house the first thing that should be taken out of the car and put into the refrigerator is what milk you see this isn't difficult this is really simple but last week just so you know i got home and my wife and my adult daughter and my uh grandchildren had went shopping which i am thankful for by the way very thankful but i got home and it was obvious that he had just got home from grocery shopping because the trunk of the car was up and i thought oh i'll grab some groceries on my way in and i expected to go to the car and find you know things like toilet paper and some detergent you know but i looked into the back of the trunk of the car do you know the only thing that was left in the back of the car milk yes so i grabbed the milk and i i'm not very happy because i believe there's a big injustice happening and i take the milk and i walk into the house and i don't say a word i just point to the milk and i open the fridge door and i make sure everybody sees me and i open it and i put it in and i just like it's just that simple but the rules weren't followed and here's another rule would you like to know another rule yes um and i believe these are real simple when you use the milk see because i believe milk should be the best milk is milk that's drinked really cold amen nobody likes lukewarm milk it's gross and it's disgusting and so i say again to my family whom i love very much i say when you take the milk out use it and then put it right back in the fridge this does not seem that difficult does it but my wife oftentimes takes it out whom by the way is not a milk lover in any way she takes it out and she leaves it out for long periods of time and i believe she does it just to get under my skin by the way and she leaves it out and oftentimes when i see the milk left out maybe it's while she's cooking things i will help her out and i'll put it back in the fridge then she gets a little irritated with me because she believes she still needed to use it i think these are interesting things now here's another rule i i know you think this is a little bit over the top but i want to i want to say this to you here's another rule the rule is when there is almost no milk left in the house there needs to be some calls made and some texts made saying hey guess what there's no more milk to drink when i get home and i go to the refrigerator and there's no milk left that means what i have to go out to the store and get more milk and i was just out right last week i'm not even joking to you as i was teaching last week over in the other building my wife sent me a text and it was just simply a picture of the milk in our house almost empty now i say all that to you jokingly and kiddingly that is not in any way shape or form any kind of injustice although i believe my family conspires against me when it comes to milk there's no injustice with that it doesn't even rise to the level of any kind of injustice it's just things that that i prefer and i like and i'm a little bit ocd about let's just say that but there are some real injustices in our world today there are some things that happen to people that are really awful and horrific injustice is anytime there is a treatment of of any person that is unfair that violates their rights that that takes away from their humanity as a person and it's just it's just when you look at it you go oh that just isn't right that's just not that's just not right and one of the ones that we think about first and foremost is when there are children in our world today particularly in any any country any any country in the world today where there's children who who die because of starvation that is injustice that is inherently wrong it is it is horrific it doesn't it doesn't compute in our mind that there are children who who die every day numerous numbers of children who die every day because they don't have enough food to eat and they can't really do anything about it they can't go get the food they can't go earn a living and because of that they just they just die and they die a horrific death and it's not just it's not just that there's injustice and starvation there's also uh injustice in our world today and this is becoming more uh talked about and we're becoming more aware of this the issue of that slavery still exists in our world today and slavery particularly in the in the area of sex sex slavery where there's children little boys and little girls and young young adults men and women and and older men and older women who are being sold for the purpose of sex slave trade and here's the thing like oftentimes we think about starving children our mind and our image goes directly to like africa and we think oh that's so terrible but we don't we're not seeing it we don't but there's still children in america who are who are hungry who who go to bed hungry but when it comes to the sex slave trade in the world today you see we don't have to go to another country we don't have to we don't have to do that at all it's happening right here in arizona it's happening in the east valley and not only is it happening in the east valley church it happens on main street little boys and little girls who are being abused and taken advantage of and that's injustice that's it's obvious to say that is just absolutely wrong in every way and it's not hard to see that i know that our women's ministry is supporting a minister here in the valley that is dealing with sex slave trade and trying to be of help to that and and they're doing some great things about it and i just want to say there there are there are ministries and there are organizations who are fighting the fight against it but the numbers over the past several years are just growing dramatically so let me ask you the question how does our god allow that to happen in our world today how does our loving god how does our god who is a god of justice allow that kind of awfulness to happen and why would he allow it to happen and see i want to i want to suggest to you today that one of the most important things that we can do when it comes to our faith one of the most important things that we can do is investigate what the scriptures teach about suffering and about injustice you see the bible speaks a lot about these things the bible doesn't shy away from the difficulties and the hardships that the world brings it teaches a lot about it jesus spoke about suffering and hardship and jesus speaks to his disciples in the last day of days of his life and he says hey in this world you will have trouble but take heart i have overcome the world and so we need to be men and women of faith who investigates the totality of what scripture teaches and we need to seek out the answers that give us the best understanding that we can get see oftentimes what scripture teaches about suffering doesn't really match up with what we hope it really teaches and that's that god is going to make sure nothing bad ever happens and that's not true scripture doesn't teach that scripture says there are going to be difficult things that are going to come into this world horrible things because of sin awful things and so we're going to investigate a little bit about that today and we're going to do it in hebrews the 10th chapter and as we look into hebrews the 10th chapter again i want to remind you just a little bit about what hebrews teaches see hebrews is a book that is written to specifically a group of people who have said yes to jesus as their lord and savior but now it appears there are people because of the hardships that christians face and the difficulties that they're facing who are saying maybe maybe what i had in my former life as a as a jewish person is better now than what i have in christ and so the the hebrew letter in the in the new testament towards the end of the new testament is really a comparison between judaism and what what they now have in christ and my guess is the author really knows some of the people who are walking and considering walking away from what they have in christ he knows some or maybe he's heard some stories and he's writing this letter and he's making this comparison he said here's what you have as an israelite here's what you have in christ and he keeps saying throughout the letter of hebrews there's no comparison there's no compare and we all go yeah there's no comparison jesus is the greatest but oftentimes what happens is again with what scripture teaches and what what happens in the world it's like man i can't i can't go down that road and so the author in chapter 10 he begins in verse 19 that's where we're going to start today he begins to just kind of lay out this hey remember what it was like when you first came to christ remember what jesus did for you because again it's not so much about how you start but it's good to be reminded of what jesus did for you and we need to be reminded of that today that there was a beginning in our faith journey that there was this time in our life when we said yes to who jesus was and what he offered us listen to the words that that the author of hebrews says in chapter 10 verse 19 he says this therefore brothers and sisters since we have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of jesus by living by a new and living way open for us through the curtain that is his body and since we have great priests over the house of god so he's saying hey this is what jesus has done for you he has allowed you to have a relationship with god because of his sacrifice and his blood that he has shed for you and since we have a great priest over the house of god he says let us draw near to god with sincere heart and with full assurance that faith brings having a heart sprinkle to cleanse us from the guilty conscience and have in our bodies washed with pure water and then he says this let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for he who promised is faithful let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for he who promised is faithful and so i think as we investigate what scripture teaches and we we give ourselves an honest effort to teach to look at what scripture teaches about all the things about suffering and hardships and brokenness and trials and temptations and all the things that are that are in the world today oftentimes i think the first thing we need to do is go what does what does scripture teach and what does the bible teach and be reminded of what we have in christ he's reminding them again hey you have been given something through the blood of jesus christ that nobody else can offer you and he's imploring them he's encouraging them he's saying hey don't let go of it hold on to it don't swerve to the left or to the right just stay faithful in the midst of it because he's drawing back to the character of god and he's saying god is faithful and there's never been a moment in time when god has not been faithful he is always faithful and god is always working out things that we'll never understand or completely grasp in our mind but god is faithful he's faithful to us and it may not be good here and oftentimes it's really not good here but it's not about what's happening here it's about what's to come often times for us and that's where god is going to make everything right and everything that is in just will be will be brought to justice he's saying don't let go of it hold on to it i want to i want to give you a couple of books to read um that i think are really helpful it can maybe take you to another level of like hey i need to go deeper into this question about suffering and difficulty and all that kind of stuff the first book is by c.s lewis and it's called the problem of pain c.s lewis is a great author writer christian writer wrote the chronicles of narnia and so many other great reads but this is a great book uh to to read and to go deeper in investigation see i can't i can't be up here for 30 35 45 55 minutes and do justice to this big question and big issue so we need to go deeper especially if you're struggling right now especially if you know somebody else who is struggling right now and then there's another book by clay jones called why does god allow evil that's another great read he's more of a contemporary author and just does a great job at handling this this issue with with suffering and difficulty and injustice and and really evil for that matter and so we begin we begin in our faith and and yet somewhere along the way so many people just swerve they go in another direction we've had people over the last year and a half public figures public figures people who are pastors worship leaders uh christian influencers they've come out publicly and said i am done with god and i'm happy to be done with god and now there's this whole generation that's that's figuring things out and trying to live this new life of this freedom that that somehow they didn't have with christ anymore but see we all know people that have walked away in some capacity and not everybody does it publicly some people just walk away real quietly and you just didn't even know they were walking away but you just now they're just no longer interested in god or they don't talk about god they certainly don't attend church they're just done they're just done with god so my incur my encouragement to you is to investigate the truths that scripture teaches and go deeper into the midst of that i want to i want to draw on some more verses that he talks about in in chapter 10 i want you to listen to the very idea that as we talk about this that that there is injustice that happens and the author wasn't saying that there wasn't going to be injustice he says just don't let go of it because of injustice don't let go of your faith because of it listen to the words he says he says remember the early days he goes after you first started right after you received the light so after you became a follower of jesus when you endured a great conflict full of suffering injustice sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult injustice and persecution injustice at other times you stood side by side with those who were treated so injustice you suffered along with those in prison injustice and joyfully listen to this and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property injustice because you knew that yourselves you yourselves had a better and lasting possession so he says do not throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded now i ask who in this room after they've endured suffering and persecution and have had your freedoms taken away and your possessions taken away are anything related to confident he says don't don't throw away your confidence you see i think what was happening hebrews is the the people who came to the light and were struggling with the difficulties on the early onset we're thinking hey maybe maybe this won't last very long maybe this will only last for a short time and what happened was that short time became a little bit longer a little bit longer and they started throwing away their confidence because they were they were looking to the to the confidence of the things this world offers us see maybe maybe the reason we're holding on by a thread today maybe the reason we're just barely hanging on with our faith is because that's the only when it comes to knowing scripture that's all we really know is a threat and we need to investigate more the truths of what scripture teaches see god's not saying hey this this world is going to offer easiness especially when it comes to being a follower of jesus there's going to be difficulties and hardships and frustrations and some deep hurt in some deep pain and he's saying don't throw away your confidence well what are we confident in our confidence is in jesus our confidence is the faithfulness and the character of god that he who is faithful will work out good for those who love him and those who don't give up on him and those that stay faithful and that's what he's trying to encourage and so if we're just hanging on my encouragement again get in to the word of god it will sustain you it will hold you up it will encourage you it will give you confidence it will not take away the difficulty that is not what scripture teaches it's not always going to be easy and good and it shouldn't be for followers of jesus and he goes on to say some more words i love these words he says and now let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds not giving up meeting together as some are in the habits of doing but encouraging one another all the more as you see the day approaching he says hey we need to continue to be together and be with one another have you ever talked to anybody about their discouragement and their frustration with god so i want to i want to give you a just a couple of thoughts about why god allows evil here here's four things but the first three i just kind of want you to think through these with me just a little bit so god god allows evil first and foremost we see in genesis chapter 3 that that adam and eve sinned in the garden one of the greatest gift that god has ever given you is the gift of choice it's an incredible gift and oftentimes i know what we think we think adam and eve adam and eve blew it for everyone if you would have just not ate from the fruit we would all be okay and can i say to you not so much because you and i are just like adam and eve and we all would have eaten from the fruit that we were not supposed to eat from even if it was the only rule that god made we would have all blown it i know we don't like to think that way but it's true so adam and eve he allows adam and eve to make a choice he gives them a choice in the garden then he also in deuteronomy chapter 28 he the people of israel disobey god and their disobedience causes hardship on on other people because of their disobedience in genesis chapter 50 the choices that people made in genesis chapter 50 caused difficulty and hardship for other people so sometimes the the key denominator in our suffering is us we are and it's because god allows choice god allows us to have freedom and it's a blessing and it's a gift and it also brings hardship you know that that god oftentimes allows difficulties and we see injustice and if there is an injustice in your life that is burdening you and is weighing you down most likely is the reason for that is because god wants you to get involved and be a part of the solution to the problem stanley a pastor in atlanta georgia says this do something for one which you wish you could do for many you can't do everything for everybody and you can't end injustice in the entire world but you can do something for one person i love it so he says get together and investigate the truths and don't stop meeting together there is such encouragement in being together and not just on sunday morning but during the week as well he says meet together and encourage each other all the more i can tell you so much there are so many people in my life that have blessed me and have encouraged me boy often times fall short when it comes to encouraging other people and just that moment that you have to just encourage somebody and say a kind word and and something that really helps them and sustains them is so important he says spur one another on to love and to good deeds can i tell you probably the best recipe besides being in the word of god to holding on to to god is serving our new hopes ministry up power and university needs people to serve any truck drivers and some guys to do some maintenance up there guy ladies if you like maintenance i shouldn't just say guys so it's terrible and we need people to serve food and they're starting to open back up some other things with their clothing ministry and they do so many things up there they do bicycle repair and blood pressure and ged and so many different things the ministry continues and the needs continues to go on but that ministry is for people that are struggling and need need encouragement and need some help and need some support and it's about serving and if there's something else again in your life you go i just don't know why that continues to happen my guess is for you today that god wants you to get involved and be a part of the solution to that problem he wants you to lean in and do something he wants you to be active and not just go oh boy i wish somebody would do something guess who this somebody is it's you church we are meant to be a light into our community and it's not that we think injustice is going to go away because it's not it's that we can be the help in the midst of it and the other reason god allows injustice in this luke chapter 13 is that he wants us to have the opportunity to draw a deeper dependence on him all of us when difficulty comes and that's the encouragement that i got from the people that i talked to you about at the beginning of our time today is that there are people who just absolutely depended on god in the last days of their life and they could have chose to go in the other direction and they could have chose to be mad at god and they could chose to shake their finger and say why did you allow this to happen and this is not fair and i don't like it but they didn't do that they kept drawing nearer and allowing god to sustain them and give them strength in their last days listen to the words that he closes with in verse 36 chapter 10 you you and me need to persevere so that when you have done the will of god you will receive what he has promised we need to persevere we need to persevere today my hope is this that we will finish well because church it is not about in any way shape or form how you start but it is about how you finish let's pray father we're so grateful today to lean on you and your truths and your word and your encouragement for us and father you do sustain us and when when there aren't answers that we we like father we we need to draw on you for more strength and more help and more encouragement and father we do that today life is not always easy life is not always going to work out the way that we want to and it's not going to bring everything that we wanted to bring father often times but you do and you are faithful and you will be faithful to us to the very end father we pray for that today in jesus name amen [Music] good morning i'm karen and it's my privilege to tell you we're going to do offering now those are your home i hope you have your juice and your bread and your fun stuff to share this with us we do communion every week and for numerous reasons but it was kind of thinking on the day on that that thursday what a huge busy day that was for jesus and the disciples first of all he said i need to go to jerusalem and they're like no this is not a good idea he said i need to go [Music] okay so they get there and then they watch this miracle of finding this little donkey from a man that let them take the donkey and honor the crowds and the people in the palm trees how exciting what an awesome day and then to get a really cool room to have the most important dinner of the year really good stuff how exciting is that and i think they were fine until while they were eating jesus said one of you is going to betray me and they're like what is it me no you should know if it's you but just just step ahead a little bit i believe they did not get it all the three years three and a half years they were with him i did not believe they did not get it and i just thought this morning if you knew that the person that you loved the most respected the most told you more than once that they were going to die and they were going to go to heaven and they were going to come back and when you go out into the garden of gethsemane after having a big meal and he said stay with me while i pray if you truly understand what he has been saying would you go to sleep i don't think they got it and that's why we do this to remember so on that day jesus took the bread [Music] and he said this bread represents my body which is given and broken for you eat this in remembrance of me [Music] and then he took the cup and he said this cup represents my blood is shared for you for the new covenant that meant you're not under the law anymore you are under grace drank this in remembrance of being let's listen to rod as he leads us out of here with one of the most beautiful songs in the planet please stand and sing this song with me the lord's prayer which art in heaven hallowed be [Music] thy will be done on [Music] earth give us [Music] and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation [Music] and the glory [Music] our service has ended please go in peace [Music] everyone [Music] you
Channel: Broadway Christian Church Mesa
Views: 138
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RZbvVPjDN4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 47sec (3707 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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