BBQ Shrimp and Grits Recipe | Grilled Shrimp and Cheese Grits on the Big Green Egg

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'm going to show you how to do a barbecue shrimp and grits right on the grill got some big gulf shrimp we're gonna grill them off get them in this sauce that's buttery and rich serve them over some cheesy grits it's gonna be fantastic let's get to cooking so for this recipe you're gonna need some shrimp first off and I'm starting with some big 13 to 15 count jumbo size shrimp these are gulf shrimp they're raw they had the peels on them they're already deveined so I just peeled them all and left the little tail section here on the bottom you're gonna want some in Dewey sausage this is just one link of Cajun andouille we're gonna get it smoked off here in just a second and of course you're gonna need some grits now I've just got stone ground yellow grits these are fantastic they're kind of the southern traditional style of grits we're gonna get those to cooking first and we're gonna get the grill fired up so I'm firing up my big green egg today for this cook and I'm gonna be running it with the plate setter I'm looking for indirect heat but I want the tip to come up to about 350 because I'm grilling these shrimp the sausage and putting together the sauce to make them taste fantastic I'm trying out some B&B natural lump Hickory charcoal really excited to see what kind of flavor this lump gives this dish just get your coals in the basket use a couple of wax cubes to get them good and hot and then we're gonna put our plate setter in place get the grill grate down close the lid and adjust our vents we want about an inch on the bottom the intake and we're gonna open the top wide open on the Daisy will let some air flow through this cooker alright to cook these grits I've got a couple cans of chicken broth just brought it up to a bowl here over medium heat then I'm gonna stir in about a cup of these yellow stone ground grits you just cooking them according to package directions it's real easy just remember to stir them pretty often you want to bring them right back to a little bowl we'll check them pretty often see how they're doing give them a quick stir but you just cooking grits nothing to it alright our eggs running right up on 350 that's right where I want it while our grits are cooking I want to go ahead and get some andouille sausage right on the grate I'm just gonna stick it on the big green egg doesn't matter where it goes we're just bringing it up then and ooh he's fully cooked we want to get it he because it's gonna bring some flavor to our sauce for these shrimp and grits so the sauce is just cooking away on the big green egg you've got the grits simmering over here on the side I'm gonna go ahead and get my shrimp seasoned up and for this spicy season that we're gonna put on these shrimp I'm just using my hot barbecue rub I like that pepperiness it gives it it's gonna be some great flavor when we grill these shrimp off and then we're gonna put them in that sauce I'm gonna make it just a few minutes so be liberal with that you want to coat them really well get them flipped over both sides of the shrimp and just let them hang out till we're ready to grill them you know these big jumbo size shrimp hey Kate me bad if you got a favorite seasoning hey you can use that here too Creole seasoning would go great with this recipe I like the spicy barbecue rub it use whatever you want make this recipe your own the sausage has been on about 15 minutes here and I just want to give it a little flip I'm gonna be cooking on one side you see man it's starting to cook we sit a little bit of busting open that's okay it's almost ready another 5-10 minutes we'll be able to get it off and get it cut up ready for our sauce I'll write our andouille sausage has smoked long enough here on the egg just gonna grab it off take it to the cutting board over here check do that whoo so I'm gonna cut up this andouille sausage and I'm gonna put it in the sauce that we're making for these shrimp and grits you just want to split it in half no right or wrong way to do it we're just cutting it right in half then we're gonna cut little rounds out of it I almost still a piece I don't know it's good mmm mandu is what people shout out the country pleasing on that one so I've just added two andouille sausage to our cast-iron skillet here we're gonna take it over to the grill I'll show you how we put together this sauce for our barbecued shrimp we're going right on the hot grill got our andouille in they're chopped up and I have just a little bit of bacon grease because you know that makes everything better we're just gonna crisp these and do it yup get that skillet good and hot here toss them around in that bacon grease get some flavor going we'll close the lid but the heat roll up get the sausage sizzling here right our sausages sizzling away here in our iron skillet it's time to start putting this sauce together what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start with some Worcestershire sauce we'll squeeze in some fresh lemon juice I'm gonna leave it living in there some flavor getting that sauce one throw in some garlic few cloves need some parsley I'm also gonna throw in it's kind of the white parts of the green onion we're gonna let this cook a few more minutes with those green onions and parsley that garlic working the sauce now I'm just adding the butter I've got about two sticks this is just French butter you can use any kind of butter we're just gonna let the butter slowly melt into the sauce and as it comes together we're gonna start grilling the shrimp all right the sauce is simmering away it's coming together now it's time to go and get these shrimp grilled we're just going right on the rack right beside our sauce all right our shrimp only need about a minute and a half on each side then we're gonna finish them off in the sauce so don't walk away keep an eye on them we're gonna get these flipped over and let them cook on the other side in just a second so the shrimp have been on about two and a half minutes is plenty of time we're gonna get them over this hot bubbling Worcestershire lemon juice butter sauce here sauce is still simmering looking great let's just put the shrimp right over in it just soaking up that sauce adding flavor all that rubs flavor in the sauce you know we've got the spicy andouille sausage we got the drop barbecue hot rub on the shrimp garlic the parsley the onion all that butter I mean that just looks amazing look at the shrimp no they're gonna be good over these grits let's get them over to the cutting board so now that our grits have cooked and it took about 20 minutes we've just simmered a real load they come together and get thick we're gonna make them cheese grits now so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add some Parmesan cheese we're gonna add some cream cheese we're just gonna stir and fold our grits this is gonna make them extra creamy extra rich it's like cream cheese melts that Parmesan works into them they're gonna thicken up even more so our barbecue shrimp's ready we've got the grits ready here it's time to plate this dish up and what I'm going to do is I'm just start by getting our cheese grits out we're gonna make a mound of them right on the bottom of the plate we're gonna come back we're gonna ladle a shrimp that's sauced and do a sausage right on top we're just gonna mound it up and this would be a family size style shrimp and grits all those flavors mixed together but that looks fantastic shrimp on top more of that andouille sausage to garnish it up I'm gonna squeeze just a little more lemon juice right over the top a little bit of fresh green onion just to add a little color you know one more thing it's gonna make this dish over-the-top it's a little bit of crumbled bacon where we get that bacon grease to brown up that into a sausage that is one beautiful dish I just love the colors the way the shrimp the sausage that sauce we made those cheesy grits you know it's fantastic before I get a bite let's talk real quick about what we did we just made some stone ground grits right according to the package direction heated up our grill we were cooking about 350 today put a pizza and ooey sausage on there grilled it till they come up to temp and then we cut it up into just a little half circles started that in the iron skillet with a little bacon grease we added the Worcestershire the lemon juice the butter garlic the parsley that made this beautiful sauce fresh lemon juice all in that sauce grilled our shrimp that we seasoned with that hot and spicy barbecue rub put it all together and we got it plated up here now that's about as much as I can stand I've got to go in and get a bite of this dish I want to get some of all those flavors the sausage and the grits that's the first thing I'm going to try now it's real the stripper cooks perfect that's beautiful this dish is rich it's got a ton of flavor to it you can get the citrus notes the Worcestershire it's really spicy without a lot of heat the barbecue rub is nice on those shrimps you know that bacon gives it a good flavor and I love the creaminess of those cheese grits we put the cream cheese and a little parmesan in them it's fantastic this is one dish that eats as good as it looks I promise you I love that andouille sausage country please and you've outdone it you know you could serve this dish at brunch makes a great dinner serve it family-style like this get some crusty bread to dip all that good juice up it's a fantastic meal hey thanks for checking us out here today how the barbecue right if you like what we're doing subscribe to our Channel hit that Bell up in the corner of the video it'll let you know we're putting out new stuff you can also send in the comments and questions our facebook and twitter we love those we try to answer all of them we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 151,174
Rating: 4.9605293 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, bbq shrimp and grits, barbecue shrimp and grits, barbecue shrimp, bbq shrimp recipe, shrimp and grits recipe, shrimp & grits, grilled shrimp and grits, bbq shrimp sauce, bbq shrimp and grits recipe
Id: EU7mpWpmYoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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