Shrimp and Grits | Best Shrimp and Cheese Grits Recipe

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hey where my southern folks at yep i'm going way back down there with yam because what are we doing we're talking about grits but i'm not talking about grits just for breakfast i'm talking about shrimp and cheesy grits with all of you good vegetables and all that flavor to bring it out come on me and the southern folk will wait on you this time we got manners [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by the backyard whoo it is a glorious day and we glad to have each and every one of you all because what are you you are family is that how that song goes because they everybody out there watching we consider your family and what do we do here we do some grilling some cast iron cooking we take the old we take the new every once while we even go crazy and throw something and you ain't never seen and top it all off with a happy dance and some puppy dogs we do so what are we talking about today i'm talking about grits what yeah i don't really even know what grits are well you know grits to me when i was little that was during the dust bowl and my dad would tell me about they got grits you know in their teeth grit in their soul but now grits is like a stone ground corn or maize many years ago 16th century i mean it goes way back it does and the native american tribe the muskogee tribe was there and they made this dish called rockahammon and i is that the correct pronunciation [Music] let's talk about how we're going to do these grits today and that's shrimp and cheesy grits all combined in one pot i was just going to do a video on shrimp and grits and then i thought then we'll do a video on cheese and grits but why not combine them all and you know the cowboy he gonna have to throw a twist in there two or three times so let's get started before something else happened so grits yep don't be thinking oh i'm gonna go down there and buy me some of them instant grits at the store people will throw the stone grinder at you as you come out if you see some of them people and they know i'm talking about carolina grits now there's white corn and there's yellow corn now i prefer if i'm gonna have me some grits some white grits and i'm gonna let shan zoom on in here and you can see how that's been ground up pretty good it has but you can see the corn in it in there we got three cups of boiling water over and then we're gonna add uh some grits but before we add them grits guess what we're gonna add some salt to that water now usually this is about a three to one ratio all the time three cup water to one cup grits and have you one of these ready so we got our grits in here one cup three cups of water that's just beginning to boil pick up your handy-dandy whisking tool let them come to a bowl i like to just let them whim back up and boil and then what we're gonna do look here half and half two cups we're gonna bring that back to a bowl and then we're gonna put it on some low heat and just cover it and let it sit there and stay warm while we go on with the rest of it we got us some shrimp here them good red shrimp look at whoo they so pretty they are been peeled and day veined they are uncooked but we got to make a little marinade to get them to go in now take your lemon and just roll them around there gently because what his lemon got in it acid what does acid do breaks down brings out flavor so let's go ahead and don't slice him here okay because when you squeeze him what happens i don't know you get a lot of seeds so we're gonna squeeze him right here on the end these fun tips from cowboy ken yes i mean culinary facts are just pouring out of him faster or anything so make sure you get all that in there he's he says he don't know what the dish is today because he's really confused now set that right here and look here what we got shin a dried ancho chili now if it is just me i'd have diced up the whole thing kept all them seeds and everything but shannon and the beagle allow that we sometimes get stuff too hot so i got my slap and chop from pampered chef i do and look there we have ground ancho chili powder now you can use as little or a lot as you want a teaspoon to a half a tablespoon i'm just going to use all of it and i'm just going to sprinkle it in there and then i'm just going to let them shrimp just sit there and love on some of that lemon juice and that ancho chili powder i mean that's already looking pretty i mean and just let it sit there and soak on that flavor but guess what shane it's time to check on the grits it is so we got them on medium low they beginning to thicken just a little here to start just remember to stir them every once in a while because we're going to let them go about 15 to 20 minutes until they get that right consistency which is thick sort of like malta meal cream of wheat something like that stuff and then we're just going to turn it off keep them over and let them stay warm but hey if we gonna do this we got to have what some fat some bacon fat so we're gonna get these out of the sun stargazer's over there preheating we finna cook us up some hog meat eight slices of thick cut hog meat and net their stargazer skillet i need you to get it browned up don't forget to stir on that what you call it them grits let's take that out of there and just place it on a paper towel to cool and when it gets cooled we gonna crumble but right now we're going to check on them our grits and i'm going to show you what we're after here you can see them have begin to get about that consistency we got to let them set for about 15-20 more minutes as we put all this other stuff together so they're going to get a little thicker than that heat can either be really really low or plumb off i like to leave mine right there on a little bit of low which gets the rest of that moisture out there and they become just right now i need to be talking to you about your apparatus you're going to fry that bacon and i really do love that 12 inch stargazer because it's really good thick wall there and we need to hold that heat in but we need for it to be deep enough to hold all this dish when we get through and that bacon and grease you had in there are sometimes what was they called many years ago you got any of them drippings in there well i sure do got them right there in that skillet and look here onion celery bell pepper bell pepper bell pepper what do we got the trinity i mean it's what you make everything good with pour it right in there we're going to cook this down to them onions is good and translucent and all them vegetables are really tender and then we're going to add some green chili and garlic to it now there's the twist y'all caught it didn't you green chilies uh-huh well i like them in mine so that's the way we're gonna have them just keep stirring this every once in a while keep an eye on your grits get ready your thickness that you want turn them plum off just set them over where they stay warm you see me with the bell peppers and the onions cook them about eight to ten minutes till they got pretty good what you call translucent uh-huh then we put in a can of them four ounce can of hatch green chilies just throw them in there they're the dice kind and then right at the end went ahead and put in their two minced garlic cloves now i need you to get them marinated shrimp that was in there with that lemon juice and all that stuff and let's dump them right in here mix it really well just so they get some of them flavors incorporated and guess what turn the heat off because we're just going to let it set there until we get ready to put it all together now the grits set over there about maybe 15 minutes and we just put the lid on them set them aside to cool they so good but right there is a meal all in its own but folks we ain't near finished let me get that off the burner and we'll go on making a roux the butter has about melted so what are we going to do shin we're going to make a roux what is a roux is it a thing from australia that hops around no it's roux it is a thickening agent for gravy it is four tablespoon of butter about a fourth of a cup of flour sprinkler in there and you got to watch this folks because it will try to burn if it gets a chance you may even have to take it off the heat but we got to cook this till we get that good color which is probably going to take five or six minutes so y'all bear with me and we'll get her done we've been on about eight to ten minutes stirring constantly and you can see the consistency we have there that's what i'm after now if you want to cook this till it browns just a little you can but be careful there's a fine line between browning and burning so i need you now just to slide that skillet back over on the heat and just sort of space that out in there with them shrimps and them vegetables big is looking up he is licking up any excess amounts that might have fell out and to that we just going to add us some what some chicken broth as my friend jostan wilson would say i guarantee you you got to have it about a cup full run it around through there and then um we got to be having some lee and parens uh-huh and justin said what use it like you love it so we're going to put about that much in there how much is that a guaranteed right amount now everybody be thinking you remember that bacon from a long time ago i wonder what happened to it did the bee go get it nope i've had it out of beagle range so and it goes with the rest of it it does our little grits are still sitting over there getting warm stir this we're going to cook them until they're a little pinkish opaque color okay that is the culinary word for the day and it don't take long because folks it is going to be some fine dining you don't want to overcook them shrimp so when you first begin to see them turn pink let's get them out of there [Music] do [Music] well it is near a done deal it is now you see me bring them grits over here dip that spoon in there to make sure that when you turn it up like that it'd stay on the spoon wouldn't hardly even fall off that is the right consistency then i'm going to take me some of that cheddar cheese about a cup full and i'm just gonna shred her down in there mix it up it's hot enough that you have done made what cheesy grits yeah y'all wondering where that was gonna come into play wasn't you cheesy grits get that stargazer skiller back over here close and i mean put you a lerp and helping double dose of that shrimp and that goodness on top i like to top mine with a little bit of that red river ranch right there then my mesquite flavor and then i like to take a bite and i like to take another bite folks i don't know if y'all know that or not cowboy been laying under the weather so he gonna do that i ain't got no gallbladder no more dance [Music] that's about it right there but uh why don't you be honest with the youtube folks about you and grits okay i was never raised around grits i wasn't forgive me because i know i love you i do but we you don't really even like grit i never did find a grit i really liked but i think the only kind of grit i was ever getting was what instant grits there is a great difference folks i could eat this all day long grits ain't just for breakfast they for any time of the day people ask me all the time oh shane don't ever get a bite i got a bite you're going to get a bite now good so let me go ahead and feed my help today big he come from the south he said so there's his grits where is the mage there's the mage he got some grand look at dookie up north in there coming in for the grits and sadie yep that mama pup says she likes some grits clean that spoon off there for me big would you thank you so much and folks stick around till the very end in the bloopers there we're gonna have a live puppy update oh my gosh they are wearing us out they are everything that we use today and the recipe will be in the little link below to where you can find this get the family in the kitchen get them all together and let's make us some what shrimp and cheesy grits that's what i'm talking about and as always i thank our service men and women and all the veterans and everybody that's keeping me safe and them guys that flew by there's waving at me i thank y'all so much for keeping old gloria flying there in camp we do to the rest of you we we just love you so much we're glad to have you every wednesday at 2 30 central it's time to break out the goodness the happiness and just feel the joy up in your heart i want to tell you god bless you each and every one and i'll see you down cheesy grit shrimp trail hey looky there there's some of our good fellas that we love and support flying by they probably knew we was doing shrimp and grits yeah it's a to-go order they gonna be back to pick it up oh mitch can you help good job guys [Music] and that good little bit and that star grazer star grazer [Music] do [Music] do you need a reset [Music] you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 157,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shrimp and grits, how to make shrimp and grits, shrimp and grits recipe, how to make grits, grits recipe, cheese grits, cheese grits and shrimp, cheesy grits, cheesy grits and shrimp, grits and shrimp, grits recipe southern, how to cook grits, the best shrimp and grits recipe, grits, shrimp recipe, seafood grits, how to make cheesy grits, how to make cheese grits, cajun shrimp and grits, outdoor cooking, cowboy kent rollins shrimp, Cajun shrimp and grits
Id: w1ltOMHBOT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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